Hallador Energy Company Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial and Operating Results

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Hallador Energy Company (HNRG) reported Q2 2024 financial results with total revenue of $90.9 million and a net loss of $10.2 million or $(0.27) per share. The company generated $23.5 million in operating cash flow but faced an Adjusted EBITDA loss of $(5.8) million. Challenging market conditions for spot electricity sales due to surplus natural gas inventory impacted performance.

Despite challenges, Hallador strengthened its balance sheet, reducing total bank debt to $45.5 million and improving total liquidity to $60.7 million. The company secured a $45 million prepayment for an 11-month forward power sale, representing 22% of projected annual output. Hallador continues to focus on electric sales as an independent power producer and has total forward energy and capacity sales of $871.7 million through 2029.

Hallador Energy Company (HNRG) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024 con entrate totali di 90,9 milioni di dollari e una perdita netta di 10,2 milioni di dollari, ovvero $(0,27) per azione. L'azienda ha generato 23,5 milioni di dollari in flussi di cassa operativi, ma ha subito una perdita Adjusted EBITDA di $(5,8) milioni. Le condizioni di mercato difficili per le vendite di elettricità spot, a causa di un surplus di inventario di gas naturale, hanno influito sulle performance.

Nonostante le difficoltà, Hallador ha rafforzato il proprio bilancio, riducendo il debito bancario totale a 45,5 milioni di dollari e migliorando la liquidità totale a 60,7 milioni di dollari. L'azienda ha ottenuto un anticipo di 45 milioni di dollari per una vendita di energia programmatica di 11 mesi, che rappresenta il 22% della produzione annuale prevista. Hallador continua a concentrarsi sulle vendite elettriche come produttore di energia indipendente e ha vendite totali di energia e capacità programmate di 871,7 milioni di dollari fino al 2029.

Hallador Energy Company (HNRG) reportó los resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024, con ingresos totales de 90,9 millones de dólares y una pérdida neta de 10,2 millones de dólares, o $(0,27) por acción. La empresa generó 23,5 millones de dólares en flujo de caja operativo, pero enfrentó una pérdida de EBITDA ajustado de $(5,8) millones. Las condiciones de mercado desafiantes para las ventas de electricidad al por menor debido al exceso de inventario de gas natural impactaron el rendimiento.

A pesar de los retos, Hallador fortaleció su balance, reduciendo la deuda bancaria total a 45,5 millones de dólares y mejorando la liquidez total a 60,7 millones de dólares. La compañía aseguró un prepago de 45 millones de dólares por una venta de energía a 11 meses, que representa el 22% de la producción anual proyectada. Hallador sigue enfocándose en las ventas eléctricas como productor de energía independiente y tiene ventas totales de energía y capacidad programadas de 871,7 millones de dólares hasta 2029.

Hallador Energy Company (HNRG)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과를 발표했으며, 총 수익은 9,090만 달러이고 순손실은 1,020만 달러로, 주당 $(0.27)입니다. 회사는 운영 현금 흐름으로 2,350만 달러를 생성했으며 조정 EBITDA 손실은 $(580만 달러입니다. 자연가스 재고 과잉으로 인한 전력 판매의 어려운 시장 상황이 성과에 영향을 미쳤습니다.

어려움에도 불구하고 Hallador는 대차대조표를 강화하여 총 은행 부채를 4,550만 달러로 줄이고 총 유동성을 6,070만 달러로 개선했습니다. 회사는 11개월 선도 전력 판매를 위한 4,500만 달러의 선불금을 확보했으며, 이는 예상 연간 생산량의 22%를 나타냅니다. Hallador는 독립 전력 생산자로서 전력 판매에 계속 집중하고 있으며 2029년까지 총 871.7백만 달러의 선도 에너지 및 용량 판매를 보유하고 있습니다.

Hallador Energy Company (HNRG) a annoncé ses résultats financiers pour le deuxième trimestre 2024, avec des revenus totaux de 90,9 millions de dollars et une perte nette de 10,2 millions de dollars, soit $(0,27) par action. L'entreprise a généré 23,5 millions de dollars de flux de trésorerie d'exploitation mais a enregistré une perte d'EBITDA ajusté de $(5,8) millions. Des conditions de marché exigeantes pour les ventes d'électricité spot, dues à un excédent de stock de gaz naturel, ont eu un impact sur les performances.

Malgré les difficultés, Hallador a renforcé son bilan, réduisant sa dette totale envers les banques à 45,5 millions de dollars et améliorant sa liquidité totale à 60,7 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a assuré un paiement anticipé de 45 millions de dollars pour une vente d'énergie à terme de 11 mois, représentant 22 % de la production annuelle projetée. Hallador continue de se concentrer sur les ventes d'électricité en tant que producteur d'énergie indépendant et possède des ventes totales d'énergie et de capacité à terme de 871,7 millions de dollars jusqu'en 2029.

Hallador Energy Company (HNRG) hat die finanziellen Ergebnisse für das zweite Quartal 2024 bekannt gegeben, mit Gesamtumsatz von 90,9 Millionen Dollar und einem Nettoverlust von 10,2 Millionen Dollar bzw. $(0,27) pro Aktie. Das Unternehmen erwirtschaftete 23,5 Millionen Dollar an operativem Cashflow, hatte jedoch einen verlorenen Adjusted EBITDA von $(5,8) Millionen. Herausfordernde Marktbedingungen für den Verkauf von Spot-Strom aufgrund von Überbeständen an Erdgas beeinträchtigten die Leistung.

Trotz der Herausforderungen hat Hallador seine Bilanz gestärkt, indem es die Gesamtschulden bei Banken auf 45,5 Millionen Dollar reduziert und die Gesamtl Liquidität auf 60,7 Millionen Dollar verbessert hat. Das Unternehmen sicherte sich eine Vorabzahlung von 45 Millionen Dollar für einen 11-monatigen Stromverkauf, was 22% der prognostizierten Jahresproduktion entspricht. Hallador konzentriert sich weiterhin auf den Elektrizitätsverkauf als unabhängiger Stromerzeuger und hat insgesamt 871,7 Millionen Dollar an zukünftigen Energie- und Kapazitätsverkäufen bis 2029.

  • Generated $23.5 million in operating cash flow during Q2
  • Reduced total bank debt to $45.5 million from $91.5 million at year-end 2023
  • Improved total liquidity to $60.7 million from $26.2 million at year-end 2023
  • Secured $45 million prepayment for 11-month forward power sale
  • Total forward energy and capacity sales of $871.7 million through 2029
  • Q2 net loss of $10.2 million or $(0.27) per share
  • Q2 Adjusted EBITDA loss of $(5.8) million
  • Electric sales decreased to $56.8 million from $71.0 million in Q2 2023
  • Coal sales decreased to $32.8 million from $88.6 million in Q2 2023
  • Leverage ratio increased to 2.12x from 1.32x at year-end 2023


Hallador Energy's Q2 2024 results reveal significant challenges. Total revenue decreased to $90.9 million, down from $161.2 million in Q2 2023. The company reported a net loss of $10.2 million, or $(0.27) per share. Despite these headwinds, operating cash flow improved to $23.5 million.

The company's strategy to move up the energy value chain is promising, but current market conditions are unfavorable. Low natural gas prices have led to reduced demand and pricing for electric power. However, Hallador has taken steps to strengthen its balance sheet, reducing total bank debt to $45.5 million and improving liquidity to $60.7 million.

The $45 million prepayment for an 11-month forward power sale is a positive sign, representing 22% of projected annual output. With $871.7 million in forward energy and capacity sales through 2029, Hallador has some financial stability despite current market volatility.

The current energy market dynamics are significantly impacting Hallador's performance. Record natural gas production and a mild winter have created a surplus, driving down both gas and electricity prices. This imbalance resulted in pricing above Hallador's cost structure only 40% of the time in H1 2024.

Looking ahead, there's potential for improvement. As natural gas inventories decrease and prices recover later this year, Hallador could be well-positioned to capitalize. The company's focus on forward sales and hedging its energy position is prudent in this volatile market.

The ongoing negotiations from the data center targeted RFP could be a game-changer. A long-term contract with a data center could provide stable revenue and potentially reshape Hallador's financial profile. However, investors should remain cautious as the energy market's recovery timeline remains uncertain.

Hallador's strategic shift from fuel production to wholesale electricity sales and now towards powering industrial end-users, demonstrates adaptability in a changing energy landscape. The MOU with Hoosier and WIN REMC, along with the data center RFP, indicates a clear direction towards higher-value services.

However, execution risks remain. The transition is occurring during a challenging market period, which could strain resources. The company's ability to manage this transition while navigating current market headwinds will be crucial.

The focus on strengthening the balance sheet is commendable. Reducing debt and improving liquidity provides a buffer against market volatility. The $45 million prepayment for forward power sales shows the company's ability to secure significant contracts, which could be a competitive advantage in attracting data center clients.

Overall, while the strategy appears sound, its success will depend on market recovery and Hallador's ability to capitalize on emerging opportunities in the evolving energy sector.

- Q2 Total Revenue of $90.9 Million -
- Q2 Net Loss of $10.2 Million or $(0.27) Earnings per Share -
- Q2 Operating Cash Flow of $23.5 Million -
- Q2 Adjusted EBITDA loss of $(5.8) Million -

TERRE HAUTE, Ind., Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hallador Energy Company (Nasdaq: HNRG) (“Hallador” or the “Company”), today reported its financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024.

Brent Bilsland, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated, “We made progress during the quarter towards our strategic and deliberate path to transform Hallador and capture increased value as we advance our products and services up the value chain. Since acquiring the Merom Power Plant in 2022, we have expanded our offerings from fuel production to wholesale electricity sales, and we are now moving further up the chain to begin powering the industrial end user, including through a signed Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Hoosier and WIN REMC earlier this year. Since that time, we have carried out a data center targeted Request for Proposal (RFP) that has received a robust response and is in active negotiations, further strengthening our conviction that power is in critical demand and that we possess a crucial component to the success of these data centers.”

“In the near term, we are facing a challenging market for spot electricity sales. Record natural gas production last year, combined with the second warmest winter in 25 years, has led to a surplus in natural gas inventory. This imbalance has driven down both gas and electricity prices, resulting in an energy market where pricing was above our cost structure only 40% of the time during the first half of the year.”

“In response to the current environment, we have focused on strengthening our balance sheet by reducing debt and improving our total liquidity to $60.7 million at quarter-end. This was driven in-part by the receipt of a $45 million prepayment during the quarter for an 11-month forward power sale, representing 22% of our projected annual output. As natural gas inventories decrease and prices recover later this year, as we currently expect, we are well positioned to navigate the current environment and drive future power sales that can reshape Hallador’s financial profile.”

Second Quarter 2024 Highlights

  • The Company generated $23.5 million in operating cash flow during the second quarter, which partially supported repayment of debt and funding capex.
    • Total bank debt was $45.5 million with total liquidity of $60.7 million at June 30, 2024. This compares to total bank debt of $91.5 million and total liquidity of $26.2 million at December 31, 2023.
    • The Company’s leverage ratio was 2.12x at June 30, 2024, compared to 1.32x at December 31, 2023.
    • Capital expenditures were $13.2 million for the second quarter and $28.0 million year-to-date. The Company remains on track with its targeted $43 million capital expenditure budget for 2024.
  • Hallador continues to emphasize electric sales as an independent power producer.
    • Electric Sales were $56.8 million compared to $71.0 million in the year-ago period. The decrease was driven by the buildup of natural gas inventory levels in the broader market reducing the demand for and pricing of electric power.  
    • Coal Sales were $32.8 million compared to $88.6 million in the year-ago period. The decrease was driven by lower demand due to lower natural gas prices.
  • The Company continues to focus on forward sales to hedge its energy position.
    • At quarter-end, Hallador had total forward energy and capacity sales to 3rd party customers of $871.7 million through 2029.
    • The Company signed an 11-month, $45 million forward power purchase agreement (PPA) during the quarter with one of the largest global asset managers.
    • Negotiations continue to advance in response to the Company’s data center targeted RFP, with the potential to sign a long-term contract.
Financial Summary ($ in Millions and Unaudited) 
 Q2 2023  Q1 2024  Q2 2024 
Electric Sales$71.0  $58.8  $56.8 
Coal Sales - 3rd Party$88.6  $49.6  $32.8 
Other Revenue$1.6  $1.3  $1.3 
Total Revenue$161.2  $109.7  $90.9 
Net Income (Loss)$16.9  $(1.7) $(10.2)
Operating Cash Flow$18.1  $16.4  $23.5 
Adjusted EBITDA*$35.3  $6.8  $(5.8)

* Non-GAAP financial measure, defined as operating cash flows less effects of certain subsidiary and equity method investment activity, plus bank interest, less effects of working capital period changes, plus other amortization

Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered an alternative to net income, income from operations, cash flows from operating activities or any other measure of financial performance presented in accordance with GAAP. Our method of computing Adjusted EBITDA may not be the same method used to compute similar measures reported by other companies.

Management believes the non-GAAP financial measure, Adjusted EBITDA, is an important measure in analyzing our liquidity and is a key component of certain material covenants contained within our Credit Agreement, specifically a maximum leverage ratio and a debt service coverage ratio.  Noncompliance with the leverage ratio or debt service coverage ratio covenants could result in our lenders requiring the Company to immediately repay all amounts borrowed.  If we cannot satisfy these financial covenants, we would be prohibited under our Credit Agreement from engaging in certain activities, such as incurring additional indebtedness, making certain payments, and acquiring and disposing of assets.  Consequently, Adjusted EBITDA is critical to the assessment of our liquidity.  The required amount of Adjusted EBITDA is a variable based on our debt outstanding and/or required debt payments at the time of the quarterly calculation based on a rolling prior 12-month period.

Reconciliation of the non-GAAP financial measure, Adjusted EBITDA, to cash provided by operating activities, the most comparable GAAP measure, is as follows (in thousands) for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively.

Reconciliation of GAAP "Cash provided by (used in) operating activities" to non-GAAP "Adjusted EBITDA" 
(In $ Thousands and Unaudited)
 Three Months Ended  Six Months Ended 
 June 30,  June 30, 
 2024  2023  2024  2023 
Cash provided by operating activities$23,522  $18,131  $39,891  $44,243 
Current income tax expense    61      493 
Loss from Hourglass Sands    1   1   2 
Loss from Sunrise Indemnity 6      12    
Distribution from Sunrise Energy          (625)
Bank and convertible note interest expense 3,326   2,517   6,859   5,204 
Working capital period changes (30,305)  12,546   (43,480)  16,390 
Other long-term asset and liability changes (466)  (253)  (1,403)  (704)
ASC 606 Capacity Adjustment (2,455)     (3,703)   
Cash paid on asset retirement obligation reclamation (37)  566   602   931 
Other amortization 613   1,728   2,248   3,378 
Adjusted EBITDA$(5,796) $35,297  $1,027  $69,312 
Cash (used in) provided by investing activities$(10,720) $(17,081) $(25,570) $(30,548)
Cash (used in) provided by financing activities$(8,446) $(1,029) $(10,716) $(13,751)

Solid Forward Sales Position - Segment Basis, Before Intercompany Eliminations (unaudited):

 2024  2025  2026  2027  2028  2029  Total 
Contracted MWh (in millions) 1.75   2.48   1.83   1.78   1.09   0.27   9.20 
Average contracted price per MWh$36.22  $35.70  $55.37  $54.65  $52.98  $51.00     
Contracted revenue (in millions)$63.39  $88.54  $101.33  $97.28  $57.75  $13.77  $422.06 
Average daily contracted capacity MWh 772   801   744   623   454   100     
Average contracted capacity price per MWd$207  $198  $230  $226  $225  $230     
Contracted capacity revenue (in millions)$29.40  $57.89  $62.46  $51.39  $37.39  $3.47  $242.00 
Total Energy & Capacity Revenue                           
Contracted Power revenue (in millions)$92.79  $146.43  $163.79  $148.67  $95.14  $17.24  $664.06 
Priced tons - 3rd party (in millions) 1.26   1.78   0.50   0.50         4.04 
Avg price per ton - 3rd party$50.08  $50.04  $55.50  $55.50  $  $     
Contracted coal revenue - 3rd party (in millions)$63.10  $89.07  $27.75  $27.75  $  $  $207.67 
Committed and unpriced tons - 3rd party (in millions)    1   1   1         3 
Total contracted tons - 3rd party (in millions) 1.26   2.78   1.50   1.50         7.04 
TOTAL CONTRACTED REVENUE (IN MILLIONS) - CONSOLIDATED$155.89  $235.50  $191.54  $176.42  $95.14  $17.24  $871.73 
Priced tons - Merom (in millions) 0.60   2.30   2.30   2.30   2.30      9.80 
Avg price per ton - Merom$51.00  $51.00  $51.00  $51.00  $51.00  $     
Contracted coal revenue - Merom (in millions)$30.60  $117.30  $117.30  $117.30  $117.30  $  $499.80 
TOTAL CONTRACTED REVENUE (IN MILLIONS) - SEGMENT$186.49  $352.80  $308.84  $293.72  $212.44  $17.24  $1,371.53 

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"). Statements that are not strictly historical statements constitute forward-looking statements and may often, but not always, be identified by the use of such words such as "expects," "believes," "intends," "anticipates," "plans," "estimates," "guidance," "target," "potential," "possible,or "probableor statements that certain actions, events or results "may," "will," "should,or "couldbe taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and assumptions and analyses made by Hallador and its management in light of experience and perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors appropriate under the circumstances that involve various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in the statements. These risks include, but are not limited to, those set forth in Hallador's annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and other Securities and Exchange Commission filings. Hallador undertakes no obligation to revise or update publicly any forward-looking statements except as required by law.

Conference Call and Webcast

Hallador management will host a conference call Tuesday, August 6, 2024 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time to discuss its financial and operational results, followed by a question-and-answer period.

Date: Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m. Eastern time
United States local: (404) 975-4839
United States toll-free: (833) 470-1428
Access code: 933229
Webcast: HNRG Q2 2024 Earnings Call

The conference call will also be broadcast live and available for replay in the investor relations section of the Company’s website at

Hallador Energy Company 
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets 
(in thousands, except per share data) 
 June 30,  December 31, 
 2024  2023 
Current assets:       
Cash and cash equivalents$6,446  $2,842 
Restricted cash 4,282   4,281 
Accounts receivable 19,098   19,937 
Inventory 32,595   23,075 
Parts and supplies 39,459   38,877 
Prepaid expenses 2,027   2,262 
Total current assets 103,907   91,274 
Property, plant and equipment:       
Land and mineral rights 115,486   115,486 
Buildings and equipment 531,413   537,131 
Mine development 164,475   158,642 
Finance lease right-of-use assets 19,869   12,346 
Total property, plant and equipment 831,243   823,605 
Less - accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization (349,462)  (334,971)
Total property, plant and equipment, net 481,781   488,634 
Investment in Sunrise Energy 2,305   2,811 
Other assets 7,176   7,061 
Total assets$595,169  $589,780 
Current liabilities:       
Current portion of bank debt, net$17,938  $24,438 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 45,890   62,908 
Current portion of lease financing 6,204   3,933 
Deferred revenue 84,772   23,062 
Contract liability - power purchase agreement and capacity payment reduction 40,735   43,254 
Total current liabilities 195,539   157,595 
Long-term liabilities:       
Bank debt, net 24,734   63,453 
Convertible notes payable    10,000 
Convertible notes payable - related party    9,000 
Long-term lease financing 10,699   8,157 
Deferred income taxes 5,614   9,235 
Asset retirement obligations 15,335   14,538 
Contract liability - power purchase agreement 25,076   47,425 
Other 2,002   1,789 
Total long-term liabilities 83,460   163,597 
Total liabilities 278,999   321,192 
Commitments and contingencies       
Stockholders' equity:       
Preferred stock, $.10 par value, 10,000 shares authorized; none issued     
Common stock, $.01 par value, 100,000 shares authorized; 42,599 and 34,052 issued and outstanding, as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively 426   341 
Additional paid-in capital 186,945   127,548 
Retained earnings 128,799   140,699 
Total stockholders’ equity 316,170   268,588 
Total liabilities and stockholders equity$595,169  $589,780 

Hallador Energy Company 
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations
(in thousands, except per share data) 
 Three Months Ended June 30,  Six Months Ended June 30, 
 2024  2023  2024  2023 
Electric sales$56,846  $71,017  $115,601  $163,409 
Coal sales 32,801   88,574   82,431   183,176 
Other revenues 1,267   1,603   2,554   2,943 
Total sales and operating revenues 90,914   161,194   200,586   349,528 
Fuel 10,439   32,641   18,498   88,614 
Other operating and maintenance costs 35,912   41,908   73,394   74,428 
Utilities 3,396   4,343   7,770   8,840 
Labor 26,555   36,528   61,723   77,059 
Depreciation, depletion and amortization 13,649   17,169   29,092   35,145 
Asset retirement obligations accretion 399   461   798   912 
Exploration costs 47   305   117   511 
General and administrative 7,803   5,595   13,747   12,542 
Total operating expenses 98,200   138,950   205,139   298,051 
INCOME (LOSS) FROM OPERATIONS (7,286)  22,244   (4,553)  51,477 
Interest expense (1) (3,735)  (3,541)  (7,672)  (7,440)
Loss on extinguishment of debt (1,937)     (2,790)   
Equity method investment (loss) (257)  (217)  (506)  (148)
NET INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAXES (13,215)  18,486   (15,521)  43,889 
Current    61      493 
Deferred (3,011)  1,510   (3,621)  4,430 
Total income tax expense (benefit) (3,011)  1,571   (3,621)  4,923 
NET INCOME (LOSS)$(10,204) $16,915  $(11,900) $38,966 
NET INCOME (LOSS) PER SHARE:               
Basic$(0.27) $0.51  $(0.32) $1.18 
Diluted$(0.27) $0.47  $(0.32) $1.08 
Basic 37,879   33,137   37,026   33,061 
Diluted 37,879   36,708   37,026   36,696 
(1) Interest Expense:               
Interest on bank debt$2,779  $2,055  $5,584  $4,310 
Other interest 547   462   1,275   894 
Amortization of debt issuance costs 409   1,024   813   2,236 
Total amortization 409   1,024   813   2,236 
Total interest expense$3,735  $3,541  $7,672  $7,440 

Hallador Energy Company 
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
(in thousands) 
 Six Months Ended June 30, 
 2024  2023 
Net income (loss)$(11,900) $38,966 
Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities:       
Deferred income tax (benefit) (3,621)  4,430 
Equity loss – Sunrise Energy 506   148 
Cash distribution - Sunrise Energy    625 
Depreciation, depletion, and amortization 29,092   35,145 
Loss on extinguishment of debt 2,790    
Loss (gain) on sale of assets (246)  58 
Amortization of debt issuance costs 813   2,236 
Asset retirement obligations accretion 798   912 
Cash paid on asset retirement obligation reclamation (602)  (931)
Stock-based compensation 2,247   2,001 
Amortization of contract asset and contract liabilities (24,868)  (22,162)
Other 1,402   704 
Change in operating assets and liabilities:       
Accounts receivable 839   8,461 
Inventory (9,520)  (9,322)
Parts and supplies (582)  (5,564)
Prepaid expenses 2,140   282 
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (11,107)  (11,867)
Deferred revenue 61,710   121 
Net cash provided by operating activities 39,891   44,243 
Capital expenditures (28,044)  (30,610)
Proceeds from sale of equipment 2,474   62 
Net cash used in investing activities (25,570)  (30,548)
Payments on bank debt (86,500)  (37,013)
Borrowings of bank debt 40,500   26,000 
Payments on lease financing (2,665)   
Proceeds from sale and leaseback arrangement 3,783    
Issuance of related party notes payable 5,000    
Payments on related party notes payable (5,000)   
Debt issuance costs (76)  (1,629)
ATM offering 34,515    
Taxes paid on vesting of RSUs (273)  (1,109)
Net cash used in financing activities (10,716)  (13,751)
Increase (decrease) in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash 3,605   (56)
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, beginning of period 7,123   6,426 
Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash, end of period$10,728  $6,370 
Cash and cash equivalents$6,446  $2,337 
Restricted cash 4,282   4,033 
 $10,728  $6,370 
Cash paid for interest$6,312  $5,010 
Change in capital expenditures included in accounts payable and prepaid expense$(1,694) $426 
Stock issued on redemption of convertible notes and interest$22,993  $ 

About Hallador Energy Company

Hallador Energy Company (Nasdaq: HNRG) is a vertically-integrated Independent Power Producer (IPP) based in Terre Haute, Indiana. The Company has two core businesses: Hallador Power Company, LLC, which produces electricity and capacity at its one Gigawatt (GW) Merom Generating Station, and Sunrise Coal, LLC, which produces and supplies fuel to the Merom Generating Station and other companies. To learn more about Hallador, visit the Company’s website at

Company Contact

Marjorie Hargrave
Chief Financial Officer
(303) 917-0777

Investor Relations Contact

Sean Mansouri, CFA
Elevate IR
(720) 330-2829


What was Hallador Energy's (HNRG) revenue for Q2 2024?

Hallador Energy (HNRG) reported total revenue of $90.9 million for Q2 2024.

How much operating cash flow did Hallador Energy (HNRG) generate in Q2 2024?

Hallador Energy (HNRG) generated $23.5 million in operating cash flow during Q2 2024.

What was Hallador Energy's (HNRG) net income or loss for Q2 2024?

Hallador Energy (HNRG) reported a net loss of $10.2 million or $(0.27) per share for Q2 2024.

How much forward energy and capacity sales does Hallador Energy (HNRG) have through 2029?

Hallador Energy (HNRG) has total forward energy and capacity sales of $871.7 million through 2029.

What was Hallador Energy's (HNRG) total bank debt as of June 30, 2024?

Hallador Energy's (HNRG) total bank debt was $45.5 million as of June 30, 2024.

Hallador Energy Company


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Thermal Coal
Electric Services
United States