RETRANSMISSION: HIVE Digital Technologies Provides Updated August 2024 Bitcoin HODL Value and ATM Equity Program Details

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HIVE Digital Technologies has issued a correction to its August 2024 unaudited production results. The correct HODL balance as of August 31, 2024, was 2,567 Bitcoins valued at over $151 million, not 2,533 Bitcoins at $164 million as previously reported. The company also provided details on its At-The-Market (ATM) sales from July 1-19, 2024, under the August 2023 ATM Equity Program.

HIVE's Executive Chairman, Frank Holmes, emphasized the company's focus on low G&A costs, maximizing cash flow, and strong revenue per employee while avoiding excessive share dilution. CEO Aydin Kilic highlighted ongoing fleet optimizations, projecting an increase in hashrate to 13.5 EH/s following upgrades at their Paraguay facility, while prioritizing sustainable energy use.

During the Terminal Period (July 1-19, 2024), HIVE issued 1,368,297 common shares for gross proceeds of C$6.09 million ($4.46 million) at an average price of C$4.45 per share. The net proceeds will be used for data center equipment purchases, strategic investments, and general working capital.

HIVE Digital Technologies ha emesso una correzione ai risultati di produzione non verificati di agosto 2024. Il saldo corretto di HODL al 31 agosto 2024 era di 2.567 Bitcoin valutati oltre 151 milioni di dollari, non 2.533 Bitcoin a 164 milioni di dollari come riportato precedentemente. L'azienda ha anche fornito dettagli sulle sue vendite At-The-Market (ATM) dal 1 al 19 luglio 2024, nell'ambito del programma di equity ATM di agosto 2023.

Il presidente esecutivo di HIVE, Frank Holmes, ha sottolineato l'attenzione dell'azienda sui bassissimi costi generali e amministrativi, massimizzando il cash flow e il forte ricavo per dipendente evitando al contempo una eccessiva diluizione delle azioni. Il CEO Aydin Kilic ha evidenziato le ottimizzazioni in corso della flotta, prevedendo un aumento del hashrate a 13,5 EH/s a seguito degli aggiornamenti nella loro struttura in Paraguay, con un attenzione particolare all'uso di energia sostenibile.

Durante il Periodo Terminale (dal 1 al 19 luglio 2024), HIVE ha emesso 1.368.297 azioni ordinarie per proventi lordi di C$6,09 milioni (4,46 milioni di dollari) a un prezzo medio di C$4,45 per azione. I proventi netti saranno utilizzati per l'acquisto di attrezzature per i data center, investimenti strategici e capitale circolante generale.

HIVE Digital Technologies ha emitido una corrección a sus resultados de producción no auditados de agosto de 2024. El saldo correcto de HODL al 31 de agosto de 2024 era de 2,567 Bitcoins valorados en más de 151 millones de dólares, no 2,533 Bitcoins a 164 millones como se informó anteriormente. La compañía también proporcionó detalles sobre sus ventas At-The-Market (ATM) del 1 al 19 de julio de 2024, en el marco del programa de capital de ATM de agosto de 2023.

El presidente ejecutivo de HIVE, Frank Holmes, enfatizó el enfoque de la compañía en bajos costos generales y administrativos, maximizando el flujo de efectivo y fuertes ingresos por empleado mientras evita la dilución excesiva de acciones. El CEO Aydin Kilic destacó las optimizaciones en curso de la flota, proyectando un aumento en la tasa de hashrate a 13.5 EH/s tras las actualizaciones en su instalación de Paraguay, priorizando el uso de energía sostenible.

Durante el Período Terminal (del 1 al 19 de julio de 2024), HIVE emitió 1,368,297 acciones ordinarias por ingresos brutos de C$6.09 millones (4.46 millones de dólares) a un precio promedio de C$4.45 por acción. Los ingresos netos se utilizarán para la compra de equipos de centros de datos, inversiones estratégicas y capital de trabajo general.

HIVE 디지털 기술은 2024년 8월 비감사 생산 결과에 대한 정정을 발표했습니다. 2024년 8월 31일 기준의 올바른 HODL 잔액은 2,567 비트코인으로, 1억 5천만 달러 이상으로 평가되며, 이전에 보고된 2,533 비트코인과 1억 6천4백만 달러가 아닙니다. 회사는 2023년 8월 ATM 주식 프로그램에 따라 2024년 7월 1일부터 19일 사이의 시장 판매 (ATM)에 대한 세부정보도 제공했습니다.

HIVE의 총괄 회장인 Frank Holmes는 낮은 관리 비용, 현금 흐름 극대화, 직원당 강한 수익에 회사의 초점을 맞추고 지나치게 주식 희석을 피할 것을 강조했습니다. CEO Aydin Kilic는 파라과이 시설에서의 업그레이드 이후 13.5 EH/s로 해시레이트 증가를 예측하며 지속 가능한 에너지 사용을 우선시한다고 강조했습니다.

터미널 기간(2024년 7월 1일부터 19일) 동안 HIVE는 C$6.09백만(4.46백만 달러)의 총 수익을 위해 1,368,297 보통주를 발행했으며, 주당 평균 가격은 C$4.45입니다. 순수익은 데이터 센터 장비 구매, 전략적 투자 및 일반 운영 자본에 사용됩니다.

HIVE Digital Technologies a publié une correction de ses résultats de production non audités d'août 2024. Le solde HODL correct au 31 août 2024 était de 2 567 Bitcoins d'une valeur de plus de 151 millions de dollars, et non de 2 533 Bitcoins à 164 millions de dollars comme précédemment indiqué. La société a également fourni des détails sur ses ventes At-The-Market (ATM) du 1er au 19 juillet 2024, dans le cadre du programme de capitaux propres ATM d'août 2023.

Le président exécutif de HIVE, Frank Holmes, a souligné l'accent mis par l'entreprise sur les faibles coûts généraux et administratifs, la maximisation des flux de trésorerie et un fort revenu par employé, tout en évitant une dilution excessive des actions. Le PDG Aydin Kilic a mis en avant les optimisations en cours de la flotte, prévoyant une augmentation de la puissance de hachage à 13,5 EH/s suite aux mises à jour de leur installation au Paraguay, tout en mettant l'accent sur l'utilisation d'énergie durable.

Pendant la période terminale (du 1er au 19 juillet 2024), HIVE a émis 1 368 297 actions ordinaires pour des produits bruts de 6,09 millions de dollars canadiens (4,46 millions de dollars) à un prix moyen de 4,45 $ par action. Les produits nets seront utilisés pour l'achat d'équipements de centres de données, des investissements stratégiques et du fonds de roulement général.

HIVE Digital Technologies hat eine Korrektur zu den ungeprüften Produktionszahlen für August 2024 veröffentlicht. Der korrekte HODL-Saldo zum 31. August 2024 betrug 2.567 Bitcoins, die mit über 151 Millionen Dollar bewertet sind, und nicht 2.533 Bitcoins zu 164 Millionen Dollar wie zuvor berichtet. Das Unternehmen gab auch Details zu seinen At-The-Market (ATM) Verkäufen vom 1. bis 19. Juli 2024 im Rahmen des August 2023 ATM-Eigenkapitalprogramms bekannt.

Der Executive Chairman von HIVE, Frank Holmes, betonte den Fokus des Unternehmens auf geringe allgemeine und Verwaltungskosten, Maximierung des Cashflows und hohe Einnahmen pro Mitarbeiter, während er eine übermäßige Verwässerung der Aktien vermeidet. CEO Aydin Kilic hob laufende Flottenoptimierungen hervor und prognostizierte eine Erhöhung der Hashrate auf 13,5 EH/s nach den Upgrades in ihrer Einrichtung in Paraguay, wobei nachhaltige Energieverwendung priorisiert wird.

Während des Terminalzeitraums (1. bis 19. Juli 2024) gab HIVE 1.368.297 Stammaktien mit Bruttoeinnahmen von C$6,09 Millionen (4,46 Millionen Dollar) zu einem durchschnittlichen Preis von C$4,45 pro Aktie aus. Die Nettoerlöse werden für den Kauf von Rechenzentrumsgeräten, strategische Investitionen und allgemeines Betriebskapital verwendet.

  • HODL balance of 2,567 Bitcoins valued at over $151 million
  • Projected increase in hashrate to 13.5 EH/s following Paraguay facility upgrades
  • Focus on low G&A costs and maximizing cash flow
  • Raised C$6.09 million ($4.46 million) through ATM sales for strategic investments and working capital
  • Correction of previously overstated Bitcoin value by approximately $13 million
  • Issuance of 1,368,297 new common shares, potentially diluting existing shareholders

The correction in HIVE's HODL balance is significant, albeit with mixed implications. The increase in Bitcoin holdings to 2,567 from 2,533 is positive, showing stronger asset accumulation. However, the $13 million overstatement in value highlights the volatility risk in crypto assets. This discrepancy underscores the importance of accurate reporting and the challenges in valuing volatile assets.

The ATM program details reveal a strategic approach to fundraising. Raising C$6.09 million ($4.46 million USD) through share issuance at C$4.45 per share shows market confidence. The 3% commission is within industry norms. The company's plan to use proceeds for equipment, investments and working capital aligns with its growth strategy, potentially enhancing long-term value despite short-term dilution.

HIVE's projected increase in hashrate to 13.5 EH/s is a significant technological advancement. This upgrade, particularly at the Paraguay facility, demonstrates HIVE's commitment to staying competitive in the rapidly evolving Bitcoin mining landscape. The focus on sustainable energy use aligns with growing environmental concerns in the crypto mining sector, potentially positioning HIVE favorably against competitors.

The company's strategy of mining and holding "clean virgin Bitcoin" is noteworthy. This approach could provide a premium value for their mined assets, especially as regulatory scrutiny on Bitcoin's origins intensifies. However, it's important to monitor how this strategy balances against the need for liquidity and operational cash flow in a volatile crypto market.

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 11, 2024) - HIVE Digital Technologies Ltd. (TSXV: HIVE) (NASDAQ: HIVE) (FSE: YO0) (the "Company" or "HIVE") a pioneer in green energy-powered blockchain infrastructure, announces a correction to the HODL value in respect of its unaudited production results for August 2024 announced in press releases on September 5, 2024. The correct HODL balance as at August 31, 2024 was 2,567 Bitcoins (not 2,533 Bitcoins) with a value exceeding $151 million (not $164 million). Previously, the number of Bitcoin held was understated, while the volatile nature of Bitcoin's price led to an overstatement of its value by approximately $13 million. This correction does not change anything else in the September 5, 2024 news releases (all amounts in US dollars, unless otherwise indicated).

Additionally, the Company reports further details on the At-The-Market (ATM) sales conducted from July 1-19, 2024, under the August 2023 ATM Equity Program.

Executive Commentary:

Frank Holmes, Executive Chairman of HIVE, reiterated the Company's commitment to maintaining low General and Administrative (G&A) costs, maximizing cash flow, and achieving strong revenue per employee while avoiding excessive share dilution. Aydin Kilic, President and CEO, highlighted the ongoing fleet optimizations, projecting an increase in hashrate to 13.5 EH/s following upgrades at their Paraguay facility, all while prioritizing sustainable energy use.

The Company's HODL value and operating practices align with HIVE's broader strategy of enhancing mining performance, clean virgin Bitcoin on its balance sheet and environmental sustainability.

At-the-Market Offering:

On August 17, 2023, the Company entered into an equity distribution agreement ("August 2023 Equity Distribution Agreement") with Stifel GMP and Canaccord Genuity Corp. Under the August 2023 Equity Distribution Agreement, the Company may, from time to time, sell up to $90 million of common shares in the capital of the Company ("the August 2023 ATM Equity Program"). The August 2023 Equity Distribution Agreement was terminated on July 19, 2024.

For the period from July 1, 2024, to July 19, 2024 (the "Terminal Period"), the Company issued 1,368,297 common shares (the "August 2023 ATM Shares") pursuant to the August 2023 ATM Equity Program for gross proceeds of C$6.09 million ($4.46 million). The August 2023 ATM shares were sold at prevailing market prices, for an average price per August 2023 ATM Share of C$4.45. Pursuant to the August 2023 Equity Distribution Agreement, a cash commission of $133,735 on the aggregate gross proceeds raised was paid to the agent in connection with its services under the August 2023 Equity Distribution Agreement.

The Company is using the net proceeds from the August 2023 Equity Distribution Agreement for the purchase of data center equipment, strategic investments including building BTC assets on our balance sheet and general working capital.

About HIVE Digital Technologies Ltd.

HIVE Digital Technologies Ltd. went public in 2017 as the first cryptocurrency mining company listed for trading on the TSX Venture Exchange with a focus on sustainable green energy.

HIVE is a growth-oriented technology stock in the emergent blockchain industry. As a company whose shares trade on a major stock exchange, we are building a bridge between the digital currency and blockchain sector and traditional capital markets. HIVE owns and operates state-of-the-art, green energy- powered data centre facilities in Canada, Sweden, and Iceland, where we endeavour to source green energy to mine digital assets such as Bitcoin on the cloud. Since the beginning of 2021, HIVE has held in secure storage the majority of its treasury of BTC derived from mining rewards. Our shares provide investors with exposure to the operating margins of digital currency mining, as well as a portfolio of Bitcoin. Because HIVE also owns hard assets such as data centers and advanced multi-use servers, we believe our shares offer investors an attractive way to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency space.

Environmental Sustainability:

  • Green Energy: By sourcing green renewable energy, HIVE is committed to environmental responsibility, positioning itself as a leader in sustainable cryptocurrency mining.
  • Competitive Advantage: We believe this environmentally conscious approach sets HIVE apart from competitors and aligns with evolving investor preferences.

Expansion into AI Strategy:

  • Diversification: HIVE's diversification into HPC enables us to support artificial intelligence (AI) using Nvidia GPU chips, showcasing our adaptability and innovation beyond traditional Bitcoin mining.
  • Revenue Streams: This strategic move into HPC broadens HIVE's revenue streams and places it at the forefront of technological advancements in both cryptocurrency and AI industries.

HIVE's unique value proposition encompasses efficient operations, a proven agile management team, financial strength, environmental sustainability, and innovative expansion strategies. Beyond Bitcoin mining, HIVE is firmly part of the global boom in data center infrastructure, sourcing primarily green renewable energy.

HIVE presents a unique growth opportunity with over 2,500 Bitcoins on its balance sheet and growing revenue from its suite of Nvidia GPU chips powering data services for the AI revolution.

We encourage you to visit HIVE's YouTube channel here to learn more about HIVE.

For more information and to register to HIVE's mailing list, please visit Follow @HIVEDigitalTech on Twitter and subscribe to HIVE's YouTube channel.

On Behalf of HIVE Digital Technologies Ltd.

"Frank Holmes"
Executive Chairman

For further information please contact:
Frank Holmes
Tel: (604) 664-1078

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release

Forward-Looking Information

Except for the statements of historical fact, this news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of the applicable Canadian and United States securities legislation and regulations that is based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. "Forward-looking information" in this news release includes but is not limited to: business goals and objectives of the Company; the results of operations for August 2024; the acquisition, deployment and optimization of the mining fleet and equipment; the continued viability of its existing Bitcoin mining operations; and other forward-looking information concerning the intentions, plans and future actions of the parties to the transactions described herein and the terms thereon.

Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to, the volatility of the digital currency market; the Company's ability to successfully mine digital currency; the Company may not be able to profitably liquidate its current digital currency inventory as required, or at all; a material decline in digital currency prices may have a significant negative impact on the Company's operations; the regulatory environment for cryptocurrency in Canada, the United States and the countries where our mining facilities are located; economic dependence on regulated terms of service and electricity rates; the speculative and competitive nature of the technology sector; dependency on continued growth in blockchain and cryptocurrency usage; lawsuits and other legal proceedings and challenges; government regulations; the global economic climate; dilution; future capital needs and uncertainty of additional financing, including the Company's ability to utilize the Company's at-the-market equity offering program (the "ATM Program") and the prices at which the Company may sell Common Shares in the ATM Program, as well as capital market conditions in general; risks relating to the strategy of maintaining and increasing Bitcoin holdings and the impact of depreciating Bitcoin prices on working capital; the competitive nature of the industry; currency exchange risks; the need for the Company to manage its planned growth and expansion; the effects of product development and need for continued technology change; the ability to maintain reliable and economical sources of power to run its cryptocurrency mining assets; the impact of energy curtailment or regulatory changes in the energy regimes in the jurisdictions in which the Company operates; protection of proprietary rights; the effect of government regulation and compliance on the Company and the industry; network security risks; the ability of the Company to maintain properly working systems; reliance on key personnel; global economic and financial market deterioration impeding access to capital or increasing the cost of capital; share dilution resulting from the ATM Program and from other equity issuances; the construction and operation of facilities may not occur as currently planned, or at all; expansion may not materialize as currently anticipated, or at all; the digital currency market; the ability to successfully mine digital currency; revenue may not increase as currently anticipated, or at all; it may not be possible to profitably liquidate the current digital currency inventory, or at all; a decline in digital currency prices may have a significant negative impact on operations; an increase in network difficulty may have a significant negative impact on

operations; the volatility of digital currency prices; the anticipated growth and sustainability of electricity for the purposes of cryptocurrency mining in the applicable jurisdictions; the inability to maintain reliable and economical sources of power for the Company to operate cryptocurrency mining assets; the risks of an increase in the Company's electricity costs, cost of natural gas, changes in currency exchange rates, energy curtailment or regulatory changes in the energy regimes in the jurisdictions in which the Company operates and the adverse impact on the Company's profitability; the ability to complete current and future financings, any regulations or laws that will prevent the Company from operating its business; historical prices of digital currencies and the ability to mine digital currencies that will be consistent with historical prices; an inability to predict and counteract the effects of pandemics on the business of the Company, including but not limited to the effects of pandemics on the price of digital currencies, capital market conditions, restriction on labour and international travel and supply chains; and, the adoption or expansion of any regulation or law that will prevent the Company from operating its business, or make it more costly to do so; and other related risks as more fully set out in the Company's disclosure documents under the Company's filings at and

The forward-looking information in this news release reflects the Company's current expectations, assumptions, and/or beliefs based on information currently available to the Company. In connection with the forward-looking information contained in this news release, the Company has made assumptions about the Company's objectives, goals or future plans, the timing thereof and related matters. The Company has also assumed that no significant events occur outside of the Company's normal course of business. Although the Company believes that the assumptions inherent in the forward-looking information are reasonable, forward-looking information is not a guarantee of future performance, and accordingly, undue reliance should not be put on such information due to its inherent uncertainty. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


What was HIVE's corrected Bitcoin HODL balance as of August 31, 2024?

HIVE's corrected Bitcoin HODL balance as of August 31, 2024, was 2,567 Bitcoins, valued at over $151 million.

How much did HIVE raise through its ATM sales from July 1-19, 2024?

HIVE raised gross proceeds of C$6.09 million ($4.46 million) through ATM sales from July 1-19, 2024.

What is HIVE's projected hashrate following upgrades at their Paraguay facility?

HIVE projects an increase in hashrate to 13.5 EH/s following upgrades at their Paraguay facility.

How many common shares did HIVE issue during the Terminal Period of its ATM program?

HIVE issued 1,368,297 common shares during the Terminal Period (July 1-19, 2024) of its ATM program.

HIVE Digital Technologies Ltd. Common Shares


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