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Helbiz (Nasdaq: HLBZ) announces a strategic partnership with Say Technologies, a subsidiary of Robinhood, to implement a digital dividend coupon strategy starting April 15, 2023. This initiative aims to enhance shareholder loyalty and communication by offering digital coupons for services within the Helbiz Ecosystem. Shareholders will receive discounts or credits applicable to various services, including micro-mobility and food delivery. CEO Salvatore Palella emphasized the importance of recognizing current shareholders. Further details will be revealed in the upcoming end-of-year earnings call in March.
Helbiz, Inc. (Nasdaq: HLBZ) reports approximately 2.37 billion shares shorted since
Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZ) announced its plans to issue digital dividend coupons to reward its shareholders. Proposed by CEO Salvatore Palella, this innovative dividend-in-property aims to foster long-term investor support. Details of the coupon structure will be developed in collaboration with a specialized advisory firm, incorporating blockchain technology for secure implementation. Shareholders will benefit from exclusive discounts across various services, including micro mobility and food delivery. This initiative will also help the company formalize its share count and combat market challenges.
Helbiz, a leader in micro-mobility solutions, announced it has been granted an extension by the Nasdaq Hearings Panel to regain compliance with listing requirements. The Company must restore its Market Value and attain a minimum bid price of
Helbiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZ) has completed the acquisition of Wheels Labs, Inc., enhancing its global presence and financial profile. Financial statements reveal that combined pro forma revenues for 2021 reached
Helbiz has launched the second round of pre-orders for its Wheels One, a new vehicle designed for sustainable commuting. Following a successful first round that secured over
Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZ) has announced the integration of OpenAI's ChatGPT technology into various departments to enhance customer interactions and streamline operations. This initiative aims to improve initial communication, automate ticket handling, and boost operational efficiencies, ultimately elevating customer satisfaction. The implementation will initially occur in select cities before expanding globally. By utilizing ChatGPT, Helbiz seeks to reduce operational costs while providing more relevant and timely customer service, marking an important step in their commitment to technological advancement.
Helbiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZ) announced it has filed a proxy statement with the SEC to hold a special stockholder meeting regarding a proposed reverse stock split of its Class A common stock. This move aims to comply with Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement of $1. If the stock price does not exceed $1.00 by the given deadline, the Board may proceed with the split, but retains the option to delay or abandon it if deemed unnecessary. Additionally, Helbiz secured a new standby equity purchase agreement to raise up to $20 million, enhancing its financial flexibility to support strategic growth and profitability efforts.
Wheels, a Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZ) company, is re-launching its shared micro-mobility service in Miami Lakes, enhancing transportation options for residents and visitors. The service features a unique sit-down scooter designed for ease of use, addressing the growing demand for sustainable urban mobility solutions. CEO Salvatore Palella expressed excitement about the re-launch, highlighting the scooters' versatility. The company aims to implement operational efficiencies for seamless integration in the Miami Lakes market, contributing to its mission of providing convenient transportation solutions across North America.