Hayasa Metals Announces Urasar Final Drill Results
Hayasa Metals (OTCQB: HAYAF) has announced final drill results from its Urasar project, including holes UDD-04, 05, 07, 08, and 09. The results showed low-level gold mineralization throughout, with hole UDD-04 at Oxide Basin yielding the highest average copper content. Notably, hole UDD-08 at Brick House prospect returned 11m of 0.28% Zn, including two samples over 0.5% Zn.
The company's 2025 drill campaign is fully funded by a US$1,000,000 NSR royalty sale to Franco-Nevada and EMX Royalty Management plans to explore areas north of the 2024 drill program, focusing on higher elevations based on reinterpreted IP data, magnetic surveys, and previous drill results. The planned 2,000-meter campaign will commence in June 2025, with roadwork scheduled for completion in early June.
While the results confirm a large mineralized system with approximately 15 km strike extent, management acknowledges they fell short of expectations but maintains confidence in Urasar's potential to host economic ore bodies.
Hayasa Metals (OTCQB: HAYAF) ha annunciato i risultati finali dei sondaggi del suo progetto Urasar, inclusi i fori UDD-04, 05, 07, 08 e 09. I risultati hanno mostrato mineralizzazione aurifera a basso livello in tutto il progetto, con il foro UDD-04 nella Oxide Basin che ha restituito il contenuto medio di rame più alto. In particolare, il foro UDD-08 nel sito Brick House ha restituito 11 metri di 0,28% Zn, inclusi due campioni superiori a 0,5% Zn.
La campagna di perforazione 2025 dell'azienda è completamente finanziata da una vendita di royalty NSR di 1.000.000 USD a Franco-Nevada e EMX Royalty Management prevede di esplorare aree a nord del programma di perforazione 2024, concentrandosi su altitudini più elevate basate su dati IP reinterpretati, sondaggi magnetici e risultati di perforazione precedenti. La campagna pianificata di 2.000 metri avrà inizio a giugno 2025, con lavori stradali previsti per essere completati all'inizio di giugno.
Sebbene i risultati confermino un ampio sistema mineralizzato con una lunghezza di circa 15 km, la direzione riconosce di non aver soddisfatto le aspettative, ma mantiene fiducia nel potenziale di Urasar di ospitare corpi minerari economici.
Hayasa Metals (OTCQB: HAYAF) ha anunciado los resultados finales de perforación de su proyecto Urasar, que incluyen los agujeros UDD-04, 05, 07, 08 y 09. Los resultados mostraron mineralización de oro de bajo nivel en todo el proyecto, siendo el agujero UDD-04 en Oxide Basin el que presentó el contenido medio de cobre más alto. Notablemente, el agujero UDD-08 en el sitio Brick House arrojó 11 m de 0.28% Zn, incluyendo dos muestras que superaron el 0.5% Zn.
La campaña de perforación 2025 de la empresa está completamente financiada por una venta de regalías NSR de 1,000,000 USD a Franco-Nevada y EMX Royalty Management planea explorar áreas al norte del programa de perforación 2024, centrándose en altitudes más elevadas basadas en datos IP reinterpretados, encuestas magnéticas y resultados de perforación anteriores. La campaña planificada de 2,000 metros comenzará en junio de 2025, con trabajos de carretera programados para completarse a principios de junio.
Aunque los resultados confirman un gran sistema mineralizado con una extensión de strike de aproximadamente 15 km, la dirección reconoce que no cumplieron con las expectativas, pero mantiene la confianza en el potencial de Urasar para albergar cuerpos de mineral económicos.
Hayasa Metals (OTCQB: HAYAF)는 Urasar 프로젝트의 최종 시추 결과를 발표했습니다. 여기에는 UDD-04, 05, 07, 08 및 09 구멍이 포함됩니다. 결과는 저농도 금 광물화가 전반적으로 나타났으며, Oxide Basin의 UDD-04 구멍이 가장 높은 평균 구리 함량을 보였습니다. 특히, Brick House 전망의 UDD-08 구멍은 11m에서 0.28% Zn을 반환했으며, 0.5% Zn을 초과하는 두 개의 샘플이 포함되었습니다.
회사의 2025년 시추 캠페인은 Franco-Nevada에 대한 1,000,000 USD의 NSR 로열티 판매로 완전히 자금이 조달되었으며, EMX Royalty Management는 2024년 시추 프로그램 북쪽 지역을 탐사할 계획입니다. 재해석된 IP 데이터, 자기 조사 및 이전 시추 결과를 기반으로 높은 고도에 집중할 예정입니다. 계획된 2,000미터 캠페인은 2025년 6월에 시작되며, 도로 작업은 6월 초에 완료될 예정입니다.
결과는 약 15km의 스트라이크 범위를 가진 대규모 광물화 시스템을 확인했지만, 경영진은 기대에 미치지 못했음을 인정하지만, Urasar가 경제적 광체를 보유할 가능성에 대한 자신감을 유지하고 있습니다.
Hayasa Metals (OTCQB: HAYAF) a annoncé les résultats finaux de forage de son projet Urasar, y compris les trous UDD-04, 05, 07, 08 et 09. Les résultats ont montré une minéralisation aurifère à faible niveau dans l'ensemble, le trou UDD-04 dans la Oxide Basin ayant le plus haut contenu moyen en cuivre. Notamment, le trou UDD-08 au prospect Brick House a retourné 11 m de 0,28 % Zn, y compris deux échantillons supérieurs à 0,5 % Zn.
La campagne de forage 2025 de l'entreprise est entièrement financée par une vente de redevances NSR de 1 000 000 USD à Franco-Nevada et EMX Royalty Management prévoit d'explorer des zones au nord du programme de forage 2024, en se concentrant sur des altitudes plus élevées basées sur des données IP réinterprétées, des enquêtes magnétiques et des résultats de forage précédents. La campagne prévue de 2 000 mètres commencera en juin 2025, avec des travaux routiers prévus pour être achevés début juin.
Bien que les résultats confirment un grand système minéralisé d'environ 15 km de longueur, la direction reconnaît qu'elle n'a pas répondu aux attentes, mais reste confiante dans le potentiel d'Urasar à accueillir des corps de minerai économiques.
Hayasa Metals (OTCQB: HAYAF) hat die endgültigen Bohrergebnisse seines Urasar-Projekts bekannt gegeben, einschließlich der Löcher UDD-04, 05, 07, 08 und 09. Die Ergebnisse zeigten geringe Goldmineralisierung im gesamten Projekt, wobei das Loch UDD-04 im Oxide Basin den höchsten durchschnittlichen Kupfergehalt aufwies. Bemerkenswert ist, dass das Loch UDD-08 im Brick House-Vorhaben 11 m mit 0,28% Zn ergab, einschließlich zweier Proben über 0,5% Zn.
Die Bohrkampagne 2025 des Unternehmens ist vollständig finanziert durch den Verkauf einer NSR-Royalty in Höhe von 1.000.000 USD an Franco-Nevada, und EMX Royalty Management plant, Gebiete nördlich des Bohrprogramms 2024 zu erkunden, wobei der Fokus auf höheren Lagen basiert auf neu interpretierten IP-Daten, magnetischen Umfragen und früheren Bohrergebnissen. Die geplante Kampagne über 2.000 Meter wird im Juni 2025 beginnen, wobei Straßenarbeiten für Anfang Juni geplant sind.
Obwohl die Ergebnisse ein großes mineralisiertes System mit einer Streichenweite von etwa 15 km bestätigen, erkennt das Management an, dass die Erwartungen nicht erfüllt wurden, behält jedoch das Vertrauen in das Potenzial von Urasar, wirtschaftliche Erzkörper zu beherbergen.
- Large mineralized system confirmed with 15 km strike extent
- 2025 drill campaign fully funded with US$1,000,000 from NSR royalty sale
- New targeting strategy developed based on comprehensive data analysis
- Drill results fell below company expectations despite anomalous surface geochemistry
- Only low-level gold mineralization found throughout the drilling program
- Initial drilling campaign failed to intersect economic mineralization
Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 11, 2025) - Hayasa Metals Inc. (TSXV: HAY) (OTCQB: HAYAF) ("Hayasa" or the "Company") has received the remaining geochemical results for drill holes UDD-04, 05, 07, 08 and 09, from the Oxide Basin, Black River and Brick House prospects.
Similar to the previously announced results from holes UDD-01, 02, 03 and 06, these final five holes contain low-level gold mineralization throughout, particularly hole UDD-04 at Oxide Basin, which also returned the highest average copper geochemistry of any of the holes to date. Holes UDD-04, 05, 08 and 09 returned only one sample below the detection limit for gold between them. Hole UDD-08 drilled at the Brick House prospect returned 11m of
Management believes that Urasar is a structurally complex mineral system with several separate centers of mineralization. The 2025 drill campaign at Urasar is fully funded by the sale of a US
The Company's 2025 plan is to explore and drill areas to the north of the 2024 drill program based on reinterpreted IP data, the magnetic survey, and the 2024 drill program assays. There are several historic Soviet drill roads that will be rehabilitated as our focus moves to higher elevation. Dennis Moore, President and Qualified Person of Hayasa discusses the approach that will be taken to drill location targeting for the Urasar 2025 drill program, below.
Figure 1a: Area of interest north of 2024 drill campaign: IP lines 1 and 2 showing color-scaled chargeability.
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1b: 2024 Drill hole locations with IP lines overlain on ground mag
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Figure 2: Planned roadwork (blue) for 2025 with historic drill tracks (yellow)
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Selected statistics of the entire 2024 drill program are summarized in the following table:
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Dennis Moore, President and Qualified Person of Hayasa, commented "While these results demonstrate that we are in a large fertile system, they are obviously not what the company expected given the anomalous surface geochemistry and intense alteration observed at surface. However, we are unwavering in our belief that Urasar hosts one or more economic ore bodies and our 2025 campaign, funded by the sale of a US
What we see to date, both in the data and on the ground, indicate the focus of mineralization is further north and upslope of the recent campaign. As discussed in a previous news release (dated February 19, 2025), historic drilling by a Russian company was conducted several hundred meters north of the recent drill sites on the western end of the license, and south of Black River on the eastern end of the license. There are numerous historical drill tracks in these zones as shown in Figure 2. In addition, the drill results from hole UDD-04 at Oxide Basin support more detailed investigation in that area particularly as the upper portions of the prospect display characteristics of a leached cap. The corrected IP sections shown in Figure 3 also support this interpretation."
IP Survey
A trial IP survey comprising two lines over the western part of the license (Yellow River zone), and one line over the eastern part of the license (Black River zone) carried out by Terratec Geophysical Services GmbH & Co. was executed just prior to the drill campaign. The results of the survey were not available until after the drill program had been completed.
The IP chargeability sections for lines 1 and 2 shown in Figure 3 indicate anomalous chargeability at approximately 300m north of our 2024 locations at Copper Creek and Golden Vein.
Figure 3. Chargeability Sections for IP lines 1 and 2
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Joel Sutherland, CEO of Hayasa, commented: "The targeting parameters for the 2024 drill campaign were based on soil geochemistry, the existence of historic Soviet exploration adits, the existing road network, and the ground magnetic survey. Following our recent drilling campaign and re-interpretation of geophysical surveys, we now believe the focus of mineralization is likely to occur at higher elevations to the north. Our 2025 planned 2,000 meter campaign at Urasar will kick off in June 2025.
"The maiden drill program at Urasar provides extremely valuable information for location targeting in the 2025 drilling campaign. It is a rare event to intersect economic mineralization in the first drill campaign. The map in Figure 3 shows one of the main areas of interest for our 2025 program. Our objective is to have roadwork completed in early June and to communicate further details regarding the program shortly thereafter."
Laboratory details and QA/QC
The diamond core was cut and samples prepared under Hayasa's supervision in Armenia with the splits sent to the ALS laboratory in Romania. The prepped samples were analyzed by 30g fire assay for gold (method Au-AA23) and 34 associated elements using multi-element ICP (Induced Coupled Plasma, method ME-ICP61). This batch from the final five holes represents 361 mostly two-meter sample intervals. In addition, a known standard, blank or duplicate was inserted every ten samples for QA/QC purposes.
Qualified Person
The content of this news release was reviewed by Dennis Moore, Hayasa's President and Chairman, a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
On behalf of the Board of Directors,
Joel Sutherland
Hayasa Metals Inc.
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Forward-looking statements
This news release contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this news release are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements including, without limitation, statements regarding future exploration programs. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations including the risks detailed from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators. The reader is cautioned not to place undue reliance on any forward-looking information. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and the Company will update or revise publicly any of the included forward-looking statements only as expressly required by Canadian securities law.
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