Protecting Women's Health: Visionary's Precision Cervical Cancer Screening Public Welfare Activity Brings Health Blessings to Women
Visionary Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: GV) hosted a public welfare event in Hong Kong on March 8, 2025, focusing on women's health and cervical cancer screening. The company donated HK$230,000 worth of E7 protein detection kits to Sun Heart Care Charity Foundation.
The event highlighted Targeted Biotech USA's E7 protein home self-test kit, which has received FDA approval in China and the EU, with pending US FDA approval. The innovative technology offers:
- 15-minute rapid home screening for cervical cancer
- Increased detection accuracy from 10-30% to 80-90%
- Non-invasive, painless, and private testing solution
With an addressable market of approximately 2.5 billion women aged 15-65 worldwide, Targeted Biotech USA plans to launch 5 new home self-test products annually for various cancers and diseases.
Visionary Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: GV) ha organizzato un evento di beneficenza a Hong Kong l'8 marzo 2025, focalizzandosi sulla salute delle donne e sullo screening per il cancro cervicale. L'azienda ha donato kit di rilevazione della proteina E7 del valore di HK$230.000 alla Sun Heart Care Charity Foundation.
L'evento ha messo in evidenza il kit di autodiagnosi della proteina E7 di Targeted Biotech USA, che ha ricevuto l'approvazione della FDA in Cina e nell'UE, mentre è in attesa dell'approvazione della FDA negli Stati Uniti. La tecnologia innovativa offre:
- screening rapido a domicilio per il cancro cervicale in 15 minuti
- accuratezza di rilevamento aumentata dal 10-30% all'80-90%
- soluzione di test non invasiva, indolore e privata
Con un mercato potenziale di circa 2,5 miliardi di donne di età compresa tra 15 e 65 anni in tutto il mondo, Targeted Biotech USA prevede di lanciare annualmente 5 nuovi prodotti di autodiagnosi per vari tumori e malattie.
Visionary Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: GV) organizó un evento de bienestar público en Hong Kong el 8 de marzo de 2025, centrado en la salud de las mujeres y la detección del cáncer cervical. La compañía donó kits de detección de proteína E7 por un valor de HK$230,000 a la Fundación de Caridad Sun Heart Care.
El evento destacó el kit de autoprueba de proteína E7 de Targeted Biotech USA, que ha recibido la aprobación de la FDA en China y la UE, y está pendiente de la aprobación de la FDA en EE. UU. La tecnología innovadora ofrece:
- cribado rápido en casa para el cáncer cervical en 15 minutos
- precisión de detección aumentada del 10-30% al 80-90%
- solución de prueba no invasiva, indolora y privada
Con un mercado potencial de aproximadamente 2.5 mil millones de mujeres de entre 15 y 65 años en todo el mundo, Targeted Biotech USA planea lanzar anualmente 5 nuevos productos de autoprueba para varios tipos de cáncer y enfermedades.
비전홀딩스 주식회사 (NASDAQ: GV)는 2025년 3월 8일 홍콩에서 여성 건강과 자궁경부암 검진에 초점을 맞춘 공공 복지 행사를 개최했습니다. 이 회사는 선 하트 케어 자선 재단에 HK$230,000 상당의 E7 단백질 검출 키트를 기부했습니다.
이번 행사에서는 타겟 바이오텍 USA의 E7 단백질 자가검사 키트가 소개되었으며, 이는 중국과 EU에서 FDA 승인을 받았고, 미국 FDA 승인은 대기 중입니다. 이 혁신적인 기술은 다음과 같은 장점을 제공합니다:
- 자궁경부암을 위한 15분간의 신속한 자가검사
- 검출 정확도가 10-30%에서 80-90%로 증가
- 비침습적이고 고통이 없으며 개인적인 테스트 솔루션
전 세계적으로 15세에서 65세 사이의 약 25억 명의 여성을 대상으로 하는 시장을 가지고 있는 타겟 바이오텍 USA는 매년 다양한 암과 질병에 대한 5개의 새로운 자가검사 제품을 출시할 계획입니다.
Visionary Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: GV) a organisé un événement de bienfaisance à Hong Kong le 8 mars 2025, axé sur la santé des femmes et le dépistage du cancer du col de l'utérus. L'entreprise a fait don de kits de détection de protéine E7 d'une valeur de 230 000 HK$ à la Sun Heart Care Charity Foundation.
L'événement a mis en avant le kit d'autotest de protéine E7 de Targeted Biotech USA, qui a reçu l'approbation de la FDA en Chine et dans l'UE, et qui attend l'approbation de la FDA aux États-Unis. La technologie innovante offre :
- un dépistage rapide à domicile du cancer du col de l'utérus en 15 minutes
- une précision de détection augmentée de 10-30 % à 80-90 %
- une solution de test non invasive, indolore et privée
Avec un marché adressable d'environ 2,5 milliards de femmes âgées de 15 à 65 ans dans le monde, Targeted Biotech USA prévoit de lancer chaque année 5 nouveaux produits d'autotest pour divers cancers et maladies.
Visionary Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ: GV) veranstaltete am 8. März 2025 in Hongkong eine Veranstaltung zur öffentlichen Wohlfahrt, die sich auf die Gesundheit von Frauen und das Screening auf Gebärmutterhalskrebs konzentrierte. Das Unternehmen spendete der Sun Heart Care Charity Foundation E7-Protein-Detektionskits im Wert von HK$230.000.
Die Veranstaltung hob das Heim-Selbsttestkit für E7-Protein von Targeted Biotech USA hervor, das in China und der EU von der FDA genehmigt wurde und auf die Genehmigung der US-FDA wartet. Die innovative Technologie bietet:
- 15-minütige schnelle Heimuntersuchung auf Gebärmutterhalskrebs
- Erhöhte Erkennungsgenauigkeit von 10-30% auf 80-90%
- Nicht-invasive, schmerzfreie und private Testlösung
Mit einem adressierbaren Markt von etwa 2,5 Milliarden Frauen im Alter von 15 bis 65 Jahren weltweit plant Targeted Biotech USA, jährlich 5 neue Heim-Selbsttestprodukte für verschiedene Krebsarten und Krankheiten auf den Markt zu bringen.
- Significant market opportunity with 2.5 billion potential customers
- Superior detection accuracy (80-90%) compared to traditional methods
- Received FDA approvals in China and EU markets
- Innovative home self-testing technology with rapid results
- Clear product development roadmap with 5 new tests planned annually
- US FDA approval still pending
- Significant competition expected in the global screening market
- Dependent on successful commercialization and market adoption
Visionary Holdings (NASDAQ: GV) has secured regulatory milestones for its innovative E7 protein detection kit for cervical cancer screening, with approvals from both China's FDA and the European Union's FDA already in hand, while actively pursuing US FDA authorization. This regulatory progress positions GV strategically in the early cancer detection market.
The technology represents a significant advancement in cervical cancer screening, potentially increasing detection accuracy from traditional methods'
GV has identified a substantial addressable market of approximately 2.5 billion women aged 15-65 worldwide eligible for cervical cancer screening. This global footprint presents significant commercialization opportunities for the company's diagnostic technology.
Perhaps more importantly for long-term growth, GV has outlined an ambitious product development roadmap through its investment in Targeted Biotech USA, planning to launch five new home self-test products annually for various cancers and diseases. This aggressive pipeline expansion strategy suggests the company is positioning itself as a comprehensive player in the early disease detection market.
While the charitable donation of kits worth
The attending guests included Hong Kong Councilors Hung Kam-in and Kan Ming-tung, Chairman of Sun Heart Care Charity Foundation Cai Fenghua, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Visionary Holdings Inc. Zhou Fan and Director Huang Jun, Chairman of Yiqijia Group Co., Ltd. Wang Lili and CEO Zhong Ruizhen, as well as more than 100 social celebrities. The event also invited Dr. Wang Wei, a world-renowned health management expert, to give a special lecture on women's health. Visionary Holdings Inc. donated E7 protein detection kits worth
Visionary Holdings Inc. is a listed company on the NASDAQ in
Sun Heart Care Charity Foundation is a public welfare organization approved by the
Targeted Biotech
This public welfare activity takes caring for women's health as its core and is committed to promoting the widespread popularization of early cancer screening technology. During the press conference, all parties conducted in-depth discussions on the promotion and application of early cancer screening technology, and planned to promote related products through multiple channels to assist in global cancer prevention and control, and practice the concept of "Eliminating cancer starts with home self-testing".
Looking to the future, with the strong support of partners such as GV, Targeted Biotech
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