The Hartford Announces Appointment Of A. Morris ‘Mo’ Tooker As Company President
The Hartford has appointed A. Morris 'Mo' Tooker as company president, effective Feb. 1, 2025. In his expanded role, Tooker will oversee all property-and-casualty businesses, adding Personal Lines to his current responsibilities which include Small Commercial, Middle & Large Commercial, Global Specialty, Enterprise Sales & Distribution, and Risk Services.
Tooker, who joined the company in 2015 as chief underwriting officer, will continue reporting to Chairman and CEO Christopher Swift. During his nine-year tenure, he has advanced the company's underwriting capabilities while driving growth and fostering innovation. Before joining The Hartford, he served as president of General Reinsurance , managing their global property and casualty reinsurance business.
The Hartford ha nominato A. Morris 'Mo' Tooker come presidente dell'azienda, con effetto dal 1 febbraio 2025. Nel suo ruolo ampliato, Tooker superviserà tutte le attività di proprietà e rischi, aggiungendo le Linee Personali alle sue attuali responsabilità che includono Piccole Imprese, Imprese Medie e Grandi, Settore Speciale Globale, Vendite e Distribuzione d'Impresa e Servizi di Rischio.
Tooker, che è entrato a far parte dell'azienda nel 2015 come responsabile della sottoscrizione, continuerà a riferire al Presidente e CEO Christopher Swift. Durante il suo mandato di nove anni, ha migliorato le capacità di sottoscrizione dell'azienda, promuovendo la crescita e favorendo l'innovazione. Prima di unirsi a The Hartford, ha ricoperto il ruolo di presidente di General Reinsurance, dove gestiva il loro business globale di riassicurazione per proprietà e responsabilità.
The Hartford ha nombrado a A. Morris 'Mo' Tooker como presidente de la compañía, a partir del 1 de febrero de 2025. En su papel ampliado, Tooker supervisará todos los negocios de propiedad y accidentes, añadiendo las Líneas Personales a sus responsabilidades actuales, que incluyen Pequeña Comercial, Mediana y Grande Comercial, Especialidad Global, Ventas y Distribución Empresarial y Servicios de Riesgo.
Tooker, quien se unió a la compañía en 2015 como oficial jefe de suscripción, continuará reportando al presidente y CEO Christopher Swift. Durante su mandato de nueve años, ha mejorado las capacidades de suscripción de la empresa mientras impulsa el crecimiento y fomenta la innovación. Antes de unirse a The Hartford, fue presidente de General Reinsurance, gestionando su negocio global de reaseguro de propiedad y accidentes.
하트포드는 A. Morris 'Mo' Tooker를 2025년 2월 1일부터 회사의 사장으로 임명했습니다. 그의 확대된 역할에서 Tooker는 모든 재산 및 상해 비즈니스를 감독하며, 현재의 책임에 개인 보험 라인을 추가합니다. 현재의 책임에는 소규모 상업, 중대형 상업, 글로벌 전문, 기업 판매 및 유통, 위험 서비스가 포함됩니다.
Tooker는 2015년에 수석 언더라이터로 회사에 합류했으며, 계속해서 회장 겸 CEO인 Christopher Swift에게 보고할 것입니다. 9년의 재임 기간 동안 그는 회사의 언더라이팅 능력을 발전시키고 성장을 촉진하며 혁신을 장려했습니다. 하트포드에 합류하기 전에 그는 General Reinsurance의 사장으로서 글로벌 재산 및 상해 재보험 비즈니스를 관리했습니다.
The Hartford a nommé A. Morris 'Mo' Tooker comme président de l'entreprise, à compter du 1er février 2025. Dans son rôle élargi, Tooker supervisera toutes les activités d'assurance de biens et de responsabilité, ajoutant les Lignes Personnelles à ses responsabilités actuelles qui comprennent les Petites Entreprises, les Entreprises Moyennes et Grandes, le secteur Spécial Global, les Ventes et Distribution Départementales, et les Services de Risque.
Tooker, qui a rejoint l'entreprise en 2015 en tant que directeur de la souscription, continuera à rendre compte au président et PDG Christopher Swift. Au cours de ses neuf années de mandat, il a amélioré les capacités de souscription de l'entreprise tout en stimulant la croissance et en favorisant l'innovation. Avant de rejoindre The Hartford, il a été président de General Reinsurance, gérant leur activité mondiale de réassurance en matière de biens et de responsabilité.
The Hartford hat A. Morris 'Mo' Tooker zum Präsidenten des Unternehmens ernannt, wirksam zum 1. Februar 2025. In seiner erweiterten Rolle wird Tooker alle Bereiche der Sach- und Haftpflichtversicherung überwachen und die persönlichen Versicherungsbereiche zu seinen derzeitigen Verantwortlichkeiten hinzufügen, zu denen auch kleine Unternehmen, mittlere und große Unternehmen, globale Spezialversicherungen, Unternehmensverkäufe und -verteilung sowie Risikodienstleistungen gehören.
Tooker, der 2015 als Chief Underwriting Officer in die Firma eintrat, wird weiterhin an den Vorsitzenden und CEO Christopher Swift berichten. Während seiner neunjährigen Amtszeit hat er die Underwriting-Fähigkeiten des Unternehmens verbessert und gleichzeitig das Wachstum gefördert und Innovationen vorangetrieben. Bevor er zu The Hartford kam, war er Präsident von General Reinsurance und leitete deren globales Geschäft für Sach- und Haftpflichtversicherung.
- Consolidation of all property-and-casualty businesses under single leadership
- Appointment of experienced industry leader with proven track record in strategic growth
- Strong background in underwriting discipline and risk management
- None.
Tooker to oversee all property-and-casualty businesses

A. Morris ‘Mo’ Tooker (Photo: Business Wire)
“Mo is an exceptional leader, highly regarded in the insurance industry, with a strong reputation for strategic growth, customer-focused solutions, underwriting discipline, and building a cohesive team culture,” Swift said. “He is ideally suited to step into the crucial role of president as we advance our ambitious growth-and-innovation strategy aimed at addressing our customers’ changing needs.”
Tooker joined The
“I am honored and excited to become president of The
About The
The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The
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When will Mo Tooker become president of The Hartford (HIG)?
What business units will Mo Tooker oversee at The Hartford (HIG)?
What was Mo Tooker's previous role at The Hartford (HIG)?