Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Results
Howard Hughes Holdings (NYSE: HHH) reported exceptional fourth quarter and full year 2024 results, achieving record performance across all segments. Net income from continuing operations reached $5.73 per diluted share, up 241% year-over-year.
Key highlights include:
- Record Master Planned Community (MPC) Earnings Before Taxes of $349 million
- Record Operating Assets Net Operating Income of $257 million, up 6% from 2023
- Record condominium revenues of $779 million with Victoria Place delivery
- Secured $862 million in financings
- Completed Seaport Entertainment Group spinoff
The company maintained strong liquidity with $596.1 million in cash and $1.2 billion in undrawn lender commitments. Notable Q4 achievements include Victoria Place's successful delivery, generating $212 million in gross profit, and MPC EBT of $57 million driven by residential land sales averaging $909,000 per acre. The company's outlook for 2025 remains positive, with anticipated growth in both MPC and Operating Assets segments.
Howard Hughes Holdings (NYSE: HHH) ha riportato risultati eccezionali per il quarto trimestre e per l'intero anno 2024, raggiungendo performance record in tutti i segmenti. Il reddito netto dalle operazioni continuative ha raggiunto 5,73 dollari per azione diluita, con un incremento del 241% rispetto all'anno precedente.
I punti salienti includono:
- Record di utili prima delle tasse per la Master Planned Community (MPC) di 349 milioni di dollari
- Record di reddito operativo netto da asset operativi di 257 milioni di dollari, in aumento del 6% rispetto al 2023
- Record di ricavi da condomini di 779 milioni di dollari con la consegna di Victoria Place
- Finanziamenti assicurati per 862 milioni di dollari
- Completamento della scissione del Seaport Entertainment Group
L'azienda ha mantenuto una forte liquidità con 596,1 milioni di dollari in contante e 1,2 miliardi di dollari in impegni di prestito non utilizzati. Tra i risultati notevoli del Q4 si evidenziano la consegna riuscita di Victoria Place, che ha generato 212 milioni di dollari di profitto lordo, e un EBT della MPC di 57 milioni di dollari, sostenuto dalle vendite di terreni residenziali con una media di 909.000 dollari per acro. Le prospettive dell'azienda per il 2025 rimangono positive, con una crescita attesa sia nel segmento MPC che in quello degli asset operativi.
Howard Hughes Holdings (NYSE: HHH) reportó resultados excepcionales para el cuarto trimestre y el año completo 2024, logrando un rendimiento récord en todos los segmentos. El ingreso neto de las operaciones continuas alcanzó 5,73 dólares por acción diluida, un aumento del 241% en comparación con el año anterior.
Los aspectos destacados incluyen:
- Récord de ganancias antes de impuestos para la Master Planned Community (MPC) de 349 millones de dólares
- Récord de ingreso operativo neto de activos operativos de 257 millones de dólares, un aumento del 6% respecto a 2023
- Récord de ingresos por condominios de 779 millones de dólares con la entrega de Victoria Place
- Financiamientos asegurados por 862 millones de dólares
- Finalización de la escisión del Seaport Entertainment Group
La empresa mantuvo una sólida liquidez con 596,1 millones de dólares en efectivo y 1,2 mil millones de dólares en compromisos de préstamos no utilizados. Los logros notables del Q4 incluyen la exitosa entrega de Victoria Place, generando 212 millones de dólares en ganancias brutas, y un EBT de la MPC de 57 millones de dólares impulsado por las ventas de terrenos residenciales con un promedio de 909,000 dólares por acre. Las perspectivas de la empresa para 2025 siguen siendo positivas, con un crecimiento anticipado tanto en el segmento de MPC como en el de activos operativos.
하워드 휴즈 홀딩스 (NYSE: HHH)는 2024년 4분기 및 전체 연도에 대한 예외적인 실적을 보고하며 모든 부문에서 기록적인 성과를 달성했습니다. 지속 운영에서의 순이익은 희석 주당 5.73달러에 도달하여 전년 대비 241% 증가했습니다.
주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 349백만 달러의 세전 마스터 플랜 커뮤니티(MPC) 수익 기록
- 2023년 대비 6% 증가한 257백만 달러의 운영 자산 순 운영 소득 기록
- 빅토리아 플레이스의 인도와 함께 779백만 달러의 콘도미니엄 수익 기록
- 862백만 달러의 자금 조달 확보
- 시포트 엔터테인먼트 그룹 분사 완료
회사는 596.1백만 달러의 현금과 1.2억 달러의 미사용 대출 약정으로 강력한 유동성을 유지했습니다. 4분기의 주요 성과로는 빅토리아 플레이스의 성공적인 인도가 있으며, 이를 통해 212백만 달러의 총 이익을 창출하였고, 주거용 토지 판매로 인해 평균 909,000달러의 MPC EBT가 57백만 달러에 도달했습니다. 2025년을 위한 회사의 전망은 긍정적이며, MPC 및 운영 자산 부문 모두에서 성장할 것으로 예상됩니다.
Howard Hughes Holdings (NYSE: HHH) a annoncé des résultats exceptionnels pour le quatrième trimestre et l'année complète 2024, atteignant des performances record dans tous les segments. Le revenu net des opérations continues a atteint 5,73 dollars par action diluée, en hausse de 241 % par rapport à l'année précédente.
Les points forts incluent :
- Un bénéfice avant impôts record pour la Master Planned Community (MPC) de 349 millions de dollars
- Un revenu net d'exploitation des actifs d'exploitation record de 257 millions de dollars, en hausse de 6 % par rapport à 2023
- Des revenus record de 779 millions de dollars pour les condominiums avec la livraison de Victoria Place
- 862 millions de dollars de financements sécurisés
- Achèvement de la scission du Seaport Entertainment Group
L'entreprise a maintenu une forte liquidité avec 596,1 millions de dollars en espèces et 1,2 milliard de dollars en engagements de prêt non utilisés. Parmi les réalisations notables du quatrième trimestre, on trouve la livraison réussie de Victoria Place, générant 212 millions de dollars de bénéfice brut, et un EBT de la MPC de 57 millions de dollars, soutenu par les ventes de terrains résidentiels moyennant 909 000 dollars par acre. Les perspectives de l'entreprise pour 2025 restent positives, avec une croissance anticipée dans les segments MPC et des actifs d'exploitation.
Howard Hughes Holdings (NYSE: HHH) hat außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das gesamte Jahr 2024 gemeldet und in allen Segmenten Rekordleistungen erzielt. Der Nettogewinn aus fortgeführten Aktivitäten erreichte 5,73 USD pro verwässerter Aktie, was einem Anstieg von 241 % im Vergleich zum Vorjahr entspricht.
Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:
- Rekordgewinne vor Steuern für die Master Planned Community (MPC) in Höhe von 349 Millionen USD
- Rekordnetto-Betriebseinkommen von Betriebsmitteln in Höhe von 257 Millionen USD, ein Anstieg von 6 % gegenüber 2023
- Rekordumsätze aus Eigentumswohnungen in Höhe von 779 Millionen USD mit der Lieferung von Victoria Place
- Finanzierungen in Höhe von 862 Millionen USD gesichert
- Abspaltung der Seaport Entertainment Group abgeschlossen
Das Unternehmen hielt eine starke Liquidität mit 596,1 Millionen USD in bar und 1,2 Milliarden USD an nicht in Anspruch genommenen Kreditverpflichtungen aufrecht. Zu den bemerkenswerten Erfolgen im Q4 gehört die erfolgreiche Lieferung von Victoria Place, die einen Bruttogewinn von 212 Millionen USD generierte, sowie ein MPC EBT von 57 Millionen USD, das durch den Verkauf von Wohnland mit einem Durchschnittspreis von 909.000 USD pro Acre angetrieben wurde. Die Aussichten des Unternehmens für 2025 bleiben positiv, mit einem erwarteten Wachstum sowohl im MPC- als auch im Betriebsmittel-Segment.
- Record MPC EBT of $349M, up 2% YoY
- Net income per share up 241% to $5.73
- Operating Assets NOI increased 6% to $257M
- Condominium revenues reached $779M
- Strong liquidity position with $596.1M cash
- 89% office portfolio occupancy
- 96% retail portfolio occupancy
- Pre-sold 394 condominiums worth $870M in future revenue
- Q4 MPC EBT declined YoY due to timing of superpad sales
- Some tenant vacancies in The Woodlands and Downtown Columbia
- Initial operating losses at Meridian in Summerlin
Howard Hughes Holdings delivered exceptional Q4 and full-year 2024 results, with record performance across all business segments translating to net income from continuing operations of
The company's Master Planned Communities business achieved record EBT of
Operating Assets delivered record NOI of
The company's condominium development business showed exceptional strength with the delivery of Victoria Place, which sold out completely, generating
The post-year-end regulatory change in Hawaii potentially adding 2.5-3.5 million square feet of residential entitlements represents a significant value creation opportunity, essentially expanding HHH's development runway in one of its most profitable markets.
Howard Hughes Holdings' 2024 results showcase the exceptional value creation potential of their vertically integrated development model, which allows them to capture multiple profit streams across the real estate lifecycle.
The record MPC EBT of
The successful launch of residential land sales in Teravalis (Floreo) at
HHH's condominium development strategy in Ward Village continues to generate exceptional returns, with Victoria Place achieving a
The company's Operating Assets portfolio continues to demonstrate the premium positioning of their properties, with the office portfolio achieving
HHH's strategic asset recycling—evidenced by the sale of stabilized assets like Lakeland Village Center—demonstrates their disciplined capital allocation approach. By developing, stabilizing, and selectively selling mature assets, they maintain a self-funding development model while still growing their recurring income base, as shown by the
With substantial liquidity and a clear development runway across multiple markets, HHH is exceptionally well-positioned to continue executing their long-term value creation strategy while maintaining financial flexibility.
Strong fourth quarter performance leads to record financial results across all segments— MPC and Operating Assets momentum expected to continue into 2025
THE WOODLANDS, Texas, Feb. 26, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. (NYSE: HHH) (the “Company,” “HHH,” or “we”) today announced operating results for the fourth quarter and year ended December 31, 2024. The financial statements, exhibits, and reconciliations of non-GAAP measures in the attached Appendix and the Supplemental Information, as available through the Investors section of our website, provide further detail of these results.
Full Year 2024 Highlights:
- Net income from continuing operations per diluted share of
$5.73 , up$4.05 per share or241% year-over-year - Record Master Planned Community (MPC) Earnings Before Taxes (EBT) of
$349 million accentuated by all-time high residential land sales revenues and average price per acre - Record Total Operating Assets Net Operating Income (NOI) of
$257 million led by strong leasing performance resulting in year-over-year increases of11% in multifamily and5% in office - Record condominium revenues of
$779 million with the delivery of Victoria Place® and strong pre-sales of 394 condominiums from other towers in Hawai‘i and Texas representing future revenues of$870 million - Closed on
$862 million of financings, including$680 million of construction loans for condo projects and$168 million of refinancings—as well as the accelerated collection of$177 million from the sale of existing and future MUD receivables - Completed the spinoff of Seaport Entertainment Group on July 31, 2024, providing increased focus on HHH’s real estate operations and MPC development
Fourth Quarter 2024 Highlights:
- Net income from continuing operations per diluted share of
$3.25 in the quarter, up207% compared to$1.06 in the prior-year period - Delivered Victoria Place in Ward Village, generating
$212 million of gross profit - MPC EBT of
$57 million driven by the sale of 60 residential acres at an average price of$909,000 per acre, including six custom lots in Summerlin® at an average price of$6.0 million per acre - Total Operating Assets NOI of
$61 million was up9% year-over-year with growth in retail, multifamily, and office - Sold Lakeland Village Center at Bridgeland for
$28 million generating an$11 million gain on sale - Closed on
$312 million of financings, including a$260 million construction loan for The Ritz-Carlton Residences, The Woodlands
"Howard Hughes delivered another exceptional year in 2024, led by record-setting financial results in each of our business segments,” commented David R. O’Reilly, Chief Executive Officer of Howard Hughes. “Our outstanding performance was complemented by the successful streamlining and refocusing of our business—most notably with the spinoff of Seaport Entertainment—and the strengthening of our balance sheet through key financings and innovative transactions which firmly place the Company in a position of financial strength for the future.
“In our MPC segment, we closed out the year on a strong note, delivering
“In Operating Assets, we delivered record NOI for a fourth consecutive year, increasing NOI by
“In Strategic Developments, we had another remarkable year which culminated in the fourth quarter with the delivery and record sell-out of every condominium at Victoria Place in Ward Village. In addition to this milestone, our sales teams pre-sold nearly 400 additional condominiums in Hawai’i and Texas during the year, bringing the total value of future condo sales which will be recognized in the next few years to more than
“We closed out 2024 on a solid financial foundation with over
Click Here: Fourth Quarter 2024 Howard Hughes Quarterly Spotlight Video
Click Here: Fourth Quarter 2024 Earnings Call Webcast
Financial Highlights
Total Company
Full Year
- HHH reported net income from continuing operations of
$285.2 million , or$5.73 per diluted share in 2024, compared to$83.4 million , or$1.68 per diluted share in 2023. The year-over-year growth was primarily driven by the delivery of Victoria Place in Ward Village, increased MPC residential land sales, improved Operating Asset NOI, and final settlement of the construction defect dispute at Waiea in Ward Village. - The Company continued to maintain a strong liquidity position with
$596.1 million of cash and cash equivalents,$1.2 billion of undrawn lender commitments available to be drawn for property development, and limited near-term debt maturities. - On July 31, 2024, HHH completed the spinoff of Seaport Entertainment Group Inc. (SEG), with holders of HHH common stock receiving one share of SEG common stock for every nine shares of HHH common stock. All current and historical net income and losses related to SEG are reflected in discontinued operations in the Company’s financial statements.
Fourth Quarter
- Net income from continuing operations was
$162.3 million , or$3.25 per diluted share in the quarter, compared to net income of$52.8 million , or$1.06 per diluted share in the prior-year period. - The year-over-year increase was primarily related to the delivery of Victoria Place in Ward Village, partially offset by reduced MPC land sales due to timing of superpad sales in Summerlin which occurred earlier in 2024.
Full Year
- MPC EBT totaled a record
$349.1 million , representing a2% increase compared to$341.4 million in the prior year. - Record MPC land sales of
$453.2 million increased22% year-over-year, driven by the sale of 445 residential acres at a record average price of$990,000 per acre. - In Teravalis™, residential land sales commenced in Floreo with the sale of 115 acres to seven homebuilders at an impressive average price of
$777,000 per acre. During the year, HHH recognized$4.9 million of equity earnings from Floreo. - New homes sold at a robust pace in HHH’s communities during 2024 and totaled 2,234 units, with Summerlin and Bridgeland ranking #5 and #7 in RCLCO’s annual list of top-selling master planned communities, respectively.
Fourth Quarter
- MPC EBT totaled
$56.9 million in the fourth quarter, down from$139.3 million in the prior-year period. The reduction was primarily due to the timing of superpad sales in Summerlin which occurred earlier in the year and contributed to record MPC residential land sales and EBT in 2024. - MPC land sales totaled
$67.8 million and were driven by the sale of 60 acres of residential land across Bridgeland®, The Woodlands Hills®, and Summerlin for an average price of$909,000 per acre. - In Nevada, custom lot sales commenced in Astra—Summerlin’s newest luxury gated community—resulting in the sale of six lots totaling 3.8 acres for an average price of
$6.0 million per acre. - In Arizona, 34 acres were sold in HHH’s Floreo joint venture for an average price of
$767,000 per acre.
Operating Assets
Full Year
- Total Operating Assets NOI, including the contribution from unconsolidated ventures, was
$257.0 million —a new full-year record representing a$15.7 million or6% year-over-year increase. - Office delivered record NOI in 2024, increasing
$6.4 million or5% year-over-year largely due to strong lease-up activity and abatement expirations in The Woodlands® and Summerlin. These increases were partially offset by some tenant vacancies in The Woodlands and Downtown Columbia®, as well as initial operating losses at Meridian in Summerlin. In 2024, the Company executed 473,000 square feet of new or expanded office leases including 323,000 square feet in The Woodlands, 91,000 square feet in Downtown Columbia, and 59,000 square feet in Summerlin. - Multifamily contributed record NOI and increased
11% year-over-year, predominantly due to strong lease-up at new developments in Downtown Columbia, Summerlin, and Bridgeland, as well as improved overall leasing at HHH’s stabilized properties. - Retail NOI was up
8% primarily due to the collection of prior-year reserves for tenants in Ward Village and improved occupancy in the ground floor retail at Juniper and Marlow in Downtown Columbia and Kō‘ula® in Ward Village. - During the year, HHH divested Creekside Medical Plaza in The Woodlands, Lakeland Village Center at Bridgeland, and four non-core ground leases in Houston which resulted in a combined gain on sale of
$22.9 million .
Fourth Quarter
- Total Operating Assets NOI—including the contribution from unconsolidated ventures—totaled
$61.2 million in the quarter, representing an9% year-over-year increase. - Office NOI of
$29.0 million increased5% year-over-year, driven primarily by rent abatement expirations and increased occupancy at 9950 Woodloch Forest in The Woodlands and 1700 Pavilion in Summerlin, partially offset by lower occupancy at 1725 Hughes Landing in The Woodlands. At quarter end, the stabilized office portfolio was89% leased, and 129,000 square feet of new or expanded leases were executed during the quarter. - Multifamily NOI of
$15.0 million increased13% compared to the prior-year period primarily due to the continued lease-up of HHH’s newest properties including Tanager Echo in Summerlin, Wingspan in Bridgeland, and Marlow in Downtown Columbia. At year end, the stabilized portfolio was96% leased. - Retail NOI of
$13.0 million increased15% year-over-year primarily due to non-recurring prior-year reserves for various tenants in Ward Village and the opening of the ground floor retail at Kō‘ula. At quarter end, the retail portfolio was96% leased. - The Company sold Lakeland Village Center at Bridgeland for
$28.0 million and two non-core ground leases in Houston, resulting in a combined gain on sale of$14.9 million .
Strategic Developments
Full Year
- Delivered Victoria Place in the fourth quarter, closing on the sale of all 349 condo units and generating record annual condominium revenues of
$778.6 million with adjusted gross profit of$211.1 million . - In Hawai‘i, HHH contracted to sell 316 condominium units at three towers in pre-sales—The Park Ward Village®, Kalae®, and The Launiu—representing incremental future revenue of
$533.4 million . The majority of these pre-sales occurred at The Launiu, which contracted 283 units during the year. At year end, The Park Ward Village was97% pre-sold, Kalae was93% pre-sold, and The Launiu was58% pre-sold. - In Texas, pre-sales at The Ritz Carlton Residences, The Woodlands—a new 111-unit luxury condominium development on the shores of Lake Woodlands—commenced in March. Construction began in early October and
70% of its units representing$336.9 million of future revenue are already pre-sold. - In the third quarter, the Company recovered
$90.0 million of insurance proceeds related to the settlement of construction defect claims at Waiea in Ward Village—including window remediation expenditures incurred since 2020. During the year, the Company recognized$15.1 million of additional condominium rights and unit cost of sales in conjunction with this project and to settle final costs previously incurred by the Waiea general contractor.
Fourth Quarter
- Closed on the sale of all 349 condo units at Victoria Place, generating
$778.4 million of condominium revenues with a27% gross margin. - Contracted to sell 19 condominium units in Hawai‘i and Texas representing
$40.7 million of future revenue, including 15 units at The Launiu, two at The Park Ward Village, one at Kalae, and one at The Ritz-Carlton Residences, The Woodlands. - Subsequent to year end in January, the Governor of Hawai’i approved amendments to the HCDA Mauka Area Rules to include updated guidelines for smart growth in areas including Ward Village. The Company estimates this amendment increases its potential residential entitlements in Ward Village to between 2.5 to 3.5 million gross square feet, which could be used for the development of additional condominium towers in future years.
- Completed construction on Village Green at Bridgeland Central and the Summerlin Grocery Center anchored by Whole Foods. At quarter end, both of these retail centers were approximately
75% leased with all of the remaining square footage in LOI or lease negotiations.
Financing Activity
Fourth Quarter
- Closed on a
$260 million three-year construction loan for The Ritz-Carlton Residences, The Woodlands. The loan bears interest at SOFR plus5.1% . - Closed on a
$38.0 million loan to refinance the construction loan for Starling at Bridgeland. The five-year non-recourse loan bears interest at a fixed rate of5.35% . - Closed on a
$13.5 million financing for Waterway Plaza II, which was purchased in an all-cash transaction for$19.2 million in the second quarter of 2024. The loan bears interest at SOFR plus3.5% and matures in 2029. - Increased the capacity of the Bridgeland Notes from
$475.0 million to$600.0 million and extended the maturity date from September 2026 to September 2029. This transaction was supported by the proceeds from the Bridgeland MUD receivables sale in the third quarter which were used to pay down the notes by$192.0 million .
Full Year 2025 Guidance
- MPC EBT is projected to be strong in 2025 and aided by continued tight supply of existing homes on the market and low inventories of vacant developed lots in our MPCs. As a result, we anticipate solid new home sales in Summerlin, Bridgeland, and The Woodlands Hills and continued strong homebuilder demand for residential land throughout 2025. Residential land sales are expected to occur throughout the year, but the second and third quarters will likely see a higher concentration of superpad sales in Summerlin. Overall, 2025 MPC EBT is expected to be up
5% to10% year-over-year with a mid-point of approximately$375 million . - Operating Assets NOI, including the contribution from unconsolidated ventures, is projected to benefit from continued growth in multifamily driven by increased occupancy at new multifamily developments. Office is also expected to improve year-over-year due to strong leasing momentum and expiring rent abatements across the portfolio. This improvement will likely be partially offset by lower occupancy at various properties in Downtown Columbia, some tenant turnover in The Woodlands, and initial operating losses from our newest office developments. Retail is expected to see a modest reduction in NOI during 2025, primarily due to non-recurring collections of tenant reserves in Ward Village during 2024 and the impact of some turnover resulting from tenant upgrades in Downtown Summerlin as this property reaches its 10-year anniversary. Overall, 2025 Operating Assets NOI is expected to be flat to up
4% year-over-year with a mid-point of approximately$262 million . - Condo sales revenues are projected to be approximately
$375 million in 2025 and driven entirely by the closing of units at Ulana—a 696-unit development in Ward Village which is100% pre-sold and expected to be completed in the fourth quarter. Because Ulana is a workforce housing tower, the Company does not expect to recognize any gross profit from the project. The Park Ward Village—HHH’s next condo tower which comprises 545 market rate units—is already97% pre-sold and expected to contribute meaningful revenues and gross profit in 2026. - Cash G&A is projected to range between
$76 million and$86 million in 2025—or a mid-point of$81 million —excluding approximately$9 million of anticipated non-cash stock compensation. - Overall, Adjusted Operating Cash Flow is projected to range between
$325 million and$375 million in 2025 with a mid-point of approximately$350 million or$7.00 per share. - With a disciplined approach to capital allocation throughout the year, the Company expects to end 2025 with cash and cash equivalents of approximately
$600 million . This does not include the benefit of any MUD receivable sales that could occur during the year.
Conference Call & Webcast Information
Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. will host its fourth quarter 2024 earnings conference call on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time (9:00 a.m. Central Time). Please visit the Howard Hughes website to listen to the earnings call via a live webcast. For listeners who wish to participate in the question-and-answer session via telephone, please preregister using HHH’s earnings call registration webpage. All registrants will receive dial-in information and a PIN allowing them to access the live call. An on-demand replay of the earnings call will be available on the Company’s website.
We are primarily focused on creating shareholder value by increasing our per-share net asset value. Often, the nature of our business results in short-term volatility in our net income due to the timing of MPC land sales, recognition of condominium revenue and operating business pre-opening expenses, and, as such, we believe the following metrics summarized below are most useful in tracking our progress towards net asset value creation.
Three Months Ended December 31, | Year Ended December 31, | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
$ in thousands | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | % Change | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | % Change | |||||||||||||||||
Operating Assets NOI (1) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Office | $ | 28,993 | $ | 27,504 | $ | 1,489 | 5 | % | $ | 124,594 | $ | 118,165 | $ | 6,429 | 5 | % | |||||||||
Retail | 13,027 | 11,301 | 1,726 | 15 | % | 54,163 | 49,981 | 4,182 | 8 | % | |||||||||||||||
Multifamily | 15,000 | 13,319 | 1,681 | 13 | % | 58,827 | 52,831 | 5,996 | 11 | % | |||||||||||||||
Other | 1,459 | 2,035 | (576 | ) | (28) | % | 6,153 | 7,411 | (1,258 | ) | (17) | % | |||||||||||||
Redevelopments (a) | — | (107 | ) | 107 | 100 | % | — | (189 | ) | 189 | 100 | % | |||||||||||||
Dispositions (a) | 432 | 299 | 133 | 44 | % | 1,718 | 2,363 | (645 | ) | (27) | % | ||||||||||||||
Operating Assets NOI | 58,911 | 54,351 | 4,560 | 8 | % | 245,455 | 230,562 | 14,893 | 6 | % | |||||||||||||||
Company's share of NOI from unconsolidated ventures | 2,288 | 1,837 | 451 | 25 | % | 11,552 | 10,778 | 774 | 7 | % | |||||||||||||||
Total Operating Assets NOI | $ | 61,199 | $ | 56,188 | $ | 5,011 | 9 | % | $ | 257,007 | $ | 241,340 | $ | 15,667 | 6 | % | |||||||||
Projected stabilized NOI Operating Assets ($ in millions) | $ | 352.2 | $ | 349.8 | $ | 2.4 | 1 | % | |||||||||||||||||
MPC | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Acres Sold - Residential | 60 | 207 | (147 | ) | (71) | % | 445 | 375 | 70 | 19 | % | ||||||||||||||
Acres Sold - Commercial | 10 | 9 | 1 | 11 | % | 14 | 132 | (118 | ) | (90) | % | ||||||||||||||
Price Per Acre - Residential | $ | 909 | $ | 1,047 | $ | (138 | ) | (13) | % | $ | 990 | $ | 944 | $ | 46 | 5 | % | ||||||||
Price Per Acre - Commercial | $ | 218 | $ | 480 | $ | (262 | ) | (55) | % | $ | 369 | $ | 273 | $ | 96 | 35 | % | ||||||||
MPC EBT | $ | 56,890 | $ | 139,323 | $ | (82,433 | ) | (59) | % | $ | 349,134 | $ | 341,419 | $ | 7,715 | 2 | % | ||||||||
Strategic Developments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Condominium rights and unit sales | $ | 778,590 | $ | 792 | $ | 777,798 | NM | $ | 778,616 | $ | 47,707 | $ | 730,909 | NM |
(a) | Properties that were transferred to our Strategic Developments segment for redevelopment and properties that were sold are shown separately for all periods presented. |
NM - Not Meaningful | |
Financial Data | |
(1) | See the accompanying appendix for a reconciliation of GAAP to non-GAAP financial measures and a statement indicating why management believes the non-GAAP financial measure provides useful information for investors. |
About Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.®
Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. owns, manages, and develops commercial, residential, and mixed-use real estate throughout the U.S. Its award-winning assets include the country's preeminent portfolio of master planned communities, as well as operating properties and development opportunities including: Downtown Columbia® in Maryland; The Woodlands®, Bridgeland® and The Woodlands Hills® in the Greater Houston, Texas area; Summerlin® in Las Vegas; Ward Village® in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi; and Teravalis™ in the Greater Phoenix, Arizona area. The Howard Hughes portfolio is strategically positioned to meet and accelerate development based on market demand, resulting in one of the strongest real estate platforms in the country. Dedicated to innovative placemaking, the company is recognized for its ongoing commitment to design excellence and to the cultural life of its communities. Howard Hughes Holdings Inc. is traded on the New York Stock Exchange as HHH. For additional information visit
Safe Harbor Statement
Certain statements contained in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 21E of the Exchange Act. All statements other than statements of historical facts, including, among others, statements regarding the Company’s future financial position, results or performance, are forward-looking statements. We claim the protection of the Safe Harbor contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 for forward-looking statements (however we acknowledge that in the event that a transaction contemplated by the unsolicited proposals by Pershing Square Capital Management LP (Pershing Square) to acquire additional shares of our common stock (collectively, the Pershing Square Proposals) take the form of a tender offer, Safe Harbor protections would not apply to statements made in connection to the Pershing Square Proposals). Forward-looking statements include statements regarding the intent, belief, or current expectations of the Company, members of its management team, as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based, and generally are identified by the use of words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “likely,” “may,” “plan,” “project,” “realize,” “should,” “transform,” “will,” “would,” and other statements of similar expression. Forward-looking statements are not a guaranty of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. Many of these factors are beyond the Company’s abilities to control or predict. Some of the risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may affect future results or cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements include: (i) macroeconomic conditions such as volatility in capital markets, and a prolonged recession in the national economy, including any adverse business or economic conditions in the homebuilding, condominium-development, retail, and office sectors; (ii) our inability to obtain operating and development capital for our properties, including our inability to obtain or refinance debt capital from lenders and the capital markets; (iii) the inability of major tenants to continue paying their rent obligations due to bankruptcy, insolvency or a general downturn in their business; (iv) the availability of debt and equity capital; (v) interest rate volatility and inflation; (vi) ability to compete effectively, including the potential impact of heightened competition for tenants and potential decreases in occupancy at our properties; (vii) our ability to realize the anticipated benefits of the spinoff of Seaport Entertainment Group Inc. that we completed in 2024; (viii) the effects of the completion of the spinoff on our ongoing business; (ix) the effects of the Pershing Square Proposal, and our response thereto, upon our business and personnel; (x) our inability to obtain operating and development capital for our properties, including our inability to obtain or refinance debt capital from lenders and the capital markets; (xi) our ability to successfully identify, acquire, develop and/or manage properties on favorable terms and in accordance with applicable zoning and permitting laws; (xii) changes in governmental laws and regulations; (xiii) general inflation, including core and wage inflation; commodity and energy price and currency volatility; as well as monetary, fiscal, and policy interventions in anticipation of our reaction to such events, including increases in interest rates; (xiv) mismatch of supply and demand, including interruptions of supply lines; (xv) lack of control over certain of the Company’s properties due to the joint ownership of such property; (xvi) impairment charges; (xvii) the effects of catastrophic events or geopolitical conditions, such as international armed conflict, or the occurrence of epidemics or pandemics; (xiii) the effects of extreme weather conditions or climate change, including natural disasters, that may cause property damage or interrupt business; (xviii) the impact of water and electricity shortages; (xix) contamination of our property by hazardous or toxic substances; (xx) terrorist activity, acts of violence, or breaches of our or our vendors’ data security; (xvii) losses that are not insured or exceed the applicable insurance limits (xxi) our ability to lease new or redeveloped space; (xxii) our ability to obtain the necessary governmental permits for the development of our properties and necessary regulatory approvals pursuant to an extensive entitlement process involving multiple and overlapping regulatory jurisdictions, which often require discretionary action by local governments; (xxiii) increased construction costs exceeding our original estimates, delays or overruns, claims for construction defects, or other factors affecting our ability to develop, redevelop or construct our properties; (xiv) regulation of the portion of our business that is dedicated to the formation and sale of condominiums, including regulatory filings to state agencies, additional entitlement processes, and requirements to transfer control to a condominium association’s board of directors in certain situations, as well as potential defaults by purchasers on their obligations to purchase condominiums; (xv) fluctuations in regional and local economies, the impact of changes in interest rates on residential housing and condominium markets, local real estate conditions, tenant rental rates, and competition from competing retail properties and the internet; (xvi) the inherent risks related to disruption of information technology networks and related systems, including cyber security attacks; and (xvii) the ability to attract and retain key personnel. The Company refers you to the section entitled “Risk Factors” contained in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024. Additional information concerning factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those forward-looking statements is contained from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Copies of each filing may be obtained from the Company or the Securities and Exchange Commission. The risks included here are not exhaustive and undue reliance should not be placed on any forward-looking statements, which are based on current expectations. All written and oral forward-looking statements attributable to the Company, its management, or persons acting on their behalf are qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. Further, forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results over time unless otherwise required by law.
Financial Presentation
As discussed throughout this release, we use certain non-GAAP performance measures, in addition to the required GAAP presentations, as we believe these measures improve the understanding of our operational results and make comparisons of operating results among peer companies more meaningful. We continually evaluate the usefulness, relevance, limitations, and calculation of our reported non-GAAP performance measures to determine how best to provide relevant information to the public, and thus such reported measures could change. A non-GAAP financial measure used throughout this release is net operating income (NOI). We provide a more detailed discussion about this non-GAAP measure in our reconciliation of non-GAAP measures provided in the appendix in this earnings release.
Howard Hughes Holdings Inc.
Media Relations:
Cristina Carlson, 646-822-6910
Senior Vice President, Head of Corporate Communications
Investor Relations:
Eric Holcomb, 281-475-2144
Senior Vice President, Investor Relations
Three Months Ended December 31, | Year Ended December 31, | ||||||||||||||
thousands except per share amounts | 2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |||||||||||
REVENUES | |||||||||||||||
Condominium rights and unit sales | $ | 778,590 | $ | 792 | $ | 778,616 | $ | 47,707 | |||||||
Master Planned Communities land sales | 67,751 | 193,140 | 453,195 | 370,185 | |||||||||||
Rental revenue | 106,639 | 93,453 | 422,100 | 383,617 | |||||||||||
Other land, rental, and property revenues | 13,650 | 10,353 | 44,755 | 46,255 | |||||||||||
Builder price participation | 16,960 | 15,226 | 52,023 | 60,989 | |||||||||||
Total revenues | 983,590 | 312,964 | 1,750,689 | 908,753 | |||||||||||
EXPENSES | |||||||||||||||
Condominium rights and unit cost of sales | 566,880 | (973 | ) | 582,574 | 55,417 | ||||||||||
Master Planned Communities cost of sales | 25,937 | 73,916 | 169,191 | 140,050 | |||||||||||
Operating costs | 59,166 | 57,527 | 208,578 | 205,453 | |||||||||||
Rental property real estate taxes | 14,596 | 10,891 | 58,395 | 55,649 | |||||||||||
Provision for (recovery of) doubtful accounts | 177 | (1,728 | ) | 504 | (2,762 | ) | |||||||||
General and administrative | 22,822 | 21,300 | 91,752 | 86,671 | |||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 44,966 | 46,517 | 179,799 | 168,734 | |||||||||||
Other | 3,734 | 4,468 | 15,002 | 13,302 | |||||||||||
Total expenses | 738,278 | 211,918 | 1,305,795 | 722,514 | |||||||||||
OTHER | |||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on sale or disposal of real estate and other assets, net | 14,948 | 3,162 | 22,907 | 24,162 | |||||||||||
Other income (loss), net | 250 | 909 | 92,120 | 5,823 | |||||||||||
Total other | 15,198 | 4,071 | 115,027 | 29,985 | |||||||||||
Operating income (loss) | 260,510 | 105,117 | 559,921 | 216,224 | |||||||||||
Interest income | 6,079 | 8,734 | 25,349 | 25,500 | |||||||||||
Interest expense | (42,329 | ) | (44,792 | ) | (164,926 | ) | (157,575 | ) | |||||||
Gain (loss) on extinguishment of debt | (267 | ) | (97 | ) | (465 | ) | (97 | ) | |||||||
Gain (loss) on sale of MUD receivables | 2,874 | — | (48,651 | ) | — | ||||||||||
Equity in earnings (losses) from unconsolidated ventures | (1,599 | ) | (685 | ) | (5,829 | ) | 25,776 | ||||||||
Income (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes | 225,268 | 68,277 | 365,399 | 109,828 | |||||||||||
Income tax expense (benefit) | 62,948 | 15,443 | 80,184 | 26,418 | |||||||||||
Net income (loss) from continuing operations | 162,320 | 52,834 | 285,215 | 83,410 | |||||||||||
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations, net of taxes | (6,416 | ) | (18,461 | ) | (88,223 | ) | (634,940 | ) | |||||||
Net income (loss) | 155,904 | 34,373 | 196,992 | (551,530 | ) | ||||||||||
Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests | 414 | (77 | ) | 711 | (243 | ) | |||||||||
Net income (loss) attributable to common stockholders | $ | 156,318 | $ | 34,296 | $ | 197,703 | $ | (551,773 | ) | ||||||
Basic income (loss) per share — continuing operations | $ | 3.27 | $ | 1.06 | $ | 5.75 | $ | 1.68 | |||||||
Diluted income (loss) per share — continuing operations | $ | 3.25 | $ | 1.06 | $ | 5.73 | $ | 1.68 | |||||||
thousands except par values and share amounts | December 31, 2024 | December 31, 2023 | |||||
ASSETS | |||||||
Master Planned Communities assets | $ | 2,511,662 | $ | 2,445,673 | |||
Buildings and equipment | 3,841,872 | 3,649,376 | |||||
Less: accumulated depreciation | (949,533 | ) | (829,018 | ) | |||
Land | 302,446 | 294,189 | |||||
Developments | 1,341,029 | 1,169,571 | |||||
Net investment in real estate | 7,047,476 | 6,729,791 | |||||
Investments in unconsolidated ventures | 169,566 | 182,799 | |||||
Cash and cash equivalents | 596,083 | 629,714 | |||||
Restricted cash | 402,420 | 379,498 | |||||
Accounts receivable, net | 105,185 | 101,373 | |||||
Municipal Utility District (MUD) receivables, net | 463,799 | 550,884 | |||||
Deferred expenses, net | 139,350 | 138,182 | |||||
Operating lease right-of-use assets | 5,806 | 5,463 | |||||
Other assets, net | 281,551 | 244,027 | |||||
Assets of discontinued operations | — | 615,272 | |||||
Total assets | $ | 9,211,236 | $ | 9,577,003 | |||
Mortgages, notes, and loans payable, net | $ | 5,127,469 | $ | 5,146,992 | |||
Operating lease obligations | 5,456 | 5,362 | |||||
Deferred tax liabilities, net | 142,100 | 84,293 | |||||
Accounts payable and other liabilities | 1,094,437 | 1,054,267 | |||||
Liabilities of discontinued operations | — | 227,165 | |||||
Total liabilities | 6,369,462 | 6,518,079 | |||||
EQUITY | |||||||
Preferred stock: | — | — | |||||
Common stock: | 566 | 565 | |||||
Additional paid-in capital | 3,576,274 | 3,988,496 | |||||
Retained earnings (accumulated deficit) | (185,993 | ) | (383,696 | ) | |||
Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) | 1,968 | 1,272 | |||||
Treasury stock, at cost, 6,493,859 shares as of December 31, 2024, and 6,457,777 shares as of December 31, 2023 | (616,589 | ) | (613,766 | ) | |||
Total stockholders' equity | 2,776,226 | 2,992,871 | |||||
Noncontrolling interests | 65,548 | 66,053 | |||||
Total equity | 2,841,774 | 3,058,924 | |||||
Total liabilities and equity | $ | 9,211,236 | $ | 9,577,003 | |||
Segment Earnings Before Taxes (EBT)
The Company has three business segments, Operating Assets, MPC, and Strategic Developments. EBT, as it relates to each business segment, includes the revenues and expenses of each segment, as shown below. EBT excludes corporate expenses and other items that are not allocable to the segments.
Three Months Ended December 31, | Year Ended December 31, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
thousands | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | |||||||||||||||||
Operating Assets Segment EBT | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | 112,521 | $ | 99,312 | $ | 13,209 | $ | 444,300 | $ | 410,254 | $ | 34,046 | |||||||||||
Total operating expenses | (51,840 | ) | (45,379 | ) | (6,461 | ) | (194,591 | ) | (179,865 | ) | (14,726 | ) | |||||||||||
Segment operating income (loss) | 60,681 | 53,933 | 6,748 | 249,709 | 230,389 | 19,320 | |||||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | (43,137 | ) | (44,684 | ) | 1,547 | (169,040 | ) | (161,138 | ) | (7,902 | ) | ||||||||||||
Interest income (expense), net | (34,439 | ) | (35,778 | ) | 1,339 | (138,207 | ) | (125,197 | ) | (13,010 | ) | ||||||||||||
Other income (loss), net | (74 | ) | 14 | (88 | ) | 822 | 2,092 | (1,270 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Equity in earnings (losses) from unconsolidated ventures | 1,775 | (2,343 | ) | 4,118 | 5,819 | 2,968 | 2,851 | ||||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on sale or disposal of real estate and other assets, net | 14,948 | 3,162 | 11,786 | 22,907 | 23,926 | (1,019 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on extinguishment of debt | (267 | ) | (97 | ) | (170 | ) | (465 | ) | (97 | ) | (368 | ) | |||||||||||
Operating Assets segment EBT | $ | (513 | ) | $ | (25,793 | ) | $ | 25,280 | $ | (28,455 | ) | $ | (27,057 | ) | $ | (1,398 | ) | ||||||
Master Planned Communities Segment EBT | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | 89,262 | $ | 212,329 | $ | (123,067 | ) | $ | 522,925 | $ | 448,452 | $ | 74,473 | ||||||||||
Total operating expenses | (41,463 | ) | (89,802 | ) | 48,339 | (221,927 | ) | (193,470 | ) | (28,457 | ) | ||||||||||||
Segment operating income (loss) | 47,799 | 122,527 | (74,728 | ) | 300,998 | 254,982 | 46,016 | ||||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | (111 | ) | (102 | ) | (9 | ) | (438 | ) | (418 | ) | (20 | ) | |||||||||||
Interest income (expense), net | 12,634 | 15,287 | (2,653 | ) | 60,473 | 64,291 | (3,818 | ) | |||||||||||||||
Other income (loss), net | — | 1 | (1 | ) | — | (102 | ) | 102 | |||||||||||||||
Equity in earnings (losses) from unconsolidated ventures | (3,432 | ) | 1,610 | (5,042 | ) | (11,899 | ) | 22,666 | (34,565 | ) | |||||||||||||
MPC segment EBT | $ | 56,890 | $ | 139,323 | $ | (82,433 | ) | $ | 349,134 | $ | 341,419 | $ | 7,715 | ||||||||||
Strategic Developments Segment EBT | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | 781,789 | $ | 1,308 | $ | 780,481 | $ | 783,396 | $ | 49,987 | $ | 733,409 | |||||||||||
Total operating expenses | (573,453 | ) | (4,452 | ) | (569,001 | ) | (602,724 | ) | (80,472 | ) | (522,252 | ) | |||||||||||
Segment operating income (loss) | 208,336 | (3,144 | ) | 211,480 | 180,672 | (30,485 | ) | 211,157 | |||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | (998 | ) | (1,115 | ) | 117 | (7,255 | ) | (3,963 | ) | (3,292 | ) | ||||||||||||
Interest income (expense), net | 5,632 | 4,157 | 1,475 | 18,603 | 16,074 | 2,529 | |||||||||||||||||
Other income (loss), net | 459 | 532 | (73 | ) | 90,534 | 690 | 89,844 | ||||||||||||||||
Equity in earnings (losses) from unconsolidated ventures | 58 | 48 | 10 | 251 | 142 | 109 | |||||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on sale or disposal of real estate and other assets, net | — | — | — | — | 236 | (236 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Strategic Developments segment EBT | $ | 213,487 | $ | 478 | $ | 213,009 | $ | 282,805 | $ | (17,306 | ) | $ | 300,111 | ||||||||||
Appendix – Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures
Below are GAAP to non-GAAP reconciliations of certain financial measures, as required under Regulation G promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission. Non-GAAP information should be considered by the reader in addition to, but not instead of, the financial statements prepared in accordance with GAAP. The non-GAAP financial information presented may be determined or calculated differently by other companies and may not be comparable to similarly titled measures.
Net Operating Income (NOI)
We define NOI as operating revenues (rental income, tenant recoveries, and other revenue) less operating expenses (real estate taxes, repairs and maintenance, marketing, and other property expenses). NOI excludes straight-line rents and amortization of tenant incentives, net; interest expense, net; ground rent amortization; demolition costs; other income (loss); depreciation and amortization; development-related marketing costs; gain on sale or disposal of real estate and other assets, net; loss on extinguishment of debt; provision for impairment; and equity in earnings from unconsolidated ventures. This amount is presented as Operating Assets NOI throughout this document. Total Operating Assets NOI represents NOI as defined above with the addition of our share of NOI from unconsolidated ventures.
We believe that NOI is a useful supplemental measure of the performance of our Operating Assets segment because it provides a performance measure that reflects the revenues and expenses directly associated with owning and operating real estate properties. We use NOI to evaluate our operating performance on a property-by-property basis because NOI allows us to evaluate the impact that property-specific factors such as rental and occupancy rates, tenant mix, and operating costs have on our operating results, gross margins, and investment returns.
A reconciliation of segment EBT to NOI for Operating Assets is presented in the table below:
Three Months Ended December 31, | Year Ended December 31, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
thousands | 2024 | 2023 | Change | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | |||||||||||||||||
Operating Assets Segment | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Total revenues | $ | 112,521 | $ | 99,312 | $ | 13,209 | $ | 444,300 | $ | 410,254 | $ | 34,046 | |||||||||||
Total operating expenses | (51,840 | ) | (45,379 | ) | (6,461 | ) | (194,591 | ) | (179,865 | ) | (14,726 | ) | |||||||||||
Segment operating income (loss) | 60,681 | 53,933 | 6,748 | 249,709 | 230,389 | 19,320 | |||||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | (43,137 | ) | (44,684 | ) | 1,547 | (169,040 | ) | (161,138 | ) | (7,902 | ) | ||||||||||||
Interest income (expense), net | (34,439 | ) | (35,778 | ) | 1,339 | (138,207 | ) | (125,197 | ) | (13,010 | ) | ||||||||||||
Other income (loss), net | (74 | ) | 14 | (88 | ) | 822 | 2,092 | (1,270 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Equity in earnings (losses) from unconsolidated ventures | 1,775 | (2,343 | ) | 4,118 | 5,819 | 2,968 | 2,851 | ||||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on sale or disposal of real estate and other assets, net | 14,948 | 3,162 | 11,786 | 22,907 | 23,926 | (1,019 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Gain (loss) on extinguishment of debt | (267 | ) | (97 | ) | (170 | ) | (465 | ) | (97 | ) | (368 | ) | |||||||||||
Operating Assets segment EBT | (513 | ) | (25,793 | ) | 25,280 | (28,455 | ) | (27,057 | ) | (1,398 | ) | ||||||||||||
Add back: | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 43,137 | 44,684 | (1,547 | ) | 169,040 | 161,138 | 7,902 | ||||||||||||||||
Interest (income) expense, net | 34,439 | 35,778 | (1,339 | ) | 138,207 | 125,197 | 13,010 | ||||||||||||||||
Equity in (earnings) losses from unconsolidated ventures | (1,775 | ) | 2,343 | (4,118 | ) | (5,819 | ) | (2,968 | ) | (2,851 | ) | ||||||||||||
(Gain) loss on sale or disposal of real estate and other assets, net | (14,948 | ) | (3,162 | ) | (11,786 | ) | (22,907 | ) | (23,926 | ) | 1,019 | ||||||||||||
(Gain) loss on extinguishment of debt | 267 | 97 | 170 | 465 | 97 | 368 | |||||||||||||||||
Impact of straight-line rent | (1,765 | ) | 408 | (2,173 | ) | (4,770 | ) | (2,256 | ) | (2,514 | ) | ||||||||||||
Other | 69 | (4 | ) | 73 | (306 | ) | 337 | (643 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Operating Assets NOI | 58,911 | 54,351 | 4,560 | 245,455 | 230,562 | 14,893 | |||||||||||||||||
Company's share of NOI from equity investments | 2,288 | 1,837 | 451 | 8,310 | 7,745 | 565 | |||||||||||||||||
Distributions from Summerlin Hospital investment | — | — | — | 3,242 | 3,033 | 209 | |||||||||||||||||
Company's share of NOI from unconsolidated ventures | 2,288 | 1,837 | 451 | 11,552 | 10,778 | 774 | |||||||||||||||||
Total Operating Assets NOI | $ | 61,199 | $ | 56,188 | $ | 5,011 | $ | 257,007 | $ | 241,340 | $ | 15,667 | |||||||||||
Same Store NOI - Operating Assets Segment
The Company defines Same Store Properties as consolidated and unconsolidated properties that are acquired or placed in-service prior to the beginning of the earliest period presented and owned by the Company through the end of the latest period presented. Same Store Properties exclude properties placed in-service, acquired, repositioned or in development or redevelopment after the beginning of the earliest period presented or disposed of prior to the end of the latest period presented. Accordingly, it takes at least one year and one quarter after a property is acquired or treated as in-service for that property to be included in Same Store Properties.
We calculate Same Store Net Operating Income (Same Store NOI) as Operating Assets NOI applicable to Same Store Properties. Same Store NOI also includes the Company's share of NOI from unconsolidated ventures and the annual distribution from a cost basis investment. Same Store NOI is a non-GAAP financial measure and should not be viewed as an alternative to net income calculated in accordance with GAAP as a measurement of our operating performance. We believe that Same Store NOI is helpful to investors as a supplemental comparative performance measure of the income generated from the same group of properties from one period to the next. Other companies may not define Same Store NOI in the same manner as we do; therefore, our computation of Same Store NOI may not be comparable to that of other companies. Additionally, we do not control investments in unconsolidated properties and while we consider disclosures of our share of NOI to be useful, they may not accurately depict the legal and economic implications of our investment arrangements.
Three Months Ended December 31, | Year Ended December 31, | |||||||||||||||||||||
thousands | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | ||||||||||||||||
Same Store Office | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Houston, TX | $ | 19,201 | $ | 19,607 | $ | (406 | ) | $ | 82,654 | $ | 83,033 | $ | (379 | ) | ||||||||
Columbia, MD | 5,048 | 3,954 | 1,094 | 22,782 | 21,835 | 947 | ||||||||||||||||
Las Vegas, NV | 4,887 | 3,932 | 955 | 19,128 | 13,300 | 5,828 | ||||||||||||||||
Total Same Store Office | 29,136 | 27,493 | 1,643 | 124,564 | 118,168 | 6,396 | ||||||||||||||||
Same Store Retail | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Houston, TX | 2,031 | 2,590 | (559 | ) | 9,898 | 10,342 | (444 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Columbia, MD | 1,277 | 1,020 | 257 | 4,442 | 3,017 | 1,425 | ||||||||||||||||
Las Vegas, NV | 5,784 | 5,446 | 338 | 23,135 | 23,559 | (424 | ) | |||||||||||||||
Honolulu, HI | 3,853 | 2,354 | 1,499 | 16,561 | 13,477 | 3,084 | ||||||||||||||||
Total Same Store Retail | 12,945 | 11,410 | 1,535 | 54,036 | 50,395 | 3,641 | ||||||||||||||||
Same Store Multifamily | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Houston, TX | 8,743 | 9,183 | (440 | ) | 38,050 | 37,414 | 636 | |||||||||||||||
Columbia, MD | 3,357 | 2,929 | 428 | 12,779 | 8,926 | 3,853 | ||||||||||||||||
Las Vegas, NV | 1,625 | 1,539 | 86 | 6,703 | 7,143 | (440 | ) | |||||||||||||||
Company's share of NOI from unconsolidated ventures | 1,734 | 1,806 | (72 | ) | 7,378 | 7,326 | 52 | |||||||||||||||
Total Same Store Multifamily | 15,459 | 15,457 | 2 | 64,910 | 60,809 | 4,101 | ||||||||||||||||
Same Store Other | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Houston, TX | 1,214 | 2,037 | (823 | ) | 4,520 | 6,765 | (2,245 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Columbia, MD | (199 | ) | (78 | ) | (121 | ) | 245 | (70 | ) | 315 | ||||||||||||
Las Vegas, NV | 316 | 118 | 198 | 1,127 | 562 | 565 | ||||||||||||||||
Honolulu, HI | 42 | 8 | 34 | 163 | 191 | (28 | ) | |||||||||||||||
Company's share of NOI from unconsolidated ventures | 554 | 31 | 523 | 4,174 | 3,452 | 722 | ||||||||||||||||
Total Same Store Other | 1,927 | 2,116 | (189 | ) | 10,229 | 10,900 | (671 | ) | ||||||||||||||
Total Same Store NOI | 59,467 | 56,476 | 2,991 | 253,739 | 240,272 | 13,467 | ||||||||||||||||
Non-Same Store NOI | 1,732 | (288 | ) | 2,020 | 3,268 | 1,068 | 2,200 | |||||||||||||||
Total Operating Assets NOI | $ | 61,199 | $ | 56,188 | $ | 5,011 | $ | 257,007 | $ | 241,340 | $ | 15,667 | ||||||||||
Cash G&A
The Company defines Cash G&A as General and administrative expense less non-cash stock compensation expense. Cash G&A is a non-GAAP financial measure that we believe is useful to our investors and other users of our financial statements as an indicator of overhead efficiency without regard to non-cash expenses associated with stock compensation. However, it should not be used as an alternative to general and administrative expenses in accordance with GAAP.
Three Months Ended December 31, | Year Ended December 31, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
thousands | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | |||||||||||||||||
General and administrative (G&A) | $ | 22,822 | $ | 21,300 | $ | 1,522 | $ | 91,752 | $ | 86,671 | $ | 5,081 | |||||||||||
Less: Non-cash stock compensation | (2,229 | ) | (1,725 | ) | (504 | ) | (9,104 | ) | (8,473 | ) | (631 | ) | |||||||||||
Cash G&A | $ | 20,593 | $ | 19,575 | $ | 1,018 | $ | 82,648 | $ | 78,198 | $ | 4,450 | |||||||||||
Adjusted Condo Gross Profit
Adjusted condo gross profit is a non-GAAP financial measure that we believe is useful to our investors and other users of our financial statements as an indicator of gross profit related to condominium sales closed in each period. This measure excludes costs in Condominium rights and unit cost of sales related to the remediation of construction defects at Waiea tower and costs related to a settlement agreement reached for the reimbursement of Waiea remediation costs.
Three Months Ended December 31, | Year Ended December 31, | ||||||||||||||||||||||
thousands | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | 2024 | 2023 | $ Change | |||||||||||||||||
Condominium rights and unit sales | $ | 778,590 | $ | 792 | $ | 777,798 | $ | 778,616 | $ | 47,707 | $ | 730,909 | |||||||||||
Condominium rights and unit cost of sales | (566,880 | ) | 973 | (567,853 | ) | (582,574 | ) | (55,417 | ) | (527,157 | ) | ||||||||||||
Less: Waiea settlement and remediation cost | — | — | — | 15,091 | 16,126 | (1,035 | ) | ||||||||||||||||
Adjusted condo gross profit | $ | 211,710 | $ | 1,765 | $ | 209,945 | $ | 211,133 | $ | 8,416 | $ | 202,717 | |||||||||||
Adjusted Operating Cash Flow Performance Measure
We define Adjusted Operating Cash Flow as the sum of the following non-GAAP performance measures: MPC EBT, Operating Asset NOI, condo gross profit, and cash G&A expense—which we have been using to measure our performance and providing guidance on for several years—as well as net interest expense (adjusted for interest income already included in MPC EBT). We believe Adjusted Operating Cash Flow provides investors a straightforward measure to model the Company’s overall financial performance against guidance. Also, by focusing on the core business metrics of each segment, Adjusted Operating Cash Flow offers a straightforward reflection of our operational and cash generation capabilities while highlighting the key drivers of future growth.
thousands | Year Ended December 31, 2024 | ||
Total Operating Assets NOI | $ | 257,007 | |
MPC EBT | 349,134 | ||
Adjusted condo gross profit | 211,133 | ||
Interest income (expense), net | (139,577 | ) | |
Less MPC Interest (income) expense, net (a) | (60,473 | ) | |
Cash G&A | (82,648 | ) | |
Adjusted Operating Cash Flow Performance Measure | $ | 534,576 |
(a) | Represents interest income for the MPC segment, which is included in MPC EBT. |
A reconciliation of Net income (loss) from continuing operations attributable to common stockholders to Adjusted Operating Cash Flow is presented in the table below:
thousands except per share amounts | Year Ended December 31, 2024 | |||||
(per diluted share) | ||||||
Net income (loss) from continuing operations attributable to common stockholders | $ | 285,926 | $ | 5.73 | ||
Adjustments to reconcile to Adjusted Operating Cash Flow Performance Measure: | ||||||
Corporate Adjustments | ||||||
Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests | (711 | ) | ||||
Income tax expense (benefit) | 80,184 | |||||
Non-cash stock compensation expense | 9,104 | |||||
(Gain) loss on sale of MUD receivables | 48,651 | |||||
Other Corporate Items | 17,236 | |||||
Total | 154,464 | 3.09 | ||||
Operating Assets Adjustments | ||||||
Depreciation and amortization | 169,040 | |||||
Equity in (earnings) losses from unconsolidated ventures | (5,819 | ) | ||||
(Gain) loss on sale or disposal of real estate and other assets, net | (22,907 | ) | ||||
(Gain) loss on extinguishment of debt | 465 | |||||
Impact of straight-line rent | (4,770 | ) | ||||
Other | (306 | ) | ||||
Company's share of NOI from unconsolidated ventures | 11,552 | |||||
Total | 147,255 | 2.95 | ||||
Strategic Developments Adjustments | ||||||
Rental revenue | (459 | ) | ||||
Other land, rental, and property revenues | (4,321 | ) | ||||
Operating costs | 17,670 | |||||
Rental property real estate taxes | 2,480 | |||||
Depreciation and amortization | 7,255 | |||||
Other (income) loss, net | (90,534 | ) | ||||
Equity in (earnings) losses from unconsolidated ventures | (251 | ) | ||||
Waiea settlement and remediation costs | 15,091 | |||||
Total | (53,069 | ) | (1.06 | ) | ||
Adjusted Operating Cash Flow Performance Measure | $ | 534,576 | $ | 10.71 |

What was Howard Hughes Holdings (HHH) earnings per share for full year 2024?
How much revenue did HHH generate from condominium sales in 2024?
What was HHH's Master Planned Community (MPC) performance in 2024?
What is HHH's current liquidity position as of Q4 2024?