Halberd Corp’s (OTC: HALB) Groundbreaking Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Mitigation Nasal Spray Shows Promising Phase II Initial Test Results

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Halberd (OTC: HALB) has announced promising initial results from Phase II testing of its Tri-Ax™ nasal spray for mitigating traumatic brain injury (TBI) effects. The tests, conducted at Mississippi State University, show that higher impact forces lead to step-wise changes in motor activity levels. Importantly, TBI-induced motor activity changes were significantly improved when Tri-Ax™ was administered one hour post-impact at one of the higher impact forces.

The company sees potential applications in military and civilian contact sports, law enforcement, hospitals, and emergency response units. Halberd is also developing an auto-nasal injector with partner Athena GTX for point-of-injury care. The market potential is considered substantial if ongoing tests continue to support initial optimism.

Halberd (OTC: HALB) ha annunciato risultati iniziali promettenti dalla fase II di test del suo spray nasale Tri-Ax™ per mitigare gli effetti del trauma cranico (TBI). I test, condotti presso la Mississippi State University, mostrano che forze d'impatto maggiori portano a variazioni progressive nei livelli di attività motoria. È importante notare che le modifiche all'attività motoria indotte dal TBI sono state significativamente migliorate quando il Tri-Ax™ è stato somministrato un'ora dopo l'impatto in uno dei casi di forza d'impatto più elevato.

L'azienda vede potenziali applicazioni in ambito militare e sport di contatto civili, forze dell'ordine, ospedali e unità di risposta all'emergenza. Halberd sta anche sviluppando un inalatore nasale automatico in collaborazione con Athena GTX per la cura al punto d'impatto. Il potenziale di mercato è considerato sostanziale se i test in corso continueranno a supportare l'ottimismo iniziale.

Halberd (OTC: HALB) ha anunciado resultados iniciales prometedores de la fase II de las pruebas de su spray nasal Tri-Ax™ para mitigar los efectos de la lesión cerebral traumática (TBI). Las pruebas, realizadas en la Universidad Estatal de Mississippi, muestran que las fuerzas de impacto más altas conducen a cambios graduales en los niveles de actividad motora. Es importante destacar que los cambios en la actividad motora inducidos por el TBI mejoraron significativamente cuando se administró Tri-Ax™ una hora después del impacto en una de las fuerzas de impacto más altas.

La empresa ve aplicaciones potenciales en deportes de contacto militares y civiles, fuerzas del orden, hospitales y unidades de respuesta a emergencias. Halberd también está desarrollando un inyector nasal automático en colaboración con Athena GTX para la atención en el punto de lesión. Se considera que el potencial del mercado es sustancial si las pruebas en curso continúan apoyando el optimismo inicial.

Halberd (OTC: HALB)는 외상성 뇌 손상(TBI)의 영향을 완화하기 위한 Tri-Ax™ 비강 스프레이의 2단계 테스트에서 유망한 초기 결과를 발표했습니다. 미시시피 주립대학교에서 수행된 테스트는 더 높은 충격력이 운동 활동 수준의 단계적인 변화를 초래한다는 것을 보여줍니다. 특히 TBI로 인한 운동 활동 변화는 Tri-Ax™가 충격 후 1시간에 복용되었을 때显著 향상되었습니다고 합니다.

이 회사는 군대 및 민간 접촉 스포츠, 법 집행, 병원 및 응급 대응 부문에서 잠재적인 응용 프로그램을 보고 있습니다. Halberd는 또한 손상 지점 치료를 위해 Athena GTX와 협력하여 자동 비강 주입기를 개발하고 있습니다. 지속적인 테스트가 초기의 낙관론을 지지한다면 시장 잠재력은 상당할 것으로 판단됩니다.

Halberd (OTC: HALB) a annoncé des résultats initiaux prometteurs des essais de Phase II de son spray nasal Tri-Ax™ pour atténuer les effets des blessures cérébrales traumatiques (TBI). Les tests, réalisés à l'Université d'État du Mississippi, montrent que des forces d'impact plus élevées entraînent des changements progressifs des niveaux d'activité motrice. Il est important de noter que les changements d'activité motrice induits par le TBI ont été significativement améliorés lorsque le Tri-Ax™ a été administré une heure après l'impact dans l'un des cas de force d'impact la plus élevée.

L'entreprise voit des applications potentielles dans les domaines militaire et sportif civil, les forces de l'ordre, les hôpitaux et les unités de réponse aux urgences. Halberd développe également un injecteur nasal automatique en partenariat avec Athena GTX pour les soins au point de blessure. Le potentiel du marché est considéré comme substantiel si les tests en cours continuent de soutenir l'optimisme initial.

Halberd (OTC: HALB) hat vielversprechende erste Ergebnisse aus der Phase-II-Studie seines Tri-Ax™ Nasensprays zur Minderung der Auswirkungen von traumatischen Gehirnverletzungen (TBI) bekannt gegeben. Die Tests, die an der Mississippi State University durchgeführt wurden, zeigen, dass höhere Aufprallkräfte zu stufenweisen Veränderungen der motorischen Aktivitätsniveaus führen. Wichtig ist, dass die durch TBI verursachten Veränderungen der motorischen Aktivität signifikant verbessert wurden, als Tri-Ax™ eine Stunde nach dem Aufprall verabreicht wurde bei einer der höheren Aufprallkräfte.

Das Unternehmen sieht potenzielle Anwendungen im Militär und in zivilen Kontaktsportarten, bei der Strafverfolgung, in Krankenhäusern und bei Notfallmaßnahmen. Halberd entwickelt auch einen Auto-Nasalinjektor in Zusammenarbeit mit Athena GTX für die Versorgung am Verletzungsort. Das Marktpotential wird als erheblich angesehen, wenn sich die laufenden Tests weiterhin positiv entwickeln.

  • Promising initial Phase II test results for Tri-Ax™ nasal spray in mitigating TBI effects
  • Significant improvement in TBI-induced motor activity changes when administered one hour post-impact
  • Potential for wide application in military, sports, law enforcement, and emergency response
  • Development of auto-nasal injector for point-of-injury care with partner Athena GTX
  • Results are preliminary and require further testing
  • Efficacy only demonstrated for administration within one hour of impact

JACKSON CENTER, Pa., July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Halberd Corporation (OTC-PINK: "HALB”) has announced encouraging preliminary outcomes from its Phase II testing at Mississippi State University (MSU) of its Tri-Ax™ nasal spray, aimed at mitigating the effects of traumatic brain injury (TBI) following head trauma.

Dr. Russell Carr, the project's Principal Investigator, commented: “In the early stages of our Phase II studies, we focused on assessing the efficacy of our innovative Tri-Ax™ nasal spray in producing positive outcomes when administered shortly after a TBI event. We included behavioral function as a key endpoint, which is significantly impacted by TBI.”

Dr. Carr elaborated, “Preliminary data reveal that higher impact forces lead to step-wise changes in motor activity levels. Notably, with one of the higher impact forces, TBI-induced motor activity changes were significantly improved when Tri-Ax™ was administered one hour post-impact. These findings suggest that the therapeutic benefits of Tri-Ax™ can be achieved when administered promptly after injury.”

William A. Hartman, Halberd's Chairman, President, and CEO, added, “We are optimistic that our successful Phase II testing will highlight the unique advantages of our patent-pending nasal spray in preventing neurodegeneration following head trauma. Potential applications for Halberd’s nasal spray include military and civilian contact sports, law enforcement, hospitals, and emergency response units dealing with automobile accidents and falls. The market potential for this product is substantial if ongoing tests continue to support our initial optimism.”

These results are very encouraging to point of injury (POI) care. Administration of this novel TBI therapeutic translates to the potential of buddy care or self-administration via a developing auto-nasal injector under development at Halberd’s partner Athena GTX.

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For more information, please contact:
William A. Hartman
Twitter: @HalberdC

About Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM).
Established in 1974, the Mississippi State University College of Veterinary Medicine (MSU CVM) comprises six locations, catering to all 82 counties in Mississippi and the broader Southeastern United States. The primary campus, situated in Starkville, encompasses the Wise Center, home to the main teaching hospital known as the Animal Health Center. The faculty and staff of the MSU CVM Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences cover fundamental scientific disciplines essential for veterinary education. MSU CVM is dedicated to an ethical approach in the treatment of animals, demonstrating a sincere passion and commitment.

About Athena GTX, Inc.
Athena GTX is a certified DoD small business with Corporate Headquarters in Johnston, Iowa. Athena focuses development on wearables and highly mobile, wirelessly connected monitoring technologies, and transitioning those to key markets to meet unmet needs of first responders worldwide. Wireless Patient Monitoring – Athena GTX connects patient and provider About - Athena GTX® Inc.

About Halberd Corporation.
Halberd Corporation (OTC-PINK:HALB), a publicly traded entity on the OTC Market, adheres fully to OTC Market reporting regulations. Following its restructuring in April 2020, Halberd secured exclusive global rights to three granted patents and submitted 22 associated provisional, PCT, or utility patent applications. This strategic move aims to augment the company's value for stockholders and generate interest from potential development partners.

Safe Harbor Notice
Certain statements contained herein are “forward-looking statements” (as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995). The Company’ cautions our readers that statements, and assumptions made in this news release constitute forward-looking statements and makes no guarantee of future performance. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and opinions of management at the time the statements are made. These statements may address issues that involve significant risks, uncertainties and associated estimates made by management. Actual results could differ materially from current projections or implied results. Halberd Corporation undertakes no obligation to revise these statements following the date of this news release.
(C) 2023, Halberd Corporation


What are the initial Phase II test results for Halberd's (HALB) Tri-Ax™ nasal spray?

Initial Phase II test results show that Halberd's Tri-Ax™ nasal spray significantly improved TBI-induced motor activity changes when administered one hour post-impact at higher impact forces.

What potential applications does Halberd (HALB) see for its Tri-Ax™ nasal spray?

Halberd sees potential applications for Tri-Ax™ nasal spray in military and civilian contact sports, law enforcement, hospitals, and emergency response units dealing with automobile accidents and falls.

Is Halberd (HALB) developing any additional products for TBI treatment?

Yes, Halberd is developing an auto-nasal injector for point-of-injury care in partnership with Athena GTX.

Where were the Phase II tests for Halberd's (HALB) Tri-Ax™ nasal spray conducted?

The Phase II tests for Halberd's Tri-Ax™ nasal spray were conducted at Mississippi State University (MSU).



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