HCA Healthcare Presents 2024 Awards of Distinction

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HCA Healthcare presented its annual Awards of Distinction, honoring exceptional employees, physicians, and volunteers. The awards include the Frist Humanitarian Award, the HCA Healthcare Innovators Award, and the Excellence in Nursing Award.

The Frist Humanitarian Award recipients are Samantha McClelland (employee), Dr. Jonathan Jacobs (physician), and Paulette Bennett (volunteer). Each demonstrated extraordinary commitment to serving others.

Jedediah Vivio received the Innovators Award for his work on the Expanse Automation team, contributing to HCA Healthcare's new electronic health record platform.

The Excellence in Nursing Award recipients are Roni S. Hutson for Professional Mentoring and Heather Hurlburt for Compassionate Care. Both nurses have shown exceptional dedication to patient care and professional development.

These awards reflect HCA Healthcare's commitment to recognizing individuals who exemplify the organization's culture and values.

HCA Healthcare ha presentato i suoi premi annuali di Distinzione, onorando dipendenti, medici e volontari eccezionali. I premi includono il Premio Umanitario Frist, il Premio Innovatori HCA Healthcare e il Premio Eccellenza in Infermieristica.

I destinatari del Premio Umanitario Frist sono Samantha McClelland (dipendente), il Dr. Jonathan Jacobs (medico) e Paulette Bennett (volontaria). Ognuno di loro ha dimostrato un impegno straordinario nel servizio agli altri.

Jedediah Vivio ha ricevuto il Premio Innovatori per il suo lavoro nel team di Automazione Expanse, contribuendo alla nuova piattaforma di cartella clinica elettronica di HCA Healthcare.

I destinatari del Premio Eccellenza in Infermieristica sono Roni S. Hutson per il Mentoring Professionale e Heather Hurlburt per le Cure Compassionevoli. Entrambi gli infermieri hanno dimostrato un'eccezionale dedizione alla cura dei pazienti e allo sviluppo professionale.

Questi premi riflettono l'impegno di HCA Healthcare nel riconoscere le persone che esemplificano la cultura e i valori dell'organizzazione.

HCA Healthcare presentó sus premios anuales de Distinción, honrando a empleados, médicos y voluntarios excepcionales. Los premios incluyen el Premio Humanitario Frist, el Premio Innovadores HCA Healthcare y el Premio a la Excelencia en Enfermería.

Los destinatarios del Premio Humanitario Frist son Samantha McClelland (empleada), el Dr. Jonathan Jacobs (médico) y Paulette Bennett (voluntaria). Cada uno demostró un compromiso extraordinario con el servicio a los demás.

Jedediah Vivio recibió el Premio Innovadores por su trabajo en el equipo de Automatización Expanse, contribuyendo a la nueva plataforma de registro electrónico de salud de HCA Healthcare.

Los destinatarios del Premio a la Excelencia en Enfermería son Roni S. Hutson por Mentoring Profesional y Heather Hurlburt por Cuidados Compasivos. Ambas enfermeras han mostrado una dedicación excepcional a la atención de los pacientes y al desarrollo profesional.

Estos premios reflejan el compromiso de HCA Healthcare de reconocer a las personas que ejemplifican la cultura y los valores de la organización.

HCA 헬스케어는 뛰어난 직원, 의사, 자원봉사자를 기리는 연례 특별상을 발표했습니다. 이 상에는 프리스트 인도주의상, HCA 헬스케어 혁신가상, 간호 우수상이 포함됩니다.

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제데이아 비비오는 HCA 헬스케어의 새로운 전자 건강 기록 플랫폼에 기여한 익스팬스 자동화 팀에서의 작업으로 혁신가상을 수상했습니다.

간호 우수상 수상자는 론이 S. 허트슨(전문 멘토링)과 헤더 헐버트(자애로운 돌봄)입니다. 두 간호사는 모두 환자 치료와 전문성 개발에 대한 탁월한 헌신을 보여주었습니다.

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HCA Healthcare a présenté ses prix annuels d'Édistinction, honorant des employés, médecins et bénévoles exceptionnels. Les prix comprennent le Prix Humanitaire Frist, le Prix des Innovateurs HCA Healthcare et le Prix d'Excellence en Soins Infirmiers.

Les lauréats du Prix Humanitaire Frist sont Samantha McClelland (employée), Dr. Jonathan Jacobs (médecin) et Paulette Bennett (bénévole). Chacun d'eux a démontré un engagement extraordinaire à servir les autres.

Jedediah Vivio a reçu le Prix des Innovateurs pour son travail au sein de l'équipe d'Automatisation Expanse, contribuant à la nouvelle plateforme de dossiers de santé électroniques de HCA Healthcare.

Les lauréats du Prix d'Excellence en Soins Infirmiers sont Roni S. Hutson pour le Mentorat Professionnel et Heather Hurlburt pour les Soins Compatissants. Les deux infirmières ont montré un dévouement exceptionnel à la prise en charge des patients et au développement professionnel.

Ces prix reflètent l'engagement de HCA Healthcare à reconnaître les individus qui incarnent la culture et les valeurs de l'organisation.

HCA Healthcare hat seine jährlichen Auszeichnungen für herausragende Mitarbeiter, Ärzte und Freiwillige verliehen. Die Auszeichnungen umfassen den Frist Humanitarian Award, den HCA Healthcare Innovators Award und den Exzellenzpreis in der Pflege.

Die Preisträger des Frist Humanitarian Award sind Samantha McClelland (Mitarbeiterin), Dr. Jonathan Jacobs (Arzt) und Paulette Bennett (Freiwillige). Jeder zeigte außergewöhnliches Engagement für das Dienen anderer.

Jedediah Vivio erhielt den Innovators Award für seine Arbeit im Expanse-Automatisierungsteam, wo er zur neuen elektronischen Patientenakte-Plattform von HCA Healthcare beitrug.

Die Preisträger des Exzellenzpreises in der Pflege sind Roni S. Hutson für Professionelles Mentoring und Heather Hurlburt für Mitfühlende Pflege. Beide Pflegekräfte haben außergewöhnliche Hingabe an die Patientenversorgung und berufliche Entwicklung gezeigt.

Diese Auszeichnungen spiegeln das Engagement von HCA Healthcare wider, Personen zu würdigen, die die Kultur und Werte der Organisation verkörpern.

  • Recognition of exceptional employees, physicians, and volunteers through prestigious awards
  • Monetary rewards for award recipients, including donations to charities of their choice
  • Emphasis on innovation and improvement in healthcare practices
  • Acknowledgment of nursing excellence and its importance in patient care
  • None.

NASHVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- HCA Healthcare, Inc. (NYSE:HCA), one of the nation’s leading healthcare providers, today presented its annual HCA Healthcare Awards of Distinction at a ceremony in Nashville, Tennessee. The HCA Healthcare Awards of Distinction, which include the Frist Humanitarian Award, the HCA Healthcare Innovators Award and the HCA Healthcare Excellence in Nursing Award, are the highest honors HCA Healthcare bestows on employees, physicians and volunteers, recognizing the extraordinary individuals who exemplify the organization’s culture and values.

The Frist Humanitarian Award recognizes the highest achievements in serving others; the Innovators Award recognizes creative new ideas for enhancing quality of care; and the Excellence in Nursing Award recognizes the highest levels of performance in the field of nursing.

“Each year, it is our distinct honor to recognize the remarkable individuals who make our organization better through their commitment to excellence for our patients,” said Sam Hazen, chief executive officer of HCA Healthcare. “The selfless service demonstrated by today’s recipients exemplifies the mission upon which HCA Healthcare was founded – a commitment to the care and improvement of human life.”

Frist Humanitarian Award Recipients

Established in 1971 and named in honor of Dr. Thomas F. Frist, Sr. (1910-1998), the Frist Humanitarian Award is given to those within the organization who demonstrate a level of commitment and care that goes beyond everyday acts of kindness and who inspire others with their compassion and dedication.

Frist Humanitarian Award employee and volunteer recipients receive a $10,000 cash gift and a $10,000 gift to a charity of their choice, while the physician recipient receives a $20,000 gift to the charity of their choice.

Recipients of the 2024 Frist Humanitarian Award are: Samantha McClelland, BS, RRT, CES-A, the ECMO program coordinator at Portsmouth Regional Hospital in Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Jonathan Jacobs, MD, an internist at Menorah Medical Center in Overland Park, Kansas; and Paulette Bennett, a volunteer at Ogden Regional Medical Center in Ogden, Utah.

“The Frist Humanitarian Award recognizes those within HCA Healthcare who have demonstrated a selfless dedication to bettering the lives of those around them,” said Hazen. “This year’s recipients inspire us all, not only by their achievements, but through their passion for serving others.”

Samantha McClelland is an ECMO program coordinator at Portsmouth Regional Hospital in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Since starting at the hospital as a critical care respiratory therapist in 2003, McClelland has shaped the advancement of care through her unwavering dedication and exceptional skill. McClelland is a devoted community advocate, successfully petitioning the governor of New Hampshire for an official Apraxia Awareness Day. A supporter of local schools, McClelland dedicates time to educating teachers and newly diagnosed children on asthma care and has led efforts to expand high school diploma options for students with disabilities.

In addition to maintaining an internal medicine clinic at Menorah Medical Center, Jonathan Jacobs, MD, can often be found caring for his community’s most vulnerable population outside of traditional healthcare settings. Dr. Jacobs is both a board member and the medical director of Care Beyond the Boulevard, an organization dedicated to providing high-quality medical and mental health care to the unhoused and under-served populations of Kansas City. Dr. Jacobs is also a devoted volunteer and spends almost 100 hours a year directly caring for patients.

Throughout her 13 years of service, Paulette Bennett has volunteered thousands of hours to develop the pet therapy program at Ogden Regional Medical Center. Together with Miss Sophie, her beloved canine partner, Bennett helps to comfort and calm patients and families during some of life’s toughest moments. Outside of the hospital, she is a member of the Animal Assisted Crisis Response Team and has worked with Miss Sophie to support numerous communities affected by disaster or reeling from trauma. Together as a team, Bennett and Miss Sophie set an example for how valuable pet therapy programs can be, serving in local schools, museums and community centers.

HCA Healthcare Innovators Award Recipient

HCA Healthcare was founded with the goal of unlocking numerous possibilities for patients, colleagues and communities. Created in 2010, the HCA Healthcare Innovators Award continues the tradition of recognizing innovative thinkers, like the organization’s founders Dr. Thomas F. Frist, Sr., Mr. Jack Massey and Dr. Thomas “Tommy” Frist, Jr., who help to improve nursing operations, engage physicians and generate growth. The Innovators Award recipient receives a $10,000 cash gift and a $10,000 donation to the charity of the recipient’s choice.

The 2024 Innovators Award recipient is Jedediah Vivio, a senior product analyst in HCA Healthcare’s Information Technology Group (ITG) in Nashville, Tennessee. In 2023, Vivio became the first member of the Expanse Automation team. Expanse, the organization’s new electronic health record (EHR) platform, is designed to help provide colleagues with advanced technology to create efficiencies for care teams, improve the coordination of care for patients and enable enterprise growth and power innovation through a modernized EHR platform.

“For more than 50 years, our founders’ legacy has been carried out by innovative thinkers like Jedediah,” said Mike Marks, executive vice president and chief financial officer of HCA Healthcare. “As we embark on this exciting new chapter, his solution-oriented mindset and expertise will continue to be an invaluable asset to help create a simpler, faster process for all colleagues.”

HCA Healthcare Excellence in Nursing Award Recipients

Created in 2014, the Excellence in Nursing Award recognizes the intrinsic value of the nursing practice in accomplishing HCA Healthcare’s goal of providing high quality care to patients and communities. With categories for professional mentoring and compassionate care, the Excellence in Nursing Award recipients each receive a $10,000 cash gift and a $10,000 donation to the charity of the recipient’s choice.

This year’s recipients are: Roni S. Hutson, BSN, RN, CCRN-CSC, a cardiovascular intensive care unit nurse at Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, Texas, and Heather Hurlburt, RN, a pediatric emergency room nurse at Sunrise Hospital and Sunrise Children’s Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Roni S. Hutson, BSN, RN, CCRN-CSC, received the Excellence in Nursing Award in the Professional Mentoring category. Throughout her 35-year career at Methodist Hospital, Hutson has touched countless patient lives while supporting the growth and development of fellow caregivers. Her extensive knowledge of nursing and cardiac care plays a pivotal role in standardizing best practices. Twenty years ago, Hutson led the development of the heart rotation program that has been widely recognized within the cardiac care industry. Outside of the hospital, she has held leadership roles within the local chapter of the American Association of Critical Care Nurses and received the South Texas Nurse Imagemaker Award.

Heather Hurlburt, RN, received the Excellence in Nursing Award in the Compassionate Care category. A 33-year veteran of the Pediatric Emergency Room at Sunrise Children’s Hospital, Hurlburt has cared for young patients through unthinkable trauma with grace, skill and unwavering kindness. As a trained Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE), her compassion allows her to balance supporting her patients through vulnerable situations, while ensuring critical evidence is properly collected and reported. In addition to her work at the hospital, she is a dedicated volunteer and spent 11 years working with the Advocacy Center for Sexually Abused Children, forging a strong partnership between the hospital, the Center and law enforcement.

“Every day, our more than 99,000 nurses are on the front line of patient care,” said Sammie Mosier, DHA, MA, BSN, NE-BC, senior vice president and chief nurse executive of HCA Healthcare. “Through their dedication and compassion, this year’s recipients have reminded us all what it truly means to care like family and lead the way in elevating patient care.”

About HCA Healthcare

Nashville-based HCA Healthcare is one of the nation’s leading providers of healthcare services comprising 188 hospitals and approximately 2,400 ambulatory sites of care, including surgery centers, freestanding ERs, urgent care centers, and physician clinics, in 20 states and the United Kingdom. With its founding in 1968, HCA Healthcare created a new model for hospital care in the United States, using combined resources to strengthen hospitals, deliver patient-focused care and improve the practice of medicine. HCA Healthcare has conducted a number of clinical studies, including one that demonstrated that full-term delivery is healthier than early elective delivery of babies and another that identified a clinical protocol that can reduce bloodstream infections in ICU patients by 44%. HCA Healthcare is a learning health system that uses its more than 43 million annual patient encounters to advance science, improve patient care and save lives.

All references to “Company,” “HCA” and “HCA Healthcare” as used throughout this document refer to HCA Healthcare, Inc. and its affiliates.


Frank Morgan



Harlow Sumerford


Source: HCA Healthcare


What are the HCA Healthcare Awards of Distinction for 2024?

The HCA Healthcare Awards of Distinction for 2024 include the Frist Humanitarian Award, the HCA Healthcare Innovators Award, and the HCA Healthcare Excellence in Nursing Award, recognizing outstanding employees, physicians, and volunteers.

Who won the 2024 Frist Humanitarian Award at HCA Healthcare (NYSE:HCA)?

The 2024 Frist Humanitarian Award recipients are Samantha McClelland (employee), Dr. Jonathan Jacobs (physician), and Paulette Bennett (volunteer).

What is the monetary value of the HCA Healthcare Awards of Distinction?

The Frist Humanitarian Award recipients receive $10,000 cash and $10,000 for charity (physicians receive $20,000 for charity). The Innovators Award and Excellence in Nursing Award recipients each receive $10,000 cash and $10,000 for charity.

Who received the HCA Healthcare Innovators Award for 2024?

Jedediah Vivio, a senior product analyst in HCA Healthcare's Information Technology Group, received the 2024 Innovators Award for his work on the Expanse Automation team.

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