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HEINEKEN has announced its intention to nominate Harold van den Broek for reappointment as a member of the Executive Board at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April 2025. The proposed reappointment is for a four-year term. Jean-Marc Huët, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, praised van den Broek's leadership, citing significant revenue and operating profit growth, a substantial cost savings programme, and accelerated business transformation processes despite global volatility.

Harold van den Broek, born in 1967 and of Dutch nationality, was initially appointed to HEINEKEN's Executive Board at the AGM in 2021. With over 30 years of experience in fast-moving consumer goods, he has held various business and finance roles across different regions and functions. Van den Broek joined HEINEKEN as CFO and Executive Board member on 1 June 2021, after previous roles at Unilever and Reckitt Benckiser.

HEINEKEN ha annunciato la sua intenzione di nominare Harold van den Broek per la riconferma come membro del Consiglio Esecutivo in occasione dell'Assemblea Generale Annuale (AGM) nel mese di aprile 2025. La riconferma proposta è per un mandato di quattro anni. Jean-Marc Huët, Presidente del Consiglio di Sorveglianza, ha elogiato la leadership di van den Broek, citando una crescita significativa dei ricavi e dell'utile operativo, un sostanzioso programma di riduzione dei costi e processi di trasformazione aziendale accelerati nonostante la volatilità globale.

Harold van den Broek, nato nel 1967 e di nazionalità olandese, è stato inizialmente nominato nel Consiglio Esecutivo di HEINEKEN durante l'AGM nel 2021. Con oltre 30 anni di esperienza nel settore dei beni di consumo a veloce rotazione, ha ricoperto vari ruoli nel business e nella finanza in diverse regioni e funzioni. Van den Broek è entrato in HEINEKEN come CFO e membro del Consiglio Esecutivo il 1 giugno 2021, dopo esperienze precedenti in Unilever e Reckitt Benckiser.

HEINEKEN ha anunciado su intención de nominar a Harold van den Broek para su reelección como miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva en la Asamblea General Anual (AGM) en abril de 2025. La reelección propuesta es por un período de cuatro años. Jean-Marc Huët, Presidente del Consejo de Supervisión, elogió el liderazgo de van den Broek, mencionando un crecimiento significativo de los ingresos y de las ganancias operativas, un importante programa de ahorro de costos y procesos de transformación empresarial acelerados a pesar de la volatilidad global.

Harold van den Broek, nacido en 1967 y de nacionalidad holandesa, fue nombrado inicialmente en la Junta Ejecutiva de HEINEKEN durante la AGM en 2021. Con más de 30 años de experiencia en bienes de consumo de rápida rotación, ha ocupado varios roles en negocios y finanzas en diferentes regiones y funciones. Van den Broek se unió a HEINEKEN como CFO y miembro de la Junta Ejecutiva el 1 de junio de 2021, después de haber tenido roles anteriores en Unilever y Reckitt Benckiser.

HEINEKEN은 Harold van den Broek을 2025년 4월의 정기주주총회(AGM)에서 집행 이사로 재선임할 계획을 발표했습니다. 제안된 재선임은 4년 임기입니다. 감독 이사회 의장인 Jean-Marc Huët은 글로벌 변동성에도 불구하고 상당한 수익 및 운영 이익 성장, 대규모 비용 절감 프로그램 및 가속화된 사업 전환 과정을 언급하며 van den Broek의 리더십을 칭찬했습니다.

Harold van den Broek은 1967년 생으로 네덜란드 국적을 가지고 있으며, 2021년 AGM에서 HEINEKEN 집행 이사에 처음 임명되었습니다. 그는 30년 이상의 경력을 보유한 FMCG(소비재) 전문가로, 다양한 지역과 기능에서 여러 비즈니스 및 재무 역할을 맡아왔습니다. Van den Broek은 Unilever와 Reckitt Benckiser의 이전 역할 후 2021년 6월 1일에 CFO이자 집행 이사로 HEINEKEN에 합류했습니다.

HEINEKEN a annoncé son intention de nommer Harold van den Broek pour un nouveau mandat en tant que membre du Conseil Exécutif lors de l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle (AGM) en avril 2025. Le renouvellement proposé est pour un mandat de quatre ans. Jean-Marc Huët, Président du Conseil de Surveillance, a loué le leadership de van den Broek en soulignant une croissance significative des revenus et des bénéfices d'exploitation, un important programme d'économies de coûts et des processus de transformation des affaires accélérés malgré la volatilité mondiale.

Harold van den Broek, né en 1967 et de nationalité néerlandaise, a été initialement nommé au Conseil Exécutif de HEINEKEN lors de l'AGM en 2021. Fort de plus de 30 ans d'expérience dans le secteur des biens de consommation à rotation rapide, il a occupé divers rôles dans les domaines des affaires et des finances à travers différentes régions et fonctions. Van den Broek a rejoint HEINEKEN en tant que CFO et membre du Conseil Exécutif le 1er juin 2021, après avoir occupé des postes précédents chez Unilever et Reckitt Benckiser.

HEINEKEN hat seine Absicht bekannt gegeben, Harold van den Broek zur Wiederbestellung als Mitglied des Vorstandes auf der Hauptversammlung (AGM) im April 2025 vorzuschlagen. Die vorgeschlagene Wiederbestellung ist für eine vierjährige Amtszeit vorgesehen. Jean-Marc Huët, Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates, lobte die Führung von van den Broek und verwies auf deutliche Umsatz- und Betriebsergebnissteigerungen, ein umfassendes Kostensenkungsprogramm und beschleunigte Unternehmensumwandlungsprozesse trotz globaler Volatilität.

Harold van den Broek, geboren 1967 und niederländischer Staatsangehöriger, wurde ursprünglich während der AGM 2021 in den Vorstand von HEINEKEN berufen. Mit über 30 Jahren Erfahrung im Bereich der schnelllebigen Konsumgüter hat er in verschiedenen Regionen und Funktionen mehrere Geschäfts- und Finanzpositionen innegehabt. Van den Broek trat am 1. Juni 2021 als CFO und Vorstandsmitglied in die HEINEKEN ein, nachdem er zuvor Positionen bei Unilever und Reckitt Benckiser hatte.

  • Significant revenue and operating profit growth under van den Broek's leadership
  • Substantial cost savings programme implemented
  • Accelerated business transformation processes
  • None.

Amsterdam, 1 October 2024 – The Supervisory Board of Heineken N.V. (HEINEKEN) intends to nominate Harold van den Broek for reappointment as member of the Executive Board of the company at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April 2025. The proposed reappointment is for a four-year term as per the AGM.

Jean-Marc Huët, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of HEINEKEN, stated: "We are pleased to nominate Harold van den Broek for a next term. Under his leadership, HEINEKEN has realised significant revenue and operating profit growth, delivered a substantial cost savings programme and has accelerated its business transformation processes, despite global volatility. With his knowledge, experience and commitment Harold is the right person to continue the journey to deliver sustainable long-term value creation."

Harold van den Broek (born 1967, Dutch) was appointed as member of the Executive Board of HEINEKEN at the AGM in 2021. With over 30 years in fast-moving consumer goods, he has held various business and finance roles across business units, regions, and global functions in Europe, Asia, and Russia. After starting his career at Unilever in 1991 he joined Reckitt Benckiser in 2014 and served as CFO Hygiene and President Hygiene before joining HEINEKEN as CFO and member of the Executive Board on 1 June 2021.


HEINEKEN is the world's most international brewer. It is the leading developer and marketer of premium and non-alcoholic beer and cider brands. Led by the Heineken® brand, the Group has a portfolio of more than 300 international, regional, local and specialty beers and ciders. With HEINEKEN’s over 90,000 employees, we brew the joy of true togetherness to inspire a better world. Our dream is to shape the future of beer and beyond to win the hearts of consumers. We are committed to innovation, long-term brand investment, disciplined sales execution and focused cost management. Through "Brew a Better World", sustainability is embedded in the business. HEINEKEN has a well-balanced geographic footprint with leadership positions in both developed and developing markets. We operate breweries, malteries, cider plants and other production facilities in more than 70 countries. Most recent information is available on our Company's website and follow us on LinkedInTwitter and Instagram.

Press enquiries                                           
Marlie Paauw
Tel: +31 (0) 612 200 009                                             

Investor and analyst enquiries
Tristan van Strien
Tel: +31 (0) 633 010 769



When is Harold van den Broek proposed to be reappointed to HEINEKEN's (HEINY) Executive Board?

Harold van den Broek is proposed to be reappointed to HEINEKEN's Executive Board at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in April 2025.

What is the proposed term length for Harold van den Broek's reappointment at HEINEKEN (HEINY)?

The proposed reappointment for Harold van den Broek at HEINEKEN is for a four-year term.

When did Harold van den Broek initially join HEINEKEN (HEINY) as CFO and Executive Board member?

Harold van den Broek initially joined HEINEKEN as CFO and Executive Board member on 1 June 2021.

What achievements are highlighted during Harold van den Broek's tenure at HEINEKEN (HEINY)?

During Harold van den Broek's tenure, HEINEKEN achieved significant revenue and operating profit growth, implemented a substantial cost savings programme, and accelerated business transformation processes.



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