ETQ Makes Major Inroads in Second Quarter 2024, Reaffirms Leadership, Customer Satisfaction with ETQ Reliance Quality Management System

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ETQ, part of Hexagon, achieved significant milestones in Q2 2024, reinforcing its leadership in the quality management system (QMS) market. Key highlights include:

1. Recognition: Named 'Overall Leader' among QMS suppliers by ABI Research.

2. Customer Growth: Added several new enterprise customers globally and expanded existing customer usage of ETQ Reliance®.

3. Industry Participation: Hosted the ETQ EU Summit and participated in major industry events like ASQ WCQI and Quality Show South.

4. Thought Leadership: ETQ executives shared insights at conferences and through industry publications.

These achievements demonstrate ETQ's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction in the quality management landscape.

ETQ, parte di Hexagon, ha raggiunto importanti traguardi nel secondo trimestre del 2024, consolidando la sua leadership nel mercato dei sistemi di gestione della qualità (QMS). I punti salienti includono:

1. Riconoscimento: Nominato 'Leader Assoluto' tra i fornitori di QMS da ABI Research.

2. Crescita dei Clienti: Aggiunti diversi nuovi clienti aziendali a livello globale e ampliato l'uso da parte dei clienti esistenti di ETQ Reliance®.

3. Partecipazione all'Industria: Ospitato il Summit ETQ EU e partecipato a importanti eventi del settore come ASQ WCQI e Quality Show South.

4. Leadership di Pensiero: I dirigenti di ETQ hanno condiviso intuizioni in conferenze e attraverso pubblicazioni di settore.

Questi risultati dimostrano l'impegno di ETQ per l'innovazione e la soddisfazione del cliente nel panorama della gestione della qualità.

ETQ, parte de Hexagon, logró hitos significativos en el segundo trimestre de 2024, reforzando su liderazgo en el mercado de sistemas de gestión de calidad (QMS). Los puntos destacados incluyen:

1. Reconocimiento: Nombrado 'Líder General' entre los proveedores de QMS por ABI Research.

2. Crecimiento de Clientes: Añadidos varios nuevos clientes empresariales a nivel mundial y expansión del uso existente de ETQ Reliance®.

3. Participación en la Industria: Organizado el Summit de ETQ EU y participación en eventos importantes de la industria como ASQ WCQI y Quality Show South.

4. Liderazgo de Pensamiento: Los ejecutivos de ETQ compartieron ideas en conferencias y a través de publicaciones de la industria.

Estos logros demuestran el compromiso de ETQ con la innovación y la satisfacción del cliente en el panorama de la gestión de calidad.

Hexagon의 일환인 ETQ는 2024년 2분기에 중요한 이정표를 달성하여 품질 관리 시스템(QMS) 시장에서의 리더십을 강화했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 인정: ABI Research에 의해 QMS 공급업체 중 '종합 리더'로 선정됨.

2. 고객 성장: 전 세계적으로 여러 새로운 기업 고객을 추가하고 기존 고객의 ETQ Reliance® 사용을 확장함.

3. 산업 참여: ETQ EU Summit을 주최하고 ASQ WCQI 및 Quality Show South와 같은 주요 산업 행사에 참여함.

4. 사고 리더십: ETQ 임원들이 컨퍼런스 및 산업 출판물을 통해 통찰을 공유함.

이러한 성과는 품질 관리 분야에서 혁신 및 고객 만족에 대한 ETQ의 헌신을 보여줍니다.

ETQ, partie de Hexagon, a atteint des étapes significatives au deuxième trimestre 2024, renforçant sa position de leader dans le marché des systèmes de gestion de la qualité (QMS). Les points clés incluent :

1. Reconnaissance: Nommé 'Leader Global' parmi les fournisseurs de QMS par ABI Research.

2. Croissance des Clients: Ajout de plusieurs nouveaux clients d'entreprise à l'échelle mondiale et extension de l'utilisation d'ETQ Reliance® par les clients existants.

3. Participation à l'Industrie: Accueil du Sommet ETQ EU et participation à des événements majeurs de l'industrie comme l'ASQ WCQI et le Quality Show South.

4. Leadership d'Opinion: Les dirigeants d'ETQ ont partagé leurs idées lors de conférences et à travers des publications spécialisées.

Ces réalisations démontrent l'engagement d'ETQ envers l'innovation et la satisfaction des clients dans le paysage de la gestion de la qualité.

ETQ, Teil von Hexagon, erzielte im zweiten Quartal 2024 bedeutende Meilensteine und festigte seine Führungsrolle im Markt für Qualitätsmanagementsysteme (QMS). Zu den wichtigsten Punkten gehören:

1. Anerkennung: Als 'Gesamtführer' unter den QMS-Anbietern von ABI Research ausgezeichnet.

2. Kundenwachstum: Mehrere neue Unternehmenskunden weltweit hinzugefügt und die Nutzung von ETQ Reliance® durch bestehende Kunden ausgeweitet.

3. Branchenbeteiligung: Gastgeber des ETQ EU Summit und Teilnahme an wichtigen Branchenveranstaltungen wie ASQ WCQI und Quality Show South.

4. Vordenkerschaft: ETQ-Führungskräfte teilten Erkenntnisse auf Konferenzen und in Fachpublikationen.

Diese Erfolge zeigen das Engagement von ETQ für Innovation und Kundenzufriedenheit im Bereich Qualitätsmanagement.

  • Recognized as 'Overall Leader' in QMS market by ABI Research
  • Added several new enterprise customers globally
  • Expanded usage of ETQ Reliance platform by existing customers
  • Hosted successful ETQ EU Summit for quality management and IT professionals
  • None.

Critical Milestones Include Analyst Recognition as "Overall Leader" in QMS, Expanding Customer Base and Industry Participation 

BURLINGTON, Mass., July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ETQ, part of Hexagon, today announced that it achieved major milestones in the second quarter of 2024, including recognition by industry analyst firm ABI Research as the "Overall Leader" in the quality management system (QMS) market, and the addition of several new enterprise customers joining the ETQ Reliance® family from around the globe. Additionally, the second quarter saw several existing ETQ Reliance customers expand their use of the platform to meet new needs like supplier quality, health and safety and life science-specific applications, as well as efficiently scaling the QMS to meet evolving business demands.

"The second quarter of 2024 was quite rewarding for ETQ, demonstrating our leadership in quality management and developing business-critical solutions that get to the heart of customer needs and deliver a competitive advantage," said Vick Vaishnavi, CEO, ETQ. "Based on our recognition as the number-one quality management system by industry experts and the impressive number and variety of new customers we've won, we're proud of our achievements but refuse to rest on our laurels. We'll continue to work diligently to exceed customer expectations and advance the quality landscape with continuous innovation and better ways to achieve automated optimal quality."

Recognition by ABI Research as Leading QMS
In June 2024, ETQ was named the "Overall Leader" among QMS suppliers by market research firm, ABI Research, in its "Quality Management Systems Software Competitive Ranking Report."  The report represented an in-depth assessment and ranking of 19 QMS suppliers, which were evaluated based on a comprehensive set of criteria, including breadth of features and functionality, data visibility, accessibility, security, and user experience, among others. In addition, the assessment evaluated the QMS vendors' ability to deliver rapid time-to-value, the experience of delivering the software to manufacturers, the breadth of the vendor's partnership base, and the solution's ability to enable customers to meet regulatory and standards compliance.

Growing Customer Base
In the second quarter of 2024, several leading manufacturers in industrial, food & beverage, electronics, life sciences, aerospace and other key markets around the world chose ETQ Reliance as their QMS of choice. New customers and existing customers who are expanding their use of ETQ Reliance include manufacturers such as Kingspan, Tetra Pak, PhysioLogic Devices, PolyNovo, Divergent, Micronics Filtration Holdings, Farsound, NuSkin International, Bekaert, Rochester Electronics, QinetiQ and ThreeBond International.

Expanding Thought Leadership, Participation in Industry Events
The ETQ EU Summit meeting was held in June and brough together quality management and IT professional from across the continent.  Attendees spent two days hearing from current ETQ customers and ETQ staff to learn about the latest technologies and best practices in quality management, and health and safety and receive training to enhance their ability to optimize ETQ Reliance to deliver the strongest business impact for their organizations. Additionally, several attendees were also Hexagon customers, so the event provided an excellent opportunity to build a total quality perspective to their organizations by supporting end-to-end quality control, quality assurance and quality management.

During the second quarter of 2024 ETQ executives joined their manufacturing and quality peers to share their expertise and thought leadership. In May, ETQ's VP of Product Marketing, David Isaacson, joined ETQ customer Mike Farrell of Illumina, at the ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement (WCQI) in San Diego to discuss how Illumina is using flexible and configurable technology to meet changing industry and business requirements and ensure compliance as new products, markets and locations are added to the corporate infrastructure.

In May, ETQ also exhibited at the Quality Show South, a new event hosted by Quality Magazine, which took place in Nashville, Tenn. The company showcased ETQ Reliance and demonstrated how it automates and optimizes quality processes, while reducing the cost of poor quality and minimizing business and technology risk.

In addition, as a member of the Forbes Technology Council, ETQ's CTO, John Taylor, shared his insights into the quality issues surrounding challenges in the aircraft manufacturing industry and best practices to address them. 

About ETQ
ETQ, part of Hexagon, is a leading provider of integrated quality management, health, safety, and environmental solutions for manufacturers. Firms around the world rely on ETQ to ensure optimal quality at scale, reduce costs and improve the velocity of data-driven decisions. Learn more at

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Click here to download a copy of ETQ's recent industry report: "The Pulse of Quality in Manufacturing 2024."


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What major recognition did ETQ receive in Q2 2024?

ETQ was named the 'Overall Leader' among QMS suppliers by ABI Research in their 'Quality Management Systems Software Competitive Ranking Report' in June 2024.

How did ETQ's customer base grow in Q2 2024?

ETQ added several new enterprise customers globally and saw existing customers expand their use of the ETQ Reliance platform to meet new needs and scale their QMS.

What industry events did ETQ participate in during Q2 2024?

ETQ hosted the ETQ EU Summit, exhibited at the Quality Show South in Nashville, and participated in the ASQ World Conference on Quality and Improvement (WCQI) in San Diego.

How is ETQ contributing to thought leadership in the quality management field?

ETQ executives shared insights at industry conferences and through publications, including CTO John Taylor's contribution to the Forbes Technology Council on quality issues in aircraft manufacturing.



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