Haoxi Health Technology Limited and Global Mofy AI Ltd Announce Strategic Partnership to Innovate AI Marketing Solutions

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Haoxi Health Technology (HAO) has announced a strategic partnership with Global Mofy AI 's subsidiary, Gauss Intelligence (Beijing) Technology Co., The collaboration aims to integrate Gausspeed, an advanced generative AI platform, with HAO's extensive application scenarios to create innovative AI marketing solutions.

The partnership will focus on three key areas: enhancing big data analysis, automating creative content generation, and improving intelligent decision-making processes. Global Mofy, a leading digital asset bank in China managing over 100,000 digital assets, will provide AI capabilities through Gausspeed. HAO will contribute its industry knowledge and practical application expertise.

Gausspeed, launched in 2024, uses Physics AI to simulate intelligent behavior, build and navigate complex 3D environments, and enable sophisticated interactions among digital assets. This collaboration is expected to revolutionize digital marketing approaches and drive digital transformation across the marketing landscape.

Haoxi Health Technology (HAO) ha annunciato una partnership strategica con la sussidiaria di Global Mofy AI, Gauss Intelligence (Beijing) Technology Co. La collaborazione mira ad integrare Gausspeed, una piattaforma avanzata di intelligenza artificiale generativa, con gli ampi scenari applicativi di HAO per creare soluzioni innovative di marketing tramite AI.

La partnership si concentrerà su tre aree chiave: migliorare l'analisi dei big data, automatizzare la generazione di contenuti creativi e migliorare i processi decisionali intelligenti. Global Mofy, una delle principali banche di asset digitali in Cina che gestisce oltre 100.000 asset digitali, fornirà capacità di intelligenza artificiale tramite Gausspeed. HAO contribuirà con la sua conoscenza del settore e la sua esperienza pratica nell'applicazione.

Gausspeed, lanciato nel 2024, utilizza l'AI fisica per simulare comportamenti intelligenti, costruire e navigare in ambienti 3D complessi, e abilitare interazioni sofisticate tra asset digitali. Si prevede che questa collaborazione rivoluzionerà gli approcci al marketing digitale e guiderà la trasformazione digitale nel panorama del marketing.

Haoxi Health Technology (HAO) ha anunciado una alianza estratégica con la subsidiaria de Global Mofy AI, Gauss Intelligence (Beijing) Technology Co. La colaboración tiene como objetivo integrar Gausspeed, una avanzada plataforma de IA generativa, con los amplios escenarios de aplicación de HAO para crear soluciones innovadoras de marketing basadas en IA.

La asociación se centrará en tres áreas clave: mejorar el análisis de grandes datos, automatizar la generación de contenido creativo y mejorar los procesos de toma de decisiones inteligentes. Global Mofy, un banco digital de activos líder en China que gestiona más de 100.000 activos digitales, proporcionará capacidades de IA a través de Gausspeed. HAO aportará su conocimiento de la industria y su experiencia práctica en aplicaciones.

Gausspeed, lanzado en 2024, utiliza IA física para simular comportamientos inteligentes, construir y navegar en entornos 3D complejos, y permitir interacciones sofisticadas entre activos digitales. Se espera que esta colaboración revolucione los enfoques de marketing digital y impulse la transformación digital en el paisaje del marketing.

하오시 헬스 테크놀로지 (HAO)글로벌 모피 AI의 자회사인 가우스 인텔리전스(베이징) 테크놀로지와 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이번 협력은 HAO의 폭넓은 애플리케이션 시나리오에 가우스피드라는 고급 생성 AI 플랫폼을 통합하여 혁신적인 AI 마케팅 솔루션을 만드는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 파트너십은 세 가지 주요 분야에 중점을 두게 됩니다: 빅데이터 분석의 향상, 창의적 콘텐츠 생성의 자동화, 그리고 지능적 의사결정 프로세스의 개선입니다. Global Mofy는 10만 개 이상의 디지털 자산을 관리하는 중국의 선도적인 디지털 자산 은행으로, 가우스피드를 통해 AI 기능을 제공합니다. HAO는 산업 지식과 실용적 응용 전문성을 기여하게 됩니다.

2024년에 출시된 가우스피드는 물리학 AI를 사용하여 지능적 행동을 시뮬레이션하고, 복잡한 3D 환경을 구축 및 탐색하며, 디지털 자산 간의 정교한 상호작용을 가능하게 합니다. 이번 협력이 디지털 마케팅 접근 방식을 혁신하고 마케팅 환경 전반에 걸쳐 디지털 변혁을 촉진할 것으로 기대됩니다.

Haoxi Health Technology (HAO) a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec la filiale de Global Mofy AI, Gauss Intelligence (Beijing) Technology Co. Cette collaboration vise à intégrer Gausspeed, une plateforme avancée d'IA générative, avec les vastes scénarios d'application de HAO pour créer des solutions innovantes de marketing par IA.

Le partenariat se concentrera sur trois domaines clés : améliorer l'analyse de grandes données, automatiser la création de contenus créatifs et améliorer les processus décisionnels intelligents. Global Mofy, une banque d'actifs numériques leader en Chine qui gère plus de 100 000 actifs numériques, fournira des capacités d'IA via Gausspeed. HAO contribuera avec son expertise sectorielle et ses connaissances pratiques.

Gausspeed, lancé en 2024, utilise l'IA physique pour simuler des comportements intelligents, construire et naviguer dans des environnements 3D complexes, et permettre des interactions sophistiquées entre les actifs numériques. Cette collaboration devrait révolutionner les approches du marketing numérique et stimuler la transformation numérique dans le paysage marketing.

Haoxi Health Technology (HAO) hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit der Tochtergesellschaft von Global Mofy AI, Gauss Intelligence (Beijing) Technology Co., bekannt gegeben. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Gausspeed, eine fortschrittliche generative KI-Plattform, mit den umfangreichen Anwendungsbereichen von HAO zu integrieren, um innovative KI-Marketinglösungen zu schaffen.

Der Schwerpunkt der Partnerschaft liegt auf drei Schlüsselbereichen: Verbesserung der Big-Data-Analyse, Automatisierung der kreativen Inhaltserstellung und Verbesserung von intelligenten Entscheidungsprozessen. Global Mofy, eine führende digitale Vermögensbank in China, die über 100.000 digitale Vermögenswerte verwaltet, wird AI-Fähigkeiten über Gausspeed bereitstellen. HAO wird sein Branchenwissen und seine praktische Anwendungskompetenz einbringen.

Gausspeed, das 2024 eingeführt wurde, nutzt Physik-KI, um intelligentes Verhalten zu simulieren, komplexe 3D-Umgebungen aufzubauen und zu navigieren und anspruchsvolle Interaktionen zwischen digitalen Vermögenswerten zu ermöglichen. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Zusammenarbeit die Ansätze im digitalen Marketing revolutioniert und die digitale Transformation im Marketingumfeld vorantreibt.

  • Strategic partnership with Global Mofy AI to innovate AI marketing solutions
  • Integration of advanced Gausspeed AI platform with HAO's extensive application scenarios
  • Focus on enhancing big data analysis, automating content generation, and improving decision-making processes
  • Potential to revolutionize digital marketing approaches and drive industry transformation
  • None.


This partnership between HAO and Global Mofy AI marks a significant leap in AI-driven marketing solutions. By integrating Gausspeed's advanced AI capabilities with HAO's industry expertise, they're positioned to revolutionize digital marketing practices. The collaboration focuses on important areas like big data analysis, automated content creation and intelligent decision-making, which are cornerstone elements of modern marketing strategies.

Gausspeed's ability to simulate intelligent behavior, manipulate objects and create virtual environments opens up new possibilities for immersive marketing experiences. This could lead to more engaging and personalized campaigns, potentially increasing ROI for HAO's clients. The partnership also gives HAO access to Global Mofy's vast digital asset library, which could significantly enhance their creative capabilities and market offerings.

However, investors should note that while the potential is significant, the actual impact on HAO's financials remains to be seen. The success will depend on how effectively they can integrate and monetize these new AI capabilities in their existing service portfolio.

This strategic partnership positions HAO at the forefront of the AI-driven marketing revolution, potentially giving them a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape. The collaboration addresses key market trends, including the growing demand for data-driven insights, personalized content and efficient decision-making processes in marketing campaigns.

For investors, this move signals HAO's commitment to innovation and adaptation to emerging technologies. It could lead to expanded market share and improved client retention as they offer more sophisticated and effective marketing solutions. The partnership may also open up new revenue streams through AI-enhanced services.

However, it's important to consider the execution risks. Integrating complex AI systems into existing workflows can be challenging and may require significant investment in training and infrastructure. Investors should watch for updates on the implementation progress and any early indicators of client adoption or revenue impact in upcoming financial reports.

BEIJING, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Haoxi Health Technology Limited (the “Company” or “HAO”), an online marketing solution provider headquartered in Beijing, China, today announced a strategic partnership with an AI platform, Gauss Intelligence (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Global Mofy AI Ltd (Nasdaq: GMM). This collaboration aims to leverage the advanced capabilities of Gausspeed, a cutting-edge generative AI platform, alongside HAO’s extensive application scenarios to deliver transformative AI marketing solutions.

Through this partnership, Global Mofy will provide the powerful AI capabilities of the Gausspeed platform, while HAO will contribute its rich industry knowledge and practical application expertise. Together, the two companies will focus on three key areas: enhancing big data analysis, automating creative content generation, and improving intelligent decision-making processes that deliver optimal digital marketing solutions to the Company’s vast client base.

Global Mofy is a leading digital asset bank in China, managing over 100,000 digital assets. The company specializes in virtual content and 3D asset development, with offices in Beijing, Zhejiang, and California, aiming to enhance the digital content and entertainment industries.

Gausspeed, launched in 2024 with Heartdub Technology, is an advanced AI platform. It uses Gausspeed Physics AI to simulate intelligent behavior and can build and navigate complex 3D environments, allowing for precise object manipulation and virtual city creation.

Gausspeed AI platform enables it to reason, plan, and execute actions with unmatched accuracy, fostering sophisticated interactions among digital assets. With Gausspeed, systems can perceive and respond to their environments dynamically, creating immersive experiences that are crucial for effective digital marketing.

“Partnering with Global Mofy represents a pivotal opportunity for us,” said Mr. Zhen Fan, CEO and Chairman of the Company. “By integrating the robust AI capabilities of the Gausspeed platform with our experience in marketing solutions, we are set to revolutionize how digital marketing is approached in our industry.”

“The collaboration allows us to apply Gausspeed’s innovative technology in impactful ways, driving digital transformation across the marketing landscape. As AI technology continues to evolve, the collaboration between HAO and Global Mofy is poised to invigorate the industry, fostering innovation and transformation in digital marketing.”

About Haoxi Health Technology Limited

Haoxi Health Technology Limited is a Beijing-headquartered online marketing solution provider in China, specializing in serving healthcare industry advertiser clients. The Company’s growth is driven by the rise of news feed ads and the rapid development of the healthcare sector. The Company offers one-stop online marketing solutions, especially in online short video marketing, helping advertisers acquire and retain customers on popular platforms in China, such as Toutiao, Douyin, WeChat, and Sina Weibo. It is dedicated to reducing costs, increasing efficiency, and providing easy online marketing solutions to advertisers. For more information, please visit:

Forward-Looking Statement

This press release contains forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance, and underlying assumptions and other statements that are other than statements of historical facts. When the Company uses words such as “may,” “will,” “intend,” “should,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “project,” “estimate” or similar expressions that do not relate solely to historical matters, it is making forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results to differ materially from the Company’s expectations discussed in the forward-looking statements. These statements are subject to uncertainties and risks including, but not limited to, the uncertainties related to market conditions, and other factors discussed in the “Risk Factors” section of the registration statement filed with the SEC. For these reasons, among others, investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements in this press release. Additional factors are discussed in the Company’s filings with the SEC, which are available for review at The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that arise after the date hereof.

For more information, please contact:
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WFS Investor Relations Inc.
Janice Wang, Managing Partner
Phone: +86 13811768599
+1 628 283 9214


What is the purpose of the strategic partnership between Haoxi Health Technology (HAO) and Global Mofy AI ?

The partnership aims to innovate AI marketing solutions by integrating Gausspeed, an advanced generative AI platform, with HAO's extensive application scenarios in digital marketing.

What are the key focus areas of the collaboration between HAO and Global Mofy AI ?

The collaboration focuses on three key areas: enhancing big data analysis, automating creative content generation, and improving intelligent decision-making processes for digital marketing solutions.

What is Gausspeed and how will it be used in the partnership between HAO and Global Mofy AI ?

Gausspeed is an advanced AI platform launched in 2024 that uses Physics AI to simulate intelligent behavior and create immersive experiences. In the partnership, it will be used to enhance digital marketing capabilities and foster innovation in the industry.

How does the partnership between HAO and Global Mofy AI aim to impact the digital marketing industry?

The partnership aims to revolutionize digital marketing approaches by leveraging advanced AI capabilities and industry expertise, driving digital transformation across the marketing landscape.

Haoxi Health Technology Limited


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