Nearmap Offers Customers Coast-to-Coast Coverage with Addition of Hexagon Content Library

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Nearmap, a global leader in location intelligence solutions, has announced the expansion of its imagery coverage across the U.S. through a partnership with Hexagon's Content Program. This addition complements Nearmap's existing coverage of 87% of the U.S. population, allowing insurers to gain insights into less populated geographic regions.

The expanded coverage will be accessible through Partner Connect, the Betterview platform's ecosystem for integrating third-party geospatial datasets and tools. This enhancement enables insurance companies to:

  • Optimize underwriting efficiency
  • Reduce physical inspection spending
  • Recommend risk mitigation steps to policyholders

Nearmap surveys over 100 million parcels in the United States up to three times per year, providing insurance companies with valuable location insights for better-informed decisions across the entire policy lifecycle.

Nearmap, un leader globale nelle soluzioni di intelligenza territoriale, ha annunciato l'espansione della sua copertura fotografica negli Stati Uniti attraverso una partnership con il Content Program di Hexagon. Questa aggiunta completa la copertura esistente di Nearmap, che copre l'87% della popolazione statunitense, consentendo agli assicuratori di ottenere informazioni su regioni geografiche meno popolate.

La copertura ampliata sarà accessibile tramite il Partner Connect, l'ecosistema della piattaforma Betterview per integrare dataset e strumenti geospaziali di terze parti. Questo miglioramento consente alle compagnie di assicurazione di:

  • Ottimizzare l'efficienza della sottoscrizione
  • Ridurre le spese per le ispezioni fisiche
  • Raccomandare misure di mitigazione del rischio ai contraenti

Nearmap controlla oltre 100 milioni di particelle negli Stati Uniti fino a tre volte all'anno, fornendo alle compagnie di assicurazione informazioni preziose sulla posizione per prendere decisioni più informate durante l'intero ciclo di vita della polizza.

Nearmap, un líder global en soluciones de inteligencia de ubicación, ha anunciado la expansión de su cobertura de imágenes en los EE.UU. a través de una asociación con el Content Program de Hexagon. Esta adición complementa la cobertura existente de Nearmap, que abarca el 87% de la población estadounidense, permitiendo a los aseguradores obtener información sobre regiones geográficas menos pobladas.

La cobertura ampliada estará accesible a través de Partner Connect, el ecosistema de la plataforma Betterview para integrar conjuntos de datos y herramientas geoespaciales de terceros. Esta mejora permite a las compañías de seguros:

  • Optimizar la eficiencia en la suscripción
  • Reducir los gastos de inspección física
  • Recomendar medidas de mitigación de riesgos a los asegurados

Nearmap revisa más de 100 millones de parcelas en los Estados Unidos hasta tres veces al año, proporcionando a las compañías de seguros valiosos conocimientos sobre ubicación para tomar decisiones mejor informadas a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida de la póliza.

니어맵( Nearmap)은 위치 인텔리전스 솔루션의 글로벌 리더로서 헥사곤의 콘텐츠 프로그램과의 파트너십을 통해 미국 전역의 이미지 커버리지를 확장한다고 발표했습니다. 이번 추가는 87%의 미국 인구를 커버하는 기존의 니어맵 커버리지를 보완하며 보험사들이 인구가 적은 지리적 지역에 대한 통찰력을 얻을 수 있게 합니다.

확장된 커버리지는 제3자 지리공간 데이터 세트와 도구를 통합하는 Betterview 플랫폼의 생태계인 Partner Connect를 통해 접근할 수 있습니다. 이 개선은 보험 회사가 다음을 수행할 수 있게 해줍니다:

  • 보험 인수 효율 최적화
  • 물리적 검사 비용 감소
  • 정책 보유자에게 위험 완화 조치를 권장

니어맵은 미국의 1억 개 이상의 토지를 연간 최대 3회 조사하여 보험 회사에 보다 나은 결정을 내릴 수 있는 귀중한 위치 정보를 제공합니다.

Nearmap, un leader mondial des solutions d'intelligence spatiale, a annoncé l'expansion de sa couverture d'images aux États-Unis grâce à un partenariat avec le Content Program de Hexagon. Cette addition complète la couverture existante de Nearmap, qui couvre 87 % de la population américaine, permettant aux assureurs d'obtenir des informations sur des régions géographiques moins peuplées.

La couverture élargie sera accessible via le Partner Connect, l'écosystème de la plateforme Betterview pour intégrer des ensembles de données et des outils géospatiaux tiers. Cette amélioration permet aux compagnies d'assurance de :

  • Optimiser l'efficacité de la souscription
  • Réduire les dépenses d'inspection physique
  • Recommander des mesures d'atténuation des risques aux assurés

Nearmap enquête sur plus de 100 millions de parcelles aux États-Unis jusqu'à trois fois par an, fournissant aux compagnies d'assurance des informations précieuses sur la localisation pour prendre des décisions mieux informées tout au long du cycle de vie de la police.

Nearmap, ein globaler Marktführer im Bereich Standortintelligenzlösungen, hat die Erweiterung seiner Bildabdeckung in den USA durch eine Partnerschaft mit dem Content Program von Hexagon bekannt gegeben. Diese Ergänzung ergänzt die bestehende Abdeckung von Nearmap, die 87% der US-Bevölkerung abdeckt, und ermöglicht es Versicherern, Einblicke in weniger bevölkerte geografische Regionen zu gewinnen.

Die erweiterte Abdeckung wird über Partner Connect, das Ökosystem der Betterview-Plattform zur Integration von Geodaten und -tools von Drittanbietern, zugänglich sein. Diese Verbesserung ermöglicht es den Versicherungsunternehmen,:

  • Die Effizienz der Zeichnung zu optimieren
  • Die Ausgaben für physikalische Inspektionen zu senken
  • Risikominderungsmaßnahmen den Versicherungsnehmern zu empfehlen

Nearmap erfasst über 100 Millionen Grundstücke in den Vereinigten Staaten bis zu dreimal pro Jahr und bietet den Versicherungsunternehmen wertvolle Standortinformationen für fundiertere Entscheidungen im gesamten Lebenszyklus der Police.

  • Expanded imagery coverage across the U.S., including less populated areas
  • Partnership with Hexagon's Content Program to enhance data availability
  • Improved risk management capabilities for insurance customers
  • Potential for increased efficiency and cost reduction in underwriting processes
  • None.

With the addition of Hexagon's aerial imagery, P&C insurance companies can now access broader, nationwide coverage to better support their portfolios

SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nearmap, a global leader in location intelligence solutions, announced its Betterview property intelligence platform will expand imagery coverage across the U.S. using data from Hexagon's Content Program. This addition to Nearmap imagery, which already covers 87% of the U.S. population, enables insurers to gain insights into less populated geographic regions.

Nearmap insurance customers can access imagery from the Hexagon Content Program through Partner Connect, the Betterview platform's ecosystem for integrating third-party geospatial datasets and tools. Hexagon imagery is updated and captured using advanced sensors, making it an ideal complement to the suite of risk management tools already available in Partner Connect. 

Many insurance companies writing business in the less populated areas of the U.S. struggle to obtain the necessary imagery to effectively manage property risk. The additional imagery, along with predictive risk scores, partner data like regional hazard data, permit data, replacement cost, and other tools, enables insurers to optimize underwriting efficiency, reduce physical inspection spending, and recommend risk mitigation steps to policyholders.

"By expanding our coverage, we're ensuring our customers have access to the most comprehensive and current view of properties," said Dave Tobias, GM of Insurance at Nearmap. "It's a significant addition to the extensive datasets available in Partner Connect, further empowering our customers with the tools they need to improve risk management across their portfolio."

Nearmap surveys more than 100 million parcels in the United States up to three times per year, making it easy for insurance companies to unlock location insights needed to make better-informed decisions across the entire policy lifecycle. With this update, Nearmap expands its customer commitment to delivering reliable and precise property intelligence, helping insurance carriers minimize losses, optimize underwriting processes, enhance risk mitigation, and accelerate claims.

To learn more about this announcement, visit:

About Nearmap:
Nearmap is the location intelligence provider that professionals rely on for consistent, reliable, high-resolution imagery, insights, and answers to create meaningful change in the world.

The Betterview and ImpactResponse platforms by Nearmap are integrated technology solutions built for insurers applying proprietary AI and computer vision to high-resolution aerial imagery and geospatial data — generating highly accurate property intelligence.

With Nearmap, insurance companies have on-demand insights throughout the policy lifecycle that increase quoting speed and accuracy, optimize underwriting efficiency, enhance property risk mitigation, and expedite claims. Nearmap is the only full stack provider of location intelligence — from camera, to capture, to processing — as utilized in the Betterview and ImpactResponse platforms. 

For more information, please visit

About Hexagon:
Hexagon is the global leader in digital reality solutions, combining sensor, software and autonomous technologies. We are putting data to work to boost efficiency, productivity, quality and safety across industrial, manufacturing, infrastructure, public sector, and mobility applications. 

Our technologies are shaping production and people-related ecosystems to become increasingly connected and autonomous, ensuring a scalable, sustainable future.

Hexagon's Geosystems division provides a comprehensive portfolio of digital solutions that capture, measure, and visualise the physical world and enable data-driven transformation across industry ecosystems. 

Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has approximately 24,500 employees in 50 countries and net sales of approximately 5.4bn EUR. Learn more at and follow us @HexagonAB. 

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SOURCE Nearmap


What is the significance of Nearmap's partnership with Hexagon for its imagery coverage?

Nearmap's partnership with Hexagon's Content Program expands its imagery coverage across the U.S., particularly in less populated areas. This allows insurance companies to gain better insights into properties in these regions, improving their risk management capabilities.

How often does Nearmap survey parcels in the United States?

Nearmap surveys more than 100 million parcels in the United States up to three times per year, providing insurance companies with current and comprehensive property data.

What benefits does the expanded coverage offer to insurance companies?

The expanded coverage enables insurance companies to optimize underwriting efficiency, reduce physical inspection spending, and recommend risk mitigation steps to policyholders. It provides a more comprehensive view of properties across the U.S., including less populated areas.

How can insurance customers access the Hexagon imagery data through Nearmap?

Insurance customers can access the Hexagon imagery data through Partner Connect, which is the Betterview platform's ecosystem for integrating third-party geospatial datasets and tools.



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