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Hugoton Royalty Trust (OTCQB: HGTXU) announced no cash distribution for September 2024 due to excess cost positions on all three of the Trust's conveyances of net profits interests. The Trust's cash reserve was reduced by $42,000 for expenses. XTO Energy reported:

  • Underlying gas sales of 737,000 Mcf at $2.80 per Mcf
  • Oil sales of 15,000 Bbls at $75.57 per Bbl
  • Inclusion of sales from three new non-operated wells in Major County, Oklahoma
  • Deduction of $105,000 in development costs, $1,718,000 in production expense, and $823,000 in overhead

Excess costs increased on Kansas and Wyoming properties, while $289,000 was recovered on Oklahoma properties. Cumulative excess costs remain significant across all regions. Development costs for four non-operated wells in Major County, Oklahoma, have reached $10.2 million underlying ($8.1 million net to the Trust).

Hugoton Royalty Trust (OTCQB: HGTXU) ha annunciato che non ci sarà distribuzione di denaro per settembre 2024 a causa di costi eccessivi su tutte e tre le concessioni di interessi netti sui profitti del Trust. Le riserve di cassa del Trust sono state ridotte di $42.000 per spese. XTO Energy ha riportato:

  • Vendite di gas sottostante di 737.000 Mcf a $2,80 per Mcf
  • Vendite di petrolio di 15.000 Bbls a $75,57 per Bbl
  • Inclusione delle vendite provenienti da tre nuovi pozzi non operati nella contea di Major, Oklahoma
  • Detrazione di $105.000 in costi di sviluppo, $1.718.000 in spese di produzione e $823.000 in spese generali

I costi eccessivi sono aumentati nelle proprietà del Kansas e del Wyoming, mentre sono stati recuperati $289.000 nelle proprietà dell'Oklahoma. I costi eccessivi cumulativi rimangono significativi in tutte le regioni. I costi di sviluppo per quattro pozzi non operati nella contea di Major, Oklahoma, hanno raggiunto $10,2 milioni sottostanti ($8,1 milioni netti per il Trust).

Hugoton Royalty Trust (OTCQB: HGTXU) anunció que no habrá distribución de efectivo para septiembre de 2024 debido a costos excesivos en las tres concesiones de intereses de ganancias netas del Trust. La reserva de efectivo del Trust se redujo en $42,000 para gastos. XTO Energy informó:

  • Ventas de gas subyacente de 737,000 Mcf a $2.80 por Mcf
  • Ventas de petróleo de 15,000 Bbls a $75.57 por Bbl
  • Inclusión de ventas de tres nuevos pozos no operados en el condado de Major, Oklahoma
  • Deducción de $105,000 en costos de desarrollo, $1,718,000 en gastos de producción y $823,000 en gastos generales

Los costos excesivos aumentaron en propiedades de Kansas y Wyoming, mientras que se recuperaron $289,000 en propiedades de Oklahoma. Los costos excesivos acumulativos siguen siendo significativos en todas las regiones. Los costos de desarrollo de cuatro pozos no operados en el condado de Major, Oklahoma, han alcanzado $10.2 millones subyacentes ($8.1 millones netos para el Trust).

휴고톤 로열티 트러스트 (OTCQB: HGTXU)는 세 가지 이익의 순이익 양도에 대한 초과 비용으로 인해 2024년 9월에 현금 배분이 없다고 발표했습니다. 트러스트의 현금 резерв는 경비로 $42,000 감소했습니다. XTO 에너지는 다음과 같은 보고서를 발표했습니다:

  • 737,000 Mcf의 기초 가스 판매, Mcf당 $2.80
  • 15,000 Bbl의 석유 판매, Bbl당 $75.57
  • 오클라호마 주 메이저 카운티의 세 개의 새로운 비등록 유정에서의 판매 포함
  • $105,000의 개발 비용, $1,718,000의 생산 비용, $823,000의 관리 비용 공제

캔자스와 와이오밍의 자산에서는 초과 비용이 증가했으며, 오클라호마 자산에서는 $289,000가 회수되었습니다. 모든 지역에서 누적 초과 비용이 여전히 상당하게 유지되고 있습니다. 오클라호마 주 메이저 카운티의 네 개의 비등록 유정에 대한 개발 비용은 $10.2 백만 달러에 달하며, 트러스트에 순수 $8.1 백만 달러입니다.

Hugoton Royalty Trust (OTCQB: HGTXU) a annoncé qu'il n'y aurait pas de distribution de liquidités pour septembre 2024 en raison de coûts excessifs sur les trois transferts d'intérêts de bénéfices nets du Trust. Les réserves de trésorerie du Trust ont été réduites de 42 000 $ pour des dépenses. XTO Energy a rapporté :

  • Ventes de gaz sous-jacent de 737 000 Mcf à 2,80 $ par Mcf
  • Ventes de pétrole de 15 000 Bbls à 75,57 $ par Bbl
  • Inclusion des ventes provenant de trois nouveaux puits non exploités dans le comté de Major, Oklahoma
  • Déduction de 105 000 $ pour des coûts de développement, 1 718 000 $ pour des dépenses de production et 823 000 $ pour des frais généraux

Les coûts excessifs ont augmenté sur les propriétés du Kansas et du Wyoming, tandis que 289 000 $ ont été récupérés sur les propriétés de l'Oklahoma. Les coûts excédentaires cumulés restent significatifs dans toutes les régions. Les coûts de développement pour quatre puits non exploités dans le comté de Major, Oklahoma, ont atteint 10,2 millions de dollars sous-jacents (8,1 millions de dollars nets pour le Trust).

Hugoton Royalty Trust (OTCQB: HGTXU) hat bekannt gegeben, dass für September 2024 keine Barauszahlung erfolgen kann, da es auf allen drei Übertragungen der Nettogewinnanteile des Trusts überhöhte Kosten gibt. Die Bargeldreserve des Trusts wurde um 42.000 $ aufgrund von Ausgaben reduziert. XTO Energy berichtete:

  • Verkäufe von Grundgas in Höhe von 737.000 Mcf zu 2,80 $ pro Mcf
  • Ölverkäufe von 15.000 Bbls zu 75,57 $ pro Bbl
  • Einbeziehung von Verkäufen aus drei neuen nicht betriebenen Brunnen im Major County, Oklahoma
  • Abzug von 105.000 $ für Entwicklungskosten, 1.718.000 $ für Produktionskosten und 823.000 $ für Gemeinkosten

Die Kostenüberschreitungen nahmen in den Immobilien in Kansas und Wyoming zu, während 289.000 $ in den Immobilien in Oklahoma zurückgewonnen wurden. Die kumulierten Überkosten bleiben in allen Regionen erheblich. Die Entwicklungskosten für vier nicht betriebene Brunnen im Major County, Oklahoma, belaufen sich auf insgesamt 10,2 Millionen $ mit 8,1 Millionen $ netto für den Trust.

  • Increase in underlying gas sales volumes from 650,000 Mcf to 737,000 Mcf
  • Higher average gas price of $2.80 per Mcf compared to $2.40 per Mcf in the prior month
  • Slight increase in average oil price from $74.93 to $75.57 per Bbl
  • Partial recovery of $289,000 in excess costs on Oklahoma properties
  • No cash distribution to unitholders for September 2024
  • Reduction of Trust's cash reserve by $42,000 for expenses
  • Decrease in oil sales volumes from 20,000 Bbls to 15,000 Bbls
  • Increase in excess costs on Kansas properties by $26,000
  • Increase in excess costs on Wyoming properties by $388,000
  • Significant cumulative excess costs remaining: $1,420,000 for Kansas, $2,847,000 for Oklahoma, and $6,263,000 for Wyoming
  • High development costs of $10.2 million for four non-operated wells in Oklahoma

DALLAS, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Argent Trust Company, as Trustee of the Hugoton Royalty Trust (the "Trust") (OTCQB: HGTXU) announced today there would not be a cash distribution to the holders of its units of beneficial interest for September 2024 due to the excess cost positions on all three of the Trust's conveyances of net profits interests. The Trust's cash reserve was reduced by $42,000 for the payment of Trust expenses. To the extent net profits income is received in future months, the Trustee anticipates replenishing the cash reserve prior to declaring any future distributions to unitholders. Replenishment of the cash reserve may include any increase in the cash reserve total, as determined by the Trustee. The following table shows underlying gas and oil sales and average prices attributable to the net overriding royalty for both the current month and prior month. Underlying gas and oil sales volumes attributable to the current month were primarily produced in July.

Underlying Sales

Volumes (a) 

Average Price






(per Mcf)


(per Bbl)

Current Month Distribution





Prior Month Distribution






Sales volumes are recorded in the month the Trust receives the related net profits income. Because of this, sales volumes may fluctuate from month to month based on the timing of cash receipts.

XTO Energy has advised the Trustee that it has included underlying sales volumes of approximately 3,000 Bbls and 26,000 Mcf from three new non-operated wells drilled in Major County, Oklahoma and has deducted development costs of $105,000, production expense of $1,718,000, and overhead of $823,000 in determining the royalty calculation for the Trust for the current month.

Excess Costs

XTO Energy has advised the Trustee that excess costs increased by $26,000 on properties underlying the Kansas net profits interests. Underlying cumulative excess costs remaining on the Kansas net profits interests total $1,420,000, including accrued interest of $86,000.

XTO Energy has advised the Trustee that $289,000 of excess costs were recovered on properties underlying the Oklahoma net profits interests. However, after the partial recovery, there were no remaining proceeds from the properties underlying the Oklahoma net profits interests to be included in the current month's distribution. Underlying cumulative excess costs remaining on the Oklahoma net profits interests total $2,847,000, including accrued interest of $344,000

XTO Energy has advised the Trustee that excess costs increased by $388,000 on properties underlying the Wyoming net profits interests. Underlying cumulative excess costs remaining on the Wyoming net profits interests total $6,263,000, including accrued interest of $240,000.

Development Costs

As previously disclosed, XTO Energy advised the Trustee that it elected to participate in the development of four non-operated wells in Major County, Oklahoma. As of the date hereof, $10.2 million underlying ($8.1 million net to the Trust) in development costs have been charged to the Trust for the four non-operated wells. Two wells were completed in second quarter 2023, the third was completed in fourth quarter 2023, and the fourth was completed in first quarter 2024. The Trustee and XTO Energy will continue to provide material updates on the four non-operated wells in subsequent communications.

For more information on the Trust, including the annual tax information, distribution amounts, and historical press releases, please visit our website at

Statements made in this press release regarding future events or conditions are forward looking statements. Actual future results, including development costs and timing, and future net profits, could differ materially due to changes in natural gas and oil prices and other economic conditions affecting the gas and oil industry and other factors described in Part I, Item 1A of the Trust's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023.

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SOURCE Hugoton Royalty Trust


Why is Hugoton Royalty Trust (HGTXU) not distributing cash for September 2024?

Hugoton Royalty Trust (HGTXU) is not distributing cash for September 2024 due to excess cost positions on all three of the Trust's conveyances of net profits interests.

What are the current underlying gas and oil sales volumes for Hugoton Royalty Trust (HGTXU)?

For the current month, Hugoton Royalty Trust (HGTXU) reported underlying gas sales of 737,000 Mcf and oil sales of 15,000 Bbls.

How much are the cumulative excess costs for Hugoton Royalty Trust (HGTXU) properties?

Hugoton Royalty Trust (HGTXU) reported cumulative excess costs of $1,420,000 for Kansas, $2,847,000 for Oklahoma, and $6,263,000 for Wyoming properties.

What is the total development cost for the four non-operated wells in Major County, Oklahoma for Hugoton Royalty Trust (HGTXU)?

The total development cost for the four non-operated wells in Major County, Oklahoma is $10.2 million underlying ($8.1 million net to the Hugoton Royalty Trust (HGTXU)).



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