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Höegh LNG Partners LP (HMLP) reported Q2 2021 results, achieving 100% operational availability of its fleet. Total time charter revenues were $34.7 million, slightly up from $34.4 million in Q2 2020. However, net income fell to $2.6 million from $19.7 million a year prior, mainly due to unrealized gains on derivatives. Segment EBITDA decreased to $34.3 million from $36.0 million. A significant tax provision of $10.9 million was recorded, pending dispute with Indonesian tax authorities. The company faces refinancing challenges for its Lampung facility, with obligations due on September 29, 2021.
Höegh LNG Partners LP (NYSE: HMLP) will announce its second quarter 2021 results on August 26, 2021, before the market opens. A presentation is scheduled for 8:30 A.M. (EST) that day, followed by a Q&A session. Interested participants can join via webcast or teleconference using the provided details. A replay will be available from one hour post-conference until September 2, 2021. More information and presentation materials can be accessed via their official website.
Höegh LNG Partners LP (NYSE: HMLP) has announced a drastic reduction in its quarterly cash distribution from $0.44 to $0.01 per common unit, effective for the second quarter of 2021. This decision is aimed at conserving cash flows to address refinancing issues related to the PGN FSRU Lampung credit facility, which is not yet completed. The partnership is also facing challenges with its revolving credit line, which will not be extended when it matures in January 2023. The Board will reevaluate cash distributions once the refinancing situation is resolved.
On June 8, 2021, Höegh LNG Partners LP held its 2021 Annual Meeting in Bermuda, where David Spivak was re-elected as a Class III Director, serving until 2025. The meeting also saw the resignation of several directors, including Steven Rees Davies and Sveinung J. S. Støhle, effective immediately. New appointments to the Board were made, including Tonesan Amissah and John V. Veech. CEO Sveinung J. S. Støhle confirmed his continued role. The Partnership's focus remains on the ownership and operation of floating storage and regasification units under long-term contracts.
Höegh LNG Partners LP (HMLP) reported financial results for Q1 2021, showing net income of $23.8 million, a significant increase from $5.5 million in Q1 2020. Total time charter revenues were $34.8 million, down from $36.7 million year-over-year. Operating income rose to $31.7 million from $13.4 million in the prior year, while Segment EBITDA decreased to $34.5 million. The company maintained 100% availability of its fleet, ensuring consistent cash flows. The partnership faces refinancing needs in October 2021 but expects sufficient resources for working capital in the next twelve months.
Höegh LNG Partners LP (NYSE: HMLP) will release its first quarter 2021 results on May 27, 2021, before market opening. A presentation is scheduled for 8:30 A.M. (EST) the same day and will include a Q&A session. Results and presentation materials will be available on their website. For those unable to attend, a replay will be accessible until June 3, 2021, with specific dial-in numbers provided for international, US, and Canada calls. Höegh LNG Partners focuses on owning and operating floating storage and regasification units.
Höegh LNG Partners LP (NYSE: HMLP) announced its 2021 Annual Meeting scheduled for June 8, 2021, at 2:00 P.M. local time in Hamilton, Bermuda. The record date for voting is May 17, 2021. During the meeting, a member of the Board of Directors will be elected. Further details, including the notice and agenda, will be shared before the meeting date.
Höegh LNG Partners LP (NYSE: HMLP) announced a quarterly cash distribution of $0.44 per common unit for the quarter ended March 31, 2021, totaling an annualized $1.76 per unit. Payments are scheduled for May 14, 2021, for unitholders recorded as of May 6, 2021. Additionally, a distribution of $0.546875 per 8.75% Series A preferred unit will be paid on May 17, 2021, to holders of record by May 10, 2021. The Partnership focuses on floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) and has five units with an average remaining contract duration of 8.3 years.
Höegh LNG Partners LP has filed its Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2020, with the SEC. The report is accessible on the Partnership's website or the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's site. Investors can request a hard copy of the audited financial statements free of charge. The company focuses on owning and operating floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs) under long-term charters, with an industry-leading average remaining contract duration of approximately 8.5 years as of December 2020.
Höegh LNG Partners LP (NYSE: HMLP) reported preliminary financial results for Q4 2020 with time charter revenues of $36.1 million, down from $38.5 million in Q4 2019. Net income was $18.5 million, compared to $18.7 million a year earlier. Operating income decreased to $25.5 million, influenced by unrealized gains on derivatives. Segment EBITDA rose to $34.9 million. Despite challenges from COVID-19, the Partnership maintained 100% availability of its FSRUs and paid a distribution of $0.44 per unit for Q4 2020.