Long-Term Investment in Procurement Technology Lays the Foundation for Gen AI Adoption

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The Hackett Group's latest research reveals that Digital World Class® procurement organizations are poised for significant gains with the adoption of generative AI (Gen AI). These top-performing organizations can expect a 54% increase in staff productivity and a 47% reduction in process costs. Despite industry-wide cost escalations, Digital World Class® procurement organizations operate at 21% lower costs than peers and deliver 2.5 times greater procurement return on investment.

Key advantages include managing 21% more spend, achieving two times higher spend cost reduction savings, and a 59% reduction in maverick buying. They also demonstrate superior operational excellence with 23% shorter sourcing cycle times and 76% lower process costs per order. These organizations invest 15% of their operating budget in technology, which is 32% higher than typical organizations, reflecting a significant increase from five years ago.

La ricerca più recente del Hackett Group rivela che le organizzazioni di approvvigionamento Digital World Class® sono pronte per guadagni significativi con l'adozione dell'AI generativa (Gen AI). Queste organizzazioni di alto livello possono aspettarsi un aumento del 54% della produttività del personale e una riduzione del 47% dei costi di processo. Nonostante gli aumenti dei costi a livello di settore, le organizzazioni di approvvigionamento Digital World Class® operano con costi inferiori del 21% rispetto ai colleghi e garantiscono un ritorno sugli investimenti di approvvigionamento 2,5 volte maggiore.

I principali vantaggi includono la gestione di 21% in più di spesa, il raggiungimento di risparmi sui costi di spesa due volte superiori e una riduzione del 59% degli acquisti non autorizzati. Dimostrano anche un'eccellenza operativa superiore con tempi di ciclo di approvvigionamento più brevi del 23% e costi di processo per ordine inferiori del 76%. Queste organizzazioni investono il 15% del loro budget operativo in tecnologia, che è superiore del 32% rispetto alle organizzazioni tipiche, riflettendo un aumento significativo rispetto a cinque anni fa.

La última investigación del Hackett Group revela que las organizaciones de aprovisionamiento Digital World Class® están listas para obtener ganancias significativas con la adopción de la IA generativa (Gen AI). Estas organizaciones de alto rendimiento pueden esperar un aumento del 54% en la productividad del personal y una reducción del 47% en los costos de proceso. A pesar de los aumentos de costos en toda la industria, las organizaciones de aprovisionamiento Digital World Class® operan con costos un 21% más bajos que sus pares y ofrecen un retorno sobre la inversión en aprovisionamiento 2,5 veces mayor.

Las principales ventajas incluyen gestionar un 21% más de gasto, lograr ahorros en la reducción de costos que son el doble de los habituales y una reducción del 59% en la compra no autorizada. También demuestran una excelencia operativa superior con un 23% menos de tiempo en el ciclo de aprovisionamiento y costos de proceso por pedido un 76% más bajos. Estas organizaciones invierten el 15% de su presupuesto operativo en tecnología, lo que es un 32% más alto que las organizaciones típicas, reflejando un aumento significativo desde hace cinco años.

해켓 그룹의 최신 연구에 따르면, 디지털 월드 클래스(Digital World Class®) 조달 조직이 생성 AI(Generative AI)의 채택으로 중대한 이익을 실현할 준비가 되어 있습니다. 이러한 최고의 성과를 내는 조직은 직원 생산성 54% 증가프로세스 비용 47% 절감을 기대할 수 있습니다. 업계 전반의 비용 증가에도 불구하고, 디지털 월드 클래스 조달 조직은 동종 업계보다 21% 낮은 비용으로 운영되며, 조달 투자 수익 2.5배 증가를 제공합니다.

주요 장점으로는 21% 더 많은 지출 관리, 지출 비용 절감이 두 배로 높음, 비공식 구매 59% 감소가 있습니다. 이들은 또한 소싱 사이클 시간 23% 단축주문 당 프로세스 비용 76% 절감으로 뛰어난 운영 우수성을 보여줍니다. 이러한 조직은 운영 예산의 15%를 기술에 투자하며, 이는 일반 조직보다 32% 높음, 5년 전보다 크게 증가한 것입니다.

Les dernières recherches du Hackett Group révèlent que les organisations d'approvisionnement Digital World Class® sont prêtes pour des gains significatifs grâce à l'adoption de l'IA générative (Gen AI). Ces organisations performantes peuvent s'attendre à une augmentation de 54% de la productivité du personnel et une réduction de 47% des coûts de processus. Malgré l'escalade des coûts dans l'industrie, les organisations d'approvisionnement Digital World Class® fonctionnent à 21% de coûts en moins que leurs pairs et offrent un retour sur investissement en approvisionnement 2,5 fois plus élevé.

Les principaux avantages incluent la gestion de 21% de dépenses en plus, l'atteinte de réductions de coûts d'achat deux fois plus élevées et une réduction de 59% des achats imprévus. Elles démontrent également une excellence opérationnelle supérieure avec 23% de temps de cycle d'approvisionnement en moins et 76% de coûts de processus par commande en moins. Ces organisations investissent 15% de leur budget opérationnel dans la technologie, soit 32% de plus que les organisations typiques, ce qui reflète une augmentation significative par rapport à il y a cinq ans.

Die neuesten Forschungen der Hackett Group zeigen, dass Digital World Class® Beschaffungsorganisationen gut positioniert sind, um durch die Einführung von generativer KI (Gen AI) erhebliche Gewinne zu erzielen. Diese leistungsstarken Organisationen können mit einem 54%igen Anstieg der Mitarbeitereffizienz und einer 47%igen Reduzierung der Prozesskosten rechnen. Trotz der branchenweiten Kostensteigerungen arbeiten Digital World Class® Beschaffungsorganisationen 21% kostengünstiger als ihre Wettbewerber und erzielen 2,5-mal höhere Renditen auf Investitionen im Beschaffungsbereich.

Wichtige Vorteile umfassen die Verwaltung von 21% mehr Ausgaben, das Erreichen von doppelt so hohen Einsparungen bei den Ausgaben und eine 59%ige Reduzierung von nicht genehmigten Käufen. Sie zeigen auch überlegene operative Exzellenz mit 23% kürzeren Beschaffungskostenzyklen und 76% niedrigeren Prozesskosten pro Auftrag. Diese Organisationen investieren 15% ihres Betriebsbudgets in Technologie, was 32% höher ist als bei typischen Organisationen und einen signifikanten Anstieg im Vergleich zu vor fünf Jahren widerspiegelt.

  • Digital World Class® procurement organizations operate at 21% lower cost compared to peers
  • Procurement return on investment is 2.5 times greater than peers, up from 2.2 times in 2019
  • Manage 21% more spend and achieve two times higher spend cost reduction savings
  • 59% reduction in maverick buying
  • 23% shorter sourcing cycle times and 76% lower process costs per order
  • 15% of operating budget invested in technology, 32% higher than typical organizations
  • 3.7 times fewer suppliers per $1 billion in spend, reducing complexity and enhancing control
  • Procurement operating costs for typical companies have continued to escalate due to ongoing supply disruptions, inflation, and new compliance requirements


The adoption of generative AI in procurement marks a significant technological leap. Digital World Class® organizations are poised to leverage this technology effectively, thanks to their consistent investment in process optimization and strategic tech. The projected 54% increase in staff productivity and 47% cost reduction highlight the transformative potential of Gen AI in procurement.

These organizations' 15% technology budget allocation, which is 32% higher than typical companies, demonstrates a strong commitment to digital transformation. This investment has yielded impressive results, including 76% lower process costs per order and 5.1 times more electronically processed purchase orders. Such efficiency gains position these companies well for the AI-driven future of procurement.

The strategic value of this technological investment is evident in the 2.5 times greater procurement ROI compared to peers. As Gen AI capabilities evolve, we can expect even more sophisticated applications in areas like predictive analytics, supplier risk management and automated negotiation strategies, further widening the performance gap between Digital World Class® organizations and their competitors.

The financial implications of Digital World Class® procurement practices are substantial. Operating at 21% lower costs while delivering 2.5 times higher ROI showcases the significant value creation potential. The 47% reduction in process costs expected from Gen AI adoption could lead to considerable bottom-line improvements for these organizations.

Notably, these procurement leaders manage 21% more spend and achieve twice the spend cost reduction savings compared to peers. This efficiency, combined with a 59% reduction in maverick buying, translates to better cash flow management and increased profitability. The 32% reduction in staff across all processes, particularly the 56% fewer FTEs in operations and compliance, indicates a lean operational model that could result in substantial labor cost savings.

Investors should note that while the initial investment in technology (15% of operating budget) is significant, the returns in terms of efficiency, cost savings and strategic value position these companies for strong financial performance and competitive advantage in the long term.

Latest Report Shows Digital World Class® Procurement Organizations Will Experience 54% Productivity Boost and 47% Cost Reduction

MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- According to new research from The Hackett Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: HCKT), Digital World Class® procurement organizations can expect staff productivity to increase by 54% and process costs to be cut by 47% with the adoption of generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI).

Procurement operating costs for typical companies have continued to escalate in the face of ongoing supply disruptions, inflation and new compliance requirements. However, due to their consistent focus on process optimization and strategic technology investment over the last several years, top-performing procurement organizations are better prepared to harness Gen AI than their peers.

The research shows that despite the high operating costs prevalent in the industry, Digital World Class® procurement organizations excel at cost optimization, operating at a 21% lower cost compared to their peers.

Furthermore, Digital World Class® procurement organizations deliver superior business outcomes, with procurement return on investment being 2.5 times greater than that of their peers – up from 2.2 times greater in 2019. They also manage 21% more spend, achieve two times higher spend cost reduction savings and a 59% reduction in maverick buying.

They have 32% fewer staff across all processes, with a notable 56% fewer full-time equivalents (FTEs) placed in operations and compliance roles. Yet, these organizations are 1.7 times more likely to be viewed as a valued business partner. In contrast, in 2019, FTE reductions were primarily focused on achieving early-stage efficiencies. This progression shows continuous streamlining and a more strategic allocation of resources over the years.

In terms of operational excellence, Digital World Class® procurement organizations have 23% shorter sourcing cycle times and 76% lower process costs per order. Their transactional efficiency is unmatched, with 1.3 times more requisitions and change orders processed electronically, and 5.1 times more purchase orders processed electronically. As a result, they can achieve quicker turnaround times and reduced manual intervention, ensuring a more seamless and automated procurement workflow.

Digital World Class® procurement organizations not only focus on technology but also on enabling strategic activities. They invest 15% of their operating budget in technology, which is 32% higher than typical organizations, reflecting a significant increase compared to five years ago when the early stages of digital tool deployment, such as robotic process automation and advanced analytics, were being emphasized. In 2019, the percentage of procurement budget invested in technology was 11% higher for Digital World Class® procurement organizations than their peers.

These organizations also manage their supplier base more effectively than ever before, with 3.7 times fewer suppliers per $1 billion in spend, significantly reducing complexity and enhancing supply base control.

Amy Hillcox, senior research director at The Hackett Group, said: “Generative AI is revolutionizing the procurement landscape by enabling unprecedented levels of automation and insight. Digital World Class® procurement organizations have laid a robust technological foundation, highlighting consistent improvements in cost-efficiency, staff allocation and technological investment. Our research indicates that embracing Gen AI will further enhance these aspects, leading to faster and more informed decision-making and enabling procurement teams to deliver even greater strategic value and innovation.”

Principal Chris Sawchuk added, “Digital World Class® procurement organizations are not merely tech-savvy – they represent holistic excellence by integrating superior data management, strategic partnerships and top-tier talent optimization. This comprehensive approach has allowed them to realize rapid and profound improvements across all metrics from 2019 to 2024. Their enhanced focus on technology and data analytics leads to sharper insights and faster decision-making, providing a substantial competitive edge in a fast-evolving market.”

The Hackett Group defines Digital World Class® procurement organizations as those that achieve top-decile performance in business value and operational excellence. The 2024 research includes benchmarks, performance studies and advisory insights from global companies engaged in procurement transformation. A public version of the report, “Insights From Top Performers: How to Level Up With Gen AI,” is available for free, with registration, at:

About The Hackett Group

The Hackett Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: HCKT) is an IP-based, Gen AI strategic consulting and executive advisory firm that enables Digital World Class® performance. Using AI XPLR – our AI assessment platform – our experienced professionals guide organizations to harness the power of Gen AI to digitally transform their operations and achieve quantifiable, breakthrough results, allowing us to be key architects of their Gen AI journey.

Our expertise is grounded in unparalleled best practices insights from benchmarking the world’s leading businesses – including 97% of the Dow Jones Industrials, 89% of the Fortune 100, 70% of the DAX 40 and 55% of the FTSE 100 – and are delivered leveraging our Digital Transformation Platform, Hackett Connect and Quantum Leap®.

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The Hackett Group®, quadrant logo, Quantum Leap® and Digital World Class® are the registered marks of The Hackett Group®.

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Source: The Hackett Group, Inc.


What productivity boost can Digital World Class® procurement organizations expect with Gen AI adoption?

According to The Hackett Group's research, Digital World Class® procurement organizations can expect a 54% increase in staff productivity with the adoption of generative AI (Gen AI).

How much can process costs be reduced in Digital World Class® procurement organizations with Gen AI?

The research indicates that Digital World Class® procurement organizations can expect a 47% reduction in process costs with the adoption of generative AI (Gen AI).

What is the procurement return on investment for Digital World Class® organizations compared to peers?

Digital World Class® procurement organizations deliver a procurement return on investment that is 2.5 times greater than that of their peers, up from 2.2 times greater in 2019.

How much more do Digital World Class® procurement organizations invest in technology compared to typical organizations?

Digital World Class® procurement organizations invest 15% of their operating budget in technology, which is 32% higher than typical organizations.

What is the reduction in maverick buying achieved by Digital World Class® procurement organizations?

Digital World Class® procurement organizations achieve a 59% reduction in maverick buying compared to their peers.

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