Global Uranium Completes Acquisition of Five Uranium Projects in Wyoming, USA

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Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN) has successfully completed the acquisition of five uranium projects in Wyoming, USA, covering a total area of 5,040 acres. The acquisition, initially announced on June 17, 2024, involves the purchase of a 100% interest in Federal unpatented lode mineral claims and Wyoming State mineral leases. As per the asset purchase agreement, Global Uranium paid US$70,000 and issued 400,000 common shares to the vendor, Foster Wilson. The issued shares are subject to a four-month and one-day hold period, with additional voluntary resale restrictions releasing half of the shares four months after issuance and the remaining half eight months after issuance.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN) ha completato con successo l'acquisizione di cinque progetti di uranio nel Wyoming, USA, coprendo un'area totale di 5.040 acri. L'acquisizione, annunciata inizialmente il 17 giugno 2024, prevede l'acquisto di un interesse del 100% in diritti minerari non brevettati a livello federale e contratti minerari dello Stato del Wyoming. Secondo l'accordo di acquisto degli attivi, Global Uranium ha pagato 70.000 dollari USA e ha emesso 400.000 azioni comuni al venditore, Foster Wilson. Le azioni emesse sono soggette a un periodo di blocco di quattro mesi e un giorno, con ulteriori restrizioni volontarie alla rivendita che liberano metà delle azioni quattro mesi dopo l'emissione e la restante metà otto mesi dopo l'emissione.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN) ha completado con éxito la adquisición de cinco proyectos de uranio en Wyoming, EE. UU., que cubren un área total de 5,040 acres. La adquisición, anunciada inicialmente el 17 de junio de 2024, implica la compra del 100% de los derechos mineros no patentados a nivel federal y arrendamientos minerales del Estado de Wyoming. Según el contrato de compra de activos, Global Uranium pagó 70,000 dólares estadounidenses y emitió 400,000 acciones ordinarias al vendedor, Foster Wilson. Las acciones emitidas están sujetas a un período de retención de cuatro meses y un día, con restricciones voluntarias adicionales de reventa que liberan la mitad de las acciones cuatro meses después de la emisión y la otra mitad ocho meses después de la emisión.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN)는 미국 와이오밍에서 다섯 개의 우라늄 프로젝트 인수를 성공적으로 완료했습니다, 총 면적은 5,040에이커입니다. 이 인수는 2024년 6월 17일 처음 발표되었으며, 연방 비특허 광물권 및 와이오밍 주 광물 임대권의 100% 지분 매입을 포함합니다. 자산 매입 계약에 따라 Global Uranium은 70,000달러를 지불하고 400,000주를 발행했습니다 판매자 Foster Wilson에게. 발행된 주식은 4개월 1일의 보유 기간에 따라 제한되며, 추가적인 자발적 재판매 제한으로 인해 발행 후 4개월 후에 주식의 절반이 해제되고, 나머지 절반은 8개월 후에 해제됩니다.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN) a réussi à finaliser l'acquisition de cinq projets d'uranium dans le Wyoming, aux États-Unis, couvrant une superficie totale de 5 040 acres. L'acquisition, annoncée initialement le 17 juin 2024, concerne l'achat d'un intérêt de 100 % dans des revendications minières non brevetées au niveau fédéral et des baux miniers de l'État du Wyoming. Selon l'accord d'achat d'actifs, Global Uranium a payé 70 000 USD et émis 400 000 actions ordinaires au vendeur, Foster Wilson. Les actions émises sont soumises à une période de blocage de quatre mois et un jour, avec des restrictions supplémentaires de revente volontaire permettant de libérer la moitié des actions quatre mois après l'émission et l'autre moitié huit mois après l'émission.

Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN) hat erfolgreich den Erwerb von fünf Uranprojekten in Wyoming, USA, abgeschlossen, die eine Gesamtfläche von 5.040 Acres abdecken. Der Erwerb, der zunächst am 17. Juni 2024 bekannt gegeben wurde, beinhaltet den Kauf eines 100%-Anteils an nicht patentierten Bundesalleinverkäufen und Mineralpachten des Bundesstaates Wyoming. Gemäß dem Vermögensübertragungsvertrag zahlte Global Uranium 70.000 US-Dollar und gab 400.000 Stammaktien aus an den Verkäufer, Foster Wilson. Die ausgegebenen Aktien unterliegen einer Haltedauer von vier Monaten und einem Tag, und es gibt zusätzliche freiwillige Verkaufsbeschränkungen, die die Hälfte der Aktien vier Monate nach der Ausgabe und die restlichen Hälften acht Monate nach der Ausgabe freigeben.

  • Acquisition of 100% interest in five uranium projects in Wyoming, USA
  • Total land package of 5,040 acres acquired
  • Expansion of company's uranium portfolio in a strategic location
  • US$70,000 cash outlay for the acquisition
  • Issuance of 400,000 common shares, potentially diluting existing shareholders
  • Resale restrictions on issued shares may limit short-term liquidity

Global Uranium has acquired a total of five projects covering 5,040 acres

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Global Uranium Corp. (CSE: GURN) (the “Company”) is pleased to announce that further to its news release dates June 17, 2024, it has closed its previously announced acquisition of a 100% interest in certain Federal unpatented lode mineral claims and Wyoming State mineral leases located in Wyoming, USA (the “Claims”), pursuant to the terms of an asset purchase agreement (the “Purchase Agreement”) with Foster Wilson (the “Vendor”).

In consideration for the Claims, the Company paid to the Vendor US$70,000 and issued to the Vendor 400,000 common shares in the authorized share structure of the Company (the “Consideration Shares”). In accordance with applicable securities laws, the Consideration Shares are subject to a four month and one day hold period. In addition, the Consideration Shares are subject to the following voluntary resale restrictions: one-half of the Consideration Shares being released on the date which is four months following the date of issuance of such Consideration Shares (the “Effective Date”), and the remaining Consideration Shares being released on the date which is eight months following the Effective Date.

About Global Uranium Corp.

Global Uranium Corp. focuses on exploring and developing uranium assets primarily in North America. The Company currently holds seven key uranium projects: the Wing Lake Property in the Mudjatik Domain of Northern Saskatchewan, Canada; the Northwest Athabasca Joint Venture with Forum Energy Metals Corp. and NexGen Energy Ltd. in the Northwest Athabasca region of Saskatchewan, Canada; and the Great Divide Basin District Projects, the Gas Hills District Projects, and the Copper Mountain District Projects in Wyoming, USA.


“Ungad Chadda”
Ungad Chadda



What uranium projects did Global Uranium Corp (GURFF) acquire in Wyoming?

Global Uranium Corp acquired five uranium projects in Wyoming, USA, covering a total area of 5,040 acres. The acquisition includes Federal unpatented lode mineral claims and Wyoming State mineral leases.

How much did Global Uranium Corp (GURFF) pay for the Wyoming uranium projects?

Global Uranium Corp paid US$70,000 in cash and issued 400,000 common shares to the vendor, Foster Wilson, for the acquisition of the Wyoming uranium projects.

When did Global Uranium Corp (GURFF) complete the acquisition of the Wyoming uranium projects?

Global Uranium Corp completed the acquisition of the Wyoming uranium projects on September 17, 2024, as announced in their press release.

What are the resale restrictions on the shares issued by Global Uranium Corp (GURFF) for the Wyoming acquisition?

The shares issued are subject to a four-month and one-day hold period. Additionally, half of the shares will be released four months after issuance, and the remaining half will be released eight months after issuance.



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Other Industrial Metals & Mining
Basic Materials
United States of America