Gray Announces KTUU/KYES General Manager Retirement
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) announced that KTUU and KYES General Manager Nancy Johnson will retire on January 3, 2025, after joining KTUU, Gray's NBC affiliate in Anchorage, Alaska, in 1981. During her tenure, Johnson served in various leadership roles and expanded local news to over 22 hours weekly content. Under her leadership, the stations won numerous awards including RTDNA Edward R. Murrow awards and NATAS Emmy Awards.
Gray Media is the nation's largest owner of top-rated local television stations, serving 113 television markets reaching approximately 36% of US television households. The company's portfolio includes 77 markets with top-rated stations and 100 markets with first/second highest-rated stations, plus the largest Telemundo Affiliate group covering 43 markets with nearly 1.5 million Hispanic TV Households.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) ha annunciato che Nancy Johnson, Direttore Generale di KTUU e KYES, andrà in pensione il 3 gennaio 2025, dopo essere entrata in KTUU, l'affiliata NBC di Gray ad Anchorage, Alaska, nel 1981. Durante il suo mandato, Johnson ha ricoperto vari ruoli dirigenziali ed ha ampliato le notizie locali a oltre 22 ore di contenuti settimanali. Sotto la sua direzione, le stazioni hanno vinto numerosi premi tra cui i premi RTDNA Edward R. Murrow e i premi Emmy NATAS.
Gray Media è il più grande proprietario di stazioni televisive locali di alto livello negli Stati Uniti, servendo 113 mercati televisivi e raggiungendo circa il 36% delle famiglie televisive americane. Il portafoglio dell'azienda include 77 mercati con stazioni di alto livello e 100 mercati con stazioni tra le prime due classificate, oltre al più grande gruppo di affiliati Telemundo che copre 43 mercati con quasi 1,5 milioni di famiglie di origine ispanica.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) anunció que Nancy Johnson, Gerente General de KTUU y KYES, se retirará el 3 de enero de 2025, después de unirse a KTUU, la afiliada de NBC de Gray en Anchorage, Alaska, en 1981. Durante su mandato, Johnson ocupó varios roles de liderazgo y amplió las noticias locales a más de 22 horas de contenido semanal. Bajo su liderazgo, las estaciones ganaron numerosos premios, incluidos los premios RTDNA Edward R. Murrow y los premios Emmy de NATAS.
Gray Media es el mayor propietario de estaciones de televisión locales de alta calificación en el país, sirviendo a 113 mercados de televisión y alcanzando aproximadamente el 36% de los hogares de televisión en EE. UU. El portafolio de la compañía incluye 77 mercados con estaciones de alto nivel y 100 mercados con estaciones clasificadas como las dos primeras, además del grupo de afiliados Telemundo más grande que cubre 43 mercados con casi 1.5 millones de hogares hispanos.
그래이 미디어 (NYSE: GTN)는 1981년부터 알래스카 앵커리지의 그래이 NBC 계열사 KTUU에서 근무한 Nancy Johnson이 2025년 1월 3일 은퇴할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 그녀의 재임 기간 동안 Johnson은 다양한 리더십 역할을 맡았으며 지역 뉴스 콘텐츠를 주당 22시간 이상으로 확대했습니다. 그녀의 지도 아래, 방송국들은 RTDNA 에드워드 R. 머로 상과 NATAS 에미 상 등 수많은 상을 수상했습니다.
그래이 미디어는 미국에서 36%의 TV 가정에 도달하는 113개 TV 시장을 서비스하는 최고 평점의 지역 TV 방송국의 최대 소유주입니다. 회사의 포트폴리오는 최고 평점을 받은 방송국이 있는 77개 시장과 1위 및 2위 방송국이 있는 100개 시장, 150만 명의 히스패닉 TV 가정을 포함하는 43개 시장을 아우르는 최대의 텔레문도 제휴 그룹을 포함합니다.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) a annoncé que Nancy Johnson, Directrice Générale de KTUU et KYES, prendra sa retraite le 3 janvier 2025, après avoir rejoint KTUU, l'affilié NBC de Gray à Anchorage, Alaska, en 1981. Au cours de son mandat, Johnson a occupé divers postes de leadership et a élargi l'actualité locale à plus de 22 heures de contenu hebdomadaire. Sous sa direction, les stations ont remporté de nombreux prix, y compris les prix RTDNA Edward R. Murrow et les prix Emmy de NATAS.
Gray Media est le plus grand propriétaire de stations de télévision locales de premier ordre aux États-Unis, desservant 113 marchés de télévision et atteignant environ 36 % des foyers télévisuels américains. Le portefeuille de l'entreprise comprend 77 marchés avec des stations de premier ordre et 100 marchés avec des stations classées parmi les deux premières, en plus du plus grand groupe d'affiliés Telemundo couvrant 43 marchés avec près de 1,5 million de foyers hispaniques.
Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) gab bekannt, dass Nancy Johnson, General Managerin von KTUU und KYES, am 3. Januar 2025 in den Ruhestand gehen wird, nachdem sie 1981 zu KTUU, dem NBC-Ableger von Gray in Anchorage, Alaska, gestoßen ist. Während ihrer Amtszeit hatte Johnson verschiedene Führungspositionen inne und erweiterte die lokalen Nachrichten auf über 22 Stunden wöchentlich. Unter ihrer Leitung gewannen die Sender zahlreiche Auszeichnungen, darunter die RTDNA Edward R. Murrow Awards und die NATAS Emmy Awards.
Gray Media ist der größte Eigentümer von hochbewerteten Lokalfernsehstationen im Land und bedient 113 Fernsehmärkte, die etwa 36 % der US-Fernsehhaushalte erreichen. Das Portfolio des Unternehmens umfasst 77 Märkte mit hochbewerteten Stationen und 100 Märkte mit erst- und zweitplatzierten Stationen sowie die größte Telemundo-Ableitergruppe, die 43 Märkte mit fast 1,5 Millionen hispanischen TV-Haushalten abdeckt.
- Company holds dominant market position as largest owner of top-rated local TV stations
- Extensive market coverage reaching 36% of US television households
- Strong Hispanic market presence with largest Telemundo Affiliate group covering 1.5M households
- None.
Atlanta, Dec. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gray Media (NYSE: GTN) today announced that longtime KTUU and KYES General Manager Nancy Johnson will retire on January 3, 2025.
Nancy joined KTUU, Gray’s NBC affiliate in Anchorage, Alaska, in 1981. While at KTUU, she served in a variety of leadership roles including Director of Marketing, Programming Director, and General Sales Manager. During her tenure as General Manager, she facilitated the expansion of local news to more than 22 hours of content each week, encouraged the development and production of original programming, and crafted one of the most influential media organizations in Alaska.
Under her stewardship, Alaska’s News Source and its journalists won numerous industry accolades including the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) Edward R. Murrow awards, Alaska Broadcaster’s Association (ABA) Goldies, and the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS) Emmy Awards. In 2021, the Northwest Chapter of NATAS recognized Nancy with one of its most prestigious career honors, induction into the Silver Circle. In November of that year, she accepted the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce’s Gold Pan Award for Business Excellence on behalf of KTUU and KYES.
“Over four decades, Nancy helped build a powerful news brand, mentored countless young professionals, and made a true impact in the Anchorage community,” said Gray’s Chief Operating Officer, Sandy Breland. “We are grateful for Nancy’s years of service and wish her the very best on her retirement.”
About Gray Media:
Gray Media, or Gray, is a multimedia company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, formally known as Gray Television, Inc. The company is the nation’s largest owner of top-rated local television stations and digital assets serving 113 television markets that collectively reach approximately 36 percent of US television households. The portfolio includes 77 markets with the top-rated television station and 100 markets with the first and/or second highest rated television station, as well as the largest Telemundo Affiliate group with 43 markets totaling nearly 1.5 million Hispanic TV Households. The company also owns Gray Digital Media, a full-service digital agency offering national and local clients digital marketing strategies with the most advanced digital products and services. Gray’s additional media properties include video production companies Raycom Sports, Tupelo Media Group, and PowerNation Studios, and studio production facilities Assembly Atlanta and Third Rail Studios. Gray owns a majority interest in Swirl Films. For more information, please visit
Gray Contact:
Sandy Breland, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, 404-266-8333