American Banker names Bonnie Lee as one of The Most Powerful Women to Watch in 2024

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Hanmi Financial (Nasdaq: HAFC) announced that its President and CEO, Bonnie Lee, has been named one of The Most Powerful Women to Watch in 2024 by American Banker. Lee, appointed CEO in 2019, has led the company to deliver solid results, drive innovation, and enhance its core relationship banking model. The recognition is part of American Banker's 22nd annual The Most Powerful Women in Banking™ initiative, which honors leaders demonstrating exceptional skills, strong performance, and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in financial services.

Honorees will be recognized at The Most Powerful Women in Banking Gala on October 24, 2024, in New York City. Additionally, a conference featuring panels, discussions, and workshops will be held on October 22–23, open to all banking and finance professionals.

Hanmi Financial (Nasdaq: HAFC) ha annunciato che il suo Presidente e CEO, Bonnie Lee, è stata nominata una delle Donne Più Potenti da Tenere d'Occhio nel 2024 da American Banker. Lee, nominata CEO nel 2019, ha guidato l'azienda verso risultati solidi, ha promosso l'innovazione e ha migliorato il suo modello di banking relazionale. Questo riconoscimento fa parte della 22ª edizione annuale de Le Donne Più Potenti nel Settore Bancario™ di American Banker, che onora i leader che dimostrano abilità eccezionali, elevate prestazioni e impegno per la diversità, l'equità e l'inclusione nei servizi finanziari.

I premiati saranno riconosciuti al Gala delle Donne Più Potenti nel Settore Bancario il 24 ottobre 2024 a New York City. Inoltre, si terrà una conferenza con panel, discussioni e workshop il 22-23 ottobre, aperta a tutti i professionisti del settore bancario e finanziario.

Hanmi Financial (Nasdaq: HAFC) anunció que su Presidenta y CEO, Bonnie Lee, ha sido nombrada una de Las Mujeres Más Poderosas a Seguir en 2024 por American Banker. Lee, nombrada CEO en 2019, ha llevado a la empresa a obtener resultados sólidos, impulsar la innovación y mejorar su modelo de banca relacional. Este reconocimiento forma parte de la 22ª edición anual de Las Mujeres Más Poderosas en la Banca™ de American Banker, que honra a líderes que demuestran habilidades excepcionales, un rendimiento sólido y un compromiso con la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión en los servicios financieros.

Las homenajeadas serán reconocidas en la Gala de Las Mujeres Más Poderosas en la Banca el 24 de octubre de 2024 en la ciudad de Nueva York. Además, se llevará a cabo una conferencia con paneles, discusiones y talleres los días 22 y 23 de octubre, abierta a todos los profesionales del sector bancario y financiero.

한미 파이낸셜 (Nasdaq: HAFC)은 회장 겸 CEO인 Bonnie Lee가 American Banker에서 2024년 주목해야 할 가장 강력한 여성 중 한 명으로 선정되었다고 발표했습니다. 2019년 CEO로 임명된 Lee는 회사가 견고한 성과를 내고, 혁신을 주도하며, 주요 관계 은행 모델을 개선하도록 이끌었습니다. 이 인정은 미국 은행가의 제22회 연례 은행업계의 가장 강력한 여성™ 이니셔티브의 일환으로, 금융 서비스 분야에서 탁월한 기술, 강력한 성과 및 다양성, 형평성 및 포용에 대한 헌신을 보여주는 리더를 기립니다.

수상자는 2024년 10월 24일 뉴욕에서 열리는 은행업계의 가장 강력한 여성 갈라에서 인정받을 예정입니다. 또한, 모든 은행 및 금융 전문가를 위해 10월 22일부터 23일까지 패널, 토론 및 워크숍이 포함된 회의가 개최됩니다.

Hanmi Financial (Nasdaq: HAFC) a annoncé que sa Présidente et CEO, Bonnie Lee, a été nommée l'une des Femmes les Plus Puissantes à Surveiller en 2024 par American Banker. Lee, nommée CEO en 2019, a conduit l'entreprise à obtenir des résultats solides, à stimuler l'innovation et à améliorer son modèle de banque relationnelle. Cette reconnaissance fait partie de la 22e édition annuelle des Femmes les Plus Puissantes dans la Banque™ d’American Banker, qui honore les leaders démontrant des compétences exceptionnelles, de solides performances et un engagement en faveur de la diversité, de l'équité et de l'inclusion dans les services financiers.

Les lauréates seront reconnues lors du Gala des Femmes les Plus Puissantes dans la Banque le 24 octobre 2024 à New York. De plus, une conférence avec des panels, des discussions et des ateliers se tiendra les 22 et 23 octobre, ouverte à tous les professionnels du secteur bancaire et financier.

Hanmi Financial (Nasdaq: HAFC) gab bekannt, dass ihre Präsidentin und CEO, Bonnie Lee, von American Banker als eine der stärksten Frauen des Jahres 2024 ausgezeichnet wurde, die man im Auge behalten sollte. Lee, die 2019 zur CEO ernannt wurde, hat das Unternehmen zu soliden Ergebnissen geführt, Innovationen vorangetrieben und das Kerngeschäftsmodell der Beziehungspflege verbessert. Die Anerkennung ist Teil der 22. jährlichen Initiative Die Mächtigsten Frauen im Bankwesen™ von American Banker, die Führer ehrt, die außergewöhnliche Fähigkeiten, starke Leistungen und das Engagement für Vielfalt, Gleichheit und Inklusion im Finanzdienstleistungsbereich zeigen.

Die Ausgezeichneten werden am 24. Oktober 2024 beim Gala der Mächtigsten Frauen im Bankwesen in New York City geehrt. Darüber hinaus wird am 22. und 23. Oktober eine Konferenz mit Podiumsdiskussionen, Vorträgen und Workshops stattfinden, die für alle Fachleute aus dem Banken- und Finanzsektor offen ist.

  • Bonnie Lee recognized as one of The Most Powerful Women to Watch in 2024 by American Banker
  • Lee's leadership has delivered solid results and driven innovation since 2019
  • Recognition in a prestigious industry initiative may enhance company's reputation
  • None.

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hanmi Financial Corporation (Nasdaq: HAFC) (“Hanmi”), the holding company for Hanmi Bank, today announced that Bonnie Lee, its President and CEO has been named one of The Most Powerful Women to Watch in 2024 by American Banker. Since being appointed CEO in 2019, Lee has successfully led the company to deliver solid results, drive innovation, enhance its core relationship banking model, and continue to foster a culture of inclusivity and excellence.

“It’s an honor to be recognized alongside such a distinguished group of women who are shaping the future of banking,” said Bonnie Lee. “At Hanmi Bank, our success is driven by our commitment to our clients, employees and stakeholders. I’m proud to lead a team that consistently delivers on our mission to provide quality financial services that support the financial needs of businesses and multi-ethnic communities.”

Now in its 22nd year, American Banker’s The Most Powerful Women in Banking™ initiative recognizes individuals and teams for demonstrating exceptional leadership skills, strong business performance and a commitment to driving real outcomes for diversity, equity and inclusion in financial services. As part of that program, The Most Powerful Women to Watch rankings feature influential leaders at the top of banks and financial institutions who are on the upswing in a big way.

“Keep your eyes on these women in the years ahead,” said Chana Schoenberger, Editor-in-Chief of American Banker. “They exemplify modern leadership, with significant contributions to both their businesses and the industry at large. It hasn’t been an easy year for banks and financial institutions, but progress continues — not by chance, but through the determined efforts of these women.”

The honorees will be recognized at The Most Powerful Women in Banking Gala, which takes place October 24, 2024, at The Glasshouse in New York City. Honorees and other industry experts will also be sharing their ideas and experiences in panels, roundtable discussions and interactive workshops at The Most Powerful Women in Banking Conference on October 22–23 at Lavan 641 Midtown in New York City. Registration for the conference is open to everyone in the sector, so all banking and finance professionals can learn from and network with these inspiring leaders.

Hanmi Banks’s Board of Directors, executive team, and employees extend their heartfelt congratulations to Lee for this well-deserved honor. As one of the industry’s leading voices, she continues to set a high bar for excellence, innovation and leadership in banking.

For more information about American Banker’s The Most Powerful Women to Watch 2024 list and to view the full profile of Bonnie Lee, please visit LINK.

About American Banker
American Banker empowers banking professionals with unique analysis and insight into the ideas transforming their business and industry. Across its journalism, events, research and benchmarking, it helps drive the way forward through the complexity of business innovation, retail and commercial disruption, technology, regulation, and reform. With a banking community 850K strong, American Banker’s transformative content connects leaders online, in person and in print every day.

About Hanmi Financial Corporation
Headquartered in Los Angeles, California, Hanmi Financial Corporation owns Hanmi Bank, which serves multi-ethnic communities through its network of 32 full-service branches and eight loan production offices in California, Texas, Illinois, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Colorado, Washington and Georgia. Hanmi Bank specializes in real estate, commercial, SBA and trade finance lending to small and middle market businesses. Additional information is available at

Media Contact:
Juanita Gutierrez
Vice President, Financial Profiles, Inc.


Who was named one of The Most Powerful Women to Watch in 2024 for Hanmi Financial (HAFC)?

Bonnie Lee, President and CEO of Hanmi Financial (HAFC), was named one of The Most Powerful Women to Watch in 2024 by American Banker.

When was Bonnie Lee appointed as CEO of Hanmi Financial (HAFC)?

Bonnie Lee was appointed CEO of Hanmi Financial (HAFC) in 2019.

When and where will The Most Powerful Women in Banking Gala take place for HAFC's Bonnie Lee?

The Most Powerful Women in Banking Gala, recognizing HAFC's Bonnie Lee among others, will take place on October 24, 2024, at The Glasshouse in New York City.

What is the significance of American Banker's The Most Powerful Women in Banking initiative for HAFC?

The initiative recognizes influential leaders like HAFC's Bonnie Lee for exceptional leadership skills, strong business performance, and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in financial services.

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