U.S. Department of Justice Suspends Warrantless Airport Search Program After InvestigateTV Reporting
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) announced that following an investigation by its InvestigateTV and Atlanta News First Investigates, the U.S. Department of Justice has suspended a nationwide airport search program that seized cash from airline passengers without arrests. The suspension came after the 'In Plane Sight' investigation, which aired in September 2023 with follow-ups through December 2024.
The investigation led to concrete results when the DOJ ordered the Drug Enforcement Administration to stop searching innocent passengers at departure gates. InvestigateTV's daily program is cleared in 46% of the U.S., while its weekend edition reaches 67% of U.S. markets. The investigation also prompted action from Georgia U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff, who questioned the DOJ about DEA practices at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.
Gray Media operates as the nation's largest owner of top-rated local television stations, serving 113 television markets reaching approximately 36% of US television households. The company holds the top-rated station in 77 markets and first/second-highest rated stations in 100 markets.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) ha annunciato che, a seguito di un'indagine condotta da InvestigateTV e Atlanta News First Investigates, il Dipartimento di Giustizia degli Stati Uniti ha sospeso un programma di ricerca aeroportuale a livello nazionale che sequestrava contante da passeggeri aerei senza arresti. La sospensione è avvenuta dopo l'indagine 'In Plane Sight', andata in onda a settembre 2023 con approfondimenti fino a dicembre 2024.
L'indagine ha portato a risultati concreti quando il DOJ ha ordinato alla Drug Enforcement Administration di fermare le ricerche sui passeggeri innocenti ai cancelli di partenza. Il programma quotidiano di InvestigateTV è visibile nel 46% degli Stati Uniti, mentre l'edizione del fine settimana raggiunge il 67% dei mercati statunitensi. L'indagine ha anche sollecitato l'azione del senatore della Georgia Jon Ossoff, che ha interrogato il DOJ sulle pratiche della DEA presso l'Aeroporto Internazionale Hartsfield-Jackson di Atlanta.
Gray Media è il maggiore proprietario nazionale di stazioni televisive locali con alta valutazione, servendo 113 mercati televisivi e raggiungendo circa il 36% delle famiglie televisive statunitensi. L'azienda detiene la stazione meglio valutata in 77 mercati e le stazioni più alte in classifica nei primi/secondi posti in 100 mercati.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) anunció que, tras una investigación realizada por InvestigateTV y Atlanta News First Investiga, el Departamento de Justicia de EE. UU. ha suspendido un programa de búsqueda aeroportuaria a nivel nacional que confiscaba efectivo de los pasajeros de aerolíneas sin arrestos. La suspensión se produjo después de la investigación 'In Plane Sight', que se emitió en septiembre de 2023 con seguimientos hasta diciembre de 2024.
La investigación llevó a resultados concretos cuando el DOJ ordenó a la Administración de Control de Drogas que dejara de registrar a pasajeros inocentes en las puertas de embarque. El programa diario de InvestigateTV se emite en el 46% de EE. UU., mientras que su edición de fin de semana llega al 67% de los mercados estadounidenses. La investigación también provocó la reacción del senador de EE. UU. por Georgia, Jon Ossoff, quien cuestionó al DOJ sobre las prácticas de la DEA en el Aeropuerto Internacional Hartsfield-Jackson de Atlanta.
Gray Media opera como el mayor propietario de estaciones de televisión locales altamente calificadas en el país, sirviendo a 113 mercados de televisión y alcanzando aproximadamente el 36% de los hogares televisivos en EE. UU. La compañía tiene la estación mejor valorada en 77 mercados y las estaciones de primera/segunda más valoradas en 100 mercados.
그레이 미디어 (NYSE: GTN)는 InvestigateTV와 Atlanta News First Investigates의 조사 결과, 미국 법무부가 체포 없이 항공사 승객의 현금을 압수한 전국 공항 검색 프로그램을 중단했다고 발표했습니다. 이 중단은 2023년 9월에 방송된 'In Plane Sight' 조사 이후 이루어졌으며, 2024년 12월까지 후속 조사가 이어졌습니다.
이 조사는 DOJ가 마약단속국에 출발 게이트에서 무죄 승객을 검색하는 것을 중단하라고 명령하면서 구체적인 결과를 가져왔습니다. InvestigateTV의 일일 프로그램은 미국의 46%에서 방영되며, 주말판은 미국 시장의 67%에 도달합니다. 이 조사는 또한 조지아주 미국 상원의원인 Jon Ossoff의 행동을 촉발하여 DEA의 Hartsfield-Jackson 애틀랜타 국제공항에서의 관행에 대해 DOJ에 질문했습니다.
그레이 미디어는 전국에서 가장 높은 평가를 받은 로컬 TV 방송국의 최대 소유자로, 113개 TV 시장을 서비스하며 약 36%의 미국 TV 가정에 도달하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 77개 시장에서 가장 높은 평가를 받은 방송국을 보유하고 있으며, 100개 시장에서는 1위 및 2위의 방송국을 운영하고 있습니다.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) a annoncé qu'à la suite d'une enquête menée par InvestigateTV et Atlanta News First Investigates, le ministère de la Justice des États-Unis a suspendu un programme de recherche aéroportuaire à l'échelle nationale qui saisissait des espèces de passagers aériens sans arrestations. La suspension est survenue après l'enquête 'In Plane Sight', qui a été diffusée en septembre 2023, avec des suivis jusqu'en décembre 2024.
L'enquête a abouti à des résultats concrets lorsque le DOJ a ordonné à la Drug Enforcement Administration de cesser de fouiller des passagers innocents aux portes d'embarquement. Le programme quotidien d'InvestigateTV est diffusé dans 46 % des États-Unis, tandis que son édition du week-end atteint 67 % des marchés américains. L'enquête a également incité le sénateur de l'État de Géorgie, Jon Ossoff, à interroger le DOJ sur les pratiques de la DEA à l'aéroport international Hartsfield-Jackson d'Atlanta.
Gray Media opère en tant que plus grand propriétaire de stations de télévision locales hautement cotées dans le pays, desservant 113 marchés télévisés et atteignant environ 36 % des ménages télévisuels américains. L'entreprise détient la station la mieux notée dans 77 marchés et les stations les mieux classées en première/deuxième position dans 100 marchés.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) gab bekannt, dass das US-Justizministerium ein landesweites Flughafen-Suchprogramm eingestellt hat, das Bargeld von Flugreisenden ohne Festnahmen beschlagnahmte, nachdem InvestigateTV und Atlanta News First Investigates eine Untersuchung durchgeführt hatten. Die Aussetzung folgte nach der Sendung 'In Plane Sight', die im September 2023 ausgestrahlt wurde und bis Dezember 2024 nachverfolgt wurde.
Die Untersuchung führte zu konkreten Ergebnissen, als das DOJ der Drug Enforcement Administration befahl, unschuldige Passagiere an den Abfluggates nicht mehr zu durchsuchen. Das tägliche Programm von InvestigateTV ist in 46 % der US-amerikanischen Haushalte zu sehen, während die Wochenendausgabe 67 % der US-Märkte erreicht. Die Untersuchung löste auch Maßnahmen des US-Senators aus Georgia, Jon Ossoff, aus, der das DOJ zu den Praktiken der DEA am Flughafen Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport befragte.
Gray Media ist der größte Eigentümer von lokal hoch bewerteten Fernsehsendern im Land und bedient 113 Fernsehmärkte, die etwa 36 % der US-Fernsehhaushalte erreichen. Das Unternehmen verfügt über den am höchsten bewerteten Sender in 77 Märkten und über die ersten/zweiten am höchsten bewerteten Sender in 100 Märkten.
- Investigation led to concrete regulatory change with DOJ suspending controversial DEA program
- Strong market presence with InvestigateTV+ reaching 46% of U.S. daily and 67% on weekends
- Dominant market position as largest owner of top-rated local TV stations reaching 36% of US households
- Leadership in 77 markets with top-rated stations and 100 markets with top-2 rated stations
- None.
The DOJ's suspension of warrantless airport searches represents a landmark shift in civil rights protection and demonstrates the power of investigative journalism to effect systemic change. This development could significantly impact Gray Media's market position and reputation in several ways:
The expansion of InvestigateTV's reach to 46% of U.S. households for daily programming and 67% for weekend content showcases GTN's growing influence in investigative journalism. This high-impact reporting validates Gray's strategic investment in investigative journalism infrastructure and could translate to increased advertising revenue and market share.
Congressional involvement through Senator Ossoff's intervention elevates Gray's credibility as a catalyst for policy change. This positions GTN advantageously for future investigative projects and could attract both talent and viewers, potentially driving up advertising rates in their 113 television markets.
From a market perspective, this victory for Gray Media strengthens their competitive position in the broadcasting sector. Their coverage reaches approximately 36% of US television households and this high-profile investigation success could drive several financial benefits:
1. Enhanced brand value and credibility could lead to increased viewership across their network of top-rated local stations
2. Potential for premium advertising rates due to demonstrated investigative journalism impact
3. Stronger positioning for future market expansion and content licensing opportunities
The company's diversified portfolio, including digital assets, production companies and studio facilities, is well-positioned to leverage this success across multiple revenue streams. This could positively impact GTN's stock performance as investors recognize the company's ability to generate high-impact content that drives meaningful change while potentially increasing market share and revenue.
ATLANTA, Jan. 09, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) today announced that following an investigation by Gray’s InvestigateTV and Atlanta News First Investigates, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) ended a nationwide search program that seized untold millions in cash from airline passengers without arrests.
This unprecedented action by the DOJ is the result of the award-winning investigation, In Plane Sight which originally aired in September 2023 and led to multiple follow up reports through December 2024. The DOJ ordered the Drug Enforcement Administration to stop searching innocent passengers at departure gates as a direct result of a video recorded by a traveler who saw the investigation and followed the legal advice reported in the series.
InvestigateTV is Gray’s national investigative team that produces original reporting for InvestigateTV+, a 30-minute daily program cleared in
“Our mission at InvestigateTV is to uncover not only real problems, but real solutions,” said Gray’s Senior Vice President of News Strategy and Innovation Lee Zurik. “This is a prime example of how we collaborate with investigative teams at Gray stations across the country to uncover issues that affect every viewer and create significant change.”
In Plane Sight originated with Atlanta News First Investigates, the investigative unit at Gray affiliate WANF. The undercover investigation evolved into a multi-part series that tracked the activity of plainclothes agents at airports across the U.S. Now that activity is suspended nationwide.
“Results like these are why investigative journalism is a critical part of our culture,” said InvestigateTV and Atlanta News First Chief Investigator Brendan Keefe. “Gray invests in and empowers our teams to produce original, impactful content with real world results.”
The investigation also spurred action from Congress. Georgia U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice, asking why the Drug Enforcement Administration was searching innocent passengers at boarding gates at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. He credited In Plane Sight with uncovering an important issue for flyers.
“I'm not sure that this change, this investigation, and this halt to potentially very problematic DEA practices would have occurred without your reporting. You have been on this story, helping to expose what appear to be potentially serious civil rights violations,” said Senator Ossof.
About Gray Media:
Gray Media, or Gray, is a multimedia company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, formerly known as Gray Television, Inc. The company is the nation’s largest owner of top-rated local television stations and digital assets serving 113 television markets that collectively reach approximately 36 percent of US television households. The portfolio includes 77 markets with the top-rated television station and 100 markets with the first and/or second highest rated television station, as well as the largest Telemundo Affiliate group with 43 markets totaling nearly 1.5 million Hispanic TV Households. The company also owns Gray Digital Media, a full-service digital agency offering national and local clients digital marketing strategies with the most advanced digital products and services. Gray’s additional media properties include video production companies Raycom Sports, Tupelo Media Group, and PowerNation Studios, and studio production facilities Assembly Atlanta and Third Rail Studios. Gray owns a majority interest in Swirl Films. For more information, please visit www.graymedia.com.
Gray Contact:
Sandy Breland, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, 404-266-8333