Hamilton Announces Common Share Repurchase Authorization

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Hamilton Insurance Group (NYSE: HG) has announced a significant $150 million common share repurchase authorization approved by its Board of Directors. This move allows the company to repurchase shares through open market transactions or privately negotiated deals. The authorization will remain in effect until the full value is utilized or terminated by the Board.

The timing, quantity, and value of shares to be repurchased will be at Hamilton's discretion, considering factors such as the company's capital position and market price of its common shares. This strategic decision demonstrates Hamilton's confidence in its financial strength and commitment to enhancing shareholder value.

Hamilton Insurance Group (NYSE: HG) ha annunciato un'importante autorizzazione per il riacquisto di azioni ordinarie del valore di 150 milioni di dollari approvata dal suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Questa mossa consente all'azienda di riacquistare azioni tramite transazioni sul mercato aperto o accordi negoziati privatamente. L'autorizzazione rimarrà in vigore fino al completo utilizzo del valore o alla sua revoca da parte del Consiglio.

I tempi, la quantità e il valore delle azioni da riacquistare saranno a discrezione di Hamilton, considerando fattori come la posizione patrimoniale dell'azienda e il prezzo di mercato delle sue azioni ordinarie. Questa decisione strategica dimostra la fiducia di Hamilton nella propria solidità finanziaria e l'impegno per migliorare il valore per gli azionisti.

Hamilton Insurance Group (NYSE: HG) ha anunciado una autorización significativa para la recompra de acciones ordinarias por valor de 150 millones de dólares aprobada por su Junta Directiva. Este movimiento permite a la empresa recomprar acciones a través de transacciones en el mercado abierto o acuerdos negociados privadamente. La autorización permanecerá vigente hasta que se utilice todo el monto o sea cancelada por la Junta.

El momento, la cantidad y el valor de las acciones a recomprar serán a discreción de Hamilton, considerando factores como la posición de capital de la empresa y el precio de mercado de sus acciones ordinarias. Esta decisión estratégica demuestra la confianza de Hamilton en su solidez financiera y su compromiso de aumentar el valor para los accionistas.

해밀턴 보험 그룹(Hamilton Insurance Group, NYSE: HG)은 이사회에 의해 승인된 1억 5천만 달러 규모의 보통주 자사주 매입 권한을 발표했습니다. 이 조치는 회사가 공개 시장 거래 또는 비공식 협상을 통한 주식 매입을 가능하게 합니다. 이 권한은 전체 금액이 사용되거나 이사회에 의해 종료될 때까지 유효합니다.

재매입할 주식의 시기, 수량 및 가치는 해밀턴의 재량에 따라 결정되며, 회사의 자본 상황과 보통주의 시장 가격과 같은 요소를 고려합니다. 이 전략적 결정은 해밀턴의 재정적 강인함에 대한 신뢰와 주주 가치를 증진하려는 의지를 보여줍니다.

Hamilton Insurance Group (NYSE: HG) a annoncé une autorisation significative de rachat d'actions ordinaires d'un montant de 150 millions de dollars approuvée par son conseil d'administration. Cette mesure permet à l'entreprise de racheter des actions par le biais de transactions sur le marché libre ou d'accords négociés en privé. L'autorisation restera en vigueur jusqu'à ce que la totalité de la valeur soit utilisée ou annulée par le conseil.

Le moment, la quantité et la valeur des actions à racheter seront à la discrétion de Hamilton, tenant compte de facteurs tels que la position de capital de l'entreprise et le prix du marché de ses actions ordinaires. Cette décision stratégique démontre la confiance de Hamilton dans sa solidité financière et son engagement à améliorer la valeur pour les actionnaires.

Die Hamilton Insurance Group (NYSE: HG) hat eine bedeutende Genehmigung zum Rückkauf von Stammaktien im Wert von 150 Millionen Dollar bekannt gegeben, die vom Vorstand genehmigt wurde. Dieser Schritt ermöglicht es dem Unternehmen, Aktien durch offene Markttransaktionen oder privat ausgehandelte Geschäfte zurückzukaufen. Die Genehmigung bleibt in Kraft, bis der gesamte Betrag genutzt oder vom Vorstand widerrufen wird.

Der Zeitpunkt, die Anzahl und der Wert der zurückzukaufenden Aktien liegen im Ermessen von Hamilton und berücksichtigen Faktoren wie die Kapitalausstattung des Unternehmens und den Marktpreis seiner Stammaktien. Diese strategische Entscheidung zeigt Hamiltons Vertrauen in die finanzielle Stärke des Unternehmens und das Engagement zur Steigerung des Shareholder Value.

  • Authorization of $150 million for share repurchases
  • Potential to enhance shareholder value through stock buybacks
  • Flexibility in repurchase methods (open market and private transactions)
  • Discretionary approach allows for optimal timing based on market conditions
  • Potential reduction in cash reserves or capital available for other investments
  • Risk of overpaying for shares if market conditions change rapidly

Hamilton's $150 million share repurchase authorization signals confidence in its financial position and potential undervaluation of its stock. This move could boost earnings per share and return value to shareholders. However, it's important to consider the trade-off between share repurchases and other potential uses of capital, such as investments in growth opportunities or strengthening the balance sheet.

The flexibility in timing and execution method (open market or private transactions) allows Hamilton to optimize the repurchase strategy based on market conditions. Investors should monitor the company's capital allocation decisions and the impact on its financial ratios, particularly in the context of the insurance industry's cyclical nature and regulatory capital requirements.

This share repurchase program could be viewed as a positive signal by the market, potentially supporting Hamilton's stock price. It reflects management's belief that the stock may be undervalued, which could attract value-oriented investors. However, the actual impact will depend on execution and market perception.

Investors should consider:

  • How this compares to industry peers' capital return strategies
  • The program's size relative to Hamilton's market capitalization
  • Historical share price performance and valuation metrics
This move may also indicate organic growth opportunities in the current market, prompting a closer look at Hamilton's competitive position and growth strategy in the insurance sector.

PEMBROKE, Bermuda--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd. (NYSE: HG) (“Hamilton” or “the Company”) announced today that its Board of Directors has authorized the repurchase of the Company’s common shares in the aggregate amount of $150 million (“Authorization”). Hamilton may repurchase shares through open market repurchases and/or privately negotiated transactions. The Authorization will expire when the Company has repurchased the full value of shares authorized, unless terminated earlier by the Hamilton Board of Directors.

The timing, as well as the number and value of the common shares being repurchased, will be determined by the Company at its discretion and will depend on a variety of factors, including the capital position of the Company and the market price of the Company’s common shares.

Special Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This information may contain forward-looking statements which reflect the Company's current views with respect to future events and financial performance and are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are made based on management's current expectations and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effects upon Hamilton. There can be no assurance that future developments affecting Hamilton will be those anticipated by management. Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, all matters that are not historical facts. These forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and involve risk and uncertainties, and there are certain important factors that could cause actual results to differ, possibly materially, from expectations or estimates reflected in such forward-looking statements. These uncertainties and risks are described under the section titled “Risk Factors” and “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” included in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 (the “Form 10-K”) and other subsequent periodic reports filed with the SEC available electronically at These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this press release and the Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information to reflect changes in assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events, or otherwise.

About Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd.

Hamilton is a Bermuda-headquartered specialty insurance and reinsurance company that underwrites risks on a global basis through its wholly owned subsidiaries. Its three underwriting platforms: Hamilton Global Specialty, Hamilton Select and Hamilton Re, each with dedicated and experienced leadership, provide access to diversified and profitable business around the world.

For more information about our company, visit or find us on LinkedIn at Hamilton.

Investor contacts

Jon Levenson and Darian Niforatos

Media contact

Kelly Corday Ferris

Source: Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd.


What is the total amount authorized for Hamilton's share repurchase program?

Hamilton Insurance Group (NYSE: HG) has authorized a share repurchase program for a total of $150 million.

How will Hamilton Insurance Group (HG) execute its share repurchase program?

Hamilton can repurchase shares through open market transactions and/or privately negotiated deals, at the company's discretion.

When does Hamilton's share repurchase authorization expire?

The authorization will expire when Hamilton has repurchased the full $150 million value of shares, unless terminated earlier by the Board of Directors.

What factors will determine the timing and amount of share repurchases for Hamilton (HG)?

The timing, number, and value of shares repurchased will depend on factors including Hamilton's capital position and the market price of its common shares.

Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd. Class B Common Shares


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Insurance - Reinsurance
Fire, Marine & Casualty Insurance
United States of America