Granite Awarded Sixth Highway 101 Mainline Segment to Alleviate Traffic Congestion in Santa Barbara, California

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Granite (NYSE:GVA) has been awarded a $38 million contract by Caltrans for the Segment 4E South project on Highway 101 in Santa Barbara, California. This marks the sixth Highway 101 mainline segment awarded to Granite under its Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) contract. The project aims to add peak-hour High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes and reconstruct existing highway elements to alleviate traffic congestion.

The project emphasizes sustainability, with plans to recycle 13,000 tons of materials into aggregate base and produce 11,800 cubic yards of concrete on-site. Granite will supply 12,850 tons of Hot Mix Asphalt from its own plants. The segment is scheduled to begin in September 2024 and be completed in October 2026, integrating with ongoing Montecito segments to maximize efficiency.

Granite (NYSE:GVA) ha ricevuto un contratto di 38 milioni di dollari da Caltrans per il progetto Segmento 4E Sud sulla Highway 101 a Santa Barbara, California. Questo segna il sesto segmento principale della Highway 101 assegnato a Granite sotto il contratto di Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC). Il progetto mira ad aggiungere corsie per veicoli ad alta occupazione (HOV) durante le ore di punta e a ricostruire gli elementi esistenti dell'autostrada per alleviare la congestione del traffico.

Il progetto mette in evidenza la sostenibilità, con piani per riciclare 13.000 tonnellate di materiali in base di aggregato e produrre 11.800 metri cubi di calcestruzzo in loco. Granite fornirà 12.850 tonnellate di asfalto a caldo dalle proprie piante. Il segmento è programmato per iniziare a settembre 2024 e completarsi a ottobre 2026, integrandosi con i segmenti in corso di Montecito per massimizzare l'efficienza.

Granite (NYSE:GVA) ha sido adjudicado un contrato de 38 millones de dólares por Caltrans para el proyecto Segmento 4E Sur en la Highway 101 en Santa Bárbara, California. Esto marca el sexto segmento principal de la Highway 101 otorgado a Granite bajo su contrato de Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC). El proyecto tiene como objetivo añadir carriles para vehículos de alta ocupación (HOV) en las horas pico y reconstruir los elementos existentes de la carretera para aliviar la congestión del tráfico.

El proyecto enfatiza la sostenibilidad, con planes para reciclar 13,000 toneladas de materiales en base de agregado y producir 11,800 yardas cúbicas de concreto en el sitio. Granite suministrará 12,850 toneladas de asfalto en caliente de sus propias plantas. El segmento está programado para comenzar en septiembre de 2024 y completarse en octubre de 2026, integrándose con los segmentos en curso de Montecito para maximizar la eficiencia.

Granite (NYSE:GVA)는 캘리포니아 주 산타 바바라의 하이웨이 101에서 $3,800만 계약을 캘트랜스로부터 수주했습니다. 이는 Granite가 Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) 계약에 따라 수주한 하이웨이 101 주요 구간 중 여섯 번째입니다. 이 프로젝트는 출퇴근 시간대 고속버스 전용 차선(HOV)을 추가하고 기존 도로 요소를 재구성하여 교통 혼잡을 완화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 프로젝트는 지속 가능성을 강조하며, 13,000톤의 자재를 재활용하여 골재 기반으로 만들고, 현장에서 11,800세제곱야드의 콘크리트를 생산할 계획입니다. Granite는 자사 공장에서 12,850톤의 핫 믹스 아스팔트를 공급할 것입니다. 해당 구간은 2024년 9월에 시작되어 2026년 10월에 완료될 예정이며, 효율성을 극대화하기 위해 몬테시토 구간과 통합될 것입니다.

Granite (NYSE:GVA) a obtenu un contrat de 38 millions de dollars de la part de Caltrans pour le projet Segment 4E Sud sur la Highway 101 à Santa Barbara, Californie. Cela marque le sixième segment principal de la Highway 101 attribué à Granite dans le cadre de son contrat de Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC). Le projet vise à ajouter des voies de covoiturage (HOV) pendant les heures de pointe et à reconstruire les éléments existants de la route pour alléger la congestion routière.

Le projet met l'accent sur la soutenabilité, avec des plans pour recycler 13 000 tonnes de matériaux en base de granulats et produire 11 800 yards cubes de béton sur site. Granite fournira 12 850 tonnes d'enrobé à chaud provenant de ses propres usines. Le segment est prévu pour commencer en septembre 2024 et se terminer en octobre 2026, en intégrant les segments en cours de Montecito pour maximiser l'efficacité.

Granite (NYSE:GVA) wurde von Caltrans mit einem Vertrag über 38 Millionen Dollar für das Projekt Segment 4E Süd an der Highway 101 in Santa Barbara, Kalifornien, beauftragt. Dies markiert das sechste Hauptsegment der Highway 101, das Granite im Rahmen seines Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) Vertrags erhalten hat. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, Fahrspuren für Hochleistungsfahrzeuge (HOV) während der Hauptverkehrszeiten hinzuzufügen und bestehende Straßenelemente zu rekonstruieren, um den Verkehr zu entlasten.

Das Projekt legt großen Wert auf Nachhaltigkeit, mit Plänen, 13.000 Tonnen Materialien in Gesteinskörnung zu recyceln und vor Ort 11.800 Kubikmeter Beton herzustellen. Granite wird 12.850 Tonnen Heißmischasphalt aus eigenen Werken liefern. Der Abschnitt soll im September 2024 beginnen und im Oktober 2026 abgeschlossen sein, wobei eine Integration mit laufenden Montecito-Abschnitten zur Maximierung der Effizienz erfolgt.

  • Awarded $38 million contract for Highway 101 improvement project
  • Sixth consecutive Highway 101 mainline segment awarded to Granite
  • Project emphasizes sustainability with material recycling and on-site production
  • Integration with ongoing segments to maximize efficiency
  • Use of Granite's own facilities for material supply, potentially increasing profit margins
  • Project completion not until October 2026, indicating a long-term commitment of resources

Granite's $38 million contract award for the Highway 101 project in Santa Barbara is a positive development for the company. This sixth segment under the CMGC contract demonstrates Granite's strong relationship with Caltrans and SBCAG, potentially leading to future opportunities. The project's inclusion in Q2 CAP suggests it was anticipated in financial projections.

The use of Granite's own facilities for materials (19,000 tons of aggregate, 12,850 tons of HMA) could lead to improved profit margins through vertical integration. However, investors should note the project timeline (September 2024 to October 2026), indicating a gradual revenue recognition over multiple fiscal years.

While positive, this contract alone may not significantly impact Granite's overall financial performance, given the company's annual revenue of $3.32 billion in 2022. Investors should monitor Granite's ability to secure similar projects to gauge long-term growth prospects in infrastructure development.

The Highway 101 project in Santa Barbara showcases Granite's expertise in complex infrastructure development. The CMGC contract model allows for collaborative problem-solving and potentially reduces project risks. The addition of HOV lanes addresses traffic congestion, a critical issue in urban planning.

The project's sustainability focus is noteworthy, with 13,000 tons of recycled materials used for the aggregate base. This approach aligns with growing industry trends towards environmentally conscious construction. The use of an onsite batch plant for 11,800 cubic yards of concrete demonstrates efficient resource management and potentially reduces transportation-related emissions.

The integration of this segment with ongoing Montecito projects indicates strategic planning to maximize efficiency. This approach could lead to cost savings and faster project completion, benefiting both Granite and the community.

Granite's continued involvement in the Highway 101 project signals strong market positioning in California's infrastructure sector. The company's ability to secure multiple segments of this large-scale project demonstrates its competitive advantage and trusted reputation with state agencies.

The project aligns with broader market trends in urban mobility solutions and sustainable construction practices. The focus on HOV lanes reflects growing demand for efficient public transportation options in congested urban areas. This could position Granite favorably for similar projects nationwide as cities grapple with traffic congestion and environmental concerns.

Investors should consider the long-term implications of Granite's involvement in such high-profile projects. Success here could lead to increased visibility and potentially more contract opportunities in other regions. However, it's important to monitor project execution and timely completion to assess Granite's operational efficiency and ability to deliver on large-scale commitments.

WATSONVILLE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Granite (NYSE:GVA) has been awarded an approximately $38 million contract (Segment 4E South) by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to add peak-hour High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes and reconstruct all elements of the existing Highway 101 through southern Santa Barbara. Project funding is to come from Caltrans and local sources and was included in Granite’s second-quarter CAP.

This is the sixth Highway 101 mainline segment awarded to Granite under its Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) contract. The collaborative team, including Granite, Caltrans, and the Santa Barbara County Association of Governments (SBCAG), have worked together for over five years under this contract to make improvements to Highway 101.

Mainline segments in Carpinteria and Summerland are complete, and the mainline segment south of Summerland is scheduled for completion by the end of this year. Multiple segments are underway in Montecito and are scheduled for completion in 2026. The Segment 4E South contract will fully integrate into the Montecito segments, maximizing synergies and enhancing overall project efficiency.

In addition to improving traffic flow, this project emphasizes sustainability. Materials removed from existing facilities are recycled into aggregate base (13,000 tons). The concrete used for paving is produced from an onsite batch plant (11,800 cubic yards), with materials sourced from Granite’s nearby aggregate facilities (19,000 tons). Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) will be supplied from Granite’s Gardner and Santa Paula Hot Plants (12,850 tons).

“This project is another significant step forward to relieving traffic congestion through this critical corridor,” said Larry Camilleri, Granite Vice President of Regional Operations. “We are excited to work with Caltrans and SBCAG to deliver another important project for the community and traveling public.”

This segment is expected to begin in September 2024 and be completed in October 2026.

About Granite

Granite is America’s Infrastructure Company™. Incorporated since 1922, Granite (NYSE:GVA) is one of the largest diversified construction and construction materials companies in the United States as well as a full-suite civil construction provider. Granite’s Code of Conduct and strong Core Values guide the Company and its employees to uphold the highest ethical standards. Granite is an industry leader in safety and an award-winning firm in quality and sustainability. For more information, visit the Granite website,, and connect with Granite on LinkedIn, X, Facebook, and Instagram.

Granite Contacts


Erin Kuhlman - 831-768-4111


Wenjun Xu - 831-761-7861

Source: Granite


What is the value of Granite's new contract for Highway 101 in Santa Barbara?

Granite (NYSE:GVA) has been awarded an approximately $38 million contract for the Segment 4E South project on Highway 101 in Santa Barbara, California.

When is the Highway 101 Segment 4E South project expected to begin and end?

The Highway 101 Segment 4E South project is expected to begin in September 2024 and be completed in October 2026.

How many Highway 101 mainline segments has Granite (GVA) been awarded under the CMGC contract?

This is the sixth Highway 101 mainline segment awarded to Granite (GVA) under its Construction Manager/General Contractor (CMGC) contract.

What sustainability measures are included in Granite's Highway 101 project in Santa Barbara?

The project includes recycling 13,000 tons of materials into aggregate base, producing 11,800 cubic yards of concrete on-site, and supplying 12,850 tons of Hot Mix Asphalt from Granite's own plants.

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