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Green Giant Inc. (NASDAQ: GGE) announced the opening of its subsidiary, GGE Texas, in Houston, Texas, on February 3, 2023. The new office aims to spearhead green energy initiatives by merging operational expertise with project financing to facilitate the transition towards clean energy. CEO Junaid Ali emphasized the company's commitment to significantly reducing the energy industry's carbon footprint using advanced technology and critical funding. Citing potential business uncertainties, the press release warns investors of possible risks affecting profitability.
Hinduja Global Solutions (HGS) has launched a new brand identity as part of its shift towards a digital-led, customer experience transformation approach. The company aims to enhance its value proposition as it targets top talent to drive digital interactions. With a vision to be the leading expert in transforming customer experiences and a mission centered around innovation and optimization, HGS plans to grow through an industry-specific approach and the integration of automation, analytics, and AI. For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2021, HGS reported revenues of Rs. 55,889 million (US$ 753.9 million).