HydroGraph Publishes 2025 CEO Letter to Shareholders
HydroGraph Clean Power (HGRAF) has published its 2025 CEO letter highlighting key achievements from 2024 and outlining strategic plans for 2025. The company reported several significant developments in 2024, including:
- Selection by Hawkeye Bio for graphene use in lung cancer detection sensors
- Partnerships with GEIC, NEI , and Volfpack Energy
- Successful test results showing 20% reduction in PET material for plastic bottles
- Demonstration of up to 70% strength improvement in cement during early curing
- Expansion of test quantity supply for supercapacitor and automotive applications
- Filing of two new U.S. patents for graphene-coated hollow glass microsphere technology
For 2025, HydroGraph plans to secure its first major supply contract, expand application development, and introduce new product lines. The company completed a funding round in December 2024 and is focusing on commercialization in automotive composites, PET packaging, energy storage, aerospace, defense, and construction sectors.
HydroGraph Clean Power (HGRAF) ha pubblicato la lettera del CEO per il 2025, evidenziando i principali successi del 2024 e delineando i piani strategici per il 2025. L'azienda ha riportato diversi sviluppi significativi nel 2024, tra cui:
- Selezione da parte di Hawkeye Bio per l'uso del grafene nei sensori per la rilevazione del cancro ai polmoni
- Collaborazioni con GEIC, NEI e Volfpack Energy
- Risultati di test positivi che mostrano una riduzione del 20% del materiale PET per bottiglie di plastica
- Dimostrazione di un miglioramento della resistenza fino al 70% nel cemento durante la fase di indurimento iniziale
- Espansione della fornitura di quantità di test per applicazioni nei supercondensatori e nell'automotive
- Deposito di due nuovi brevetti statunitensi per la tecnologia delle microsfere di vetro cavo rivestite in grafene
Per il 2025, HydroGraph prevede di assicurarsi il suo primo contratto di fornitura importante, espandere lo sviluppo delle applicazioni e introdurre nuove linee di prodotto. L'azienda ha completato un round di finanziamento nel dicembre 2024 e si sta concentrando sulla commercializzazione nei settori dei compositi automobilistici, dell'imballaggio in PET, dello stoccaggio energetico, dell'aviazione, della difesa e delle costruzioni.
HydroGraph Clean Power (HGRAF) ha publicado la carta del CEO para 2025, destacando los logros clave de 2024 y esbozando los planes estratégicos para 2025. La compañía informó sobre varios desarrollos significativos en 2024, incluyendo:
- Selección por parte de Hawkeye Bio para el uso de grafeno en sensores de detección de cáncer de pulmón
- Asociaciones con GEIC, NEI y Volfpack Energy
- Resultados de pruebas exitosas que muestran una reducción del 20% en el material PET para botellas de plástico
- Demostración de hasta un 70% de mejora en la resistencia del cemento durante el curado temprano
- Expansión de la cantidad de pruebas suministradas para aplicaciones en supercapacitores y automóviles
- Solicitud de dos nuevas patentes en EE.UU. para la tecnología de microsferas de vidrio hueco recubiertas de grafeno
Para 2025, HydroGraph planea asegurar su primer contrato de suministro importante, expandir el desarrollo de aplicaciones e introducir nuevas líneas de productos. La compañía completó una ronda de financiamiento en diciembre de 2024 y se centra en la comercialización en los sectores de compuestos automotrices, envases de PET, almacenamiento de energía, aeroespacial, defensa y construcción.
HydroGraph Clean Power (HGRAF)은 2025년 CEO 서한을 발표하여 2024년의 주요 성과를 강조하고 2025년 전략 계획을 개요했습니다. 이 회사는 2024년에 몇 가지 중요한 발전을 보고했습니다:
- 폐암 감지 센서에서 그래핀 사용을 위한 Hawkeye Bio의 선정
- GEIC, NEI 및 Volfpack Energy와의 파트너십
- 플라스틱 병용 PET 재료 20% 감축 성공 테스트 결과
- 초기 양생 시 콘크리트 강도 최대 70% 향상 시연
- 초전도체 및 자동차 응용 프로그램을 위한 테스트 수량 공급 확대
- 그래핀 코팅의 중공 유리 마이크로스피어 기술에 대한 새로운 미국 특허 2건 출원
2025년을 위해 HydroGraph는 첫 번째 주요 공급 계약을 확보하고 응용 개발을 확장하며 새로운 제품 라인을 도입할 계획입니다. 이 회사는 2024년 12월에 자금 조달 라운드를 완료했으며, 자동차 복합재, PET 포장, 에너지 저장, 항공우주, 방위 및 건설 분야에서 상용화에 집중하고 있습니다.
HydroGraph Clean Power (HGRAF) a publié sa lettre du PDG pour 2025, mettant en avant les principales réalisations de 2024 et décrivant les plans stratégiques pour 2025. L'entreprise a rapporté plusieurs développements significatifs en 2024, notamment :
- Sélection par Hawkeye Bio pour l'utilisation du graphène dans les capteurs de détection du cancer du poumon
- Partenariats avec GEIC, NEI et Volfpack Energy
- Résultats de tests réussis montrant une réduction de 20 % du matériel PET pour les bouteilles en plastique
- Démonstration d'une amélioration de la résistance allant jusqu'à 70 % dans le ciment lors du durcissement précoce
- Expansion de l'offre de quantités de tests pour les applications de supercondensateurs et automobiles
- Dépôt de deux nouveaux brevets américains pour la technologie des microsphères en verre creux revêtues de graphène
Pour 2025, HydroGraph prévoit de sécuriser son premier contrat de fourniture majeur, d'élargir le développement d'applications et d'introduire de nouvelles gammes de produits. L'entreprise a terminé un tour de financement en décembre 2024 et se concentre sur la commercialisation dans les secteurs des composites automobiles, de l'emballage PET, du stockage d'énergie, de l'aérospatiale, de la défense et de la construction.
HydroGraph Clean Power (HGRAF) hat seinen CEO-Brief für 2025 veröffentlicht, in dem die wichtigsten Erfolge aus 2024 hervorgehoben und strategische Pläne für 2025 skizziert werden. Das Unternehmen berichtete über mehrere bedeutende Entwicklungen im Jahr 2024, darunter:
- Auswahl durch Hawkeye Bio zur Verwendung von Graphen in Sensoren zur Erkennung von Lungenkrebs
- Partnerschaften mit GEIC, NEI und Volfpack Energy
- Erfolgreiche Testergebnisse, die eine Reduzierung des PET-Materials für Kunststoffflaschen um 20 % zeigen
- Demonstration einer bis zu 70 % stärkeren Festigkeit des Zements während der frühen Aushärtung
- Erweiterung der Testmengenversorgung für Superkondensatoren und Automobilanwendungen
- Anmeldung von zwei neuen US-Patenten für Technologie mit graphenbeschichteten Hohlen-Glas-Mikrosphären
Für 2025 plant HydroGraph, seinen ersten großen Liefervertrag zu sichern, die Anwendungsentwicklung auszubauen und neue Produktlinien einzuführen. Das Unternehmen hat im Dezember 2024 eine Finanzierungsrunde abgeschlossen und konzentriert sich auf die Kommerzialisierung in den Bereichen Automobilverbundstoffe, PET-Verpackungen, Energiespeicherung, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Verteidigung und Bauwesen.
- Recent funding round completed in December 2024 strengthens capital position
- Test results showed 20% reduction in PET material for plastic bottles
- Cement strength improved by up to 70% in early curing period
- Two new U.S. patent applications filed for graphene technology
- Multiple strategic partnerships established (GEIC, NEI , Volfpack Energy)
- No major supply contracts secured yet
- Commercial scale-up in PET packaging pending FDA approval
- Multiple product applications still in testing phase without confirmed commercialization
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HydroGraph Clean Power Inc. (CSE: HG) (OTCQB: HGRAF) (the “Company” or “HydroGraph”) a sustainable commercial manufacturer of pristine graphene, today issued a letter to shareholders from President & CEO, Kjirstin Breure.
Dear Shareholders:
As we enter 2025, on behalf of HydroGraph I would like to take a moment to wish you a Happy New Year. You have played an important role in helping us advance projects across all areas of our business over the past few years, and I look forward to sharing more of our accomplishments in the year ahead.
Looking back on 2024, I am proud of the significant progress the HydroGraph team has made to differentiate our proprietary capabilities and position us as the leading sustainable producer of pristine graphene. We advanced our application development work, established new partnerships, and opened new performance driven commercial relationships through advanced testing and small batch (test) production of our high-quality graphene.
The list below highlights just a few of our 2024 achievements that demonstrate the immense diversity and value potential in the application of high purity, functional and specialized graphene products:
- Hawkeye Bio selected HydroGraph’s graphene for use in the company’s biomedical sensor aimed at the early detection of lung cancer, results of which were subsequently published in the journal Nature (https://www.nature.com/articles/s43856-024-00461-7);
- We advanced key industry partnerships to promote graphene research (GEIC), support the development of graphene-enhanced battery materials (NEI Corporation) and support the creation of supercapacitor technology to increase the adoption of renewable energy (Volfpack Energy);
- Our graphene was used in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) test results to demonstrate a reduction of up to
20% in the material used in the manufacturing of plastic bottles; - Pristine graphene from HydroGraph was used to validate the superior technical and commercial performance of cement, resulting in improved strength by up to
70% in the early curing period; - We expanded on our commitment to provide customers with test quantities of HydroGraph’s pristine graphene for use in supercapacitor technology and automotive composites, including a key global automotive customer; and
- We submitted two new U.S. patent application filings for graphene-coated hollow glass microsphere technology, expanding the Company’s differentiated technology portfolio.
Our focus in 2025 will be to strengthen our customer pipeline and begin commercializing these successes by securing our first major supply contract, expanding our application development capabilities and introducing new product line offerings. As part of that effort, we are moving ahead on plans to open additional production capacity in sync with demand growth, access higher volume supply of key hydrocarbon inputs used in our patented explosion synthesis process and lay the groundwork for improved margin efficiency as we scale our throughput volume.
In order to deliver on these targets, we plan to make progress in the following key areas:
- Automotive composites: Pilot industrial scale-up production volumes, leading to a commercial supply order by end of 2025.
- PET packaging: Continue key testing in support of regulatory requirements, with commercial scale-up planned upon FDA approval within the next 12+ months.
- Energy storage: Commence commercial supply agreement discussions with lead customers in 2025.
- Aerospace: Continue material optimization efforts underway ahead of formulation and scale up anticipated late in 2025.
- Defense: Advance second phase testing currently underway; six months of optimization expected before scale-up order.
- Construction: Complete phase 2 testing now in progress then commence a pilot scale trial in 2025.
The recent funding round completed in December of 2024 with the support of insider, existing and new investors means that we are well capitalized to purse these initiatives. Even so, we remain dedicated to our principles of cost efficiency and careful stewardship of our resources. In doing so, we continue to prioritize projects with strong commercial qualities, benefits tied to high purity or functional graphenes and identified market demand.
We have set high but achievable objectives, and I am confident our team, partners and technology platform positions HydroGraph to achieve these goals. Thank you again for your continued support and I look forward to updating you on our progress in 2025.
Kjirstin Breure
President & CEO
About HydroGraph
HydroGraph Clean Power Inc is a leading producer of pristine graphene using an “explosion synthesis” process, which allows for exceptional purity, low energy use and identical batches. The quality, performance and consistency of HydroGraph’s graphene follows the Graphene Council’s Verified Graphene Producer® standards, of which very few graphene producers are able to meet. For more information or to learn about the HydroGraph story, visit: https://hydrograph.com/
For company updates, please follow HydroGraph on LinkedIn and X.
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This release contains certain “forward looking statements” and certain “forward-looking information” as defined under applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements and information can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as “may”, “will”, “expect”, “intend”, “estimate”, “upon” “anticipate”, “believe”, “continue”, “plans” or similar terminology. Forward-looking statements and information include, but are not limited to: closing of the Offering; anticipated use of proceeds; expected closing date of the Offering; payment of finder’s fees; ability to obtain all necessary regulatory approvals; the statements in regard to existing and future products of the Company; the Company’s plans and strategies. Forward-looking statements and information are based on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions that, while believed by management to be reasonable, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. Forward-looking statements and information are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the ability of HydroGraph to control or predict, that may cause HydroGraph’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied thereby, and are developed based on assumptions about such risks, uncertainties and other factors set out herein, including but not limited to: HydroGraph’s ability to implement its business strategies; risks associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; stakeholder engagement; marketing and transportation costs; loss of markets; volatility of commodity prices; inability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favourable terms; industry and government regulation; changes in legislation, income tax and regulatory matters; competition; currency and interest rate fluctuations; and other risks. HydroGraph does not undertake any obligation to update forward-looking information except as required by applicable law. Such forward-looking information represents management’s best judgment based on information currently available.
HydroGraph Investor Relations
Matt Kreps, Darrow Associates IR
Kjirstin Breure, President and CEO
HydroGraph Media Contact
Raven Carpenter, Fox Agency