Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. of Louisiana Reports Results of Operations for the Three Months and Year Ended June 30, 2024

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Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. of Louisiana (NASDAQ: HFBL) reported net income of $638,000 for Q4 2024, down from $1.3 million in Q4 2023. For the full fiscal year 2024, net income was $3.6 million, compared to $5.7 million in FY 2023. The decrease was primarily due to lower net interest income and non-interest income, partially offset by decreased credit loss provisions and income taxes.

Key financial metrics for FY 2024:

  • Net interest margin: 3.08% (down from 3.73% in FY 2023)
  • Total assets: $637.5 million (3.5% decrease)
  • Net loans: $470.9 million (3.8% decrease)
  • Total deposits: $574.0 million (3.9% decrease)
  • Shareholders' equity: $52.8 million (4.5% increase)

The company adopted the CECL methodology for estimating credit losses on July 1, 2023, resulting in a $189,000 increase to the allowance for credit losses.

Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. della Louisiana (NASDAQ: HFBL) ha riportato un utile netto di 638.000 dollari per il quarto trimestre del 2024, in calo rispetto a 1,3 milioni di dollari nel quarto trimestre del 2023. Per l'intero anno fiscale 2024, l'utile netto è stato di 3,6 milioni di dollari, rispetto a 5,7 milioni di dollari nell'anno fiscale 2023. La diminuzione è stata principalmente dovuta a un calo del reddito da interessi netti e del reddito non da interessi, parzialmente compensata dalla riduzione delle provvigioni per perdite su crediti e delle imposte sul reddito.

Indicatori finanziari chiave per l'anno fiscale 2024:

  • Margine di interesse netto: 3,08% (in diminuzione rispetto al 3,73% dell'anno fiscale 2023)
  • Attività totali: 637,5 milioni di dollari (diminuzione del 3,5%)
  • Prestiti netti: 470,9 milioni di dollari (diminuzione del 3,8%)
  • Depositi totali: 574,0 milioni di dollari (diminuzione del 3,9%)
  • Patrimonio netto degli azionisti: 52,8 milioni di dollari (aumento del 4,5%)

L'azienda ha adottato la metodologia CECL per la stima delle perdite su crediti il 1° luglio 2023, con un aumento di 189.000 dollari della riserva per perdite su crediti.

Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. de Louisiana (NASDAQ: HFBL) reportó un ingreso neto de $638,000 para el cuarto trimestre de 2024, en comparación con $1.3 millones en el cuarto trimestre de 2023. Para el año fiscal completo 2024, el ingreso neto fue de $3.6 millones, en comparación con $5.7 millones en el año fiscal 2023. La disminución se debió principalmente a menores ingresos netos por intereses y ingresos no por intereses, parcialmente compensados por una disminución en las provisiones para pérdidas crediticias y en los impuestos sobre la renta.

Métricas financieras clave para el año fiscal 2024:

  • Margen de interés neto: 3.08% (bajó del 3.73% en el año fiscal 2023)
  • Activos totales: $637.5 millones (disminución del 3.5%)
  • Préstamos netos: $470.9 millones (disminución del 3.8%)
  • Depósitos totales: $574.0 millones (disminución del 3.9%)
  • Patrimonio neto de los accionistas: $52.8 millones (aumento del 4.5%)

La compañía adoptó la metodología CECL para la estimación de pérdidas crediticias el 1 de julio de 2023, resultando en un aumento de $189,000 en la reserva para pérdidas crediticias.

루이지애나주 홈 연방 뱅콥, Inc. (NASDAQ: HFBL)는 2024년 4분기 순이익 638,000 달러를 보고했으며, 이는 2023년 4분기 130만 달러에서 감소한 수치입니다. 2024 회계연도의 전체 순이익은 360만 달러로, 2023 회계연도의 570만 달러와 비교됩니다. 감소의 주된 원인은 순이자 수익과 비이자 수익의 감소였으며, 신용 손실 충당금 및 소득세의 감소가 부분적으로 상쇄되었습니다.

2024 회계연도의 주요 재무 지표:

  • 순이자 마진: 3.08% (2023 회계연도의 3.73%에서 감소)
  • 총 자산: 6억 3,750만 달러 (3.5% 감소)
  • 순 대출: 4억 7,090만 달러 (3.8% 감소)
  • 총 예금: 5억 7,400만 달러 (3.9% 감소)
  • 주주 자본: 5,280만 달러 (4.5% 증가)

회사는 2023년 7월 1일 신용 손실 추정을 위한 CECL 방법론을 채택하여 신용 손실충당금을 189,000 달러 증가시켰습니다.

Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. de Louisiane (NASDAQ: HFBL) a annoncé un revenu net de 638 000 dollars pour le quatrième trimestre de 2024, en baisse par rapport à 1,3 million de dollars au quatrième trimestre de 2023. Pour l'exercice fiscal complet 2024, le revenu net s'élevait à 3,6 millions de dollars, contre 5,7 millions de dollars pour l'exercice fiscal 2023. La diminution a été principalement due à une baisse des revenus d'intérêts nets et des revenus non d'intérêts, partiellement compensée par une diminution des provisions pour pertes sur créances et des impôts sur le revenu.

Principaux indicateurs financiers pour l'exercice fiscal 2024 :

  • Marges d'intérêts nets : 3,08 % (en baisse par rapport à 3,73 % en 2023)
  • Actif total : 637,5 millions de dollars (baisse de 3,5 %)
  • Prêts nets : 470,9 millions de dollars (baisse de 3,8 %)
  • Dépôts totaux : 574,0 millions de dollars (baisse de 3,9 %)
  • Capitaux propres des actionnaires : 52,8 millions de dollars (augmentation de 4,5 %)

L'entreprise a adopté la méthodologie CECL pour l'estimation des pertes sur créances le 1er juillet 2023, entraînant une augmentation de 189 000 dollars de la provision pour pertes sur créances.

Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. aus Louisiana (NASDAQ: HFBL) berichtete von einem Jahresüberschuss von 638.000 Dollar für das 4. Quartal 2024, was einen Rückgang von 1,3 Millionen Dollar im 4. Quartal 2023 bedeutet. Für das gesamte Geschäftsjahr 2024 betrug der Jahresüberschuss 3,6 Millionen Dollar, im Vergleich zu 5,7 Millionen Dollar im Geschäftsjahr 2023. Der Rückgang war hauptsächlich auf geringere Nettozins- und Nichtzins-Erträge zurückzuführen, die teilweise durch gesenkte Rückstellungen für Kreditausfälle und Ertragsteuern ausgeglichen wurden.

Wichtige Finanzkennzahlen für das Geschäftsjahr 2024:

  • Nettozinsspanne: 3,08% (gesunken von 3,73% im Geschäftsjahr 2023)
  • Gesamtvermögen: 637,5 Millionen Dollar (Rückgang um 3,5%)
  • Netto-Darlehen: 470,9 Millionen Dollar (Rückgang um 3,8%)
  • Gesamteinlagen: 574,0 Millionen Dollar (Rückgang um 3,9%)
  • Eigenkapital der Aktionäre: 52,8 Millionen Dollar (Zunahme um 4,5%)

Das Unternehmen hat am 1. Juli 2023 die CECL-Methodik zur Schätzung von Kreditausfällen übernommen, was zu einem Anstieg von 189.000 Dollar in der Rückstellung für Kreditausfälle führte.

  • Shareholders' equity increased by 4.5% to $52.8 million
  • Decrease in provision for credit losses by 95.4% for the full year
  • Increase in interest income by 19.7% for the full year
  • Cash and cash equivalents increased by 41.1% to $34.9 million
  • Net income decreased by 51% for Q4 and 37% for the full year
  • Net interest margin declined from 3.73% to 3.08% for the full year
  • Total assets decreased by 3.5% to $637.5 million
  • Net loans decreased by 3.8% to $470.9 million
  • Total deposits decreased by 3.9% to $574.0 million
  • Non-performing assets increased from $1.6 million to $2.0 million


Home Federal Bancorp's latest financial results reveal a challenging year for the Louisiana-based bank. Net income for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2024, dropped to $3.6 million from $5.7 million in the previous year, a significant decrease of 36.8%. This decline is primarily attributed to a squeeze in net interest margins and increased interest expenses.

Key financial metrics paint a concerning picture:

  • Net interest margin contracted to 3.08% from 3.73% year-over-year
  • Interest expense on deposits surged by 166.3%
  • Non-interest income fell by 24.5%
  • Total assets decreased by 3.5% to $637.5 million

The bank's struggle with rising interest rates is evident, as the cost of deposits significantly outpaced the yield on earning assets. This margin compression is a common challenge in the current rate environment, but Home Federal seems to be more severely impacted than some peers.

On a positive note, the bank's credit quality remains stable, with non-performing assets only slightly increasing. The adoption of the CECL methodology resulted in a minor adjustment to the allowance for credit losses, suggesting manageable credit risk.

Investors should closely monitor the bank's ability to grow core deposits and manage interest rate risk in the coming quarters. The decrease in total deposits and shift towards higher-cost CDs could continue to pressure margins if not addressed effectively.

Home Federal Bancorp's results highlight the challenges regional banks face in the current economic environment. The bank's performance reflects several industry-wide trends:

  • Margin compression due to rapidly rising interest rates
  • Deposit mix shifts as customers seek higher yields
  • Reduced mortgage activity impacting non-interest income
  • Increased operating costs, particularly in compensation and regulatory compliance

The 69.4% increase in average balance of certificates of deposit, coupled with a 181 basis point increase in rates paid, underscores the competitive pressure on deposit gathering. This trend is likely to continue, potentially eroding profitability further unless loan yields can catch up.

The bank's decision to sell distressed rental properties, resulting in a $415,000 loss, may be a prudent long-term move to clean up the balance sheet. However, it does impact short-term results.

The 3.8% decrease in net loans receivable is concerning, as it may indicate challenges in loan growth or increased payoffs. In a rising rate environment, retaining and growing the loan portfolio is important for maintaining net interest income.

Home Federal's capital position remains solid, with shareholders' equity increasing by 4.5%. This provides some buffer for navigating the current challenges and potentially pursuing strategic opportunities.

Looking ahead, the bank's ability to optimize its balance sheet, control deposit costs and find new avenues for non-interest income will be critical in improving its financial performance in fiscal year 2025.

Shreveport, Louisiana, July 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. of Louisiana (the “Company”) (Nasdaq: HFBL), the holding company of Home Federal Bank, reported net income for the three months ended June 30, 2024, of $638,000 compared to net income of $1.3 million reported for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The Company’s basic and diluted earnings per share were both $0.21, respectively, for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to basic and diluted earnings per share of $0.42 and $0.40, respectively, for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The Company reported net income of $3.6 million for the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to $5.7 million for the year ended June 30, 2023. The Company’s basic and diluted earnings per share were both $1.18 for the year ended June 30, 2024 compared to $1.89 and $1.80, respectively, for the year ended June 30, 2023.

The decrease in net income for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, resulted from a decrease in net interest income of $1.1 million, or 20.0%, partially offset by a decrease in non-interest expense of $207,000, or 4.9%, a decrease in provision for income taxes of $157,000, or 45.8%, a decrease in the provision of credit losses of $105,000, or 70.0%, and an increase in non-interest income of $2,000, or 0.4%, The decrease in net interest income for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, resulted from an increase in total interest expense of $1.2 million, or 50.5%, partially offset by an increase in total interest income of $70,000, or 0.9%.  The Company’s average interest rate spread was 2.15% for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to 2.84% for the three months ended June 30, 2023. The Company’s net interest margin was 2.91% for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to 3.35% for the three months ended June 30, 2023.

The decrease in net income for the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to the year ended June 30, 2023, resulted from a decrease in net interest income of $2.6 million, or 12.1%, a decrease in non-interest income of $515,000, or 24.5%, and an increase in non-interest expense of $413,000, or 2.6%, partially offset by a decrease in the provision of credit losses of $828,000, or 95.4%, and a decrease in provision for income taxes of $590,000, or 55.3%. The decrease in net interest income for the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to the year ended June 30, 2023, resulted from an increase in total interest expense of $7.8 million, or 154.2%, partially offset by an increase in total interest income of $5.2 million, or 19.7%. The increase in total interest expense for the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to the year ended June 30, 2023, was primarily due to a $7.5 million, or 166.3% increase in interest expense on deposits. The increase in interest expense on deposits was primarily due to an $87.5 million, or 69.4%, increase in average balance of certificates of deposit, combined with a 181 basis point increase in rate paid on certificates of deposit for the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to the year ended June 30, 2023. The Company’s average interest rate spread was 2.38% for the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to 3.37% for the year ended June 30, 2023. The Company’s net interest margin was 3.08% for the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to 3.73% for the year ended June 30, 2023.

On July 1, 2023, the Company adopted the new current expected credit loss (“CECL”) methodology for estimating credit losses.  This resulted in a $189,000 increase to the allowance for credit losses (the “ACL”) and a one-time cumulative adjustment resulted in a $189,000 decrease to stockholders’ equity.  For purchased credit deteriorated loans, the Company applied the guidance under CECL using the prospective transition approach.  As a result, the Company adjusted the amortized cost basis of the purchased credit deteriorated loans by $170,000 to reclassify the purchase discount to the allowance for credit losses on July 1, 2023.  The ACL account increased $359,000 from these two transactions.  No provision expense was recorded in the first quarter of fiscal 2024, a recovery of credit losses of $16,000 was recorded in the second quarter of fiscal 2024, a provision of $11,000 was recorded in the third quarter of fiscal 2024 and a provision of $45,000 was recorded in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024.  As of June 30, 2024, the ACL was $4.6 million, and the ratio of ACL to gross loans was 0.96%.  As of June 30, 2023, the ACL was $5.2 million, and the ratio of ACL to gross loans was 1.05%.

The following tables set forth the Company’s average balances and average yields earned and rates paid on its interest-earning assets and interest-bearing liabilities for the periods indicated.

  For the Three Months Ended June 30, 
  2024  2023 
  (Dollars in thousands) 
Interest-earning assets:                
Loans receivable $485,859   5.85% $511,045   5.39%
Investment securities  98,277   2.13   121,911   2.07 
Interest-earning deposits  19,094   4.97   19,282   5.28 
Total interest-earning assets $603,230   5.21% $652,238   4.77%
Interest-bearing liabilities:                
Savings accounts $75,523   1.18% $88,790   0.33%
NOW accounts  67,460   0.72   71,102   0.34 
Money market accounts  78,543   2.53   128,377   1.78 
Certificates of deposit  224,791   4.42   181,439   3.13 
Total interest-bearing deposits  446,317   2.98   469,708   1.81 
Other bank borrowings  7,149   8.38   8,319   8.29 
FHLB advances  -   -   583   5.51 
Total interest-bearing liabilities $453,466   3.07% $478,610   1.93%

  For the Year Ended June 30, 
  2024  2023 
  (Dollars in thousands) 
Interest-earning assets:                
Loans receivable $499,237   5.81% $442,469   5.30%
Investment securities  106,526   2.33   113,332   1.95 
Interest-earning deposits  8,550   4.34   22,001   4.43 
Total interest-earning assets $614,313   5.19% $577,802   4.61%
Interest-bearing liabilities:                
Savings accounts $74,135   0.65% $105,850   0.29%
NOW accounts  67,224   0.53   63,074   0.26 
Money market accounts  93,178   2.46   106,146   1.02 
Certificates of deposit  213,662   4.15   126,156   2.34 
Total interest-bearing deposits  448,199   2.68   401,226   1.12 
Other bank borrowings  8,700   8.45   6,784   7.28 
FHLB advances  3,119   5.77   1,623   4.87 
Total interest-bearing liabilities $460,018   2.81% $409,633   1.24%

The $2,000 increase in non-interest income for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, resulted from an increase in gain on sale of loans of $19,000, an increase in other non-interest income of $9,000, and an increase in income on bank owned life insurance of $3,000 partially offset by a decrease in service charges on deposit accounts of $29,000. The $515,000 decrease in non-interest income for the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to the year ended June 30, 2023, resulted from an increase in loss on sale of real estate of $415,000, a decrease in gain on sale of loans of $201,000, and a decrease in gain on sale of fixed assets of $4,000, partially offset by an increase in service charges on deposit accounts of $48,000, an increase in gain on sale of securities of $26,000, an increase in other non-interest income of $24,000, and an increase in income from bank owned life insurance of $7,000. The decrease in gain on sale of loans for the year ended June 30, 2024, was primarily due to a decrease in mortgage loan originations caused by the higher interest rate environment.  The loss on sale of real estate for the year ended June 30, 2024, was primarily due to the bulk sale of twenty-one distressed rental properties in December 2023.

The $207,000 decrease in non-interest expense for the three months ended June 30, 2024, compared to the same period in 2023, resulted from decreases in data processing expense of $136,000, deposit insurance premium expense of $44,000, advertising expense of $43,000,  professional fees of $33,000, amortization of core deposit intangible expense of $27,000, loan and collection expense of $19,000, and compensation and benefits expense of $7,000, partially offset by increases in occupancy and equipment expense of $37,000, franchise and bank shares tax expense of $23,000, audit and examination fees of $22,000, and other non-interest expense of $20,000. The $413,000 increase in non-interest expense for the year ended June 30, 2024, compared to the year ended June 30, 2023, resulted from increases in compensation and benefits expense of $436,000, audit and examination fees of $235,000, amortization of core deposit intangible expense of $160,000, franchise and bank shares tax expense of $125,000, other non-interest expense of $125,000, occupancy and equipment expense of $122,000, deposit insurance premium expense of $96,000, and advertising expense of $20,000, partially offset by decreases in professional fees of $676,000, data processing expense of $187,000, and loan and collection expense of $43,000. The decrease in professional fees for the year ended June 30, 2024, was primarily due to the acquisition of First National Bank of Benton, which increased professional fees for the year ended June 30, 2023. The increases in compensation and benefits expense were primarily due to additional branch and back office staff.

Total assets decreased $23.4 million, or 3.5%, from $660.9 million at June 30, 2023 to $637.5 million at June 30, 2024. The decrease in assets was comprised of decreases in net loans receivable of $18.6 million, or 3.8%, from $489.5 million at June 30, 2023 to $470.9 million at June 30, 2024, investment securities of $18.0 million, or 15.8%, from $114.0 million at June 30, 2023 to $96.0 million at June 30, 2024, core deposit intangible of $334,000, or 21.8%, from $1.5 million at June 30, 2023 to $1.2 million at June 30, 2024, deferred tax asset of $132,000, or 10.1%, from $1.3 million at June 30, 2023 to $1.2 million at June 30, 2024, other assets of $75,000, or 5.3%, from $1.4 million at June 30, 2023 to $1.3 million at June 30, 2024, accrued interest receivable of $15,000, or 0.8%, from $1.8 million at June 30, 2023 to $1.78 million at June 30, 2024, and partially offset by increases in cash and cash equivalents of $10.2 million, or 41.1%, from $24.8 million at June 30, 2023 to $34.9 million at June 30, 2024, loans-held-for-sale of $1.7 million, from $4,000 at June 30, 2023 to $1.7 million at June 30, 2024, premises and equipment of $1.7 million, or 10.5%, from $16.6 million at June 30, 2023 to $18.3 million at June 30, 2024, bank owned life insurance of $110,000, or 1.6%, from $6.7 million at June 30, 2023 to $6.8 million at June 30, 2024, and real estate owned of $50,000, or 13.6% from $368,000 at June 30, 2023 to $418,000 at June 30, 2024. The decrease in investment securities was primarily due to $16.8 million in principal payments. The increase in cash and cash equivalents from $24.8 million at June 30, 2023 to $34.9 million at June 30,2024 was mainly due to decreases in loans receivable and investment securities.

Total liabilities decreased $25.7 million, or 4.2%, from $610.4 million at June 30, 2023 to $584.7 million at June 30, 2024. The decrease in liabilities was comprised of decreases in total deposits of $23.4 million, or 3.9%, from $597.4 million at June 30, 2023 to $574.0 million at June 30, 2024, other borrowings of $1.6 million, or 18.1%, from $8.6 million at June 30, 2023 to $7.0 million at June 30, 2024, other accrued expenses and liabilities of $727,000, or 18.6%, from $3.9 million at June 30, 2023 to $3.2 million at June 30, 2024, and advances from borrowers for taxes and insurance of $33,000, or 6.0%, from $554,000 at June 30, 2023 to $521,000 at June 30, 2024,. The decrease in deposits resulted from decreases in money market deposits of $28.7 million, or 25.1%, from $114.2 million at June 30, 2023 to $85.5 million at June 30, 2024, non-interest deposits of $15.2 million, or 10.5%, from $145.6 million at June 30, 2023 to $130.3 million at June 30, 2024, and savings deposits of $5.3 million, or 6.4%, from $81.9 million at June 30, 2023 to $76.6 million at June 30, 2024, partially offset by increases in certificates of deposit of $24.5 million, or 12.9%, from $190.4 million at June 30, 2023 to $214.9 million at June 30, 2024, and NOW accounts of $1.3 million, or 2.0%, from $65.3 million at June 30, 2023 to $66.6 million at June 30, 2024. The Company had no balances in brokered deposits at June 30, 2024 compared to $3.0 million at  June 30, 2023. There was a shift of balances between deposit categories due to customers moving funds from lower yielding categories to higher yielding categories.

At June 30, 2024, the Company had $2.0 million of non-performing assets (defined as non-accruing loans, accruing loans 90 days or more past due, and other real estate owned) compared to $1.6 million on non-performing assets at June 30, 2023, consisting of three commercial non-real estate loans, five single-family residential loans, four home equity line-of-credit loans, and three single-family residences in other real estate owned at June 30, 2024, compared to seven single-family residential loans, two commercial non-real estate loans, one consumer loan and two single-family residences in other real estate owned at June 30, 2023.  At June 30, 2024 the Company had five commercial non-real-estate loans, six single family residential loans, four home-equity line-of-credit loans, and one auto loan classified as substandard, compared to ten single family residential loans, three commercial non-real-estate loans, two commercial real estate loans, and three home equity line-of-credit loans classified as substandard at June 30, 2023.  There were no loans classified as doubtful at June 30, 2024 or June 30, 2023.

Shareholders’ equity increased $2.3 million, or 4.5%, from $50.5 million at June 30, 2023 to $52.8 million at June 30, 2024. The increase in shareholders’ equity was comprised of current year net income of $3.6 million, the vesting of restricted stock awards, stock options, and the release of employee stock ownership plan shares totaling $501,000, proceeds from the issuance of common stock from the exercise of stock options of $373,000, and a decrease in the Company’s accumulated other comprehensive loss of $39,000, partially offset by dividends paid totaling $1.6 million, stock repurchases of $486,000, and CECL implementation totaling $189,000.

Home Federal Bancorp, Inc. of Louisiana is the holding company for Home Federal Bank which conducts business from its ten full-service banking offices and home office in northwest Louisiana.

Statements contained in this news release which are not historical facts may be forward-looking statements as that term is defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Forward-looking statements can be identified by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts.  They often include words like believe, expect, anticipate, estimate, and intend, or future or conditional verbs such as will, would, should, could, or may.  We undertake no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

In addition to factors previously disclosed in the reports filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission and those identified elsewhere in this press release, the following factors, among others, could cause actual results to differ materially from forward-looking statements or historical performance: the strength of the United States economy in general and the strength of the local economies in which the Company conducts its operations; general economic conditions; legislative and regulatory changes; monetary and fiscal policies of the federal government; changes in tax policies, rates and regulations of federal, state and local tax authorities including the effects of the Tax Reform Act; changes in interest rates, deposit flows, the cost of funds, demand for loan products and the demand for financial services, competition, changes in the quality or composition of the Companys loans, investment and mortgage-backed securities portfolios; geographic concentration of the Companys business; fluctuations in real estate values; the adequacy of loan loss reserves; the risk that goodwill and intangibles recorded in the Companys financial statements will become impaired; changes in accounting principles, policies or guidelines and other economic, competitive, governmental and technological factors affecting the Companys operations, markets, products, services and fees.

(In thousands except share and per share data)

  June 30, 2024  June 30, 2023 
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Includes Interest-Bearing Deposits with Other Banks of $25,505 and $22,215 at June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023, Respectively) $34,948  $24,765 
Securities Available-for-Sale (amortized cost June 30, 2024: $30,348; June 30, 2023: $42,910, Respectively)  27,037   39,551 
Securities Held-to-Maturity (fair value June 30, 2024: $54,450; June 30, 2023: $59,678, Respectively)  67,302   72,879 
Other Securities  1,614   1,544 
Loans Held-for-Sale  1,733   4 
Loans Receivable, Net of Allowance for Credit Losses (June 30, 2024: $4,574; June 30, 2023: $5,173, Respectively)  470,852   489,493 
Accrued Interest Receivable  1,775   1,790 
Premises and Equipment, Net  18,303   16,561 
Bank Owned Life Insurance  6,810   6,700 
Goodwill  2,990   2,990 
Core Deposit Intangible  1,199   1,533 
Deferred Tax Asset  1,181   1,313 
Real Estate Owned  418   368 
Other Assets  1,350   1,424 
Total Assets $637,512  $660,915 
Non-interest bearing $130,334  $145,553 
   Interest-bearing  443,673   451,808 
Total Deposits  574,007   597,361 
Advances from Borrowers for Taxes and Insurance  521   554 
Other Borrowings  7,000   8,550 
Other Accrued Expenses and Liabilities  3,181   3,908 
Total Liabilities  584,709   610,373 
Preferred Stock - $0.01 Par Value; 10,000,000 Shares Authorized; None Issued and Outstanding  -   - 
Common Stock - $0.01 Par Value; 40,000,000 Shares Authorized: 3,144,168 and 3,133,351 Shares Issued and Outstanding at June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023, Respectively  32   31 
Additional Paid-in Capital  41,739   40,981 
Unearned ESOP Stock  (408)  (523)
Retained Earnings  14,055   12,707 
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss  (2,615)  (2,654)
Total Shareholders Equity  52,803   50,542 

(Unaudited) (In thousands except share and per share data)

  Three Months Ended  Year Ended 
  June 30,  June 30, 
  2024  2023  2024  2023 
INTEREST INCOME                
Loans, including fees $7,064  $6,866  $29,016  $23,452 
Investment securities  78   146   651   251 
Mortgage-backed securities  441   483   1,826   1,954 
Other interest-earning assets  236   254   371   974 
Total interest income  7,819   7,749   31,864   26,631 
INTEREST EXPENSE                
Deposits  3,310   2,119   11,998   4,506 
Federal Home Loan Bank borrowings  -   8   180   79 
Other bank borrowings  149   172   735   494 
Total interest expense  3,459   2,299   12,913   5,079 
Net interest income  4,360   5,450   18,951   21,552 
PROVISION FOR CREDIT LOSSES  45   150   40   868 
Net interest income after provision for credit losses   4,315   5,300   18,911   20,684 
NON-INTEREST INCOME                
Gain on sale of loans  81   62   265   466 
Loss on sale of real estate  -   -   (415)  - 
Gain on sale of fixed assets  -   -   -   4 
Gain on sale of securities  -   -   26   - 
Income on bank owned life insurance  28   25   110   103 
Service charges on deposit accounts  373   402   1,524   1,476 
Other income  24   15   74   50 
Total non-interest income  506   504   1,584   2,099 
NON-INTEREST EXPENSE                
Compensation and benefits  2,387   2,394   9,524   9,088 
Occupancy and equipment  577   540   2,202   2,080 
Data processing  142   278   655   842 
Audit and examination fees  93   71   549   314 
Franchise and bank shares tax  168   145   656   531 
Advertising  58   101   360   340 
Professional fees  114   147   557   1,233 
Loan and collection  31   50   155   198 
Amortization core deposit intangible  76   103   334   174 
Deposit insurance premium  104   148   393   297 
Other expenses  247   227   1,041   916 
Total non-interest expense  3,997   4,204   16,426   16,013 
Income before income taxes  824   1,600   4,069   6,770 
PROVISION FOR INCOME TAX EXPENSE  186   343   476   1,066 
NET INCOME $638  $1,257  $3,593  $5,704 
EARNINGS PER SHARE                
Basic $0.21  $0.42  $1.18  $1.89 
Diluted $0.21  $0.40  $1.18  $1.81 

  Three Months Ended  Year Ended 
  June 30,  June 30, 
  2024  2023  2024  2023 
Selected Operating Ratios(1):                
Average interest rate spread  2.15%  2.84%  2.38%  3.37%
Net interest margin  2.91%  3.35%  3.08%  3.73%
Return on average assets  0.40%  0.73%  0.55%  0.92%
Return on average equity  5.07%  9.24%  7.01%  11.57%
Asset Quality Ratios(2):                
Non-performing assets as a percent of total assets  0.31%  0.24%  0.31%  0.24%
Allowance for credit losses as a percent of non-performing loans(3)  228.70%  417.85%  228.70%  417.85%
Allowance for credit losses as a percent of total loans receivable(3)  0.96%  1.05%  0.96%  1.05%
Per Share Data:                
Shares outstanding at period end  3,144,168   3,133,351   3,144,168   3,133,351 
Weighted average shares outstanding:                
Basic  3,056,633   3,015,858   3,044,081   3,020,748 
Diluted  3,020,939   3,113,769   3,045,009   3,152,885 


(1)Ratios for the three-month period are annualized.
(2)Asset quality ratios are end of period ratios.
(3)Prior to July 1, 2023, the incurred loss methodology was used to estimate credit losses. Subsequent to that date, credit losses are estimated using the CECL methodology.


What was Home Federal Bancorp's (HFBL) net income for Q4 2024?

Home Federal Bancorp (HFBL) reported net income of $638,000 for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024.

How did HFBL's full-year 2024 net income compare to 2023?

HFBL's net income for the full fiscal year 2024 was $3.6 million, compared to $5.7 million in fiscal year 2023, representing a decrease of 37%.

What was HFBL's net interest margin for fiscal year 2024?

HFBL's net interest margin for fiscal year 2024 was 3.08%, down from 3.73% in fiscal year 2023.

How did HFBL's total assets change in fiscal year 2024?

HFBL's total assets decreased by 3.5% from $660.9 million at June 30, 2023, to $637.5 million at June 30, 2024.

What was the change in HFBL's shareholders' equity for fiscal year 2024?

HFBL's shareholders' equity increased by 4.5%, from $50.5 million at June 30, 2023, to $52.8 million at June 30, 2024.

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Banks - Regional
Savings Institution, Federally Chartered
United States