Montana State Fund Selects Guidewire Cloud to Modernize Technology Infrastructure and Optimize Staff Resources
Montana State Fund, Montana's largest non-profit workers' compensation insurance company, has chosen to migrate its Guidewire InsuranceSuite from on-premises to Guidewire Cloud. The migration, starting with ClaimCenter, comes after 18 years of successful partnership with Guidewire (NYSE: GWRE).
The cloud migration will enable Montana State Fund to:
- Shift system maintenance to Guidewire
- Stay current with latest innovations
- Reduce dependence on third-party on-premise infrastructure
- Enable IT staff to focus on value-delivering tasks
- Enhance business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities
- Integrate with insurtech solutions from Guidewire Marketplace
Additionally, Montana State Fund will implement Guidewire Predict for risk segmentation and Jutro Digital Platform for creating unique user experiences across distribution channels.
Montana State Fund, la più grande compagnia di assicurazione per infortuni sul lavoro no-profit del Montana, ha deciso di migrare il suo Guidewire InsuranceSuite da un sistema on-premises a Guidewire Cloud. La migrazione, che inizia con ClaimCenter, arriva dopo 18 anni di partnership di successo con Guidewire (NYSE: GWRE).
La migrazione al cloud permetterà a Montana State Fund di:
- Delegare la manutenzione del sistema a Guidewire
- Rimanere aggiornati con le ultime innovazioni
- Ridurre la dipendenza da infrastrutture on-premise di terze parti
- Consentire al personale IT di concentrarsi su compiti che generano valore
- Migliorare la continuità aziendale e le capacità di recupero in caso di disastri
- Integrare soluzioni insurtech dal Guidewire Marketplace
Inoltre, Montana State Fund implementerà Guidewire Predict per la segmentazione del rischio e Jutro Digital Platform per creare esperienze utente uniche attraverso i canali di distribuzione.
Montana State Fund, la compañía de seguros de compensación laboral sin fines de lucro más grande de Montana, ha decidido migrar su Guidewire InsuranceSuite de un sistema local a Guidewire Cloud. La migración, que comienza con ClaimCenter, se produce después de 18 años de exitosa asociación con Guidewire (NYSE: GWRE).
La migración a la nube permitirá a Montana State Fund:
- Delegar el mantenimiento del sistema a Guidewire
- Estar al día con las últimas innovaciones
- Reducir la dependencia de infraestructuras locales de terceros
- Permitir que el personal de TI se concentre en tareas que aporten valor
- Mejorar la continuidad del negocio y las capacidades de recuperación ante desastres
- Integrar soluciones insurtech del Guidewire Marketplace
Además, Montana State Fund implementará Guidewire Predict para la segmentación de riesgos y Jutro Digital Platform para crear experiencias de usuario únicas a través de los canales de distribución.
몬태나 주 기금, 몬태나에서 가장 큰 비영리 근로자 재해 보상 보험 회사가 Guidewire InsuranceSuite를 온프레미스에서 Guidewire Cloud로 마이그레이션하기로 결정했습니다. ClaimCenter로 시작하는 이번 마이그레이션은 Guidewire(NYSE: GWRE)와의 18년간의 성공적인 파트너십 이후에 이루어집니다.
클라우드 마이그레이션을 통해 몬태나 주 기금은:
- 시스템 유지 관리를 Guidewire에 위임
- 최신 혁신 사항에 대한 업데이트 유지
- 서드파티 온프레미스 인프라 의존도 감소
- IT 직원이 가치 창출 작업에 집중할 수 있도록 지원
- 비즈니스 연속성 및 재해 복구 능력 향상
- Guidewire Marketplace의 인슈어테크 솔루션과 통합
또한, 몬태나 주 기금은 리스크 세분화를 위한 Guidewire Predict와 유통 채널 전반에 걸쳐 독특한 사용자 경험을 창출하기 위한 Jutro Digital Platform을 구현할 것입니다.
Montana State Fund, la plus grande compagnie d'assurance contre les accidents du travail à but non lucratif du Montana, a choisi de migrer son Guidewire InsuranceSuite d'un système sur site vers Guidewire Cloud. La migration, qui commence avec ClaimCenter, intervient après 18 ans de partenariat fructueux avec Guidewire (NYSE: GWRE).
La migration vers le cloud permettra à Montana State Fund de:
- Transférer la maintenance du système à Guidewire
- Rester à jour avec les dernières innovations
- Réduire la dépendance à l'infrastructure sur site de tiers
- Permettre au personnel informatique de se concentrer sur des tâches à valeur ajoutée
- Améliorer la continuité des affaires et les capacités de récupération après sinistre
- S'intégrer aux solutions insurtech du Guidewire Marketplace
De plus, Montana State Fund mettra en œuvre Guidewire Predict pour la segmentation des risques et Jutro Digital Platform pour créer des expériences utilisateur uniques à travers les canaux de distribution.
Montana State Fund, Montanas größte gemeinnützige Unfallversicherungsanstalt, hat beschlossen, ihr Guidewire InsuranceSuite von einer lokalen Installation auf Guidewire Cloud zu migrieren. Die Migration, die mit ClaimCenter beginnt, erfolgt nach 18 Jahren erfolgreicher Partnerschaft mit Guidewire (NYSE: GWRE).
Die Cloud-Migration wird es dem Montana State Fund ermöglichen:
- Die Systemwartung an Guidewire zu übertragen
- Aktuell mit den neuesten Innovationen zu bleiben
- Die Abhängigkeit von Drittanbieter-Lokalinfrastrukturen zu reduzieren
- IT-Mitarbeitern zu ermöglichen, sich auf wertschöpfende Aufgaben zu konzentrieren
- Die Geschäftskontinuität und die Katastrophenwiederherstellungsfähigkeiten zu verbessern
- Mit Insurtech-Lösungen aus dem Guidewire Marketplace zu integrieren
Zusätzlich wird der Montana State Fund Guidewire Predict zur Risikosegmentierung und die Jutro Digital Platform zur Schaffung einzigartiger Benutzererlebnisse über Vertriebskanäle hinweg implementieren.
- Long-term customer (18 years) upgrading to cloud services, showing strong client retention
- Implementation of new risk segmentation capabilities through Guidewire Predict
- Enhanced digital capabilities through Jutro Digital Platform implementation
- Potential operational cost reduction through decreased reliance on third-party infrastructure
- Migration costs and potential temporary operational disruptions during transition
- Increased dependency on Guidewire's cloud infrastructure
Guidewire's announcement of Montana State Fund migrating to Guidewire Cloud represents a strategically significant customer migration that validates their cloud-first business model transition. This deal brings three key advantages to Guidewire:
First, this migration demonstrates successful customer retention in a competitive insurance software market. The 18-year relationship indicates strong product satisfaction and high switching costs, important factors for SaaS valuation. Customer retention is typically more cost-effective than new customer acquisition by a factor of 5-25x.
Second, the expansion beyond core services to include Guidewire Predict (risk segmentation) and Jutro Digital Platform (digital experiences) signals effective cross-selling that will likely increase the customer's lifetime value. SaaS companies with successful cross-selling typically achieve 20-30% higher revenue growth compared to single-product vendors.
Third, cloud migrations shift revenue from lumpy license sales to predictable recurring revenue streams - the holy grail for SaaS companies. This improves revenue visibility and typically commands higher valuation multiples. Cloud customers also benefit from faster innovation cycles and lower total cost of ownership.
While lacking specific financial terms, this announcement reinforces Guidewire's cloud transformation strategy. Each on-premises customer migration strengthens their competitive positioning against newer cloud-native insurance platforms and increases barriers to entry through deeper integration of their expanding product suite.
“We selected Guidewire Cloud based on our 18 years of success with using Guidewire on-premises and are confident with Guidewire’s cloud maturity and roadmap,” said Montana State Fund Chief Information Officer Matt Coy. “By leveraging InsuranceSuite on Guidewire Cloud, we will be able to shift system maintenance to Guidewire and stay current on the latest innovations while decreasing our reliance on third-party on-premise technology infrastructure. This will enable our IT staff to focus on tasks that deliver value to our policyholders, injured workers, and agency partners.”
Coy added, “Guidewire Cloud also offers business continuity and disaster recovery capabilities to help us manage risk. We will also be able to integrate the third-party, best-in-class insurtechs that comprise the Guidewire Marketplace and PartnerConnect ecosystem to enhance our service offerings.”
Guidewire Chief Commercial Officer David Laker commented, "We thank Montana State Fund for their trust in our technology and welcome them to the Guidewire Cloud. We look forward to facilitating a smooth migration project and helping the company continue to provide financial protection for its policyholders and prompt payment of benefits to injured workers."
As part of the migration project, Montana State Fund will also be implementing Guidewire Predict to segment risks by their impact on loss ratio to better compete in the market and Guidewire Jutro Digital Platform to create unique experiences for any user and distribution channel.
About Montana State Fund
Montana State Fund is Montana’s largest and only non-profit workers’ compensation insurance company, protecting approximately 23,000 businesses, organizations and their workers. In addition to providing injured workers the care they need to return to work, Montana State Fund is committed to making a positive impact on Montana’s workplace safety culture. We believe workers deserve a safe and healthy workplace so they can safely return home to their families at the end of each day in the same condition as when they arrived. For more information, visit
About Guidewire Software
Guidewire is the platform P&C insurers trust to engage, innovate, and grow efficiently. More than 570 insurers in 42 countries, from new ventures to the largest and most complex in the world, rely on Guidewire products. With core systems leveraging data and analytics, digital, and artificial intelligence, Guidewire defines cloud platform excellence for P&C insurers.
We are proud of our unparalleled implementation record, with 1,700+ successful projects supported by the industry’s largest R&D team and SI partner ecosystem. Our marketplace represents the largest solution partner community in P&C, where customers can access hundreds of applications to accelerate integration, localization, and innovation.
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Albert Lin
Public Relations Manager
Guidewire Software, Inc.
Source: Guidewire Software