More frequent and extreme weather events pose increasing risks to employee health and business performance

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The press release highlights the increasing risks posed by more frequent and extreme weather events to employee health and business performance. The newly formed National Commission on Climate and Workforce Health emphasizes the need to enhance people, business, and economic resilience. CEOs recognize extreme weather as a critical threat, but only 17% have invested in strategies to protect employees. Exposure to extreme heat, poor air quality, and unprecedented weather events impacts physical and mental health, leading to significant productivity loss. The Commission aims to quantify health care cost implications, recommend risk-mitigating actions, and identify innovative solutions for employee protection.
Il comunicato stampa evidenzia i rischi crescenti dovuti a eventi meteorologici più frequenti ed estremi per la salute dei dipendenti e le prestazioni aziendali. La nuova Commissione Nazionale su Clima e Salute del Lavoro sottolinea la necessità di potenziare la resilienza delle persone, delle aziende e dell'economia. I CEO riconoscono il clima estremo come una minaccia critica, ma solo il 17% ha investito in strategie per proteggere i lavoratori. L'esposizione a calore estremo, scarsa qualità dell'aria e eventi meteorologici senza precedenti influisce sulla salute fisica e mentale, portando a significative perdite di produttività. La Commissione mira a quantificare le implicazioni dei costi sanitari, raccomandare azioni per mitigare i rischi e identificare soluzioni innovative per la protezione dei dipendenti.
El comunicado de prensa destaca los riesgos crecientes que representan los eventos climáticos más frecuentes y extremos para la salud de los empleados y el rendimiento empresarial. La recién formada Comisión Nacional sobre Clima y Salud Laboral enfatiza la necesidad de aumentar la resiliencia de las personas, las empresas y la economía. Los CEO reconocen el clima extremo como una amenaza crítica, pero solo el 17% ha invertido en estrategias para proteger a los empleados. La exposición a calor extremo, mala calidad del aire y eventos meteorológicos sin precedentes afecta la salud física y mental, llevando a una pérdida significativa de productividad. La Comisión tiene como objetivo cuantificar las implicaciones en los costos de atención médica, recomendar acciones para mitigar riesgos e identificar soluciones innovadoras para la protección de los empleados.
보도 자료는 더 자주 발생하고 극단적인 기상 이변이 종업원 건강과 기업성과에 미치는 위험을 증가시키고 있음을 강조합니다. 새로 설립된 국가 기후 및 직장 건강위원회는 사람, 비즈니스 및 경제의 복원력을 강화할 필요성을 강조합니다. CEO들은 극단적 기후를 중대한 위협으로 인식하지만, 오직 17%만이 종업원 보호를 위한 전략에 투자하고 있습니다. 극단적인 더위, 나쁜 공기질, 그리고 전례 없는 기상 이벤트의 노출은 신체적, 정신적 건강에 영향을 미치며, 이는 상당한 생산성 손실로 이어집니다. 위원회는 의료 비용의 파급 효과를 정량화하고, 위험을 완화할 행동을 권고하며, 종업원 보호를 위한 혁신적인 해결책을 찾고자 합니다.
Le communiqué de presse souligne les risques croissants posés par des événements météorologiques plus fréquents et extrêmes pour la santé des employés et la performance des entreprises. La nouvelle Commission nationale sur le climat et la santé au travail souligne la nécessité d'améliorer la résilience des personnes, des entreprises et de l'économie. Les PDG reconnaissent les conditions météorologiques extrêmes comme une menace critique, mais seulement 17 % ont investi dans des stratégies pour protéger les employés. L'exposition à une chaleur extrême, à une mauvaise qualité de l'air et à des événements météorologiques sans précédent a un impact sur la santé physique et mentale, entraînant une perte de productivité significative. La Commission vise à quantifier les implications des coûts de soins de santé, à recommander des actions atténuant les risques et à identifier des solutions innovantes pour la protection des employés.
Die Pressemitteilung hebt die zunehmenden Risiken durch häufigere und extremere Wetterereignisse für die Gesundheit der Mitarbeiter und die Unternehmensleistung hervor. Die neu gegründete Nationale Kommission für Klima und Arbeitsgesundheit betont die Notwendigkeit, die Resilienz von Menschen, Unternehmen und Wirtschaft zu stärken. Geschäftsführer erkennen extremes Wetter als kritische Bedrohung, doch nur 17% haben in Strategien investiert, um Mitarbeiter zu schützen. Die Exposition gegenüber extremer Hitze, schlechter Luftqualität und beispiellosen Wetterereignissen beeinträchtigt die physische und psychische Gesundheit, was zu erheblichen Produktivitätseinbußen führt. Die Kommission zielt darauf ab, die Kostenfolgen für die Gesundheitsversorgung zu quantifizieren, risikomindernde Maßnahmen zu empfehlen und innovative Lösungen für den Arbeitnehmerschutz zu identifizieren.
  • CEOs acknowledge extreme weather as a major threat, yet only 17% have invested in employee health protection strategies.
  • Exposure to extreme heat, poor air quality, and unusual weather events directly affects physical and mental health, leading to a significant loss of productivity.
  • The Commission aims to quantify the implications on health care costs, provide recommendations for mitigating risks, and offer innovative solutions for employee protection.
  • Business leaders feel unprepared to address long-term climate-driven health risks facing their workforce, despite the significant impact on people, operations, performance, and the economy.
  • The Commission's analysis emphasizes the importance of building climate-resilient workforces and highlights the unequal distribution of health risks among employees.
  • Investing in mitigating health risks can provide a competitive advantage for companies, with potential savings in health care costs translating into improved performance and productivity.
  • Only 17% of CEOs have invested in strategies to protect employees from climate health risks.
  • Employees from under-resourced and marginalized communities face higher morbidity and mortality risks due to climate-related changes.
  • Extreme weather exacerbates existing physical and mental health conditions, impacting 62% of people with employer-based insurance who have at least one chronic condition.
  • Businesses that fail to address climate-related health risks may experience significant increases in costs associated with employee wellness, affecting the bottom line.
  • Companies need to understand and address the mental and physical toll on employees due to extreme weather events, which are increasing in frequency and severity.

Risk analysis conducted by the newly formed National Commission on Climate and Workforce Health highlights need to bolster people, business, and economic resilience

  • CEOs acknowledge extreme weather will be one of the most critical threats to their businesses in the next year.
  • Yet only 17% of CEOs have invested in strategies to better protect employees from climate health risks.
  • Exposure to more frequent extreme heat, poor air quality and unprecedented weather events directly impacts physical and mental health and exacerbates underlying chronic conditions.
  • Extreme heat alone now generates a productivity loss of more than 295 billion work hours per year worldwide.
  • The Commission will gather data to further quantify the implications for health care costs; develop recommended actions for mitigating risks; and identify innovative solutions for protecting employees.

LOS ANGELES, April 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Despite the growing number of studies linking the planet's changing climate to an increase in physical and mental health issues, less than one in five business leaders feel fully prepared to address the long-term, climate-driven health risks facing their workforce, according to an analysis of existing research released today by the National Commission on Climate and Workforce Health (the Commission). The Commission's analysis brings to light the significant implications climate-related health risks can have on a business' people, operations, and performance – as well as the U.S. economy – as up to 84% of the value of S&P 500 companies is in human capital.

In protecting the future health of our planet, we can't overlook the health vulnerabilities facing our workforce today.

Representing a diverse group of prominent U.S. business leaders and public health and safety experts, the Commission aims to help employers assess the growing threats the current climate poses to both human health and business performance in order to help them take the necessary steps to build climate-resilient workforces. The Commission was created by the Health Action Alliance in partnership with Mercer and with strategic input from the CDC Foundation. Additional support for the initiative is being provided by Elevance Health and The Hartford.

"In our efforts to protect the future health of our planet, we can't overlook the significant health vulnerabilities facing our workforce today," said Dr. David Michaels, former assistant secretary of labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Commission member. "Building resilience will take more than policy change. It will require the active leadership of the private sector."

Titled Climate and Health: The Increasing Risks to Our People-Powered Economy, the Commission's analysis released today includes data points from a range of recently published studies on climate and employee health. It also highlights unique insights from more than 100 interviews with C-suite executives and other business leaders, public health officials, and climate science experts, alongside quantitative findings from a March 2024 survey of health and benefits leaders – both conducted by the Health Action Alliance.

Additional insights from the Commission's risk analysis include:

  • Disconnect between awareness and action: While CEOs acknowledge the critical threat of extreme weather to their businesses in the upcoming year, fewer than 1 in 5 business leaders feel fully prepared to address climate-related health risks, according to Mercer.
  • Unequal distribution of risk: While the current climate poses health threats for everyone, employees from under-resourced and marginalized communities often live in areas with the highest morbidity and mortality risks due to changes in temperature and air quality, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
  • Impact on existing conditions and costs: The increased severity of extreme weather not only poses immediate physical health risks but also exacerbates existing physical and mental health conditions. In the U.S., 62% of people with employer-based insurance have at least one chronic condition.
  • Advantage of proactive investment: Companies willing to invest in mitigating health risks have a competitive advantage. For every dollar saved in health care costs, employers can realize an estimated $2.30 in improved performance and productivity.

"Employees today face an array of climate-related health risks, which leaves businesses vulnerable to fractures," said Susan Potter, president, Mercer U.S. & Canada and co-chair of the Commission. "However, there are many steps employers can take to improve the resilience of their people.

Together with the Commission, we hope to educate and engage employers on how to assess and quantify these risks and to create health and benefits strategies that help employees live well and build their resilience."

"This Commission represents a unique and innovative approach to addressing the urgent need to build climate-resilient workforces," said Bill Frist, former U.S. Senate majority leader and co-chair of the Commission. "By leveraging the collective expertise of these impressive leaders and fostering opportunities for collaborative learning, we can catalyze cross-industry strategies to help both employers and employees adapt to the unprecedented changes in our environment."

The Commission comprises business leaders with broad functional expertise as well as thought leaders across science, medicine, and health policy, including:

  • Dr. William Frist (co-chair), former majority leader, U.S. Senate, and partner, Frist Cressey Ventures
  • Susan Potter (co-chair), president, Mercer U.S. and Canada
  • Dr. Georges Benjamin, executive director, American Public Health Association
  • Dr. Brian Castrucci, president and CEO, de Beaumont Foundation
  • Gary Cohen, president and founder, Health Care Without Harm
  • Dr. Howard Frumkin, senior vice president, Trust for Public Land, and professor emeritus University of Washington
  • Jane Gilbert, chief heat officer, Miami-Dade County, Florida
  • Dr. Pam Hymel, chief medical officer, Disney Experiences
  • Abner Mason, founder and CEO, SameSky Health
  • Hakon Mattson, chief sustainability officer, Elevance Health
  • Dr. David Michaels, former assistant secretary of labor, U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and professor, George Washington University
  • Dr. Judy Monroe, president and CEO, CDC Foundation
  • Dr. Lisa Patel, clinical associate professor, Stanford Medicine, and executive director, Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health
  • Dr. Adam Seidner, chief medical officer, The Hartford
  • Lawrence Sloan, CEO, American Industrial Hygiene Association
  • Dr. Sohini Stone, chief medical officer global employee health, Google

The Commission will:

  • Raise awareness of extreme weather threats to employee health through educational programs and workshops.
  • Quantify the risk by creating an interactive financial projection tool to help employers understand their individual risk profile and forecast the magnitude of their climate-related health costs over time.
  • Develop recommended actions for mitigating climate-related health risks, supported by research on the benefits of climate-protective measures.
  • Foster peer-learning communities to share strategies and experiences in addressing climate-related health risks.
  • Promote innovative solutions to climate-related health impacts, collaborating with startups and researchers to develop new tools and practices.

"Our health is directly linked to the health of our physical environment. As a healthcare company with an integrated whole-health approach, we acknowledge our responsibility to preserve and improve the health of our members, communities and our own workforce," said Hakon Mattson, chief sustainability officer, Elevance Health and Commission member. "We are proud to be one of the first organizations to join the Commission and are committed to working collectively to help organizations build more climate resilient workforces."

"It's important for employers today to understand and address the mental and physical toll on U.S. employees due to extreme weather, which is increasing in frequency and severity," said Dr. Adam Seidner, chief medical officer, The Hartford and Commission member. "Based on trends in our workers' compensation and disability claims data, companies that aren't mitigating climate impacts will continue to experience significant increases in costs associated with employee wellness and, in turn, greater impacts to the bottom line."

"Building a climate-resilient workforce is the next urgent health challenge we must address," said Stephen Massey, co-founder, Health Action Alliance. "In an era of more frequent and severe weather events, we are committed to helping employers assess their risk and adapt their operations to protect workers and maintain business continuity."

To download a copy of Climate and Health: The Increasing Risks to Our People-Powered Economy and to learn more about the National Commission on Climate and Workforce Health visit

About Health Action Alliance
Health Action Alliance is the country's largest network of employers focused on issues intersecting public health and business – with more than 7,000 employers reaching more than 30 million workers. Our free tools, training, and events help employers, large and small, navigate evolving health challenges, improve the health of workers and engage with public health partners to build stronger, healthier communities.

About Mercer
Mercer believes in building brighter futures by redefining the world of work, reshaping retirement and investment outcomes, and unlocking real health and well-being. Mercer's approximately 25,000 employees are based in 43 countries and the firm operates in over 130 countries. Mercer is a business of Marsh McLennan (NYSE: MMC), the world's leading professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy and people, with more than 85,000 colleagues and annual revenue of $23 billion. Through its market-leading businesses including Marsh, Guy Carpenter and Oliver Wyman, Marsh McLennan helps clients navigate an increasingly dynamic and complex environment. Follow Mercer on LinkedIn and X.

About the CDC Foundation
The CDC Foundation helps the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) save and improve lives by unleashing the power of collaboration between CDC, philanthropies, corporations, organizations and individuals to protect the health, safety and security of America and the world.

Since 1995, the CDC Foundation has raised over $2.2 billion and launched more than 1,400 programs impacting a variety of health threats from chronic disease conditions including cardiovascular disease and cancer, to infectious diseases like rotavirus and HIV, to emergency responses, including COVID-19 and Ebola. 

About Elevance Health, Inc.
Elevance Health is a lifetime, trusted health partner fueled by its purpose to improve the health of humanity. The company supports consumers, families, and communities across the entire care journey – connecting them to the care, support, and resources they need to lead healthier lives. Elevance Health's companies serve more than 115 million people through a diverse portfolio of industry-leading medical, digital, pharmacy, behavioral, clinical, and complex care solutions. Follow us @ElevanceHealth on X and Elevance Health on LinkedIn.

About The Hartford
The Hartford is a leader in property and casualty insurance, group benefits and mutual funds. With more than 200 years of expertise, The Hartford is widely recognized for its service excellence, sustainability practices, trust and integrity. The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc., (NYSE: HIG) operates through its subsidiaries under the brand name, The Hartford, and is headquartered in Hartford, Connecticut. For additional details, please read The Hartford's legal notice.

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What percentage of CEOs have invested in strategies to protect employees from climate health risks?

Only 17% of CEOs have invested in strategies to better protect employees from climate health risks.

How does exposure to extreme heat impact productivity?

Exposure to extreme heat generates a productivity loss of more than 295 billion work hours per year worldwide.

What are some of the key insights from the Commission's risk analysis?

Key insights include the disconnect between awareness and action among CEOs, the unequal distribution of risk among employees, the impact of extreme weather on existing health conditions, and the advantage of proactive investment in mitigating health risks.

What is the main focus of the National Commission on Climate and Workforce Health?

The Commission aims to help employers assess the threats posed by the current climate to human health and business performance, facilitating the building of climate-resilient workforces.

How can companies benefit from investing in mitigating health risks?

Companies that invest in mitigating health risks can gain a competitive advantage, with potential savings in health care costs leading to improved performance and productivity.

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