Highwoods Reports No Notable Damage from Hurricane Milton

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Highwoods Properties (NYSE:HIW) has reported no notable damage to its Florida properties following Hurricane Milton. The company conducted a thorough assessment of its buildings in Orlando and Tampa after the storm. Ted Klinck, President and CEO, expressed gratitude for the safety of all Highwoods employees in the affected areas and praised the team's preparation efforts. He also extended thoughts and prayers to those severely impacted by both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton, acknowledging the need for community support in the aftermath of these natural disasters.

Highwoods Properties (NYSE:HIW) ha riportato che non ci sono stati danni significativi alle sue proprietà in Florida a seguito del Uragano Milton. L'azienda ha condotto una valutazione approfondita dei suoi edifici a Orlando e Tampa dopo la tempesta. Ted Klinck, Presidente e CEO, ha espresso gratitudine per la sicurezza di tutti i dipendenti Highwoods nelle aree colpite e ha lodato gli sforzi di preparazione del team. Ha anche esteso pensieri e preghiere a coloro che sono stati gravemente colpiti sia dall'Uragano Helene che dall'Uragano Milton, riconoscendo la necessità di supporto alla comunità dopo questi disastri naturali.

Highwoods Properties (NYSE:HIW) ha informado que no se han reportado daños significativos en sus propiedades de Florida tras el Huracán Milton. La empresa realizó una evaluación exhaustiva de sus edificios en Orlando y Tampa después de la tormenta. Ted Klinck, Presidente y CEO, expresó su gratitud por la seguridad de todos los empleados de Highwoods en las áreas afectadas y alabó los esfuerzos de preparación del equipo. También extendió sus pensamientos y oraciones a aquellos que fueron gravemente afectados por el Huracán Helene y el Huracán Milton, reconociendo la necesidad de apoyo comunitario tras estos desastres naturales.

하이우드 프로퍼티스 (NYSE:HIW)는 허리케인 밀턴 이후 플로리다의 자산에 눈에 띄는 피해가 없었다고 보고했습니다. 이 회사는 폭풍 후 올랜도와 탬파의 건물에 대한 철저한 평가를 실시했습니다. 테드 클링크, 사장 및 CEO는 영향을 받은 지역의 모든 하이우드 직원의 안전에 감사를 표하고 팀의 준비 노력에 감사를 전했습니다. 또한, 허리케인 헬렌허리케인 밀턴에 의해 심각한 영향을 받은 사람들에게 마음과 기도를 전하며 이러한 자연재해 이후 지역 사회의 지원 필요성을 인식했습니다.

Highwoods Properties (NYSE:HIW) a déclaré n'avoir subi aucun dommage notable sur ses propriétés en Floride suite à l'Ouragan Milton. L’entreprise a effectué une évaluation minutieuse de ses bâtiments à Orlando et Tampa après la tempête. Ted Klinck, Président et CEO, a exprimé sa gratitude pour la sécurité de tous les employés de Highwoods dans les zones touchées et a félicité l'équipe pour ses efforts de préparation. Il a également adressé ses pensées et prières à ceux gravement affectés par l'Ouragan Helene et l'Ouragan Milton, reconnaissant le besoin de soutien communautaire après ces désastres naturels.

Highwoods Properties (NYSE:HIW) hat berichtet, dass nach dem Hurrikan Milton keine nennenswerten Schäden an seinen Immobilien in Florida festgestellt wurden. Das Unternehmen führte nach dem Sturm eine gründliche Untersuchung seiner Gebäude in Orlando und Tampa durch. Ted Klinck, Präsident und CEO, zeigte sich dankbar für die Sicherheit aller Highwoods-Mitarbeiter in den betroffenen Gebieten und lobte die Vorbereitungsmaßnahmen des Teams. Er sendete auch Gedanken und Gebete an die schwer betroffenen Personen durch sowohl Hurrikan Helene als auch Hurrikan Milton und erkannte die Notwendigkeit der Unterstützung der Gemeinschaft nach diesen Naturkatastrophen an.

  • No notable damage reported to Highwoods Properties' Florida buildings
  • Effective hurricane preparation by the company's team
  • None.

RALEIGH, N.C., Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Highwoods Properties, Inc. (NYSE:HIW) reports after having conducted a thorough assessment of its Florida properties that its buildings have not sustained any notable damage.

Ted Klinck, President and CEO, stated, “We are fortunate that all members of the Highwoods family in Orlando and Tampa are safe from this most recent storm. Our team once again did terrific work preparing for the hurricane and we are thankful to have fared so well. Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with all those who have been hit hard by both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton and need support from our greater community.”

About Highwoods

Highwoods Properties, Inc., headquartered in Raleigh, is a publicly-traded (NYSE:HIW), fully-integrated office real estate investment trust (“REIT”) that owns, develops, acquires, leases and manages properties primarily in the best business districts (BBDs) of Atlanta, Charlotte, Dallas, Nashville, Orlando, Raleigh, Richmond and Tampa. Highwoods is in the work-placemaking business. We believe that by creating environments and experiences where the best and brightest can achieve together what they cannot apart, we can deliver greater value to our customers, their teammates and, in turn, our stakeholders. For more information about Highwoods, please visit our website at

Hannah True 
Manager of Finance and Corporate Strategy



How did Hurricane Milton affect Highwoods Properties (NYSE:HIW) buildings in Florida?

Highwoods Properties reported no notable damage to its Florida buildings after conducting a thorough assessment following Hurricane Milton.

What did Highwoods Properties (HIW) CEO Ted Klinck say about the company's response to Hurricane Milton?

CEO Ted Klinck praised the Highwoods team for their excellent preparation work and expressed gratitude that the company fared well during the hurricane.

Which Highwoods Properties (HIW) locations were potentially affected by Hurricane Milton in October 2024?

Highwoods Properties' locations in Orlando and Tampa, Florida were potentially affected by Hurricane Milton, but no notable damage was reported.

Did Highwoods Properties (NYSE:HIW) report any employee casualties due to Hurricane Milton in October 2024?

No, Highwoods Properties reported that all members of the Highwoods family in Orlando and Tampa were safe from the hurricane.

Highwoods Properties Inc.


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REIT - Office
Real Estate Investment Trusts
United States of America