PUR® Helps Families and Local Schools Respond to Lead Water Contamination Concerns Amid New EPA Regulations

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PUR, a Helen of Troy brand and the #1 selling brand in lead filtration, is launching an initiative to address lead water contamination concerns amid new EPA regulations. The company has announced a $25,000 donation to the Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) to support education and access to water testing kits for schools nationwide.

Key points from the press release include:

  • Over 12 million lead pipes may be releasing lead into water supply lines
  • A recent study reveals a lack of awareness about lead contamination among consumers
  • PUR intends to donate up to 10,000 water filtration faucet mounts and pitchers to impacted schools
  • The company has distributed over half a million water filtration systems and replacement filters in communities across the U.S. and Canada

PUR aims to help families take immediate action to improve their drinking water while municipalities work on replacing lead service lines over the next decade.

PUR, un marchio di Helen of Troy e il marchio numero 1 nella vendita di sistemi di filtrazione del piombo, sta lanciando un'iniziativa per affrontare le preoccupazioni legate alla contaminazione da piombo nell'acqua, in seguito a nuove regolazioni dell'EPA. L'azienda ha annunciato una dona di $25.000 alla Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) per sostenere l'educazione e l'accesso a kit di test dell'acqua per le scuole in tutto il paese.

I punti chiave del comunicato stampa includono:

  • Oltre 12 milioni di tubi di piombo potrebbero rilasciare piombo nelle linee di approvvigionamento idrico
  • Uno studio recente rivela una mancanza di consapevolezza sulla contaminazione da piombo tra i consumatori
  • PUR intende donare fino a 10.000 supporti per filtrazione dell'acqua a rubinetto e brocche alle scuole colpite
  • L'azienda ha distribuito oltre mezzo milione di sistemi di filtrazione dell'acqua e filtri di ricambio nelle comunità degli Stati Uniti e del Canada

PUR mira ad aiutare le famiglie a prendere misure immediate per migliorare la qualità della loro acqua potabile mentre i comuni lavorano per sostituire le linee di servizio in piombo nel prossimo decennio.

PUR, una marca de Helen of Troy y la marca número 1 en venta de filtración de plomo, está lanzando una iniciativa para abordar las preocupaciones sobre la contaminación por plomo en el agua debido a nuevas regulaciones de la EPA. La empresa ha anunciado una a la Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) para apoyar la educación y el acceso a kits de prueba de agua para escuelas en todo el país.

Los puntos clave del comunicado de prensa incluyen:

  • Más de 12 millones de tuberías de plomo pueden estar liberando plomo en las líneas de suministro de agua
  • Un estudio reciente revela la falta de conciencia sobre la contaminación por plomo entre los consumidores
  • PUR tiene la intención de donar hasta 10,000 montajes de grifos de filtración de agua y jarras a las escuelas afectadas
  • La empresa ha distribuido más de medio millón de sistemas de filtración de agua y filtros de reemplazo en comunidades de EE. UU. y Canadá

PUR tiene como objetivo ayudar a las familias a tomar medidas inmediatas para mejorar su agua potable mientras las municipalidades trabajan en la sustitución de las tuberías de servicio de plomo en la próxima década.

PUR는 Helen of Troy의 브랜드로, 납 필터링 분야에서 1위 브랜드이며, 새로운 EPA 규제에 따라 납 오염 문제를 해결하기 위한 이니셔티브를 시작하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 전국 학교에 대한 물 테스트 키트 교육 및 접근을 지원하기 위해 Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF)에 $25,000 기부를 발표했습니다.

보도 자료의 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 1200만 개 이상의 납 파이프가 물 공급 라인에 납을 방출할 수 있습니다.
  • 최근 연구에 따르면 소비자들 사이에서 납 오염에 대한 인식이 부족합니다.
  • PUR는 영향을 받은 학교에 10,000개의 수돗물 필터 장착용 및 주전자를 기부할 계획입니다.
  • 이 회사는 미국과 캐나다의 지역 사회에 50만 개 이상의 물 필터링 시스템과 교체 필터를 배포했습니다.

PUR는 가정이 음용수를 개선하기 위한 즉각적인 조치를 취할 수 있도록 도와주고, 지방자치단체가 향후 10년 동안 납 서비스 라인을 교체하는 작업을 진행할 수 있도록 지원하고자 합니다.

PUR, une marque de Helen of Troy et la marque n° 1 en matière de vente de systèmes de filtration au plomb, lance une initiative pour traiter les préoccupations liées à la contamination par le plomb de l'eau suite à de nouvelles réglementations de l'EPA. L'entreprise a annoncé un dons de 25 000 $ à la Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) pour soutenir l'éducation et l'accès aux kits de tests de l'eau pour les écoles à l'échelle nationale.

Les points clés du communiqué comprennent :

  • Plus de 12 millions de tuyaux en plomb pourraient libérer du plomb dans les lignes d'approvisionnement en eau
  • Une étude récente révèle un manque de sensibilisation à la contamination par le plomb parmi les consommateurs
  • PUR a l'intention de faire don de jusqu'à 10 000 montures de filtration d'eau et de carafes aux écoles touchées
  • L'entreprise a distribué plus d'un demi-million de systèmes de filtration d'eau et de filtres de remplacement dans des communautés aux États-Unis et au Canada

PUR vise à aider les familles à agir immédiatement pour améliorer leur eau potable pendant que les municipalités travaillent à remplacer les conduites de service au plomb au cours de la prochaine décennie.

PUR, eine Marke von Helen of Troy und die Nr. 1 im Verkauf von Bleifiltrationssystemen, startet eine Initiative zur Bekämpfung von Bedenken hinsichtlich der Bleikontamination im Wasser im Zuge neuer EPA-Vorschriften. Das Unternehmen hat eine Spende von 25.000 $ an die Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) angekündigt, um Bildung und Zugang zu Wasser-Testkits für Schulen im ganzen Land zu unterstützen.

Wichtige Punkte aus der Pressemitteilung beinhalten:

  • Über 12 Millionen Bleirohre könnten Blei in die Wasserversorgung einleiten
  • Eine aktuelle Studie zeigt ein mangelndes Bewusstsein für Bleikontamination bei den Verbrauchern
  • PUR beabsichtigt, bis zu 10.000 Wasserfilterarmaturen und Krüge an betroffene Schulen zu spenden
  • Das Unternehmen hat über eine halbe Million Wasserfiltersysteme und Ersatzfilter in Gemeinden in den USA und Kanada verteilt

PUR hat das Ziel, Familien zu helfen, sofortige Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung ihres Trinkwassers zu ergreifen, während die Gemeinden in den nächsten zehn Jahren daran arbeiten, Bleileitungen zu ersetzen.

  • PUR is the #1 selling brand in lead filtration
  • Donation of $25,000 to Water Quality Research Foundation for education and water testing kits
  • Plan to donate up to 10,000 water filtration faucet mounts and pitchers to impacted schools
  • Distribution of over half a million water filtration systems and replacement filters in communities across the U.S. and Canada
  • Launch of educational resources and lead-reducing PUR PLUS at-home filtration systems
  • None.


PUR's initiative addresses a critical public health issue: lead contamination in drinking water. The EPA's revised Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) highlights the urgency of this problem, affecting millions of Americans. PUR's $25,000 donation to the Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) is a positive step towards education and providing water testing kits to schools.

The study's findings are concerning:

  • Only 19% of adults consider lead contamination a 'large' problem
  • 69% never test their home water for lead
  • Misconceptions about lead removal methods are common

PUR's commitment to donating up to 10,000 water filtration systems to schools is commendable. However, this initiative, while beneficial, is unlikely to significantly impact Helen of Troy's financials or stock performance in the short term. The long-term brand reputation boost may provide some value, but it's not a major market mover.

The EPA's revised LCRR represents a significant shift in water quality management, requiring municipalities to inform residents about lead service lines and potential contamination. This regulatory change creates a market opportunity for water filtration companies like PUR.

Key points to consider:

  • 12 million lead pipes potentially affecting water supply
  • 10-year timeline for municipalities to replace lead service lines
  • Increased awareness may drive demand for home filtration systems

PUR's positioning as the #1 selling brand in lead filtration could lead to increased market share and sales. However, the impact on Helen of Troy's overall financial performance may be , as PUR is just one brand in their portfolio. The initiative's primary value lies in brand building and corporate social responsibility rather than immediate financial gains.

Investors should monitor how this regulatory change and PUR's response translate into sales figures in upcoming quarters.

Company announces a $25,000 donation to Water Quality Research Foundation to Support Education and Access to Safer Drinking Water

EL PASO, Texas, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As part of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) recently-revised Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR), local municipalities must inform residents if the resident's household water supply is delivered via a lead service line and if their tap water is at risk for lead contamination. Lead, a toxic metal that is neither visible nor detectable by taste or smell, can pose severe health risks.

As the #1 selling brand in lead filtration1 and a Helen of Troy brand, PUR® is launching an initiative to educate and help consumers access cleaner drinking water. PUR is proud to announce a $25,000 donation to the Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF) a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, to support education and access to water testing kits for schools in need nationwide.

With over 12 million lead pipes corroding and potentially releasing lead into the water supply line, millions of Americans may be at risk of exposure. PUR believes that cleaner drinking water should be accessible to everyone, and is dedicated to raising awareness and providing education and resources about lead exposure. To date, the brand has distributed more than half a million water filtration systems and replacement filters in communities across the U.S. and Canada such as Flint, MI and Newark, NJ.

A recent study2 conducted by PUR, reveals the lack of awareness about lead contamination, the misinformation amongst consumers, and the need for education and action:

  • 7 in 10 U.S. adults currently believe the tap water in their home is safe to drink; yet the majority (69%) never test the water in their home for lead.
  • Less than one-fifth consider lead contamination in drinking water in U.S. homes (19%) to be a 'large' problem.
  • Many misunderstand the effectiveness of home water filtration systems with less than half believing most home water filtration systems can effectively reduce lead in tap water (45%).
  • 62% of Americans believe boiling water will reduce the risk of all contaminants including lead, yet boiling water may increase lead levels.
  • Only 21% of Americans believe that lead contamination in drinking water at schools is a large problem.

Given that young children are particularly vulnerable to lead exposure and may absorb up to 4-5 times as much lead as adults3, PUR is committed to helping schools find solutions for lead contaminated water. PUR's donation to WQRF is intended to help provide resources about lead in water and facilitate access to water testing kits for schools across the U.S. Schools may visit this website to apply for free water testing kits.

"We're honored to partner with PUR during this time when many families are notified about potential exposure to lead contaminated water," said Pauli Undesser, WQRF Chief Executive Officer. "As an organization, our goal is to empower everyone – from parents to teachers to children – with knowledge and tools to protect themselves from serious water quality issues such as lead exposure."  

Additionally, PUR intends to donate up to 10,000 water filtration faucet mounts and pitchers to impacted schools.

"Lead exposure poses serious health risks, particularly for children and pregnant women. It's crucial for individuals to understand these dangers and take proactive steps to protect their families," said Leah Werner, MD, MPH, FAAFP, family medicine doctor, assistant professor at the Oregon Health and Science University, public health advocate, and mother. "Utilizing effective filtration systems can significantly reduce lead levels in drinking water, ensuring safer, cleaner water for households and schools everywhere."

While municipalities work to replace lead service lines over the next 10 years as mandated in the new regulations, PUR intends to help families take immediate action to improve their drinking water. There are educational resources available at and lead-reducing PUR PLUS at-home filtration systems offering safer and more reliable household drinking water for purchase.

"We've reformulated the PUR PLUS lead-reducing filters to help meet the real-world challenges of lead contamination. Our team was on the ground in Flint, MI, and Newark, NJ, gaining insights in lead crisis environments," said Mike Mitchell, Director of Advanced Technology Home and Health Care at Helen of Troy. "This advanced filtration technology effectively reduces lead, making your drinking water safer. With PUR PLUS, you can take an important step towards helping protect your family from lead exposure."

1Based on Nielsen sales data for lead-reducing filters for the 52 weeks ending 8/24/2024.

2All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 1,332 adults ages 18+. Fieldwork was undertaken between 9th - 10th October 2024. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all US adults (aged 18+).

3 World Health Organization: WHO. (2024, September 27). Lead poisoning.

About PUR

PUR is dedicated to providing superior filtration products that improve drinking water quality. With over 30 years of experience, PUR is the #1 selling brand in lead filtration1, offering products certified to reduce chemical and physical substances from drinking water. PUR is committed to bring awareness to consumers about water quality issues and offer solutions that make a difference in their lives. Be sure it's PUR PLUS. To learn more information about PUR, visit or join the conversation on social media @PUR.Water. You can find PUR products available at major retailers including Walmart, Target, Amazon, Home Depot and more.

About Helen of Troy Limited

Helen of Troy Limited (Nasdaq: HELE) is a leading global consumer products company offering creative products and solutions for its customers through a diversified portfolio of well-recognized and widely trusted brands, including OXO, Hydro Flask, Osprey, Vicks, Braun, Honeywell, PUR, Hot Tools, Drybar, Curlsmith, and Revlon. All trademarks herein belong to Helen of Troy Limited (or its subsidiaries) and/or are used under license from their respective licensors. For more information about Helen of Troy, please visit

About Water Quality Research Foundation

The Water Quality Research Foundation (WQRF), organized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit foundation, aims to advance the knowledge and science of high-quality, sustainable water through its sponsorship of relevant education and professional research. Since its inception, WQRF has funded numerous research studies which have generated essential information on water quality for industry, policymakers, regulators, and the general public. For more information, please visit

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What is PUR's initiative to address lead water contamination concerns?

PUR is launching an initiative to educate consumers and help them access cleaner drinking water. This includes a $25,000 donation to the Water Quality Research Foundation for education and water testing kits, and plans to donate up to 10,000 water filtration devices to impacted schools.

How many lead pipes potentially release lead into water supply lines according to the PUR press release?

According to the press release, over 12 million lead pipes may be corroding and potentially releasing lead into the water supply line, putting millions of Americans at risk of exposure.

What did PUR's recent study reveal about consumer awareness of lead contamination?

The study revealed a lack of awareness about lead contamination and misinformation among consumers. For example, 70% of U.S. adults believe their tap water is safe to drink, yet 69% never test their home water for lead. Only 19% consider lead contamination in U.S. homes to be a 'large' problem.

How is PUR (HELE) helping schools address lead contamination in drinking water?

PUR is donating $25,000 to the Water Quality Research Foundation to support education and access to water testing kits for schools. Additionally, PUR plans to donate up to 10,000 water filtration faucet mounts and pitchers to impacted schools.

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