Hot Chili (ASX: HCH, TSXV: HCH, OTCQX: HHLKF) has appointed Mrs Fiona Van Maanen as an Independent Non-Executive Director, effective March 17, 2025. Van Maanen brings over 30 years of executive experience in corporate governance, financial management, and accounting in the mining industry.
Van Maanen currently serves as Non-Executive Director at several mining companies including Westgold Resources (ASX: WGX), Wildcat Resources (ASX: WC8), and Pantoro (ASX: PNR). In her new role at Hot Chili, she will Chair the Company's Audit & Risk Committee. She will stand for election as a director at the Company's 2025 Annual General Meeting.
Hot Chili (ASX: HCH, TSXV: HCH, OTCQX: HHLKF) ha nominato Mrs Fiona Van Maanen come Direttore Indipendente Non Esecutivo, con effetto dal 17 marzo 2025. Van Maanen porta con sé oltre 30 anni di esperienza dirigenziale nella governance aziendale, nella gestione finanziaria e nella contabilità nel settore minerario.
Attualmente, Van Maanen ricopre il ruolo di Direttore Non Esecutivo in diverse aziende minerarie tra cui Westgold Resources (ASX: WGX), Wildcat Resources (ASX: WC8) e Pantoro (ASX: PNR). Nel suo nuovo ruolo in Hot Chili, presiederà il Comitato di Audit e Rischi dell'azienda. Si candiderà per la carica di direttore all'Assemblea Generale Annuale dell'azienda del 2025.
Hot Chili (ASX: HCH, TSXV: HCH, OTCQX: HHLKF) ha nombrado a Mrs Fiona Van Maanen como Directora Independiente No Ejecutiva, con efecto a partir del 17 de marzo de 2025. Van Maanen aporta más de 30 años de experiencia ejecutiva en gobernanza corporativa, gestión financiera y contabilidad en la industria minera.
Actualmente, Van Maanen se desempeña como Directora No Ejecutiva en varias empresas mineras, incluyendo Westgold Resources (ASX: WGX), Wildcat Resources (ASX: WC8) y Pantoro (ASX: PNR). En su nuevo papel en Hot Chili, presidirá el Comité de Auditoría y Riesgos de la empresa. Se presentará para la elección como directora en la Junta General Anual de la empresa de 2025.
핫 칠리 (ASX: HCH, TSXV: HCH, OTCQX: HHLKF)는 피오나 반 마넨을 독립 비상임 이사로 임명하였으며, 이는 2025년 3월 17일부터 효력이 발생합니다. 반 마넨은 광업 분야에서 기업 거버넌스, 재무 관리 및 회계 분야에서 30년 이상의 경영 경험을 가지고 있습니다.
반 마넨은 현재 웨스트골드 리소스 (ASX: WGX), 와일드캣 리소스 (ASX: WC8), 판토로 (ASX: PNR) 등 여러 광업 회사의 비상임 이사로 재직 중입니다. 핫 칠리에서 그녀는 회사의 감사 및 위험 위원회를 주재할 것입니다. 그녀는 2025년 회사의 연례 총회에서 이사로 선출될 것입니다.
Hot Chili (ASX: HCH, TSXV: HCH, OTCQX: HHLKF) a nommé Mrs Fiona Van Maanen en tant que Directrice Indépendante Non Exécutive, à compter du 17 mars 2025. Van Maanen possède plus de 30 ans d'expérience exécutive en gouvernance d'entreprise, gestion financière et comptabilité dans l'industrie minière.
Actuellement, Van Maanen est Directrice Non Exécutive dans plusieurs entreprises minières, notamment Westgold Resources (ASX: WGX), Wildcat Resources (ASX: WC8) et Pantoro (ASX: PNR). Dans son nouveau rôle chez Hot Chili, elle présidera le Comité d'Audit et de Risque de l'entreprise. Elle se présentera aux élections en tant que directrice lors de l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle de l'entreprise en 2025.
Hot Chili (ASX: HCH, TSXV: HCH, OTCQX: HHLKF) hat Mrs Fiona Van Maanen als unabhängige nicht-executive Direktorin ernannt, die am 17. März 2025 in Kraft tritt. Van Maanen bringt über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Unternehmensführung, Finanzmanagement und Buchhaltung in der Bergbauindustrie mit.
Derzeit ist Van Maanen nicht-executive Direktorin mehrerer Bergbauunternehmen, darunter Westgold Resources (ASX: WGX), Wildcat Resources (ASX: WC8) und Pantoro (ASX: PNR). In ihrer neuen Rolle bei Hot Chili wird sie den Prüfungsausschuss und das Risikokomitee des Unternehmens leiten. Sie wird sich bei der Jahreshauptversammlung des Unternehmens 2025 zur Wahl als Direktorin stellen.
- Appointment of highly experienced mining executive with 30+ years expertise
- Strong corporate governance background strengthens board composition
- Current board experience with multiple ASX-listed mining companies
- None.
Mrs Van Maanen is a highly accomplished company director with over 30 years of progressive executive experience in corporate governance, financial management, and accounting in the mining industry. She has worked for companies who have had a diverse range of mineral projects spanning exploration, development and production environments.
Mrs Van Maanen is currently Non-Executive Director of Westgold Resources Limited (ASX: WGX), Wildcat Resources Limited (ASX: WC8) and Pantoro Limited (ASX: PNR).
As part of her role with Hot Chili, Mrs Van Maanen will Chair the Company's Audit & Risk Committee.
Mrs Van Maanen will stand for election as a director of the Company at the Company's 2025 Annual General Meeting.
This announcement was approved and authorised for release by the Board of Hot Chili.
For further information, please contact:
Christian Easterday Managing Director & CEO – Hot Chili | Tel: +61 8 9315 9009 Email: |
Carol Marinkovich Company Secretary – Hot Chili | Tel: +61 8 9315 9009 Email: |
Graham Farrell Investor & Public Relations | Email: |
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