Heritage Global Partners to Conduct Major Online Auction of Electriq Power’s Assets
Heritage Global Partners (HGP), a subsidiary of Heritage Global Inc. (NASDAQ: HGBL), has been appointed by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to conduct an online auction of Electriq Power's assets (Case # 9:24-bk-15235). The auction features over $18 million in smart energy storage inventory, comprising more than 1,000 lots of brand-new equipment.
The sale includes lithium-ion batteries, inverters, solar panels, and other new in-box smart energy products. The auction targets users, dealers, installers, integrators, and technical professionals in the alternative energy sector. Online bidding opens on March 26, 2025 and closes on March 27, 2025 at 8:00 AM PDT.
Heritage Global Partners (HGP), una filiale di Heritage Global Inc. (NASDAQ: HGBL), è stata nominata dal Tribunale Fallimentare degli Stati Uniti per condurre un'asta online degli asset di Electriq Power (Caso # 9:24-bk-15235). L'asta presenta oltre 18 milioni di dollari in inventario di sistemi di accumulo energetico intelligenti, comprendente più di 1.000 lotti di attrezzature nuove di zecca.
La vendita include batterie agli ioni di litio, inverter, pannelli solari e altri prodotti energetici intelligenti nuovi e imballati. L'asta si rivolge a utenti, rivenditori, installatori, integratori e professionisti tecnici nel settore delle energie alternative. Le offerte online apriranno il 26 marzo 2025 e si chiuderanno il 27 marzo 2025 alle 8:00 AM PDT.
Heritage Global Partners (HGP), una subsidiaria de Heritage Global Inc. (NASDAQ: HGBL), ha sido designada por el Tribunal de Quiebras de EE. UU. para llevar a cabo una subasta en línea de los activos de Electriq Power (Caso # 9:24-bk-15235). La subasta incluye más de 18 millones de dólares en inventario de almacenamiento de energía inteligente, que comprende más de 1,000 lotes de equipos completamente nuevos.
La venta incluye baterías de iones de litio, inversores, paneles solares y otros productos de energía inteligente nuevos en su empaque. La subasta está dirigida a usuarios, distribuidores, instaladores, integradores y profesionales técnicos en el sector de energía alternativa. Las ofertas en línea se abrirán el 26 de marzo de 2025 y cerrarán el 27 de marzo de 2025 a las 8:00 AM PDT.
헤리티지 글로벌 파트너스 (HGP), 헤리티지 글로벌 Inc. (NASDAQ: HGBL)의 자회사, 는 미국 파산 법원에 의해 일렉트리크 파워의 자산 (사건 # 9:24-bk-15235)의 온라인 경매를 진행하도록 임명되었습니다. 이번 경매는 1,800만 달러 이상의 스마트 에너지 저장 재고를 포함하며, 1,000개 이상의 새 장비 로트를 포함하고 있습니다.
판매에는 리튬 이온 배터리, 인버터, 태양광 패널 및 기타 새 제품이 포함되어 있습니다. 경매는 대체 에너지 분야의 사용자, 딜러, 설치자, 통합자 및 기술 전문가를 대상으로 합니다. 온라인 입찰은 2025년 3월 26일에 시작되어 2025년 3월 27일 오전 8:00 PDT에 마감됩니다.
Heritage Global Partners (HGP), une filiale de Heritage Global Inc. (NASDAQ: HGBL), a été désignée par le tribunal des faillites des États-Unis pour réaliser une enchère en ligne des actifs d'Electriq Power (Affaire # 9:24-bk-15235). L'enchère propose plus de 18 millions de dollars en inventaire de stockage d'énergie intelligent, comprenant plus de 1 000 lots d'équipements neufs.
La vente inclut des batteries lithium-ion, des onduleurs, des panneaux solaires et d'autres produits énergétiques intelligents neufs dans leur emballage. L'enchère cible les utilisateurs, les revendeurs, les installateurs, les intégrateurs et les professionnels techniques dans le secteur des énergies alternatives. Les enchères en ligne ouvrent le 26 mars 2025 et se clôturent le 27 mars 2025 à 8h00 PDT.
Heritage Global Partners (HGP), eine Tochtergesellschaft von Heritage Global Inc. (NASDAQ: HGBL), wurde vom US-Insolvenzgericht beauftragt, eine Online-Auktion der Vermögenswerte von Electriq Power (Fall # 9:24-bk-15235) durchzuführen. Die Auktion umfasst über 18 Millionen Dollar an intelligenten Energiespeicherbeständen, die mehr als 1.000 Lose neuer Ausrüstung umfassen.
Der Verkauf beinhaltet Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, Wechselrichter, Solarpanels und andere neue Produkte für intelligente Energie. Die Auktion richtet sich an Nutzer, Händler, Installateure, Integratoren und technische Fachleute im Bereich der alternativen Energien. Das Online-Bieten beginnt am 26. März 2025 und endet am 27. März 2025 um 8:00 Uhr PDT.
- Secured major bankruptcy court appointment for asset liquidation
- Large-scale auction of $18M in valuable energy storage assets
- Potential for significant fee revenue from high-value auction
- None.
More than 1,000 Lots Available
Auction Highlights:
- Product Categories: The auction includes lithium-ion batteries, inverters, solar panels, and a host of other new in-box smart energy products.
- Ideal for: This auction is for everyone. Users, dealers, installers, integrators, and technical professionals seeking premium alternative energy products.
David Barkoff, Senior Vice President at HGP commented, "This sale is a rare chance for buyers to bid on thousands of brand-new, in-box products. The sheer volume and quality of the assets available is staggering. This will surely be an exciting event.”
Auction Details:
- Online Bidding Opens: March 26, 2025
- Online Bidding Closes: March 27, 2025, starting at 8:00 AM PDT
- Registration and Catalog: Interested parties can view the catalog and register at HGP’s Auction Catalog.
This auction highlights HGP’s expertise in providing liquidity solutions for surplus and distressed assets across industries while delivering seamless monetization strategies that maximize value for both sellers and buyers.
About Heritage Global Partners, Inc. (“HGP”)
HGP is a subsidiary of Heritage Global Inc. (NASDAQ: HGBL). HGP operates under the Industrial Assets business unit and is a full-service auction, liquidation and asset advisory firm which holds a prominent spot in the industrial sectors including Aerospace, Automotive, Aviation, Biotech, Broadcast & Postproduction, Chemical, Electronics Manufacturing, Energy, Food & Beverage, Heavy Construction, Metalworking, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Plastics, Printing, Real estate, Semiconductor, Solar, Textile & Woodworking, and others. HGP conducts 150-200 auction projects per year, globally.
About Heritage Global Inc. (“HG”)
Heritage Global Inc. (NASDAQ: HGBL) values and monetizes industrial & financial assets by providing acquisition, disposition, valuation, and lending services for surplus and distressed assets. This aids in facilitating the circular economy by diverting useful industrial assets from landfills and operating an ethical supply chain by overseeing post-sale account activity of financial assets. Specialties consist of acting as an adviser, in addition to acquiring or brokering turnkey manufacturing facilities, surplus industrial machinery and equipment, industrial inventories, real estate, and charged-off account receivable portfolios through its two business units: Industrial Assets and Financial Assets.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250312598481/en/
David Barkoff
Investor Relations:
John Nesbett/Jennifer Belodeau
IMS Investor Relations
Source: Heritage Global Inc.