Global Quality in Manufacturing Survey from ETQ Reveals Dramatic Rise in Product Recalls

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ETQ's global survey, The Pulse of Quality in Manufacturing 2024, reveals alarming trends in product recalls and promising developments in AI adoption. Key findings include:

- 73% of respondents experienced a product recall in the past five years, with costs reaching up to $99.9M per recall in the U.S.
- 47% plan to use AI in the next two years, while 33% are already using it
- 85% report that most or all plant floor workers have access to electronic devices
- 61% attribute up to half of product recalls to supplier issues
- 48% report 11-20 safety incidents annually

The survey, conducted by Censuswide, polled over 750 quality leaders across the U.S., U.K., and Germany. It highlights the growing role of frontline workers in decision-making and the strategic approach manufacturers are taking towards quality management.

Il sondaggio globale di ETQ, Il polso della qualità nella produzione 2024, rivela tendenze preoccupanti nei richiami di prodotti e sviluppi promettenti nell'adozione dell'IA. Tra i risultati chiave vi sono:

- 73% dei rispondenti ha subito un richiamo di prodotto negli ultimi cinque anni, con costi che raggiungono fino a $99,9M per richiamo negli Stati Uniti.
- 47% pianificano di utilizzare l'IA nei prossimi due anni, mentre 33% la stanno già utilizzando.
- 85% dichiarano che la maggior parte o tutti i lavoratori della linea di produzione hanno accesso a dispositivi elettronici.
- 61% attribuiscono fino alla metà dei richiami di prodotto a problemi con i fornitori.
- 48% segnalano annualmente da 11 a 20 incidenti di sicurezza.

Il sondaggio, condotto da Censuswide, ha coinvolto oltre 750 leader della qualità negli Stati Uniti, nel Regno Unito e in Germania. Sottolinea il crescente ruolo dei lavoratori di prima linea nel processo decisionale e l'approccio strategico che i produttori stanno adottando nella gestione della qualità.

La encuesta global de ETQ, El pulso de la calidad en la manufactura 2024, revela tendencias alarmantes en los retiros de productos y desarrollos prometedores en la adopción de IA. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

- 73% de los encuestados experimentaron un retiro de producto en los últimos cinco años, con costos que alcanzan hasta $99.9M por retiro en EE.UU.
- 47% planean usar IA en los próximos dos años, mientras que 33% ya la están utilizando.
- 85% informan que la mayoría o todos los trabajadores en la planta tienen acceso a dispositivos electrónicos.
- 61% atribuyen hasta la mitad de los retiros de productos a problemas con proveedores.
- 48% informan de 11 a 20 incidentes de seguridad anualmente.

La encuesta, realizada por Censuswide, encuestó a más de 750 líderes de calidad en EE.UU., Reino Unido y Alemania. Destaca el creciente papel de los trabajadores de primera línea en la toma de decisiones y el enfoque estratégico que los fabricantes están adoptando hacia la gestión de calidad.

ETQ의 글로벌 설문조사인 2024 제조 품질의 맥박은 제품 리콜에 대한 우려되는 추세와 AI 채택에 대한 유망한 발전을 보여줍니다. 주요 결과에는 다음이 포함됩니다:

- 73%의 응답자가 지난 5년간 제품 리콜을 경험했으며, 미국에서의 리콜 비용은 최대 $99.9M에 달합니다.
- 47%는 향후 2년 내에 AI를 사용할 계획이며, 33%는 이미 AI를 사용 중입니다.
- 85%는 대부분 또는 모든 공장 작업자가 전자 기기에 접근할 수 있다고 보고하고 있습니다.
- 61%는 제품 리콜의 최대 절반이 공급업체 문제 때문이라고 추정합니다.
- 48%는 연간 11-20건의 안전 사고를 보고합니다.

이 설문조사는 Censuswide가 실시하였으며, 미국, 영국, 독일 전역의 750명 이상의 품질 리더에게 설문조사를 실시했습니다. 이는 의사 결정에서 최전선 근로자의 역할이 커지고 있음을 강조하며, 제조업체들이 품질 관리에 대해 전략적인 접근 방식을 취하고 있다는 점을 부각시킵니다.

L'enquête mondiale d'ETQ, Le pouls de la qualité dans la fabrication 2024, révèle des tendances alarmantes concernant les rappels de produits et des développements prometteurs dans l'adoption de l'IA. Les principales conclusions incluent :

- 73% des répondants ont connu un rappel de produit au cours des cinq dernières années, avec des coûts atteignant jusqu'à $99,9M par rappel aux États-Unis.
- 47% prévoient d'utiliser l'IA dans les deux prochaines années, tandis que 33% l'utilisent déjà.
- 85% rapportent que la plupart ou tous les travailleurs de l'atelier ont accès à des appareils électroniques.
- 61% attribuent jusqu'à la moitié des rappels de produits à des problèmes avec les fournisseurs.
- 48% rapportent de 11 à 20 incidents de sécurité par an.

L'enquête, réalisée par Censuswide, a interrogé plus de 750 responsables qualité aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et en Allemagne. Elle met en lumière le rôle croissant des travailleurs de première ligne dans la prise de décision et l'approche stratégique adoptée par les fabricants en matière de gestion de la qualité.

Die globale Umfrage von ETQ, Der Puls der Qualität in der Fertigung 2024, zeigt alarmierende Trends bei Produktrückrufen und vielversprechende Entwicklungen bei der KI-Nutzung. Zu den wichtigsten Ergebnissen gehören:

- 73% der Befragten haben in den letzten fünf Jahren einen Produktrückruf erlebt, wobei die Kosten in den USA bis zu $99,9M pro Rückruf erreichen.
- 47% planen, in den nächsten zwei Jahren KI zu nutzen, während 33% sie bereits verwenden.
- 85% berichten, dass die meisten oder alle Mitarbeiter im Werk Zugang zu elektronischen Geräten haben.
- 61% führen bis zu die Hälfte der Produktrückrufe auf Probleme mit Lieferanten zurück.
- 48% berichten von jährlich 11-20 Sicherheitsvorfällen.

Die Umfrage, die von Censuswide durchgeführt wurde, befragte über 750 Qualitätsverantwortliche in den USA, Großbritannien und Deutschland. Sie hebt die wachsende Rolle der Arbeitnehmer an der Front in der Entscheidungsfindung hervor und zeigt den strategischen Ansatz, den Hersteller in Bezug auf das Qualitätsmanagement verfolgen.

  • None.
  • None.

"The Pulse of Quality in Manufacturing 2024" Also Reveals Overwhelming Plans for AI Adoption and the Changing Role of Frontline Workers 

BURLINGTON, Mass., Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ETQ, part of Hexagon, shared results of its global survey, The Pulse of Quality in Manufacturing 2024. The survey found that the vast majority of respondents (73%) have had a product recall in the past five years, with financial costs reaching $99.9M in the U.S. alone for each recall.  Respondents also cited additional negative consequences of product recalls, including damage to brand reputation, delayed product introductions, plant shutdowns and personnel lay-offs. 

The Pulse of Quality in Manufacturing 2024 survey was conducted on behalf of ETQ by research firm Censuswide. More than 750 quality leaders and related project managers at manufacturing firms across the U.S., the U.K. and Germany were asked about the quality trends, initiatives and current status of quality in their enterprise organizations.

In addition to the rise in product recalls, a more promising trend revealed in the survey is the overwhelming plans for AI adoption, with 47% of respondents planning to use AI in the next two years (and 33% already using it). The survey also indicated a growing role for frontline workers in the manufacturing decision-making process.

"We're pleased to share results of our annual survey that gets to the heart of what's happening on the frontlines, corner offices and supply chains of manufacturers across the globe," said Vick Vaishnavi, CEO, ETQ. "While we hear of product recalls almost daily – from food and beverage manufacturers to heavy industry, medical devices, life sciences and electronics enterprises – our survey revealed just how troubling the trend is and the real impact on manufacturers."

Below are key findings from The Pulse of Quality in Manufacturing 2024:

Product Recalls are on the Rise
Seventy-three percent of respondents stated that they had a product recall in the last five years and 48% said they have experienced more recalls than they did five years ago. Thirty-nine percent of respondents said that the cost to rectify one recall ranged from $10M to $49.99M.

Respondents indicated the following impacts of product recalls:

  • Brand reputation (35%)
  • Delayed product introductions (32%)
  • Weakened customer satisfaction (34%)
  • Plant shutdowns (30%)
  • Corporate layoffs (26%)

AI Will Play a Greater Role in Manufacturing Operations
Forty-seven percent of respondents say they plan to use AI in the next two years. All but one percent of respondents said they are using or plan to use AI for the following quality applications:

  • Document processing (46%)
  • Automating core processes (33%)
  • Predicting future trends (39%)
  • Spotting defects on the factory floor (38%)

Frontline Workers Play a Strategic Role in Quality Decisions
The majority (85%) of respondents said that "most" or "all" plant floor workers have access to electronic devices; and 80 percent said "most" or "all" functions have access to relevant quality data.

Suppliers Have an Impact on Quality
Sixty-one percent of respondents claim that up to one-half of product recalls can be attributed to supplier issues. Despite this number, 70% believe their organization has control over suppliers.

Safety Issues Remain
Forty-eight percent of respondents said they have 11-to-20 safety incidents in an average year. Yet, the majority of respondents (71%) also said they have "good" or "best-in-class" worker training.

Manufacturers believe they have a strategic approach to quality.
Fifty percent of respondents felt that their organization is doing a good job at managing quality initiatives; and the majority (60%) believe their cost of quality is "low."

"While there seems to be some level of discrepancy in the perceived level of quality and actual quality issues, manufacturers are committed to taking a strategic approach to quality, leveraging new tools, technologies and processes, as well as their most important asset, their employees, to meet and exceed their quality goals now and into the future," added Vaishnavi.

About the Survey Methodology
Industries represented in the survey include firms in heavy manufacturing, electronics and appliances, medical device, pharma and life sciences, food & beverage, chemicals and agritech, logistics & distribution, transportation, automotive, aerospace & defense and manufacturing sectors. While the survey polled both mid-market ($100M$500M) and enterprise-level organizations (above $500M), the sample was weighted more heavily to larger, global manufacturers.

About ETQ
ETQ, part of Hexagon, is a leading provider of integrated quality management, health, safety, and environmental solutions for manufacturers. Firms around the world rely on ETQ to ensure optimal quality at scale, reduce costs and improve the velocity of data-driven decisions. Learn more at

Hexagon is a global leader in digital reality solutions, combining sensor, software and autonomous technologies. Hexagon (Nasdaq Stockholm: HEXA B) has approximately 24,000 employees in 50 countries and net sales of approximately 5.2bn EUR. Learn more at and follow us @HexagonAB.

Click here to download your copy of the report: "Taking the Pulse of Quality in Manufacturing 2024."


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What percentage of manufacturers experienced a product recall in the past five years according to ETQ's survey?

According to ETQ's survey, 73% of manufacturers experienced a product recall in the past five years.

How much can a single product recall cost in the U.S., as reported in the ETQ survey?

The ETQ survey reveals that a single product recall can cost up to $99.9 million in the U.S.

What percentage of manufacturers plan to use AI in the next two years, according to the ETQ survey?

The ETQ survey shows that 47% of manufacturers plan to use AI in the next two years.

How many safety incidents do most manufacturers report annually, according to the ETQ survey?

According to the ETQ survey, 48% of manufacturers report 11-20 safety incidents in an average year.

What percentage of product recalls can be attributed to supplier issues, as per the ETQ survey?

The ETQ survey indicates that 61% of respondents claim up to one-half of product recalls can be attributed to supplier issues.



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