Hologic Unveils #BustTheMyth Campaign to Debunk Breast Cancer Myths and Empower Women This Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Hologic (Nasdaq: HOLX) launches the #BustTheMyth campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, aiming to debunk common misconceptions about breast cancer, mammograms, and breast density. The company will ring the Nasdaq opening bell for the 18th year to kick off this initiative.

The campaign addresses key myths, such as the misconception that only those with a family history need mammograms, when in fact 85% of women diagnosed have no family history. It also emphasizes that breast density, a risk factor for breast cancer, can only be determined by mammograms.

Hologic's effort comes at a important time, following updated breast cancer screening guidelines and new FDA reporting standards on breast density. The company's 3D Mammography™ exam is FDA-approved as superior for women with dense breasts compared to 2D alone.

Despite breast cancer being highly treatable when detected early, over 40% of U.S. women report skipping screenings. Hologic aims to empower women with facts to prioritize their health and encourage annual screenings.

Hologic (Nasdaq: HOLX) lancia la campagna #BustTheMyth in occasione del Mese della Consapevolezza sul Cancro al Seno, con l'obiettivo di sfatare i comuni miti riguardanti il cancro al seno, le mammografie e la densità mammaria. L'azienda suonerà la campana di apertura del Nasdaq per il diciottesimo anno per inaugurare questa iniziativa.

La campagna affronta miti chiave, come la falsa convinzione che solo coloro che hanno una storia familiare debbano fare mammografie, quando in realtà l'85% delle donne diagnosticate non ha alcuna storia familiare. Sottolinea anche che la densità mammaria, un fattore di rischio per il cancro al seno, può essere determinata solo tramite mammografie.

Lo sforzo di Hologic arriva in un momento cruciale, dopo l'aggiornamento delle linee guida per lo screening del cancro al seno e i nuovi standard di reporting della FDA sulla densità mammaria. L'esame di Mammografia 3D™ di Hologic è approvato dalla FDA come superiore per le donne con seni densi rispetto alla sola mammografia 2D.

Nonostante il cancro al seno sia altamente trattabile se rilevato precocemente, oltre il 40% delle donne statunitensi riferisce di aver saltato gli screening. Hologic punta a responsabilizzare le donne con fatti per dare priorità alla loro salute e incoraggiare controlli annuali.

Hologic (Nasdaq: HOLX) lanza la campaña #BustTheMyth por el Mes de Concientización sobre el Cáncer de Mama, con el objetivo de desmentir los mitos comunes sobre el cáncer de mama, las mamografías y la densidad mamaria. La empresa tocará la campana de apertura del Nasdaq por décimo octava vez para iniciar esta iniciativa.

La campaña aborda mitos clave, como la creencia errónea de que solo aquellas con antecedentes familiares necesitan mamografías, cuando en realidad el 85% de las mujeres diagnosticadas no tiene antecedentes familiares. También enfatiza que la densidad mamaria, un factor de riesgo para el cáncer de mama, solo puede determinarse a través de mamografías.

El esfuerzo de Hologic llega en un momento importante, luego de las actualizaciones en las pautas de detección de cáncer de mama y los nuevos estándares de reporte de la FDA sobre la densidad mamaria. El examen de Mamografía 3D™ de Hologic está aprobado por la FDA como superior para mujeres con senos densos en comparación con la mamografía 2D sola.

A pesar de que el cáncer de mama es altamente tratable cuando se detecta a tiempo, más del 40% de las mujeres en EE. UU. informan que han omitido las pruebas. Hologic busca empoderar a las mujeres con hechos para que prioricen su salud y alienten los exámenes anuales.

Hologic (Nasdaq: HOLX)는 유방암 인식의 달을 맞아 유방암, 유방촬영술 및 유방 밀도에 대한 일반적인 오해를 불식하기 위해 #BustTheMyth 캠페인을 시작합니다. 이 회사는 이 이니셔티브를 시작하기 위해 18년 연속으로 나스닥 개장 종을 울립니다.

캠페인은 가족력만 있는 사람들이 유방촬영술을 받아야 한다는 오해와 같이 주요 신화를 다룹니다. 하지만 실제로 진단을 받은 여성의 85%는 가족력이 없습니다. 또한 유방 밀도는 유방암의 위험 요소이며 오직 유방촬영술을 통해서만 판단할 수 있음을 강조합니다.

Hologic의 노력은 유방암 검진 가이드라인이 업데이트되고 유방 밀도에 대한 FDA의 새로운 보고 기준이 발표된 중요한 시점에 이루어졌습니다. Hologic의 3D 유방촬영술™은 밀도가 높은 유방을 가진 여성에게 2D 단독보다 우수한 것으로 FDA의 승인을 받았습니다.

유방암은 조기에 발견하면 치료 가능성이 높지만, 40% 이상의 미국 여성들이 검진을 건너뛰고 있다고 보고합니다. Hologic은 여성들이 자신의 건강을 우선시하도록 정보를 제공하고 연간 검진을 권장하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Hologic (Nasdaq: HOLX) lance la campagne #BustTheMyth pour le Mois de la Sensibilisation au Cancer du Sein, visant à déconstruire les idées reçues courantes sur le cancer du sein, les mammographies et la densité mammaire. L'entreprise sonnera la cloche d'ouverture du Nasdaq pour la 18e année afin de lancer cette initiative.

La campagne aborde des mythes clés, tel que la fausse croyance selon laquelle seules les personnes ayant des antécédents familiaux doivent passer des mammographies, alors qu'en réalité 85 % des femmes diagnostiquées n'ont pas d'antécédents familiaux. Elle souligne également que la densité mammaire, un facteur de risque pour le cancer du sein, ne peut être déterminée que par les mammographies.

L'effort de Hologic intervient à un moment important, après la mise à jour des lignes directrices de dépistage du cancer du sein et des nouvelles normes de rapport de la FDA sur la densité mammaire. L'examen de Mammographie 3D™ de Hologic est approuvé par la FDA comme étant supérieur pour les femmes ayant des seins denses par rapport à la seule mammographie 2D.

Bien que le cancer du sein soit très traitable lorsqu'il est détecté tôt, plus de 40 % des femmes américaines rapportent avoir sauté des dépistages. Hologic vise à autonomiser les femmes avec des faits pour qu'elles donnent la priorité à leur santé et encouragent les dépistages annuels.

Hologic (Nasdaq: HOLX) startet die #BustTheMyth-Kampagne zum Monat der Brustkrebsaufklärung, um gängige Missverständnisse über Brustkrebs, Mammographien und Brustdichte auszuräumen. Das Unternehmen wird zum 18. Mal die Eröffnungsbörse an der Nasdaq läuten, um diese Initiative zu starten.

Die Kampagne behandelt zentrale Mythen, wie die falsche Annahme, dass nur Menschen mit einer Familiengeschichte Mammographien benötigen, während in Wirklichkeit 85% der diagnostizierten Frauen keine Familiengeschichte haben. Sie betont auch, dass die Brustdichte, ein Risikofaktor für Brustkrebs, nur durch Mammographien bestimmt werden kann.

Hologics Bemühungen kommen zu einem wichtigen Zeitpunkt, nach den aktualisierten Richtlinien zur Brustkrebsfrüherkennung und den neuen FDA-Berichtsstandards zur Brustdichte. Die 3D-Mammographie™-Untersuchung von Hologic ist von der FDA als überlegen für Frauen mit dichten Brüsten im Vergleich zur alleinigen 2D-Manmografie genehmigt.

Obwohl Brustkrebs bei früherer Erkennung sehr gut behandelbar ist, berichten über 40% der Frauen in den USA, dass sie Screenings auslassen. Hologic zielt darauf ab, Frauen mit Fakten zu ermächtigen, um ihre Gesundheit zu priorisieren und jährliche Screenings zu fördern.

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Company Kicks Off October by Ringing Nasdaq Opening Bell, Releasing Educational Resources for Women

MARLBOROUGH, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Hologic, Inc. (Nasdaq: HOLX), a global leader in women’s health, will kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month by ringing the Nasdaq opening bell for the 18th year. As part of this annual tradition, Hologic is launching a comprehensive patient education campaign to bust common myths about breast cancer, mammograms and breast density.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Graphic: Business Wire)

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (Graphic: Business Wire)

“As a leading women’s health organization, we are committed to supporting women at every stage of their health journey and that includes advocating for change and increasing awareness about the importance of breast cancer screening and early detection,” said Steve MacMillan, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hologic. “There are many harmful myths about mammograms that keep women from understanding their risks and getting screened annually. We want to empower women with facts so they can prioritize themselves and take charge of their health with confidence.”

Breast cancer remains the world’s most common cancer in women,i impacting 1 in 8 women over the course of their lifetime.ii When detected early, breast cancer is highly treatable, with a five-year survival rate of 99%.iii Despite the prevalence of breast cancer and the benefits of early detection, more than 40% of women in the United States reported skipping potentially life-saving breast cancer screenings.iv The primary reasons women skip or delay a recommended exam include not knowing the screening was necessary or important for them, anxiety about the exam, lack of time or concerns about pain or discomfort.v

“At Hologic, we are committed to continually advancing technology and improving patient outcomes across the continuum of breast health,” said Erik Anderson, Hologic’s President of Breast and Skeletal Health Solutions. “But we know that world-class technology alone won’t decrease rates of death from breast cancer. It also takes empowering and practical education. The #BustTheMyth campaign adds to our extensive history of public outreach and reinforces our commitment to saving and improving more lives.”

Hologic’s educational campaign addresses many deterrents to screening by dispelling common myths and helping women learn the truth about who needs a mammogram and more:

  • Myth: I don’t have a family history of breast cancer, so I don’t need to worry.
    Truth: While genetics can be a factor, 85% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family
  • Myth: I can tell if my breasts are dense by feeling them.
    Truth: Breast density cannot be felt. It is determined by a mammogram.vii Having dense breasts increases your risk of breast cancer,viii which makes annual screening especially critical. Hologic’s 3D Mammography™ exam is the only mammogram FDA-approved as superior for women with dense breasts when compared to 2D alone.ix,x

Hologic’s #BustTheMyth campaign debuts at a critical moment for women. Earlier this year, the United States Preventive Services Taskforce released updated breast cancer screening guidelines. Additionally, this month, new reporting standards from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration went into effect that require mammography facilities to notify patients about their breast density. These changes make education and awareness even more important for women who are trying to understand screening guidelines or who may not know why their breast density matters.

Join the conversation and help spread the word using #BustTheMyth on social media or by visiting

About Hologic, Inc.

Hologic, Inc. is a global leader in women’s health focused on developing innovative medical technologies that effectively detect, diagnose and treat health conditions and raise the standard of care around the world. For four decades, we have transformed early detection, championed preventive care and fueled innovative surgical solutions to improve patients’ lives.

Hologic is a catalyst for change in the world. We work in partnership with others to raise awareness and inspire policy and action to break down barriers that disproportionately affect women and prevent them from receiving the care they need and deserve. Women’s health is more than a business, it is our purpose.

To learn more, visit and connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram and YouTube.

Hologic and The Science of Sure are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Hologic, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.


i National Cancer Institute. Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results. SEER Stat Fact Sheets 2013: Breast.
ii How Common Is Breast Cancer?,will%20never%20have%20the%20disease
iii National Breast Cancer Foundation. Breast Cancer Facts.
iv Hologic. The Screening Action Gap: Why U.S. Women Miss Critical Health Screenings.
v Hologic Global Women’s Health Index.
vi Breast Cancer Facts and Statistics.
vii Dense Breast Info. Patient questions and answers.
viii Dense Breast Tissue & Cancer Risk: What You Should Know.
ix Kaminska M, Ciszewski T, et al. Breast cancer risk factors. Przeglad Menopauzalny (Menopause Review). 2015; 14(3): 196–202. doi: 10.5114/pm.2015.54346.
x Friedewald SM, Rafferty EA, Rose SL, et al. Breast cancer screening using tomosynthesis in combination with digital mammography. JAMA. 2014 Jun 25;311(24):2499-507.

Source: Hologic, Inc.

Media Contact

Bridget Perry

Senior Director, Corporate Communications

+1 508.263.8654

Investor Contact

Ryan Simon

Vice President, Investor Relations

+1 858.410.8514

Source: Hologic, Inc.


What is Hologic's #BustTheMyth campaign for Breast Cancer Awareness Month?

Hologic's #BustTheMyth campaign is an educational initiative launched for Breast Cancer Awareness Month to debunk common myths about breast cancer, mammograms, and breast density. It aims to empower women with facts about breast health and encourage regular screenings.

Why is Hologic (HOLX) ringing the Nasdaq opening bell?

Hologic (HOLX) is ringing the Nasdaq opening bell for the 18th year to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month and launch their #BustTheMyth campaign, emphasizing their commitment to women's health and breast cancer awareness.

What percentage of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history, according to Hologic's campaign?

According to Hologic's #BustTheMyth campaign, 85% of women diagnosed with breast cancer have no family history, highlighting the importance of regular screenings for all women regardless of family history.

How does Hologic's 3D Mammography™ exam compare to 2D mammograms for women with dense breasts?

Hologic's 3D Mammography™ exam is the only mammogram FDA-approved as superior for women with dense breasts when compared to 2D mammograms alone, offering improved detection for this higher-risk group.

What percentage of women in the United States skip breast cancer screenings, according to Hologic's press release?

According to Hologic's press release, more than 40% of women in the United States reported skipping potentially life-saving breast cancer screenings, despite the benefits of early detection.

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