HAFNIA LIMITED: Mandatory Notification of Trade by Primary Insider
Hafnia (OSE: HAFNI, NYSE: HAFN) announced that board member Erik Bartnes has sold 1,182,931 shares at an average price of NOK 59.6782 per share on January 20, 2025. The transaction was executed through Castel AS, a company controlled by Bartnes.
Hafnia is a leading global tanker owner operating approximately 200 vessels, specializing in transporting oil, oil products, and chemicals for major national and international companies. The company provides integrated shipping services including technical management, commercial and chartering services, pool management, and bunker procurement. With offices in Singapore, Copenhagen, Houston, and Dubai, Hafnia employs over 4,000 people both onshore and at sea. The company is part of the BW Group, which has over 80 years of experience in shipping and energy infrastructure.
Hafnia (OSE: HAFNI, NYSE: HAFN) ha annunciato che il membro del consiglio Erik Bartnes ha venduto 1.182.931 azioni a un prezzo medio di NOK 59,6782 per azione il 20 gennaio 2025. La transazione è stata eseguita tramite Castel AS, una società controllata da Bartnes.
Hafnia è un proprietario di petroliere globale di primo piano che gestisce circa 200 navi, specializzandosi nel trasporto di petrolio, prodotti petroliferi e sostanze chimiche per importanti aziende nazionali e internazionali. L'azienda offre servizi di spedizione integrati che includono gestione tecnica, servizi commerciali e di noleggio, gestione pool e approvvigionamento di bunker. Con uffici a Singapore, Copenaghen, Houston e Dubai, Hafnia impiega oltre 4.000 persone sia a terra che in mare. L'azienda è parte del BW Group, che vanta oltre 80 anni di esperienza nel settore della spedizione e delle infrastrutture energetiche.
Hafnia (OSE: HAFNI, NYSE: HAFN) anunció que el miembro de la junta Erik Bartnes ha vendido 1.182.931 acciones a un precio promedio de NOK 59,6782 por acción el 20 de enero de 2025. La transacción se llevó a cabo a través de Castel AS, una empresa controlada por Bartnes.
Hafnia es un propietario de petroleros líder a nivel mundial que opera aproximadamente 200 buques, especializándose en el transporte de petróleo, productos petroleros y productos químicos para importantes empresas nacionales e internacionales. La empresa ofrece servicios de transporte integrados que incluyen gestión técnica, servicios comerciales y de fletamento, gestión de pools y adquisición de combustible. Con oficinas en Singapur, Copenhague, Houston y Dubái, Hafnia emplea a más de 4.000 personas tanto en tierra como en el mar. La empresa forma parte del BW Group, que tiene más de 80 años de experiencia en el transporte marítimo y la infraestructura energética.
하프니아 (OSE: HAFNI, NYSE: HAFN)는 이사 에릭 바르트네스가 2025년 1월 20일 주당 평균 NOK 59.6782에 1,182,931주를 판매했다고 발표했습니다. 이번 거래는 바르트네스가 제어하는 회사인 Castel AS를 통해 실행되었습니다.
하프니아는 약 200척의 선박을 운영하는 세계적인 탱커 소유주로, 주요 국영 및 국제 기업을 위해 석유, 석유 제품 및 화학 물질 운송을 전문으로 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 기술 관리, 상업 및 용선 서비스, 풀 관리, 벙커 조달을 포함한 통합 선박 서비스를 제공합니다. 싱가포르, 코펜하겐, 휴스턴, 두바이에 사무소를 두고 있으며, 하프니아는 육상 및 해상에서 4,000명 이상의 직원을 고용하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 80년 이상의 선박 및 에너지 인프라 경험을 가진 BW 그룹의 일원입니다.
Hafnia (OSE: HAFNI, NYSE: HAFN) a annoncé que le membre du conseil Erik Bartnes a vendu 1.182.931 actions à un prix moyen de NOK 59,6782 par action le 20 janvier 2025. La transaction a été effectuée par l'intermédiaire de Castel AS, une société contrôlée par Bartnes.
Hafnia est un propriétaire de pétroliers mondial de premier plan, exploitant environ 200 navires, spécialisé dans le transport de pétrole, de produits pétroliers et de produits chimiques pour de grandes entreprises nationales et internationales. L'entreprise propose des services d'expédition intégrés, y compris la gestion technique, des services commerciaux et de charte, la gestion de pool et l'approvisionnement en carburant. Avec des bureaux à Singapour, Copenhague, Houston et Dubaï, Hafnia emploie plus de 4 000 personnes, tant à terre qu'en mer. L'entreprise fait partie du BW Group, qui possède plus de 80 ans d'expérience dans le secteur maritime et des infrastructures énergétiques.
Hafnia (OSE: HAFNI, NYSE: HAFN) hat angekündigt, dass das Vorstandsmitglied Erik Bartnes am 20. Januar 2025 insgesamt 1.182.931 Aktien zu einem durchschnittlichen Preis von NOK 59,6782 pro Aktie verkauft hat. Die Transaktion wurde über Castel AS durchgeführt, ein Unternehmen, das von Bartnes kontrolliert wird.
Hafnia ist ein führender globaler Tanker-Eigentümer, der etwa 200 Schiffe betreibt und sich auf den Transport von Öl, Ölprodukten und Chemikalien für bedeutende nationale und internationale Unternehmen spezialisiert hat. Das Unternehmen bietet integrierte Schifffahrtsdienstleistungen an, die technische Verwaltung, kommerzielle und Charterdienste, Poolmanagement und Bunkerbeschaffung umfassen. Mit Büros in Singapur, Kopenhagen, Houston und Dubai beschäftigt Hafnia mehr als 4.000 Mitarbeiter sowohl an Land als auch auf See. Das Unternehmen ist Teil der BW Group, die über 80 Jahre Erfahrung in der Schifffahrt und Energieinfrastruktur verfügt.
- None.
- None.
The insider sale by board member Erik Bartnes involving
Looking at the broader context, Hafnia's position as a major tanker operator with approximately 200 vessels indicates substantial market presence in the oil transportation sector. The company's integration within the BW Group, a well-established shipping conglomerate, provides operational stability and strategic advantages in the competitive shipping market. The current market environment for tanker operators remains favorable, with strong demand for oil transportation services and elevated freight rates.
For retail investors, while insider sales can sometimes raise concerns, it's essential to note that executives may sell shares for various personal reasons unrelated to company outlook. The transaction size relative to Hafnia's
For more information see the attached mandatory notification of trade.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to article 19 of the EU Market Abuse Regulation and section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.
About Hafnia Limited:
Hafnia is one of the world's leading tanker owners, transporting oil, oil products and chemicals for major national and international oil companies, chemical companies, as well as trading and utility companies.
As owners and operators of around 200 vessels, we offer a fully integrated shipping platform, including technical management, commercial and chartering services, pool management, and a large-scale bunker procurement desk. Hafnia has offices in
Hafnia is part of the BW Group, an international shipping group involved in oil and gas transportation, floating gas infrastructure, environmental technologies, and deep-water production for over 80 years.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250120236182/en/
For further information, please contact:
Mikael Skov
CEO Hafnia Limited
+65 8533 8900
Source: Hafnia Limited