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Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZ) will release its Q3 financial results on November 15, 2021, after market close. The report will include updates on its urban lifestyle services, having recently launched fleets in North Carolina and California. Notable partnerships include collaboration with Amazon for broadcasting content and with the NFL for NFL streaming on Helbiz Live. The company has also enhanced its technology through partnerships with Drover AI and Fantasmo for improved safety measures.
Helbiz has partnered with myCicero, a leading mobility app in Italy, to provide seamless access to its e-scooters, e-bicycles, and e-mopeds. This collaboration aims to promote sustainable urban mobility across cities in Italy, enhancing user convenience through a single platform for various transport services. The integration will begin in early 2022 and includes features such as battery life notifications to improve user experience.
Helbiz continues to expand its footprint in the micro-mobility sector, aligning with its vision for green urban transport.
Helbiz, a leader in micro-mobility, will participate in the Ladenburg Thalmann Virtual Technology Expo on November 18, 2021, at 4:00 PM ET. The presentation will be available via live webcast on Helbiz's investor website and can be replayed afterward. In addition to the presentation, management will hold one-on-one meetings with institutional investors. Helbiz operates in 35 cities, offering e-scooters, e-bicycles, and e-mopeds, and has plans to expand services through its mobile app.
Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZ) is set to deploy 250 e-scooters in Sacramento, California, following the acquisition of a one-year permit. The deployment aligns with their expansion strategy in California and across the U.S. The initiative includes community engagement events, an Apprenticeship Program, and discounts for low-income residents. A local office will ensure fleet maintenance and operations, providing rides from 6 am to 10 pm PT at a base fare of $1, plus $0.35 per minute. This launch represents a significant step in Helbiz's growth in the micro-mobility sector.
Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZ) announces a partnership with Sanpellegrino Group to enhance its food delivery service, Helbiz Kitchen. This collaboration introduces S. Pellegrino and Acqua Panna products for order through Helbiz Kitchen. As the largest international ghost kitchen, Helbiz Kitchen offers various cuisines and aims to deliver high-quality products to customers across Italy. This partnership reinforces Helbiz Kitchen’s commitment to quality and positions it as a significant player in the food delivery sector.
Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZ) has announced it will temporarily waive its $1.00 e-scooter unlock fee in Washington D.C. to support residents amidst Metrorail service disruptions. This initiative will last until November 30, 2021, allowing users to rent e-scooters for $0.35 per minute via the Helbiz app. This move aims to provide reliable transportation alternatives for affected commuters. Helbiz emphasizes rider safety with dedicated operations on the ground and comprehensive safety information available through its app.
Helbiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZ) has announced the exercise of 633,419 warrants by shareholders, generating
Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZ) has announced the deployment of a fleet of e-scooters and e-bikes in Flint, Michigan, following the acquisition of a two-year permit. The vehicles will utilize KUHMUTE's universal charging network, enhancing reliability for electric mobility. This initiative aims to improve sustainable transport options, reduce congestion, and engage the community through safety events and discounts for low-income residents. Helbiz will also establish a local office and employ a full-time team to manage operations.
Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZ) announced a partnership with Fantasmo to integrate its Camera Positioning Standard (CPS) technology into Helbiz’s e-scooter app. This technology allows precise detection of e-scooter locations with an accuracy of 8 inches or less, enhancing street safety in Miami, Florida. Riders will scan a QR code and surrounding area to ensure e-scooters are parked correctly, promoting responsible usage. The integration aims to reduce sidewalk clutter and improve overall safety for users and pedestrians.