Heineken N.V. reports on 2024 third-quarter trading

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Heineken N.V. reported solid Q3 2024 results with revenue of €9,072 million and net revenue organic growth of 3.3%. Beer volume grew organically by 0.7%, while premium beer volume increased by 4.5%. The Heineken® brand showed strong performance with 8.7% volume growth and double-digit growth in 30 markets.

The company maintained its full-year outlook, expecting operating profit organic growth of 4-8%. Notable performance includes non-alcoholic beer & cider growth of 11.0% and eB2B platform growth capturing €9.3 billion in gross merchandise value. However, currency translation negatively impacted net revenue by €471 million, mainly due to devaluation of various currencies.

Heineken N.V. ha riportato risultati solidi nel terzo trimestre del 2024, con ricavi di €9.072 milioni e una crescita organica dei ricavi netti del 3,3%. Il volume della birra è cresciuto organicamente dello 0,7%, mentre il volume della birra premium è aumentato del 4,5%. Il marchio Heineken® ha mostrato una performance forte con una crescita del volume dell'8,7% e una crescita a doppia cifra in 30 mercati.

L'azienda ha mantenuto le previsioni per l'intero anno, aspettandosi una crescita organica del profitto operativo del 4-8%. Tra le performance degne di nota ci sono la crescita della birra e del sidro analcolici dell'11,0% e la crescita della piattaforma eB2B che ha catturato €9,3 miliardi di valore lordo della merce. Tuttavia, la traduzione valutaria ha impattato negativamente i ricavi netti per €471 milioni, principalmente a causa della svalutazione di varie valute.

Heineken N.V. reportó resultados sólidos en el tercer trimestre de 2024, con ingresos de €9,072 millones y un crecimiento orgánico de ingresos netos del 3.3%. El volumen de cerveza creció orgánicamente un 0.7%, mientras que el volumen de cerveza premium aumentó un 4.5%. La marca Heineken® mostró un buen desempeño con un crecimiento de volumen del 8.7% y crecimiento de dos dígitos en 30 mercados.

La empresa mantuvo su proyección para todo el año, esperando un crecimiento orgánico del beneficio operativo del 4-8%. Entre las actuaciones destacadas se incluye el crecimiento de la cerveza y el sidra sin alcohol del 11.0% y el crecimiento de la plataforma eB2B, que capturó €9.3 mil millones en valor bruto de mercancías. Sin embargo, la traducción de divisas impactó negativamente en los ingresos netos en €471 millones, principalmente debido a la devaluación de varias monedas.

하이네켄 N.V.은 2024년 3분기에 €9,072백만의 수익을 보고하며 3.3%의 유기적 순수익 성장을 기록했습니다. 맥주 물량은 유기적으로 0.7% 증가했으며, 프리미엄 맥주 물량은 4.5% 증가했습니다. 하이네켄® 브랜드는 8.7%의 물량 성장과 30개 시장에서 두 자릿수 성장을 보이며 강력한 성과를 거두었습니다.

회사는 연간 전망을 유지하며 운영 이익의 유기적 성장이 4-8%에 이를 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 주목할 만한 성과로는 비알콜 맥주 및 사이다의 11.0% 성장과 €9.3억의 총 상품 가치가 포착된 eB2B 플랫폼의 성장이 있습니다. 그러나 환율 변동으로 인해 €471백만의 순수익에 부정적인 영향을 미쳤으며, 이는 주로 다양한 통화의 평가절하로 인한 것입니다.

Heineken N.V. a rapporté des résultats solides pour le troisième trimestre 2024, avec des revenus de 9,072 millions d'euros et une croissance organique des revenus nets de 3,3%. Le volume de bière a augmenté organiquement de 0,7%, tandis que le volume de bière premium a connu une augmentation de 4,5%. La marque Heineken® a affiché une forte performance avec une croissance du volume de 8,7% et une croissance à deux chiffres dans 30 marchés.

L'entreprise a maintenu ses prévisions pour l'année entière, s'attendant à une croissance organique du résultat opérationnel de 4 à 8%. Les performances notables incluent une croissance de la bière et du cidre sans alcool de 11,0% et une croissance de la plateforme eB2B, capturant 9,3 milliards d'euros en valeur brute de marchandises. Cependant, la conversion des devises a eu un impact négatif sur le revenu net de 471 millions d'euros, principalement en raison de la dévaluation de diverses devises.

Heineken N.V. meldete solide Ergebnisse im dritten Quartal 2024 mit einem Umsatz von 9.072 Millionen Euro und einem organischen Umsatzwachstum von 3,3 %. Das Biervolumen wuchs organisch um 0,7 %, während das Volumen von Premium-Bier um 4,5 % zunahm. Die Marke Heineken® zeigte eine starke Leistung mit einem Volumenwachstum von 8,7 % und zweistelligem Wachstum in 30 Märkten.

Das Unternehmen behielt seine Jahresprognose bei und erwartet ein organisches Wachstum des Betriebsergebnisses von 4-8 %. Zu den bemerkenswerten Leistungen gehören ein Wachstum von alkoholfreiem Bier und Cidre von 11,0 % sowie ein Wachstum der eB2B-Plattform, die einen Bruttowarenwert von 9,3 Milliarden Euro erfasst hat. Allerdings hatte die Währungsumrechnung negative Auswirkungen auf den Nettoumsatz in Höhe von 471 Millionen Euro, hauptsächlich aufgrund der Abwertung verschiedener Währungen.

  • Net revenue organic growth of 3.3% for Q3 2024
  • Premium beer volume growth of 4.5%
  • Heineken® brand volume growth of 8.7%
  • Non-alcoholic beer & cider growth of 11.0%
  • eB2B platform growth with €9.3 billion in gross merchandise value (26% organic increase)
  • Market share gains or maintenance in more than half of markets
  • Currency translation reduced net revenue by €471 million
  • Slight volume declines in Americas (-1.3%) and Asia Pacific (-1.2%)
  • Consolidation effects reduced net revenue by €132 million


Heineken N.V. reports on 2024 third-quarter trading

Amsterdam, 23 October 2024 – Heineken N.V. (HEIA; HEINY) publishes its third quarter 2024 trading update.

    Key Quarterly Highlights  
  • Revenue €9,072 million for the quarter, €26,895 million year to date
  • Net revenue (beia) organic growth 3.3% for the quarter, 5.1% year to date
  • Beer volume organic growth 0.7% for the quarter, 1.6% year to date
  • Premium beer volume organic growth 4.5% for the quarter, 4.9% year to date
  • Heineken® volume growth 8.7% for the quarter, 9.0% year to date
  • 2024 full year expectations of 4% to 8% operating profit (beia) organic growth confirmed and reiterated
    CEO Statement  

Dolf van den Brink, Chairman of the Executive Board / CEO, commented:
"We delivered a solid quarter of balanced growth, organically growing beer volume 0.7% and net revenue (beia) 3.3%. Our business continues to deliver in line with our plan in aggregate, despite some markets navigating challenging consumer and industry trends.

Our EverGreen strategy continues to shape our business. Premium volume grew 4.5%, led by Heineken® up 8.7%, with further significant contributions from Kingfisher Ultra in India and Savanna in Southern Africa. Non-alcoholic beer & cider grew 11.0% as we further reinforced global leadership in the segment. As planned, we are materially stepping up our marketing investments in the second half of the year. Our €0.5 billion gross savings target for 2024 is on track.

We confirm and reiterate our full year outlook to grow operating profit (beia) organically in the range of 4% to 8%, reflecting our confidence in delivery and commitment to invest behind growth and to future-proof our business."

    Driving Superior Growth  

Throughout this report figures refer to quarterly performance unless otherwise indicated.

Revenue in the quarter was €9.1 billion (YTD: €26.9 billion). Net revenue (beia) increased organically by 3.3% (YTD: up 5.1%). Total consolidated volume increased by 0.7% (YTD: up 1.3%) and net revenue (beia) per hectolitre was up 2.6% (YTD: up 3.7%). Price-mix on a constant geographic basis was up 3.0% (YTD: up 4.3%), led by pricing to mitigate inflationary pressures and portfolio premiumisation.

Currency translation reduced net revenue (beia) by €471 million (YTD: €1,097 million), mainly from the devaluation of the Nigerian Naira, Mexican Peso, Brazilian Real, and Ethiopian Birr. Consolidation effects reduced net revenue (beia) by €132 million (YTD: €81 million), mainly from the disposal of Russia and Vrumona.

In our business-to-business digital (eB2B) platforms, we captured €9.3 billion in gross merchandise value year to date, an organic increase of 26% versus last year. We are now connecting 683 thousand active customers in fragmented, traditional channels.

IFRS Measures € million Total growth   BEIA Measures1 € million Organic growth
Revenue         9,072         -5.5%   Revenue (beia)         9,234         3.5%
Net revenue         7,557         -6.1%   Net revenue (beia)         7,679         3.3%

Beer volume increased organically by 0.7% (YTD: up 1.6%), with growth in Europe and Africa & Middle East more than compensating for slight declines in the Americas and Asia Pacific. We are gaining or holding volume market share in more than half of our markets year to date.

Beer volume     3Q24   Organic
      YTD 3Q24   Organic
(in mhl) 3Q23       YTD 3Q23    
Heineken N.V. 63.2            61.9   0.7 %            183.3             180.1   1.6 %
Africa & Middle East               8.3                6.9   6.4 %               26.9               21.4   3.0 %
Americas            22.4              22.1   -1.3 %               64.5               64.8   0.3 %
Asia Pacific             10.7               10.7   -1.2 %               32.0               33.7   4.2 %
Europe            21.8              22.2   1.4 %               59.8               60.3   0.9 %

Driving premiumisation at scale, led by Heineken®

Premium beer volume increased by 4.5% led by Brazil, South Africa, and India. Heineken® continued its favourable momentum and grew volume 8.7% with double-digit growth in 30 markets. Heineken® 0.0 grew 3.4%, led by Brazil, USA, and Vietnam. Heineken® Silver grew in the high-twenties, with continued strong growth in China and Vietnam.

Heineken® volume       3Q24   Organic
  YTD 3Q23   YTD 3Q24   Organic
(in mhl)   3Q23          
Heineken N.V.   14.6               15.8   8.7 %   40.9               44.5   9.0 %
Africa & Middle East   1.2                 1.3   18.5 %   3.9                 3.9   5.3 %
Americas   5.9                 6.3   6.1 %   16.9               17.9   6.1 %
Asia Pacific   3.1                 3.8   20.6 %   8.0               10.2   26.6 %
Europe   4.3                 4.4   1.0 %   12.1              12.6   2.7 %

    Business Outlook  

HEINEKEN confirms and reiterates the key financial indicators of our 2024 guidance, including our full year expectations of 4% to 8% operating profit (beia) organic growth. As communicated at the first half year results, we are materially stepping up investments in our brands focused on our greatest opportunities for long-term sustainable growth.


Media   Investors
Christiaan Prins   Tristan van Strien
Global Communications Director   Investor Relations Director
Marlie Paauw   Lennart Scholtus / Chris Steyn
Corporate & Financial Communication Manager   Investor Relations Manager / Senior Analyst
E-mail:   E-mail:
Tel: +31-20-5239355   Tel: +31-20-5239590

    Conference Call Details  

HEINEKEN will host an analyst and investor conference call with Harold van den Broek, Chief Financial Officer, in relation to its Third Quarter 2024 Trading Update today at 14:00 CET/13:00 GMT. The call will be audio cast live via the company’s website: An audio replay service will also be made available after the conference call at the above web address. Analysts and investors can dial-in using the following telephone numbers:

United Kingdom (Local): 020 3936 2999

Netherlands (Local): 085 888 7233

USA (Local): 646 664 1960

For the full list of dial in numbers, please refer to the following link: Global Dial-In Numbers

Participation password for all countries: 702767

1Consolidated figures are used throughout this report, unless otherwise stated. Please refer to the Glossary for an explanation of non-GAAP measures and other terms. Page 5 includes a reconciliation versus IFRS metrics. These non-GAAP measures are included in internal management reports that are reviewed by the Executive Board of HEINEKEN, as management believes that this measurement is the most relevant in evaluating the results and in performance management.



What was Heineken's (HEINY) revenue in Q3 2024?

Heineken's revenue in Q3 2024 was €9,072 million.

How much did Heineken's (HEINY) beer volume grow in Q3 2024?

Heineken's beer volume grew organically by 0.7% in Q3 2024.

What is Heineken's (HEINY) operating profit growth guidance for 2024?

Heineken maintains its guidance of 4-8% operating profit organic growth for full-year 2024.

How did Heineken's (HEINY) premium beer segment perform in Q3 2024?

Heineken's premium beer volume increased by 4.5% in Q3 2024, led by Brazil, South Africa, and India.



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Beverages - Brewers
Consumer Defensive
United States of America