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micromobility.com Inc. (NASDAQ: MCOM) has initiated Phase 2 of its investigation into trading imbalances after previous findings by ShareIntel on April 5, 2023, revealed consistent short interest. The company's CEO and CFO have received approval from the board to enhance transparency by contacting brokers, Broadridge, and the SEC.
This phase aims to delve into discrepancies noted earlier, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards while protecting shareholder interests. CEO Salvatore Palella emphasized the commitment to transparency and addressing potential market issues. The company will keep stakeholders informed about its progress through this investigation.
Wheels, a company under micromobility.com (NASDAQ: MCOM), has announced an expansion of its micromobility operations in Boston. The company plans to introduce additional last-generation Wheels devices to enhance its fleet, showcasing its commitment to providing reliable micromobility solutions. This move aims to make urban transportation more convenient and sustainable for Boston residents and visitors alike.
Head of Operations, Sam Ehsani, emphasized a customer-centric approach, stating that the company prioritizes user feedback to drive improvements in its services. Through this expansion, Wheels seeks to address transportation challenges while promoting eco-friendly alternatives, ultimately reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality.
Helbiz Kitchen Inc., a subsidiary of micromobility.com (NASDAQ: MCOM), has announced the opening of its second ghost kitchen in New York City at 30 Vandam. The CEO, Gian Luca Spriano, expressed excitement about the strategic expansion to serve a larger audience. The new location will offer three brands: Burger & Sons, Pokaii, and What the Farm, available through the Kitchen United MIX App and third-party delivery services like UberEats, DoorDash, and GrubHub. Helbiz Kitchen aims to continue its growth in North America, planning to expand to more key markets in the near future.