/C O R R E C T I O N -- MicroCloud Hologram Inc./
MicroCloud Hologram (NASDAQ: HOLO) has announced a significant investment of up to $200 million in Bitcoin and cryptocurrency-related securities derivatives. The company issued a correction to clarify that its total 'cumulative investment income' has reached $8.13 million, rather than 'accumulated dividends' as initially stated.
Currently holding $303 million in cash reserves, HOLO plans to allocate these funds toward derivatives and technology development in cutting-edge fields including Bitcoin-related blockchain, quantum computing, quantum holography, and AI-powered AR. The investment strategy aims to enhance the company's financial stability and long-term growth potential through diversified investments.
As a technology service provider, HOLO has made notable advances in quantum system research and large-scale DeepSeek integration. The company specializes in holographic technology services, including LiDAR solutions, point cloud algorithms, imaging solutions, sensor chip design, and vehicle intelligent vision technology.
MicroCloud Hologram (NASDAQ: HOLO) ha annunciato un investimento significativo fino a 200 milioni di dollari in Bitcoin e derivati securitari legati alle criptovalute. L'azienda ha emesso una correzione per chiarire che il suo 'reddito da investimenti cumulativi' ha raggiunto 8,13 milioni di dollari, piuttosto che 'dividendi accumulati' come inizialmente dichiarato.
Attualmente in possesso di 303 milioni di dollari in riserve di liquidità, HOLO prevede di destinare questi fondi a derivati e allo sviluppo tecnologico in settori all'avanguardia, tra cui blockchain legata a Bitcoin, calcolo quantistico, olografia quantistica e AR alimentata da AI. La strategia di investimento mira a migliorare la stabilità finanziaria dell'azienda e il potenziale di crescita a lungo termine attraverso investimenti diversificati.
In qualità di fornitore di servizi tecnologici, HOLO ha fatto notevoli progressi nella ricerca sui sistemi quantistici e nell'integrazione su larga scala di DeepSeek. L'azienda si specializza in servizi tecnologici olografici, comprese soluzioni LiDAR, algoritmi di nuvola di punti, soluzioni di imaging, progettazione di chip sensoriali e tecnologia di visione intelligente per veicoli.
MicroCloud Hologram (NASDAQ: HOLO) ha anunciado una inversión significativa de hasta 200 millones de dólares en Bitcoin y derivados de valores relacionados con criptomonedas. La empresa emitió una corrección para aclarar que su 'ingreso de inversión acumulado' ha alcanzado los 8,13 millones de dólares, en lugar de 'dividendos acumulados' como se indicó inicialmente.
Actualmente posee 303 millones de dólares en reservas de efectivo, HOLO planea destinar estos fondos a derivados y al desarrollo tecnológico en campos de vanguardia, incluyendo blockchain relacionado con Bitcoin, computación cuántica, holografía cuántica y AR impulsada por IA. La estrategia de inversión tiene como objetivo mejorar la estabilidad financiera de la empresa y el potencial de crecimiento a largo plazo a través de inversiones diversificadas.
Como proveedor de servicios tecnológicos, HOLO ha logrado avances notables en la investigación de sistemas cuánticos y en la integración a gran escala de DeepSeek. La empresa se especializa en servicios de tecnología holográfica, incluyendo soluciones LiDAR, algoritmos de nubes de puntos, soluciones de imagen, diseño de chips de sensores y tecnología de visión inteligente para vehículos.
마이크로클라우드 홀로그램 (NASDAQ: HOLO)은 비트코인 및 암호화폐 관련 증권 파생상품에 최대 2억 달러의 중대한 투자를 발표했습니다. 회사는 총 '누적 투자 수익'이 813만 달러에 도달했음을 명확히 하기 위해 수정 사항을 발표했으며, 이는 초기 발표된 '누적 배당금'과는 다릅니다.
현재 3억 3백만 달러의 현금 보유액을 보유하고 있는 HOLO는 이러한 자금을 비트코인 관련 블록체인, 양자 컴퓨팅, 양자 홀로그램 및 AI 기반 증강 현실을 포함한 첨단 분야의 파생상품 및 기술 개발에 할당할 계획입니다. 이 투자 전략은 다양한 투자를 통해 회사의 재정 안정성과 장기 성장 잠재력을 향상시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
기술 서비스 제공업체로서 HOLO는 양자 시스템 연구와 대규모 DeepSeek 통합에서 주목할 만한 발전을 이루었습니다. 이 회사는 LiDAR 솔루션, 포인트 클라우드 알고리즘, 이미지 솔루션, 센서 칩 설계 및 차량 지능형 비전 기술을 포함한 홀로그램 기술 서비스에 전문화되어 있습니다.
MicroCloud Hologram (NASDAQ: HOLO) a annoncé un investissement significatif allant jusqu'à 200 millions de dollars dans des dérivés de valeurs mobilières liés au Bitcoin et aux cryptomonnaies. L'entreprise a émis une correction pour clarifier que son 'revenu d'investissement cumulé' a atteint 8,13 millions de dollars, plutôt que des 'dividendes accumulés' comme indiqué initialement.
Actuellement en possession de 303 millions de dollars en réserves de liquidités, HOLO prévoit d'allouer ces fonds à des dérivés et au développement technologique dans des domaines de pointe, y compris la blockchain liée au Bitcoin, l'informatique quantique, l'holographie quantique et la réalité augmentée alimentée par l'IA. La stratégie d'investissement vise à améliorer la stabilité financière de l'entreprise et son potentiel de croissance à long terme grâce à des investissements diversifiés.
En tant que fournisseur de services technologiques, HOLO a réalisé des avancées notables dans la recherche sur les systèmes quantiques et l'intégration à grande échelle de DeepSeek. L'entreprise se spécialise dans les services de technologie holographique, y compris les solutions LiDAR, les algorithmes de nuages de points, les solutions d'imagerie, la conception de puces de capteurs et la technologie de vision intelligente pour véhicules.
MicroCloud Hologram (NASDAQ: HOLO) hat eine bedeutende Investition von bis zu 200 Millionen Dollar in Bitcoin und kryptowährungsbezogene Wertpapierderivate angekündigt. Das Unternehmen gab eine Korrektur heraus, um klarzustellen, dass sein gesamtes 'kumuliertes Investitionseinkommen' 8,13 Millionen Dollar erreicht hat, anstelle von 'akkumulierten Dividenden', wie zunächst angegeben.
Derzeit hält HOLO 303 Millionen Dollar an Barreserven und plant, diese Mittel in Derivate und technologische Entwicklungen in zukunftsweisenden Bereichen wie Bitcoin-bezogener Blockchain, Quantencomputing, Quantenholographie und KI-gestützter AR zu investieren. Die Investitionsstrategie zielt darauf ab, die finanzielle Stabilität des Unternehmens und das langfristige Wachstumspotenzial durch diversifizierte Investitionen zu erhöhen.
Als Anbieter von Technologiedienstleistungen hat HOLO bemerkenswerte Fortschritte in der Forschung zu Quantensystemen und der großflächigen Integration von DeepSeek gemacht. Das Unternehmen ist auf holographische Technologiedienstleistungen spezialisiert, einschließlich LiDAR-Lösungen, Punktwolkenalgorithmen, Bildgebungslösungen, Sensorchip-Design und intelligente Fahrzeugvisionstechnologie.
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In the news release, MicroCloud Hologram Inc. Announces It Has Purchased Up to
MicroCloud Hologram Inc. Announces It Has Purchased Up to $200 Million in Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency-Related Securities Derivatives, with Total Cumulative Investment Income Reaching $8.13 Million
The purchased Bitcoin and its derivatives this time will be incorporated into HOLO's capital reserve strategy, aiming to enhance the company's financial stability and long-term growth potential through diversified investments. HOLO stated that purchasing Bitcoin and cryptocurrency derivatives is a key initiative in its exploration of the cryptocurrency market, helping it gain insights into market mechanisms, price fluctuations, and investment strategies. Through this plan, HOLO seeks to accumulate valuable experience for future business expansion and capital operations in the cryptocurrency sector.
The company currently holds approximately
As a technology service provider, HOLO has also achieved significant breakthroughs in quantum system research and large-scale DeepSeek integration. These technological innovations not only provide strong support for HOLO's investments in the cryptocurrency sector but also lay a solid foundation for its future business expansion.
With the continuous growth of the cryptocurrency market, more and more enterprises are entering this field. As one of the pioneers, HOLO's investment decisions and strategic planning will undoubtedly serve as a model for other companies. Moving forward, HOLO will continue to explore and advance in the cryptocurrency sector, creating greater value for its shareholders while making a positive contribution to the overall development of the industry.
About MicroCloud Hologram Inc.
MicroCloud is committed to providing leading holographic technology services to its customers worldwide. MicroCloud's holographic technology services include high-precision holographic light detection and ranging ("LiDAR") solutions, based on holographic technology, exclusive holographic LiDAR point cloud algorithms architecture design, breakthrough technical holographic imaging solutions, holographic LiDAR sensor chip design and holographic vehicle intelligent vision technology to service customers that provide reliable holographic advanced driver assistance systems ("ADAS"). MicroCloud also provides holographic digital twin technology services for customers and has built a proprietary holographic digital twin technology resource library. MicroCloud's holographic digital twin technology resource library captures shapes and objects in 3D holographic form by utilizing a combination of MicroCloud's holographic digital twin software, digital content, spatial data-driven data science, holographic digital cloud algorithm, and holographic 3D capture technology. For more information, please visit http://ir.mcholo.com/
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements that are other than statements of historical facts. When the Company uses words such as "may," "will," "intend," "should," "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "project," "estimate," or similar expressions that do not relate solely to historical matters, it is making forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations discussed in the forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to uncertainties and risks including, but not limited to, the following: the Company's goals and strategies; the Company's future business development; product and service demand and acceptance; changes in technology; economic conditions; reputation and brand; the impact of competition and pricing; government regulations; fluctuations in general economic; financial condition and results of operations; the expected growth of the holographic industry and business conditions in
SOURCE MicroCloud Hologram Inc.