Hanover Bancorp Announces Small Business Recovery Grants to Local Non-Profit Organizations
Hanover Bancorp announced grants to seventeen local non-profit organizations as part of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York's (FHLBNY) Small Business Recovery Grant Program. The program aims to support small businesses and non-profits facing economic challenges due to the current economic environment, including inflation, supply-chain constraints, and rising energy costs.
Michael P. Puorro, Chairman and CEO of Hanover Bancorp, expressed gratitude to the FHLBNY for providing these funds to organizations adversely affected by economic conditions. Hanover Bank has participated in this program before and continues to support local non-profits not only through grants but also through employee involvement in these causes.
Hanover Bancorp ha annunciato sovvenzioni a diciassette organizzazioni non profit locali nell'ambito del Programma di Sovvenzioni per il Recupero delle Piccole Imprese della Federal Home Loan Bank di New York (FHLBNY). Il programma mira a sostenere le piccole imprese e le organizzazioni non profit che affrontano sfide economiche a causa dell'attuale situazione economica, tra cui inflazione, vincoli nella catena di approvvigionamento e aumento dei costi energetici.
Michael P. Puorro, Presidente e CEO di Hanover Bancorp, ha espresso gratitudine alla FHLBNY per aver fornito questi fondi alle organizzazioni colpite negativamente dalle condizioni economiche. Hanover Bank ha partecipato a questo programma in passato e continua a supportare le organizzazioni non profit locali, non solo attraverso sovvenzioni, ma anche attraverso il coinvolgimento dei dipendenti in queste cause.
Hanover Bancorp anunció subvenciones a diecisiete organizaciones sin fines de lucro locales como parte del Programa de Subvenciones para la Recuperación de Pequeñas Empresas de la Federal Home Loan Bank de Nueva York (FHLBNY). El programa tiene como objetivo apoyar a las pequeñas empresas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro que enfrentan desafíos económicos debido al entorno económico actual, que incluye inflación, restricciones en la cadena de suministro y aumento de los costos de energía.
Michael P. Puorro, Presidente y Director Ejecutivo de Hanover Bancorp, expresó su gratitud a la FHLBNY por proporcionar estos fondos a las organizaciones que se han visto afectadas negativamente por las condiciones económicas. Hanover Bank ha participado en este programa anteriormente y continúa apoyando a las organizaciones sin fines de lucro locales, no solo a través de subvenciones, sino también mediante la participación de los empleados en estas causas.
하노버 뱅크코프 17개의 지역 비영리 단체에 보조금을 발표했습니다 이는 뉴욕 연방 주택 대출 은행(FHLBNY)의 소규모 기업 회복 보조금 프로그램의 일환입니다. 이 프로그램은 현재의 경제 환경, 즉 인플레이션, 공급망 제한 및 에너지 비용 상승으로 인한 경제적 어려움에 직면한 소규모 기업과 비영리 단체를 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
하노버 뱅크코프의 회장 겸 CEO인 마이클 P. 푸로는 경제적 조건으로 피해를 입은 단체에 이러한 자금을 제공해준 FHLBNY에 감사를 표했습니다. 하노버 뱅크는 이전에 이 프로그램에 참여했으며, 보조금을 통해서뿐만 아니라 직원들이 이러한 원인에 참여함으로써 지역 비영리 단체를 계속 지원하고 있습니다.
Hanover Bancorp a annoncé des subventions à dix-sept organisations à but non lucratif locales dans le cadre du Programme de Subventions de Récupération pour Petites Entreprises de la Federal Home Loan Bank de New York (FHLBNY). Ce programme vise à soutenir les petites entreprises et les organisations à but non lucratif confrontées à des défis économiques dus à l'environnement économique actuel, notamment l'inflation, les contraintes de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et la hausse des coûts de l'énergie.
Michael P. Puorro, Président-directeur général de Hanover Bancorp, a exprimé sa gratitude à la FHLBNY pour avoir fourni ces fonds aux organisations directement affectées par les conditions économiques. La Banque Hanover a déjà participé à ce programme et continue de soutenir les organisations à but non lucratif locales, non seulement par des subventions, mais aussi par l'implication de ses employés dans ces causes.
Hanover Bancorp kündigte Zuschüsse an siebzehn lokale gemeinnützige Organisationen an im Rahmen des Small Business Recovery Grant Program der Federal Home Loan Bank von New York (FHLBNY). Das Programm zielt darauf ab, kleine Unternehmen und gemeinnützige Organisationen zu unterstützen, die aufgrund des aktuellen wirtschaftlichen Umfelds, einschließlich Inflation, Lieferkettenengpässen und steigenden Energiekosten, wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen gegenüberstehen.
Michael P. Puorro, Vorsitzender und CEO von Hanover Bancorp, äußerte Dankbarkeit gegenüber der FHLBNY für die Bereitstellung dieser Mittel an Organisationen, die von den wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen negativ betroffen sind. Die Hanover Bank hat bereits an diesem Programm teilgenommen und unterstützt weiterhin lokale gemeinnützige Organisationen nicht nur durch Zuschüsse, sondern auch durch die Mitarbeit ihrer Mitarbeiter an diesen Anliegen.
- Hanover Bancorp is participating in FHLBNY's Small Business Recovery Grant Program
- The bank is supporting seventeen local non-profit organizations through grants
- Hanover Bank demonstrates community engagement and corporate social responsibility
- None.
MINEOLA, N.Y., Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Michael P. Puorro, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hanover Bancorp, Inc. the bank holding company for Hanover Community Bank, today announced grants to seventeen local not-for-profit organizations as a part of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York’s (FHLBNY) Small Business Recovery Grant Program.
Mr. Puorro stated “These organizations are the very heartbeat of the communities we serve, and we are thrilled that this money will help them in fulfilling their mission. We are simultaneously so grateful to the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York and their Small Business Recovery Grant Program for providing these much-needed funds to so many not-for-profit entities that have been adversely affected by the current economic environment.”
The Small Business Recovery Grant Program provides flexible funds to benefit small-businesses and non-profits located in FHLBNY members’ communities. This program supports the financial security of qualifying organizations that face economic challenges due to the rate environment, inflation, supply-chain constraints, and/or rising energy costs by partnering with members to provide grants.
Hanover Bank has participated in this FHLBNY program in the past and we are so grateful to be partnering with them once again to provide these truly needed funds to seventeen worthwhile entities. “We are so proud to support these incredible organizations not only through this grant program but by having many of our team members give their time, talent and energy to these worthy causes,” concluded Michael P. Puorro.
About Hanover Community Bank and Hanover Bancorp, Inc.
Hanover Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: HNVR), is the bank holding company for Hanover Community Bank, a commercial community bank focusing on highly personalized and efficient services and products responsive to client needs. Management and the Board of Directors are comprised of a select group of successful local businesspeople committed to the success of the Bank by knowing and understanding the metro-New York area’s financial needs and opportunities. Backed by state-of-the-art technology, Hanover offers a full range of financial services. Hanover employs a complete suite of consumer, commercial, and municipal banking products, and services, including multi-family and commercial mortgages, residential loans, business loans and lines of credit. Hanover also offers its customers access to 24-hour ATM service with no fees attached, free checking with interest, telephone banking, advanced technologies in mobile and internet banking for our consumer and business customers, safe deposit boxes and much more. The Company’s corporate administrative office is in Mineola, New York where it also operates a full-service branch office along with additional branch locations in Garden City Park, Hauppauge, Forest Hills, Flushing, Sunset Park, Rockefeller Center and Chinatown, New York and Freehold, New Jersey.
Hanover Community Bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and is an Equal Housing/Equal Opportunity Lender. For further information, call (516) 548-8500 or visit the Bank’s website at https://hanoverbank.com.
Media and Press Contact:
Annette Esposito
First Vice President – Director of Marketing
(516) 548-8500