Heineken Hides Message in Barry Can't Swim Show at Amsterdam Dance Event Calling for People to Put Away Their Phones

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Heineken has partnered with Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) to encourage less phone use on dance floors. During Barry Can't Swim's DJ set at the ADE opening event, Heineken used infrared technology to display a hidden message visible only on phone screens, urging fans to put their phones away. This initiative follows research showing that 41% of Gen Z and Millennials find it frustrating to see phones in the air at concerts.

To address this issue, Heineken has launched 'The Boring Mode' app, which turns smartphones 'boring' by silencing apps and reducing distractions. The app aims to help people enjoy social moments without digital interruptions. This follows the success of Heineken's -edition 'Boring Phone', a basic flip phone that garnered interest from over 70,000 people.

The campaign aligns with a growing trend of artists and consumers seeking more present, phone-free experiences at music events.

Heineken ha stretto una collaborazione con Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) per incoraggiare un uso minore dei telefoni nei dance floor. Durante il DJ set di Barry Can't Swim all'evento di apertura dell'ADE, Heineken ha utilizzato la tecnologia a infrarossi per mostrare un messaggio nascosto visibile solo sugli schermi dei telefoni, esortando i fan a riporre i loro dispositivi. Questa iniziativa segue una ricerca che mostra che il 41% della Gen Z e dei Millennials trova frustrante vedere i telefoni sollevati ai concerti.

Per affrontare questo problema, Heineken ha lanciato l'app 'The Boring Mode', che rende gli smartphone 'noiosi' silenziando le app e riducendo le distrazioni. L'app mira ad aiutare le persone a godere di momenti sociali senza interruzioni digitali. Questo segue il successo dell'edizione 'Boring Phone' di Heineken, un semplice telefono a flip che ha attirato l'interesse di oltre 70.000 persone.

La campagna è in linea con una crescente tendenza di artisti e consumatori che cercano esperienze più presenti, senza telefono, agli eventi musicali.

Heineken se ha asociado con Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) para fomentar el uso reducido de teléfonos en las pistas de baile. Durante el set de DJ de Barry Can't Swim en el evento de apertura del ADE, Heineken utilizó tecnología infrarroja para mostrar un mensaje oculto que solo era visible en las pantallas de los teléfonos, instando a los fans a guardar sus dispositivos. Esta iniciativa sigue una investigación que muestra que el 41% de la Generación Z y los Millennials encuentran frustrante ver teléfonos en alto en los conciertos.

Para abordar este problema, Heineken ha lanzado la aplicación 'The Boring Mode', que convierte los smartphones en 'aburridos' al silenciar aplicaciones y reducir distracciones. La aplicación tiene como objetivo ayudar a las personas a disfrutar de momentos sociales sin interrupciones digitales. Esto sigue el éxito del 'Boring Phone' de Heineken, un teléfono básico que despertó el interés de más de 70,000 personas.

La campaña se alinea con una creciente tendencia de artistas y consumidores que buscan experiencias más presentes y libres de teléfonos en eventos musicales.

하이네켄암스테르담 댄스 이벤트(ADE)와 협력하여 댄스 플로어에서의 전화 사용을 줄이기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. ADE 개막 이벤트에서 Barry Can't Swim의 DJ 세트 동안, 하이네켄은 적외선 기술을 사용하여 전화 화면에서만 볼 수 있는 숨겨진 메시지를 표시하며 팬들에게 전화를 치우라고 촉구했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 Z세대와 밀레니얼41%가 콘서트에서 전화가 공중에 떠 있는 것을 보는 것을 답답하게 느낀다는 연구 결과를 따릅니다.

이 문제를 해결하기 위해, 하이네켄은 앱 'The Boring Mode'를 출시했습니다. 이 앱은 스마트폰을 '지루하게' 만들어 앱을 침묵시키고 주의를 분산시키는 것을 줄입니다. 이 앱은 사람들이 디지털 방해물 없이 사회적 순간을 즐길 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이는 70,000명 이상의 사람들의 관심을 끈 기본형 플립폰 'Boring Phone'의 성공에 따른 것입니다.

이번 캠페인은 아티스트와 소비자들이 음악 이벤트에서 보다 현재적인 전화 없는 경험을 추구하는 증가하는 추세에 부합합니다.

Heineken s'est associé à Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) pour encourager une utilisation réduite des téléphones sur les pistes de danse. Lors du set DJ de Barry Can't Swim lors de l'événement d'ouverture de l'ADE, Heineken a utilisé une technologie infrarouge pour afficher un message caché visible uniquement sur les écrans de téléphone, exhortant les fans à ranger leurs téléphones. Cette initiative fait suite à une recherche montrant que 41 % de la génération Z et des Millennials trouvent frustrant de voir des téléphones en l'air lors des concerts.

Pour répondre à ce problème, Heineken a lancé l'application 'The Boring Mode', qui rend les smartphones 'ennuyeux' en rendant les applications muettes et en réduisant les distractions. L'application vise à aider les gens à profiter des moments sociaux sans interruptions numériques. Cela suit le succès du 'Boring Phone' de Heineken, un téléphone à clapet simple qui a suscité l'intérêt de plus de 70 000 personnes.

La campagne s'aligne sur une tendance croissante des artistes et des consommateurs à rechercher des expériences plus présentes et sans téléphone lors des événements musicaux.

Heineken hat sich mit Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) zusammengetan, um die Nutzung von Handys auf den Tanzflächen zu reduzieren. Während des DJ-Sets von Barry Can't Swim beim ADE-Eröffnungsereignis nutzte Heineken Infrarottechnologie, um eine geheime Botschaft anzuzeigen, die nur auf Handy-Bildschirmen sichtbar war, und forderte die Fans auf, ihre Telefone wegzulegen. Diese Initiative folgt einer Umfrage, die zeigt, dass 41 % der Generation Z und der Millennials es frustrierend finden, Handys in der Luft bei Konzerten zu sehen.

Um dieses Problem anzugehen, hat Heineken die App 'The Boring Mode' ins Leben gerufen, die Smartphones 'langweilig' macht, indem sie Apps stummstellt und Ablenkungen reduziert. Die App soll den Menschen helfen, soziale Momente ohne digitale Unterbrechungen zu genießen. Dies folgt dem Erfolg von Heinekens 'Boring Phone', einem einfachen Klapphandy, das das Interesse von über 70.000 Menschen weckte.

Die Kampagne steht im Einklang mit einem wachsenden Trend, dass Künstler und Konsumenten nach präsenteren, telefonfreien Erlebnissen bei Musikveranstaltungen suchen.

  • Innovative marketing campaign aligning with consumer trends
  • Potential for increased brand engagement and loyalty
  • Expansion of digital product offerings with 'The Boring Mode' app
  • None.
  • Barry Can’t Swim has teamed up with Heineken® to encourage fans to put their hands, not phones in the air at one of October’s biggest music events ADE.
  • Heineken installed innovative technology that delivered a hidden message only visible on phone screens during the opening party at The Loft, headlined by Barry Can’t Swim.
  • Follows research that reveals 41% of Gen Z and Millennials find it frustrating to see a crowd of phones in the air when out at a gig or concert.
  • To help people better enjoy times IRL with friends, Heineken has launched The Boring Mode app that will turn any smartphone boring - silencing apps and dialling down distractions for truly quality social moments.

Heineken x ADE x Barry Can't Swim x Boring Mode - 1

AMSTERDAM, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amsterdam Dance Event have teamed up with Heineken to encourage people to minimise phone use on the dance floor at this year's global music event.

During Barry Can’t Swim’s DJ set at the ADE opening event, Heineken hid clever technology that delivered a message via infrared lighting, invisible to the naked eye but revealed when people held up their phones to film the performance. Fans were encouraged to turn their smartphones ‘boring’, keeping the moment in their memory, not on their phone.

Amsterdam Dance Event expects to welcome over 500,000 visitors from 146 countries to see acts such as Four Tet, Peggy Gou, Eats Everything, Gorgon City and Jamie Jones.

The same technology was also implemented by Heineken at Live Out Festival in Mexico, attended by 50,000 people earlier this month. Heineken wants to encourage people around the world to stay in the present and live their social lives to the fullest, no matter where they are.

Heineken’s hidden message follows a growing trend of performing artists and DJs asking fans to be more present in the moment across tours, festivals and club nights this summer.

But it's not just artists that are craving digital disconnection, in recent years there has been a growing trend of consumers, particularly Gen Z’s and Millennials, wanting to tune out from their phones so they can tune in to what is happening right in front of them.

Over a third (35%) of Gen Z and Millennial smartphone users across the UK, US and the Netherlands said they check their phones more often than they should when socialising and six in ten (60%) think they’d enjoy music events more if they could disconnect from their device.

Two fifths (41%) said they find it frustrating to see a crowd of phones in the air when out at a gig or concert. More than half (55%) admitted that they had prioritised capturing a video of a performance rather than being present in the moment, even though 13% also said they rarely watch back the videos they capture anyway.

To help people facilitate good times with friends IRL, Heineken has launched The Boring Mode - an app that will turn any smartphone boring, blocking other apps, notifications and even the camera for a set period of time.

Heineken wants people to dial down technology so they can dial up their nights out. With The Boring Mode, people will be able to go back to basics - pixelating their cameras, blocking apps like Gmail and Instagram, and keep the constant dings, buzzes and notifications at bay.

Heineken x ADE x Barry Can't Swim x Boring Mode - 5

Scottish DJ and producer Barry Can’t Swim said “I’m all in favour of The Boring Phone and Boring Mode, Heineken have created. When I heard about the new ‘anti-smart’ phone concept, it was something that struck a chord with me. With live music, of course you are more present and immersed if you are giving it your full attention, rather than taking a video on your phone. And without phones, the energy is definitely different – people are more connected on the dancefloor.”

Jorinde Boom, Head of Partnerships at ADE comments, “Electronic music is made to be felt, experienced and heard, not just in your ears but through all of your body’s senses. We encourage everybody to experience and explore each performance of an artist during ADE in the best way. We hope this campaign created by our Main Partner Heineken allows attendees at this year’s festival to enjoy all world class artists we have on our lineup free of distraction.”

The Boring Mode is being launched in response to the incredible demand for The Boring Phone - a collaboration between Heineken and Boston streetwear curators, Bodega. When the limited-edition Y2K inspired flip phone (designed to do absolutely nothing but message and call) was launched earlier this year, more than 70,000 people tried to get their hands on one.

Nabil Nasser, Global Head of Heineken® comments, “Today it feels like tech always comes first, leaving the enjoyment of real life in second place. While technology grants us endless conveniences, it also comes at the cost of not being able to stop and embrace what’s happening around us. At Heineken®, we want to foster moments of genuine connection to enable a more rewarding social life. When we launched The Boring Phone earlier this year, demand was huge but only a limited number were made. So, we hope the launch of The Boring Mode helps even more people take a step back from taking photos for posting on social media, and instead look around to enjoy what’s right in front of them. After all, there is more to your social life, when there is less on your phone.”

The Boring Mode is available to download, for free, on iOS and Android now.

Notes to editors:
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This online survey of 5,000 Gen Z and Millennial Smartphone users of legal drinking age (2,000 UK, 2,000 USA, 1,000 NL) was commissioned by Heineken and conducted by market research company OnePoll, in accordance with the Market Research Society's code of conduct. Data was collected between March 2024 - October 2024. Data can be separated into just UK/US/Gen Z/Millennial demographics if required. Further data from Italy, Brazil, Germany and Mexico available upon request. This survey was overseen and edited by the OnePoll research team. OnePoll are MRS Company Partners, have corporate membership of ESOMAR and Members of the British Polling Council.

About Heineken®        
HEINEKEN® is the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken® brand, the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and specialty beers and ciders. We are committed to innovation, long-term brand investment, disciplined sales execution and focused cost management. Through "Brewing a Better World", sustainability is embedded in the business. HEINEKEN® has a well-balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. We employ over 85,000 employees and operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries. Heineken® N.V. and Heineken® Holding N.V. shares trade on the Euronext in Amsterdam. Prices for the ordinary shares may be accessed on Bloomberg under the symbols HEIA NA and HEIO NA and on Reuters under HEIN.AS and HEIO.AS. HEINEKEN® has two sponsored level 1 American Depositary Receipt (ADR) programmes: Heineken® N.V. (OTCQX: HEINY) and Heineken® Holding N.V. (OTCQX: HKHHY)

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What technology did Heineken use at the Amsterdam Dance Event?

Heineken used infrared lighting technology to display a hidden message visible only on phone screens during Barry Can't Swim's DJ set at the ADE opening event.

What is 'The Boring Mode' app launched by Heineken (HEINY)?

The Boring Mode is an app developed by Heineken that turns smartphones 'boring' by blocking other apps, notifications, and even the camera for a set period to help users stay present in social situations.

How many people tried to get Heineken's 'Boring Phone' when it was launched?

More than 70,000 people tried to get their hands on Heineken's -edition 'Boring Phone' when it was launched earlier this year.

What percentage of Gen Z and Millennials find phone use frustrating at concerts according to Heineken's research?

According to Heineken's research, 41% of Gen Z and Millennials find it frustrating to see a crowd of phones in the air when out at a gig or concert.



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