Hecla Appoints Director

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Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) has appointed Jill Satre to its Board of Directors, effective October 16, 2024. Ms. Satre, currently the Vice President of Internal Audit & Corporate Compliance at TC Energy, brings extensive expertise in mining and energy sectors, as well as leadership in corporate governance, risk management, and compliance.

Cassie Boggs, Interim CEO of Hecla, expressed enthusiasm about the appointment, highlighting Ms. Satre's deep understanding of financial controls, audit processes, and enterprise risk management as valuable contributions to Hecla's growth strategy. Prior to TC Energy, Ms. Satre spent over two decades at PwC, accumulating significant experience in resource extraction industries. She holds a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation in Alberta and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Regina.

Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) ha nominato Jill Satre nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, con effetto dal 16 ottobre 2024. La signora Satre, attualmente Vice Presidente per la Revisione Interna e la Conformità Aziendale di TC Energy, porta con sé una vasta esperienza nei settori minerario ed energetico, così come competenze nella governance aziendale, gestione dei rischi e conformità.

Cassie Boggs, CEO ad interim di Hecla, ha espresso entusiasmo per la nomina, sottolineando come la profonda conoscenza della signora Satre in materia di controlli finanziari, processi di audit e gestione del rischio aziendale sarà un contributo prezioso per la strategia di crescita di Hecla. Prima di unirsi a TC Energy, la signora Satre ha trascorso oltre due decenni in PwC, accumulando una significativa esperienza nelle industrie di estrazione delle risorse. Possiede la designazione di Contabile Professionista Autorizzato (CPA) in Alberta e una Laurea in Amministrazione Aziendale presso l'Università di Regina.

Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) ha nombrado a Jill Satre en su Junta Directiva, con efecto a partir del 16 de octubre de 2024. La Sra. Satre, actualmente Vicepresidenta de Auditoría Interna y Cumplimiento Corporativo en TC Energy, aporta una amplia experiencia en los sectores de minería y energía, así como liderazgo en gobernanza corporativa, gestión de riesgos y cumplimiento.

Cassie Boggs, CEO interina de Hecla, expresó su entusiasmo por el nombramiento, destacando que el profundo entendimiento de la Sra. Satre sobre controles financieros, procesos de auditoría y gestión de riesgos empresariales serán contribuciones valiosas para la estrategia de crecimiento de Hecla. Antes de TC Energy, la Sra. Satre pasó más de dos décadas en PwC, acumulando una experiencia significativa en las industrias de extracción de recursos. Tiene la designación de Contadora Pública Autorizada (CPA) en Alberta y una Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas de la Universidad de Regina.

헬클라 마이닝 컴퍼니 (NYSE: HL)질 사트레를 이사회에 임명했으며, 이는 2024년 10월 16일부터 효력을 발생합니다. 사트레 씨는 현재 TC 에너지의 내부 감사 및 기업 준수 부사장으로 재직 중이며, 광업 및 에너지 분야에서 광범위한 전문성과 기업 거버넌스, 위험 관리 및 준수에 대한 리더십을 제공합니다.

헬클라의 임시 CEO인 캐시 복스는 사트레 씨의 임명에 대해 열정을 표현하며, 재무 관리, 감사 프로세스, 기업 위험 관리에 대한 그녀의 깊은 이해가 헬클라의 성장 전략에 귀중한 기여가 될 것이라고 강조했습니다. TC 에너지에 합류하기 전, 사트레 씨는 PwC에서 20년 이상 근무하며 자원 추출 산업에서 중요한 경험을 쌓았습니다. 그녀는 앨버타에서 공인 회계사(CPA) 자격을 보유하고 있으며, 리자이나 대학교에서 경영학 학위를 취득했습니다.

Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) a nommé Jill Satre à son conseil d'administration, avec effet au 16 octobre 2024. Mme Satre, actuellement vice-présidente de l'audit interne et de la conformité d'entreprise chez TC Energy, possède une vaste expertise dans les secteurs minier et énergétique, ainsi qu'une expérience en gouvernance d'entreprise, en gestion des risques et en conformité.

Cassie Boggs, PDG par intérim de Hecla, a exprimé son enthousiasme pour cette nomination, soulignant que la profonde connaissance des contrôles financiers, des processus d'audit et de la gestion des risques d'entreprise de Mme Satre constituera des contributions précieuses à la stratégie de croissance de Hecla. Avant de rejoindre TC Energy, Mme Satre a passé plus de vingt ans chez PwC, acquérant une expérience significative dans les industries d'extraction de ressources. Elle détient un titre de comptable professionnel agréé (CPA) en Alberta et un baccalauréat en administration des affaires de l'Université de Regina.

Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) hat Jill Satre in seinen Vorstand berufen, mit Wirkung zum 16. Oktober 2024. Frau Satre, die derzeit Vizepräsidentin für interne Prüfungen und Unternehmens-compliance bei TC Energy ist, bringt umfassende Fachkenntnisse in den Bereichen Bergbau und Energie sowie Führungskompetenzen in der Unternehmensführung, Risikomanagement und Compliance mit.

Cassie Boggs, interimistische CEO von Hecla, äußerte ihre Begeisterung über die Ernennung und hob hervor, dass Frau Satres tiefes Verständnis für Finanzkontrollen, Prüfungsprozesse und Unternehmensrisikomanagement wertvolle Beiträge zur Wachstumsstrategie von Hecla leisten wird. Vor ihrer Zeit bei TC Energy verbrachte Frau Satre über zwei Jahrzehnte bei PwC, wo sie bedeutende Erfahrungen in der Rohstoffgewinnungsindustrie sammelte. Sie besitzt die Bezeichnung Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) in Alberta und hat einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Betriebswirtschaft von der Universität von Regina.

  • Appointment of Jill Satre brings expertise in corporate governance, risk management, and compliance
  • New director has extensive experience in mining and energy sectors
  • Addition of financial and audit expertise to the board
  • None.

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jill Satre to its Board of Directors, effective October 16, 2024. Ms. Satre is currently the Vice President of Internal Audit & Corporate Compliance at TC Energy, a major North American energy company, where she provides strategic direction and oversight for compliance, risk management, and internal controls over financial reporting.

“We are thrilled to welcome Jill Satre to our Board of Directors. Her extensive expertise in the mining and energy sectors and her leadership in corporate governance, risk management, and compliance make her an invaluable addition to Hecla. Jill’s deep understanding of financial controls, audit processes, and enterprise risk management will greatly contribute to Hecla’s growth strategy as we continue to strengthen our leadership in the industry,” said Cassie Boggs, Interim CEO of Hecla Mining Company.

Before TC Energy, Ms. Satre spent over two decades at PwC and brings a breadth of extensive experience across resource extraction industries, including mining and energy. She holds a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation in Alberta and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Regina.

Her relevant industry experience, coupled with her leadership in corporate governance, will add significant value to Hecla’s Board as the company continues its growth.


Founded in 1891, Hecla Mining Company (NYSE:HL) is the largest silver producer in the United States. In addition to operating mines in Alaska, Idaho, and Quebec, the Company is developing a mine in the Yukon, Canada, and owns a number of exploration and pre-development projects in world-class silver and gold mining districts throughout North America.

Anvita Mishra Patil

Vice President – Investor Relations and Treasurer

Cheryl Turner

Communications Coordinator

800-HECLA91 (800-432-5291)



Source: Hecla Mining Company


When does Jill Satre's appointment to Hecla Mining Company's (NYSE:HL) Board of Directors take effect?

Jill Satre's appointment to Hecla Mining Company's Board of Directors takes effect on October 16, 2024.

What is Jill Satre's current position before joining Hecla Mining's (NYSE:HL) board?

Jill Satre is currently the Vice President of Internal Audit & Corporate Compliance at TC Energy, a major North American energy company.

What professional qualifications does the new Hecla Mining (NYSE:HL) board member possess?

Jill Satre holds a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation in Alberta and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Regina.

How long did Hecla Mining's (NYSE:HL) new board member work at PwC?

Before joining TC Energy, Jill Satre spent over two decades at PwC, gaining extensive experience across resource extraction industries, including mining and energy.

Hecla Mining Company


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