Gray Media Names Jacque Harms as General Manager of KKTV in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) has appointed Jacque Harms as the new General Manager of KKTV, their CBS affiliate in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Harms brings over 35 years of media experience, most recently serving as General Manager at WTOK-TV in Meridian, Mississippi. Under her leadership, WTOK-TV achieved significant success, winning the Mississippi Association of Broadcasters Small Market Station of the Year in 2024 and being named a National Association of Broadcasters Service to America Finalist in 2021.
Her tenure at WTOK-TV saw remarkable digital growth, with the station's digital audience outperforming local competitors by 144%. The station also increased its sign-on/sign-off ratings by 34% in 2024. Gray Media, headquartered in Atlanta, is the nation's largest owner of top-rated local television stations, reaching approximately 36% of US television households across 113 markets. The company's portfolio includes 77 top-rated stations and 43 Telemundo affiliates serving 1.5 million Hispanic TV households.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) ha nominato Jacque Harms nuovo Direttore Generale di KKTV, la loro affiliata CBS a Colorado Springs, Colorado. Harms porta con sé oltre 35 anni di esperienza nel settore dei media, avendo recentemente ricoperto il ruolo di Direttore Generale presso WTOK-TV a Meridian, Mississippi. Sotto la sua guida, WTOK-TV ha ottenuto notevoli successi, vincendo il premio come Piccola Stazione dell'Anno dell'Associazione dei Broadcast del Mississippi nel 2024 e venendo nominata Finalista del Servizio all'America dell'Associazione Nazionale dei Broadcast nel 2021.
Durante il suo mandato presso WTOK-TV, c'è stata una crescita digitale straordinaria, con il pubblico digitale della stazione che ha superato i concorrenti locali del 144%. La stazione ha anche aumentato le sue valutazioni di apertura/chiusura del 34% nel 2024. Gray Media, con sede ad Atlanta, è il più grande proprietario nazionale di stazioni televisive locali con alta valutazione, raggiungendo circa il 36% delle famiglie televisive statunitensi in 113 mercati. Il portafoglio dell'azienda comprende 77 stazioni di alta valutazione e 43 affiliate Telemundo che servono 1,5 milioni di famiglie di origine ispanica.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) ha nombrado a Jacque Harms como la nueva Directora General de KKTV, su afiliada de CBS en Colorado Springs, Colorado. Harms aporta más de 35 años de experiencia en los medios, habiendo servido más recientemente como Directora General en WTOK-TV en Meridian, Mississippi. Bajo su liderazgo, WTOK-TV logró un éxito significativo, ganando el premio a la Pequeña Estación del Año de la Asociación de Radiodifusores de Mississippi en 2024 y siendo nombrada Finalista del Servicio a América de la Asociación Nacional de Radiodifusores en 2021.
Su mandato en WTOK-TV vio un notable crecimiento digital, con la audiencia digital de la estación superando a los competidores locales en un 144%. La estación también aumentó sus calificaciones de inicio/cierre en un 34% en 2024. Gray Media, con sede en Atlanta, es el mayor propietario nacional de estaciones de televisión locales de alta calificación, alcanzando aproximadamente el 36% de los hogares televisivos de EE. UU. en 113 mercados. La cartera de la empresa incluye 77 estaciones de alta calificación y 43 afiliadas de Telemundo que sirven a 1.5 millones de hogares de televisión hispanos.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN)는 콜로라도 스프링스, 콜로라도에 있는 CBS 제휴사 KKTV의 새로운 총괄 매니저로 Jacque Harms를 임명했습니다. Harms는 35년 이상의 미디어 경험을 보유하고 있으며, 최근까지 미시시피주 멀리디언의 WTOK-TV에서 총괄 매니저로 재직하였습니다. 그녀의 리더십 아래 WTOK-TV는 2024년 미시시피 방송인 협회에서 '올해의 작은 시장 방송국' 상을 수상하고, 2021년에는 미국 방송 협회의 '아메리카에 대한 서비스' 최종 후보로 선정되는 등 큰 성공을 거두었습니다.
WTOK-TV에서 그녀의 재직 기간 동안 디지털 성장세가 두드러지게 나타났으며, 방송국의 디지털 청중 수는 지역 경쟁사들보다 144% 더 높은 수치를 기록했습니다. 또한 방송국은 2024년에 로그인/로그아웃 평점을 34% 증가시켰습니다. Gray Media는 애틀랜타에 본사를 두고 있으며, 113개 시장에서 약 36%의 미국 방송 가정을 대상으로 하는 최고 등급의 지역 TV 방송국을 가장 많이 소유하고 있는 회사입니다. 이 회사의 포트폴리오에는 77개의 최고 등급 방송국과 150만 개의 히스패닉 TV 가정을 지원하는 43개의 Telemundo 제휴사가 포함되어 있습니다.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) a nommé Jacque Harms nouveau Directeur Général de KKTV, son affilié CBS à Colorado Springs, dans le Colorado. Harms possède plus de 35 ans d'expérience dans les médias, ayant récemment exercé les fonctions de Directeur Général chez WTOK-TV à Meridian, dans le Mississippi. Sous sa direction, WTOK-TV a connu un succès significatif, remportant le prix de la Petite Station de l'Année de l'Association des Radiodiffuseurs du Mississippi en 2024 et étant nommé Finaliste du Service à l'Amérique de l'Association Nationale des Radiodiffuseurs en 2021.
Son mandat chez WTOK-TV a été marqué par une croissance numérique remarquable, l'audience numérique de la station surpassant les concurrents locaux de 144%. La station a également augmenté ses cotes d'audience de début/fin de 34% en 2024. Gray Media, dont le siège est à Atlanta, est le plus grand propriétaire national de stations de télévision locales bien notées, atteignant environ 36% des foyers télévisuels américains dans 113 marchés. Le portefeuille de l'entreprise comprend 77 stations de haute qualité et 43 affiliés de Telemundo qui desservent 1,5 million de foyers de télévision hispaniques.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) hat Jacque Harms zur neuen Generaldirektorin von KKTV, ihrer CBS-Tochtergesellschaft in Colorado Springs, Colorado, ernannt. Harms bringt über 35 Jahre Erfahrung in den Medien mit, zuletzt war sie als Generaldirektorin bei WTOK-TV in Meridian, Mississippi tätig. Unter ihrer Leitung erzielte WTOK-TV bedeutende Erfolge, darunter den Gewinn des Preises für die Kleine Station des Jahres der Mississippi Association of Broadcasters im Jahr 2024 und die Nominierung als Finalistin des Service to America Awards der National Association of Broadcasters im Jahr 2021.
Während ihrer Amtszeit bei WTOK-TV verzeichnete die Station ein bemerkenswertes digitales Wachstum, wobei das digitale Publikum der Station die lokalen Wettbewerber um 144% übertraf. Zudem wurden die Einschaltquoten der Station 2024 um 34% gesteigert. Gray Media, mit Sitz in Atlanta, ist der größte Besitzer von hoch bewerteten lokalen Fernsehsendern in den USA und erreicht etwa 36% der US-Fernsehhaushalte in 113 Märkten. Das Portfolio des Unternehmens umfasst 77 hoch bewertete Sender und 43 Telemundo-Tochtergesellschaften, die 1,5 Millionen hispanische TV-Haushalte bedienen.
- Significant digital audience growth at WTOK-TV under Harms' leadership (144% above competitors)
- 34% increase in station ratings at WTOK-TV in 2024
- Strong market presence with top-rated stations in 77 markets
- Extensive reach covering 36% of US television households
- None.
ATLANTA, Jan. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gray Media, Inc. (NYSE: GTN) has named Jacque Harms as the next General Manager of KKTV, the CBS affiliate in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Jacque Harms has more than 35 years of experience in the media business, most recently as the General Manager at WTOK-TV in Meridian, Mississippi, for the past four and a half years. Under her leadership, WTOK -TV was the Mississippi Association of Broadcasters Small Market Station of the Year in 2024 and a National Association of Broadcasters Service to America Finalist in 2021. Jacque is the recipient of multiple AP and MAB awards.
Jacque’s WTOK team raised the bar in digital storytelling, captivating audiences to apps and live streams as her team outperformed the next local news digital audience by
Jacque’s professional accomplishments also include serving as the news director, anchor, reporter, and producer at KNOP-TV in North Platte, Nebraska, before her assignment to WTOK-TV.
She serves on the MAB Board of Directors and was on the planning committees that launched Mississippi’s inaugural MAB Student Conference and Women in Broadcasting awards program and luncheon.
“I am honored and excited to join the Colorado Springs community and KKTV family,” said Jacque. “Our commitment to delivering engaging content on broadcast and digital platforms with a focus on the best news and weather content, will remain our top priority,” she adds.
About Gray:
Gray Media is a multimedia company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, formerly known as Gray Television, Inc. The company is the nation’s largest owner of top-rated local television stations and digital assets serving 113 television markets that collectively reach approximately 36 percent of US television households. The portfolio includes 77 markets with the top-rated television station and 100 markets with the first and/or second highest rated television station, as well as the largest Telemundo Affiliate group with 43 markets totaling nearly 1.5 million Hispanic TV Households. The company also owns Gray Digital Media, a full-service digital agency offering national and local clients digital marketing strategies with the most advanced digital products and services. Gray’s additional media properties include video production companies Raycom Sports, Tupelo Media Group, and PowerNation Studios, and studio production facilities Assembly Atlanta and Third Rail Studios. Gray owns a majority interest in Swirl Films. For more information, please visit
Gray Contact:
Sandy Breland, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, 404-266-8333
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