Gray Media and Stations Raise More Than $340,000 for Hurricane Helene Relief

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Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) announced that its local television stations have raised over $290,000 for Hurricane Helene relief efforts, with the company contributing an additional $50,000. The funds will provide immediate aid and long-term assistance to residents affected by the storm, which claimed over 200 lives across six states.

Donations can be made at, with 100% going to The Salvation Army's disaster relief efforts. The organization has already served more than 150,000 meals to survivors from 68 active mobile feeding units in six states, along with providing cleanup kits, hygiene products, and spiritual support.

Gray Media, the largest owner of top-rated local television stations in the US, reaches approximately 36% of US television households across 113 markets. The company also owns digital assets, video production companies, and studio facilities.

Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) ha annunciato che le sue stazioni televisive locali hanno raccolto oltre $290.000 per gli sforzi di soccorso in seguito all'uragano Helene, con un contributo aggiuntivo da parte dell'azienda di $50.000. I fondi forniranno aiuti immediati e assistenza a lungo termine ai residenti colpiti dalla tempesta, che ha causato oltre 200 morti in sei stati.

È possibile effettuare donazioni su, con il 100% destinato agli sforzi di soccorso della Salvation Army. L’organizzazione ha già servito più di 150.000 pasti ai sopravvissuti tramite 68 unità mobili attive in sei stati, oltre a fornire kit di pulizia, prodotti igienici e supporto spirituale.

Gray Media, il più grande proprietario di stazioni televisive locali di alto livello negli Stati Uniti, raggiunge circa 36% delle famiglie televisive statunitensi in 113 mercati. L'azienda possiede anche beni digitali, società di produzione video e impianti di studio.

Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) anunció que sus estaciones de televisión locales han recaudado más de $290,000 para los esfuerzos de ayuda por el huracán Helene, con una contribución adicional de la empresa de $50,000. Los fondos proporcionarán asistencia inmediata y apoyo a largo plazo para los residentes afectados por la tormenta, que cobró más de 200 vidas en seis estados.

Las donaciones se pueden hacer en, donde el 100% se destina a los esfuerzos de socorro de The Salvation Army. La organización ya ha servido más de 150,000 comidas a los sobrevivientes desde 68 unidades de distribución móvil activas en seis estados, junto con kits de limpieza, productos de higiene y apoyo espiritual.

Gray Media, el mayor propietario de estaciones de televisión locales de alta clasificación en EE. UU., alcanza aproximadamente el 36% de los hogares de televisión estadounidenses en 113 mercados. La empresa también posee activos digitales, compañías de producción de video y instalaciones de estudio.

Gray Media (NYSE: GTN)는 그 지역 텔레비전 방송국이 허리케인 헬렌 구호 노력을 위해 $290,000 이상을 모금했으며, 회사가 추가로 $50,000을 기부했다고 발표했습니다. 이 자금은 폭풍에 영향을 받은 주민들에게 즉각적인 지원과 장기적인 도움을 제공합니다. 이 폭풍으로 인해 6개 주에서 200명 이상의 생명이 잃었습니다.

기부는 HeleneHelp.org에서 할 수 있으며, 100%가 구호 활동을 위해 Salvation Army에 전달됩니다. 이 단체는 이미 6개 주에서 68개의 가동 중인 급식 차량을 통해 150,000식 이상의 식사를 생존자에게 제공하고, 청소 키트, 위생 용품 및 정신적 지원을 제공하고 있습니다.

Gray Media는 미국 최고의 지역 텔레비전 방송국의 가장 큰 소유주로, 113개 시장에서 약 36%의 미국 텔레비전 가구에 도달합니다. 이 회사는 디지털 자산, 비디오 제작 회사 및 스튜디오 시설도 소유하고 있습니다.

Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) a annoncé que ses stations de télévision locales ont rassemblé plus de $290,000 pour les efforts de secours liés à l'ouragan Helene, avec une contribution supplémentaire de $50,000 de la part de l'entreprise. Les fonds fourniront une aide immédiate et une assistance à long terme aux habitants touchés par la tempête, qui a coûté la vie à plus de 200 personnes dans six États.

Les dons peuvent être effectués sur, avec 100% des fonds destinés aux efforts de secours de l'Armée du Salut. L'organisation a déjà servi plus de 150,000 repas aux survivants à partir de 68 unités de distribution alimentaire mobiles actives dans six États, tout en fournissant des kits de nettoyage, des produits d'hygiène et un soutien spirituel.

Gray Media, le plus grand propriétaire de stations de télévision locales de haute réputation aux États-Unis, atteint environ 36% des foyers télévisuels américains dans 113 marchés. La société possède également des actifs numériques, des sociétés de production vidéo et des installations de studio.

Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) hat bekannt gegeben, dass ihre lokalen Fernsehsender über $290.000 für die Hilfsmaßnahmen nach dem Hurrikan Helene gesammelt haben, wobei das Unternehmen zusätzlich $50.000 beiträgt. Die Mittel werden sofortige Hilfe und langfristige Unterstützung für die von dem Sturm betroffenen Bewohner bereitstellen, der in sechs Bundesstaaten über 200 Menschenleben gefordert hat.

Spenden können auf getätigt werden, wobei 100% der Beträge den Katastrophenhilfsmaßnahmen der Salvation Army zugutekommen. Die Organisation hat bereits mehr als 150.000 Mahlzeiten an Überlebende aus 68 aktiven Mobilverpflegungseinheiten in sechs Bundesstaaten bereitgestellt sowie Reinigungssets, Hygieneprodukte und spirituelle Unterstützung angeboten.

Gray Media, der größte Eigentümer von hoch bewerteten lokalen Fernsehsendern in den USA, erreicht etwa 36% der US-Fernsehhaushalte in 113 Märkten. Das Unternehmen besitzt außerdem digitale Vermögenswerte, Videoproduktionsfirmen und Studioeinrichtungen.

  • Gray Media and its stations raised over $340,000 for Hurricane Helene relief efforts
  • The company's television stations reach approximately 36% of US television households
  • Gray Media owns the largest Telemundo Affiliate group with 43 markets totaling nearly 1.5 million Hispanic TV Households
  • None.


Gray Media's fundraising initiative for Hurricane Helene relief demonstrates the company's strong community engagement and corporate social responsibility. While the $340,000 raised is commendable, it's unlikely to have a significant financial impact on the company's bottom line given its $533 million market cap.

However, this effort could enhance Gray's brand reputation and viewer loyalty across its 113 television markets, potentially leading to increased viewership and ad revenue in the long term. The company's extensive market reach, covering 36% of US television households, positions it well to leverage this goodwill.

Investors should note Gray's diverse portfolio, including top-rated local stations, digital assets and production companies. This diversification could provide resilience against industry challenges and create multiple revenue streams. The company's strong presence in Hispanic TV households also presents growth opportunities in this demographic segment.

Gray Media's response to Hurricane Helene showcases the vital role local television stations play during crises. By leveraging its extensive network of 77 top-rated markets and 100 first/second-rated stations, Gray demonstrated its ability to mobilize resources and engage viewers effectively.

The company's digital capabilities, including Gray Digital Media, position it well in an evolving media landscape. This integration of traditional broadcasting with digital strategies could be important for future growth and audience retention.

Gray's expansion into content production through entities like Raycom Sports and Swirl Films adds vertical integration to its business model. This diversification could help insulate the company from potential declines in traditional TV advertising revenue.

While the fundraising effort is positive for community relations, investors should focus on Gray's ability to monetize its broad reach and diverse content portfolio in an increasingly competitive and fragmented media market.

ATLANTA, Oct. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) today announced that its local television stations have raised more than $290,000 for Hurricane Helene response efforts, and Gray itself will donate an additional $50,000 to the relief fund.   The money raised will provide immediate aid as well as long-term assistance for residents impacted by the deadly storm system that took the lives of more than 200 people and left a path of destruction across six states.

        “We are truly grateful to our viewers for their overwhelming generosity and willingness to support their neighbors during this time of tremendous need,” Gray’s Chief Operating Officer Sandy Breland said.   “Our stations tracked Helene’s potential impact on the region starting days before landfall and throughout the storm and have not stopped intensive reporting on the devastation, relief and recovery efforts, and remarkable resilience of the affected residents.   We will continue to serve and support these communities as they recover and rebuild.”

        Donors can support the relief campaign by visiting   100% of each donation goes to The Salvation Army’s disaster relief efforts.   A Spanish language site,, is also active.

        “We are so grateful for Gray Media’s partnership and their dedication to the communities they serve,” said Major Todd Hawks, Territorial CRD Secretary, The Salvation Army USA Southern Territory. “These partnerships empower us to provide a full spectrum of care - from critical food and water to vital emotional care for those grappling with the aftermath of a disaster.   Thanks to partners like Gray Media, we can help support those impacted throughout their journey to recovery.”

        The Salvation Army has already served more than 150 thousand meals to Helene survivors from 68 active mobile feeding units in six states. It also is providing cleanup kits, hygiene products, and spiritual and emotional care to those in need.

About Gray Media:

Gray Media, or Gray, is a multimedia company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, formally known as Gray Television, Inc.  The company is the nation’s largest owner of top-rated local television stations and digital assets serving 113 television markets that collectively reach approximately 36 percent of US television households. The portfolio includes 77 markets with the top-rated television station and 100 markets with the first and/or second highest rated television station, as well as the largest Telemundo Affiliate group with 43 markets totaling nearly 1.5 million Hispanic TV Households.  The company also owns Gray Digital Media, a full-service digital agency offering national and local clients digital marketing strategies with the most advanced digital products and services.  Gray’s additional media properties include video production companies Raycom Sports, Tupelo Media Group, and PowerNation Studios, and studio production facilities Assembly Atlanta and Third Rail Studios. Gray owns a majority interest in Swirl Films. For more information, please visit

Gray Contact:

Sandy Breland, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, 404-266-8333


How much money did Gray Media raise for Hurricane Helene relief?

Gray Media's local television stations raised over $290,000, and the company contributed an additional $50,000, totaling more than $340,000 for Hurricane Helene relief efforts.

What is the stock symbol for Gray Media?

The stock symbol for Gray Media is GTN, listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

How many meals has The Salvation Army served to Hurricane Helene survivors?

The Salvation Army has served more than 150,000 meals to Hurricane Helene survivors from 68 active mobile feeding units across six states.

What percentage of US television households does Gray Media reach?

Gray Media reaches approximately 36 percent of US television households through its television stations in 113 markets.

Gray Television, Inc.


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