GWTI’s Stock Converted from Trading on OTCQB to Pink Sheet Trading

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Greenway Technologies, Inc. (OTC: GWTI), an advanced gas-to-liquids and gas-to-hydrogen technology development company, has announced that its stock has been converted from OTCQB to Pink Sheet trading. This change occurred due to the delayed filing of SEC reports for the 2023 Form 10-K and Q1 2024 Form 10-Q. The company has now filed the 2023 Form 10-K and expects to file the Q1 2024 Form 10-Q next week.

To resume trading on OTCQB, GWTI must submit a Rule 15c2-11 Exemption Request Form to FINRA after filing the Q1 2024 Form 10-Q. GWTI's subsidiary, Greenway Innovative Energy, Inc., focuses on developing proprietary GTL and GTH syngas conversion systems for oil and gas field production. The company's patented technology is integrated into its first-generation commercial G-Reformer® unit, which converts natural gas into synthesis gas for various applications.

Greenway Technologies, Inc. (OTC: GWTI), un'azienda che sviluppa tecnologie avanzate per la conversione di gas in liquidi e idrogeno, ha annunciato che le sue azioni sono state convertite da OTCQB a negoziazione Pink Sheet. Questo cambiamento è avvenuto a causa del ritardo nella presentazione dei rapporti SEC per il modulo 10-K del 2023 e il modulo 10-Q del primo trimestre del 2024. L'azienda ha ora presentato il modulo 10-K del 2023 e prevede di presentare il modulo 10-Q del primo trimestre del 2024 la prossima settimana.

Per riprendere le negoziazioni su OTCQB, GWTI deve presentare un modulo di richiesta di esenzione di regola 15c2-11 a FINRA dopo aver presentato il modulo 10-Q del primo trimestre del 2024. La sussidiaria di GWTI, Greenway Innovative Energy, Inc., si concentra sullo sviluppo di sistemi di conversione del syngas GTL e GTH di proprietà per la produzione nei campi petroliferi e del gas. La tecnologia brevettata dell'azienda è integrata nella sua unità commerciale di prima generazione G-Reformer®, che converte il gas naturale in gas di sintesi per varie applicazioni.

Greenway Technologies, Inc. (OTC: GWTI), una empresa de desarrollo de tecnologías avanzadas para la conversión de gas a líquidos y de gas a hidrógeno, ha anunciado que sus acciones han sido convertidas de OTCQB a negociación en Pink Sheet. Este cambio se produjo debido a la dilatada presentación de informes a la SEC para el Formulario 10-K de 2023 y el Formulario 10-Q del primer trimestre de 2024. La empresa ya ha presentado el Formulario 10-K de 2023 y espera presentar el Formulario 10-Q del primer trimestre de 2024 la próxima semana.

Para reanudar la negociación en OTCQB, GWTI debe presentar un Formulario de Solicitud de Exención de la Regla 15c2-11 a FINRA después de presentar el Formulario 10-Q del primer trimestre de 2024. La subsidiaria de GWTI, Greenway Innovative Energy, Inc., se centra en el desarrollo de sistemas de conversión de syngas GTL y GTH patentados para la producción en campos petroleros y de gas. La tecnología patentada de la empresa está integrada en su unidad comercial de primera generación G-Reformer®, que convierte gas natural en gas de síntesis para diversas aplicaciones.

그린웨이 테크놀로지스, Inc. (OTC: GWTI)는 가스를 액체 및 수소로 전환하는 첨단 기술 개발 회사로서, 자사의 주식이 OTCQB에서 핑크 시트 거래로 전환되었다고 발표했습니다. 이 변경은 2023년 10-K 양식 및 2024년 1분기 10-Q 양식의 SEC 보고서 제출 지연으로 인해 발생했습니다. 회사는 이제 2023년 10-K 양식을 제출했으며, 다음 주에 2024년 1분기 10-Q 양식을 제출할 예정입니다.

OTCQB에서 거래를 재개하기 위해 GWTI는 2024년 1분기 10-Q 양식을 제출한 후 FINRA에 15c2-11 규정 면제 요청 양식을 제출해야 합니다. GWTI의 자회사인 Greenway Innovative Energy, Inc.는 석유 및 가스 생산을 위한 독자적인 GTL 및 GTH 합성가스 전환 시스템 개발에 집중하고 있습니다. 회사의 특허 기술은 천연가스를 합성가스로 전환하는 1세대 상용 G-Reformer® 장치에 통합되어 있습니다.

Greenway Technologies, Inc. (OTC: GWTI), une entreprise de développement de technologies avancées pour la conversion du gaz en liquides et en hydrogène, a annoncé que ses actions ont été converties de OTCQB en Bourse Pink Sheet. Ce changement est survenu en raison du délai dans le dépôt des rapports SEC pour le formulaire 10-K de 2023 et le formulaire 10-Q du premier trimestre 2024. L'entreprise a maintenant déposé le formulaire 10-K de 2023 et prévoit de déposer le formulaire 10-Q du premier trimestre 2024 la semaine prochaine.

Pour reprendre le trading sur OTCQB, GWTI doit soumettre un formulaire de demande d'exemption de la règle 15c2-11 à FINRA après avoir déposé le formulaire 10-Q du premier trimestre 2024. La filiale de GWTI, Greenway Innovative Energy, Inc., se concentre sur le développement de systèmes de conversion de syngas GTL et GTH exclusifs pour la production dans les champs pétroliers et gaziers. La technologie brevetée de l'entreprise est intégrée dans son unité commerciale de première génération G-Reformer®, qui convertit le gaz naturel en gaz de synthèse pour diverses applications.

Greenway Technologies, Inc. (OTC: GWTI), ein Unternehmen, das fortschrittliche Technologien zur Umwandlung von Gas in Flüssigkeiten und Wasserstoff entwickelt, hat bekannt gegeben, dass seine Aktien von OTCQB auf Pink Sheet Handel umgestellt wurden. Diese Änderung erfolgte aufgrund der verspäteten Einreichung von SEC-Berichten für das Formular 10-K für 2023 und das Formular 10-Q für das erste Quartal 2024. Das Unternehmen hat nun das Formular 10-K für 2023 eingereicht und plant, das Formular 10-Q für das erste Quartal 2024 nächste Woche einzureichen.

Um den Handel auf OTCQB wieder aufzunehmen, muss GWTI nach der Einreichung des Formulars 10-Q für das erste Quartal 2024 ein Formular zur Beantragung einer Ausnahme gemäß Regel 15c2-11 bei FINRA einreichen. GWTIs Tochtergesellschaft, Greenway Innovative Energy, Inc., konzentriert sich auf die Entwicklung von eigenen GTL- und GTH-Syngas-Umwandlungssystemen für die Produktion in Erdöl- und Gasfeldern. Die patentierte Technologie des Unternehmens ist in die erste kommerzielle G-Reformer®-Einheit integriert, die Erdgas in Synthesegas für verschiedene Anwendungen umwandelt.

  • Filed 2023 Form 10-K with the SEC
  • Expects to file Q1 2024 Form 10-Q next week
  • Developed proprietary GTL and GTH syngas conversion systems
  • Completed first-generation commercial G-Reformer® unit
  • Stock converted from OTCQB to Pink Sheet trading due to delayed SEC filings
  • Most brokers do not allow trading on the Pink Sheet platform
  • Delayed filing of 2023 Form 10-K and Q1 2024 Form 10-Q
  • Must submit Rule 15c2-11 Exemption Request Form to FINRA to resume OTCQB trading

ARLINGTON, Texas, July 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Greenway Technologies, Inc. (OTC: GWTI), (“Greenway”), is an advanced gas-to-liquids (“GTL”) and gas-to-hydrogen (“GTH”) technology development company. GWTI’s stock has always been traded on on the OTC Market’s OTCQB, which provides orderly and efficient stock trading. Due to the fact that SEC filings for the 2023 Form 10-K and the Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 were not timely filed, based on Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”) rules, the stock could not continue to be traded on the OTCQB. The only trading option is now pink sheet trading and most brokers do not allow trading on this platform. Greenway has now filed the 2023 Form 10-K with the SEC and expects to file the Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 next week. After that filing is submitted to the SEC, Greenway must submit Rule 15c2-11 Exemption Request Form to FINRA. After that form is accepted by FINRA, Greenway can resume trading on the OTCQB.

Based in Arlington, Texas, the Company, through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Greenway Innovative Energy, Inc., is engaged in the research and development of proprietary GTL and GTH syngas conversion systems that can be scaled to meet oil and gas field production requirements or the requirements of various processes where natural gas is available. The Company’s patented technology has been integrated into its recently completed first-generation commercial G-Reformer® unit, a unique component used to convert natural gas into synthesis gas. In the case of hydrogen creation, synthesis gas is created and separated into hydrogen gas and CO2.. When combined with an FT reactor and catalyst, G-Reformer® units can be deployed to process a variety of natural gas streams, including pipeline gas, associated gas, flared gas, vented gas, coal-bed methane, and biomass to produce fuels including gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, and methanol as well as valuable chemical outputs. When derived from natural gas, these fuels are incrementally cleaner than conventionally produced oil-based fuels.

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:

This news release contains "forward-looking statements," as that term is defined in Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Statements in this news release which are not purely historical are forward-looking statements and include any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Such forward-looking statements include, among other things, the ongoing effects of the pandemic on delays and orders regarding Greenway's proprietary gas-to-liquids system, potential business developments and future interest in our clean fuel technologies.

Actual results could differ from those projected in any forward-looking statements due to numerous factors. Such factors include, among others, general economic and political conditions, the continuation of the JV withThe University of Texas at Arlington, and the ongoing impact of the pandemic. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release, and we assume no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Although we believe that the beliefs, plans, expectations and intentions contained in this news release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions will prove to be accurate. Investors should consult all the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factors disclosure outlined in our annual report on Form 10-K for the most recent fiscal year, our quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Raymond Wright
Greenway Technologies, Inc.

For more information, visit GWTI's website:



Why was GWTI's stock converted from OTCQB to Pink Sheet trading?

GWTI's stock was converted to Pink Sheet trading due to the delayed filing of SEC reports for the 2023 Form 10-K and Q1 2024 Form 10-Q, which violated FINRA rules for OTCQB trading.

What steps is GWTI taking to resume trading on OTCQB?

GWTI has filed the 2023 Form 10-K, plans to file the Q1 2024 Form 10-Q next week, and will then submit a Rule 15c2-11 Exemption Request Form to FINRA to resume OTCQB trading.

What is GWTI's main technology focus?

GWTI focuses on developing proprietary gas-to-liquids (GTL) and gas-to-hydrogen (GTH) syngas conversion systems, with their patented G-Reformer® unit converting natural gas into synthesis gas.

When does GWTI expect to file its Q1 2024 Form 10-Q?

GWTI expects to file its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2024 (Q1 2024) next week.



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Oil & Gas Equipment & Services
United States of America