Global Uranium Corp. Provides Update on NWA Project, Saskatchewan

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Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN, OTC: GURFF) has provided an update on its NWA Project in Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin. The company, in partnership with Forum Energy Metals Corp., is planning a drill program for 2025. Recent activities include site remediation and soil testing. The project's exploration permit has entered the Duty to Consult phase, expected to last 2-3 months.

Upcoming exploration activities include geophysical surveys in early 2025, focusing on ground resistivity and infill gravity to identify areas of clay alteration associated with uranium mineralization. A 4,000 m drill program is planned for winter or summer 2025, targeting high-priority areas identified from historical data and upcoming surveys.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN, OTC: GURFF) ha fornito un aggiornamento sul suo Progetto NWA nella regione di Athabasca in Saskatchewan. L'azienda, in collaborazione con Forum Energy Metals Corp., sta pianificando un programma di perforazione per il 2025. Le recenti attività includono la bonifica del sito e test del suolo. Il permesso di esplorazione del progetto è entrato nella fase di Obbligo di Consultazione, prevista per durare 2-3 mesi.

Le prossime attività di esplorazione includono sondaggi geofisici all'inizio del 2025, concentrandosi sulla resistività del terreno e sulla gravità di riempimento per identificare aree di alterazione dell'argilla associate alla mineralizzazione dell'uranio. Un programma di perforazione di 4.000 metri è previsto per l'inverno o l'estate del 2025, mirato ad aree ad alta priorità identificate dai dati storici e dai prossimi sondaggi.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN, OTC: GURFF) ha proporcionado una actualización sobre su Proyecto NWA en la cuenca de Athabasca de Saskatchewan. La compañía, en asociación con Forum Energy Metals Corp., está planificando un programa de perforación para 2025. Las actividades recientes incluyen la remediación del sitio y pruebas de suelo. El permiso de exploración del proyecto ha entrado en la fase de Deber de Consultar, que se espera dure de 2 a 3 meses.

Las próximas actividades de exploración incluyen sondeos geofísicos a principios de 2025, centrándose en la resistividad del suelo y la gravedad de relleno para identificar áreas de alteración de arcilla asociadas con la mineralización de uranio. Se planea un programa de perforación de 4.000 m para el invierno o el verano de 2025, con el objetivo de áreas de alta prioridad identificadas a partir de datos históricos y próximos sondeos.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN, OTC: GURFF)는 사스카추완 아사바스카 분지의 NWA 프로젝트에 대한 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 이 회사는 Forum Energy Metals Corp.와 협력하여 2025년 시추 프로그램을 계획하고 있습니다. 최근 활동에는 현장 복원 및 토양 검사 등이 포함됩니다. 프로젝트의 탐사 허가는 상담 의무 단계에 진입했으며, 이 단계는 2-3개월이 소요될 것으로 예상됩니다.

향후 탐사 활동에는 지구물리학 조사가 2025년 초에 예정되어 있으며, 이는 팔괄저항 및 중력 조사에 중점을 두어 우라늄 미네랄화와 관련된 점토 변화를 식별하는 데 중점을 둡니다. 4,000 m 시추 프로그램이 2025년 겨울 또는 여름에 계획되었으며, 이는 역사적 데이터와 향후 조사를 통해 식별된 우선 지역을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN, OTC: GURFF) a fourni une mise à jour sur son Projet NWA dans le bassin d'Athabasca en Saskatchewan. L'entreprise, en partenariat avec Forum Energy Metals Corp., prépare un programme de forage pour 2025. Les activités récentes incluent la remise en état du site et des tests de sol. Le permis d'exploration du projet est passé à la phase de Devoir de Consultation, qui devrait durer 2 à 3 mois.

Les prochaines activités d'exploration comprennent des sondages géophysiques début 2025, axés sur la résistivité du sol et la gravité de remplissage pour identifier les zones de variation de l'argile associées à la minéralisation de l'uranium. Un programme de forage de 4 000 m est prévu pour l'hiver ou l'été 2025, ciblant les zones prioritaires identifiées à partir de données historiques et des sondages à venir.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN, OTC: GURFF) hat ein Update zu ihrem NWA-Projekt im Athabasca-Becken in Saskatchewan bereitgestellt. Das Unternehmen plant in Zusammenarbeit mit Forum Energy Metals Corp. ein Bohrprogramm für 2025. Zu den jüngsten Aktivitäten gehören die Sanierung des Geländes und Bodentests. Die Explorationsgenehmigung des Projekts hat die Beratungspflicht-Phase erreicht, die voraussichtlich 2-3 Monate dauern wird.

Die bevorstehenden Explorationsaktivitäten umfassen geophysikalische Untersuchungen zu Beginn des Jahres 2025, die sich auf die Bodenwiderstandsfähigkeit und die Schwerefeldmessungen konzentrieren, um Bereiche mit Tonveränderungen zu identifizieren, die mit der Uranmineralisierung verbunden sind. Ein 4.000 m Bohrprogramm ist für den Winter oder Sommer 2025 geplant, wobei die hochpriorisierten Bereiche, die aus historischen Daten und bevorstehenden Erhebungen identifiziert wurden, im Blickpunkt stehen.

  • Planning underway for a 2025 drill program
  • Successful completion of site remediation efforts
  • Exploration permit entered Duty to Consult phase
  • Planned 4,000 m drill program for 2025
  • Upcoming geophysical surveys to identify potential uranium mineralization
  • Drill program potentially deferred to summer 2025 due to logistical constraints
  • Exploration activities subject to completion of Duty to Consult process

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN) (OTC: GURFF) (FRA: Q3J) (the “Company”) is pleased to provide an update on recent activities at the NWA Project, under option with Forum Energy Metals Corp. (“Forum”), located on the northwest side of the Athabasca Basin, Saskatchewan, as well as an outlook on exploration plans for the next six months.

Recent Project Work

We are pleased to announce that planning is underway by Forum’s team for the logistics of conducting a drill program in 2025. Further, Forum has successfully completed remediation efforts at the NWA Project site, including the removal of old exploration equipment and localized soil testing by Geosyntec Consultants Inc. in accordance with Saskatchewan Environment’s recommendations. The NWA Project is now poised for the next phase of exploration.

Exploration Permit and Duty to Consult

The NWA Project’s exploration permit has entered the Duty to Consult phase as of September 16th, 2024. This consultation period, expected to last two to three months, will involve engagement with local communities and stakeholders to ensure that exploration activities are conducted with community support and in an environmentally responsible manner.

Upcoming Exploration Activities

During the Duty to Consult period, Forum, as the operator of the NWA joint venture, will be advancing exploration plans. The exploration team is currently evaluating a range of geophysical methods, including ground resistivity and some infill gravity. These geophysical methods can image areas of strong clay alteration in the subsurface and increased clay is always associated with unconformity-type uranium mineralization. These surveys are expected to commence in early 2025, pending favorable conditions. In addition, Forum is planning a 4,000 m drill program, which could begin as early as winter 2025 or be deferred to summer 2025, based on logistical constraints and permitting timelines. The drilling will focus on high-priority targets identified from both historical data and upcoming geophysical surveys.

Jared Suchan, PH.D., P.Geo VP of Exploration for the Company, and a Qualified Person (as such term is defined in National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects), has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this news release.

About Global Uranium Corp.

Global Uranium Corp. focuses on exploring and developing uranium assets primarily in North America. The Company currently holds seven key uranium projects: the Wing Lake Property in the Mudjatik Domain of Northern Saskatchewan, Canada; the Northwest Athabasca Joint Venture with Forum Energy Metals Corp. and NexGen Energy Ltd. in the Northwest Athabasca region of Saskatchewan, Canada; and the Great Divide Basin District Projects, the Gas Hills District Projects, and the Copper Mountain District Projects in Wyoming, USA.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Ungad Chadda

Forward-Looking Statements

Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words “could”, “intend”, “expect”, “believe”, “will”, “projected”, “estimated” and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on the Company’s current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events.

In particular, this press release contains forward-looking information relating to, among other things, future exploration plans and activities. Various assumptions or factors are typically applied in drawing conclusions or making the forecasts or projections set out in forward-looking information. Those assumptions and factors are based on information currently available to the Company. Although such statements are based on reasonable assumptions of the Company’s management, there can be no assurance that any conclusions or forecasts will prove to be accurate.

Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors include: the risk that the Company is unable to carry out its exploration plans and activities as currently contemplated, or at all; risks inherent in the exploration and development of mineral deposits, including risks relating to receiving requisite permits and approvals, changes in project parameters or delays as plans continue to be redefined, that mineral exploration is inherently uncertain and that the results of mineral exploration may not be indicative of the actual geology or mineralization of a project; that mineral exploration may be unsuccessful or fail to achieve the results anticipated by the Company; operational risks; regulatory risks, including risks relating to the acquisition of the necessary licenses and permits; financing, capitalization and liquidity risks; title and environmental risks; and risks relating to the failure to receive all requisite regulatory approvals. The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof, and the Company is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.

The Canadian Securities Exchange has not reviewed, approved, or disapproved the contents of this ‎press release.


What is the status of Global Uranium Corp's (GURFF) NWA Project in Saskatchewan?

Global Uranium Corp's NWA Project in Saskatchewan is currently in the planning stage for a 2025 drill program. The project has completed site remediation and entered the Duty to Consult phase for its exploration permit as of September 16, 2024.

What exploration activities are planned for Global Uranium Corp's (GURFF) NWA Project in 2025?

Global Uranium Corp plans to conduct geophysical surveys, including ground resistivity and infill gravity, in early 2025. Additionally, a 4,000 m drill program is scheduled for either winter or summer 2025, focusing on high-priority targets.

When did the Duty to Consult phase begin for Global Uranium Corp's (GURFF) NWA Project?

The Duty to Consult phase for Global Uranium Corp's NWA Project began on September 16, 2024, and is expected to last two to three months.

What is the purpose of the geophysical surveys planned by Global Uranium Corp (GURFF) for the NWA Project?

The geophysical surveys planned by Global Uranium Corp aim to image areas of strong clay alteration in the subsurface, which is associated with unconformity-type uranium mineralization. This will help identify potential drilling targets.



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