Opus One Expands Chart Industries’ CO2 Capture Solution for Third Year

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Opus One Winery, a pioneer in ultra-premium winemaking in Napa Valley, is expanding its deployment of Chart Industries' (NYSE: GTLS) carbon capture solutions for the third consecutive year. The winery plans to double the CO2 captured during the 2024 Harvest using Chart's Earthly Labs' CiCi (Oak) technology. This expansion will capture CO2 emitted during red wine fermentation, which is then purified, liquefied, and reused on-site to make dry ice, eliminating traditional transportation emissions.

Opus One will also pilot an upgraded visualization dashboard using the Chart Howden Uptime platform. The winery, which achieved Napa Green vineyard and winery certification in 2018, continues to demonstrate its commitment to environmentally conscious winemaking practices and decarbonization efforts.

Opus One Winery, pioniere nella produzione di vini ultra-premium nella Napa Valley, sta ampliando l'implementazione delle soluzioni di cattura del carbonio di Chart Industries (NYSE: GTLS) per il terzo anno consecutivo. La cantina prevede di durante la Vendemmia 2024 utilizzando la tecnologia CiCi (Oak) di Earthly Labs di Chart. Questa espansione catturerà la CO2 emessa durante la fermentazione del vino rosso, che verrà purificata, liquefatta e riutilizzata in loco per produrre ghiaccio secco, eliminando le emissioni tradizionali dovute al trasporto.

Opus One testerà anche un cruscotto di visualizzazione aggiornato utilizzando la piattaforma Chart Howden Uptime. La cantina, che ha ottenuto la certificazione Napa Green per vigneti e cantine nel 2018, continua a dimostrare il proprio impegno verso pratiche vinicole ecologiche e sforzi di decarbonizzazione.

Opus One Winery, pionera en la producción de vinos ultra-premium en Napa Valley, está ampliando su implementación de soluciones de captura de carbono de Chart Industries (NYSE: GTLS) por tercer año consecutivo. La bodega planea duplicar la CO2 capturada durante la Cosecha 2024 utilizando la tecnología CiCi (Oak) de Earthly Labs de Chart. Esta expansión capturará la CO2 emitida durante la fermentación del vino tinto, que luego se purificará, liquefactará y reutilizará en el sitio para producir hielo seco, eliminando así las emisiones tradicionales de transporte.

Opus One también pilotará un panel de visualización actualizado utilizando la plataforma Chart Howden Uptime. La bodega, que obtuvo la certificación Napa Green para viñedos y bodegas en 2018, continúa demostrando su compromiso con prácticas vinícolas ecológicas y esfuerzos de descarbonización.

오푸스 원 와이너리(Opus One Winery)는 나파 밸리에서 초프리미엄 와인 생산의 선구자로서, 차트 인더스트리즈(Chart Industries, NYSE: GTLS)의 탄소 포집 솔루션 배포를 올해로 세 번째 연속 확대하고 있습니다. 이 와이너리는 2024년 수확 기간 동안 차트의 얼스리 랩스(Earthly Labs) CiCi(Oak) 기술을 사용하여 포집된 CO2를 두 배로 늘리겠다고 계획하고 있습니다. 이 확장은 레드 와인 발효 과정에서 발생하는 CO2를 포집하고, 이를 정제 및 액화한 후 현장에서 드라이아이스를 만드는 데 재사용하여 전통적인 운송 배출을 없앨 것입니다.

오푸스 원은 차트 하우든 업타임(Chart Howden Uptime) 플랫폼을 활용하여 업그레이드된 시각화 대시보드를 시험 운영할 예정입니다. 2018년 나파 그린(Napa Green) 포도밭 및 와이너리 인증을 받은 이 와이너리는 환경을 고려한 와인 제조 관행과 탈탄소화 노력에 대한 헌신을 계속해서 보여주고 있습니다.

Opus One Winery, pionnier de la production de vins ultra-premium dans la Napa Valley, étend depuis trois ans consécutifs le déploiement des solutions de capture de carbone de Chart Industries (NYSE: GTLS). La cave prévoit de doubler la CO2 capturée lors de la récolte 2024 en utilisant la technologie CiCi (Oak) d'Earthly Labs de Chart. Cette expansion capturera le CO2 émis lors de la fermentation du vin rouge, qui sera ensuite purifié, liquéfié et réutilisé sur place pour produire de la glace sèche, éliminant ainsi les émissions de transport traditionnelles.

Opus One testera également un tableau de bord de visualisation amélioré à l'aide de la plateforme Chart Howden Uptime. La cave, qui a obtenu la certification Napa Green pour les vignobles et les caves en 2018, continue de démontrer son engagement envers des pratiques viticoles respectueuses de l'environnement et des efforts de décarbonisation.

Opus One Winery, ein Pionier der Ultra-Premium-Weinproduktion im Napa Valley, erweitert in diesem Jahr zum dritten Mal in Folge den Einsatz von CO2-Abscheidelösungen von Chart Industries (NYSE: GTLS). Das Weingut plant, die erfasste CO2-Menge zu verdoppeln während der Traubenlese 2024 unter Verwendung der CiCi (Oak) Technologie von Earthly Labs von Chart. Diese Erweiterung wird CO2 erfassen, das während der Fermentation von Rotwein entsteht, welches dann gereinigt, verflüssigt und vor Ort zur Herstellung von Trockeneis wiederverwendet wird, wodurch traditionelle Transportemissionen vermieden werden.

Opus One wird zudem ein aktualisiertes Visualisierungs-Dashboard mit der Chart Howden Uptime Plattform testen. Das Weingut, das 2018 die Napa Green-Zertifizierung für Weinberge und Weingüter erhalten hat, demonstriert weiterhin sein Engagement für umweltbewusste Weinproduktionspraktiken und Bemühungen zur Dekarbonisierung.

  • Expansion of carbon capture solution to double CO2 captured during 2024 Harvest
  • Reuse of captured CO2 on-site for dry ice production, reducing transportation emissions
  • Implementation of real-time monitoring software to track CO2 captured
  • Piloting of upgraded visualization dashboard using Chart Howden Uptime platform
  • None.

Opus One's expansion of Chart Industries' CO2 capture solution marks a significant step in sustainable winemaking. By doubling their CO2 capture capacity for the 2024 harvest, they're demonstrating a strong commitment to reducing their carbon footprint. This move aligns with the growing trend of circular economy practices in the wine industry.

The on-site utilization of captured CO2 for dry ice production is particularly noteworthy, as it eliminates transportation emissions associated with dry ice deliveries. This closed-loop system not only reduces direct emissions but also decreases indirect environmental impacts.

Opus One's leadership in sustainability, evidenced by their Napa Green certification and partnership with International Wineries for Climate Action, positions them as a model for the industry. This expanded CO2 capture initiative could potentially influence other wineries to adopt similar practices, driving broader change in the sector.

Opus One's expansion of CO2 capture technology is a strategic move that could enhance their market position. In an era where consumers are increasingly eco-conscious, this initiative could boost brand value and consumer loyalty. The winery's commitment to sustainability may justify premium pricing, potentially improving profit margins.

However, the financial implications of this expansion aren't clear. While it likely involves significant upfront costs, long-term benefits could include reduced operational expenses from on-site dry ice production and potential carbon credits. The real-time monitoring software and upgraded visualization dashboard could also improve operational efficiency.

As a pioneer in this technology, Opus One could gain a competitive advantage in the ultra-premium wine market. If successful, this model could become a new industry standard, potentially leading to increased demand for Chart Industries' solutions in the wine sector.

ATLANTA, Aug. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A pioneer in ultra-premium winemaking in Napa Valley, Opus One Winery is among the first wineries in the world to expand their deployment of Chart Industries, Inc. (NYSE: GTLS) carbon capture solutions. For the last two years, Opus One has implemented Chart’s Earthly Labs’ CiCi (Oak) solution to capture carbon dioxide (CO2) during red wine fermentation and plans to expand the deployment to double the CO2 captured during the 2024 Harvest. This model of circular carbon economy in the wine industry is unique, but one of the many practices Opus One has implemented throughout their winery to advance environmentally conscious winemaking.

“Opus One’s pursuit of excellence extends to how we care for nature,” said Michael Silacci, winemaker at Opus One. “We have continued to expand Chart’s Earthly Labs carbon capture solution, reducing our climate impact and ensuring the enjoyment of each new vintage for generations to come.”

In 2022 Opus One implemented Earthly Labs CiCi (Oak) small scale carbon capture solution during the grape harvest to capture the waste CO2 emitted during the wine fermentation process. The technology captures, purifies and liquifies thousands of pounds of CO2 for reuse on site. Opus One utilizes the CO2 onsite to make dry ice, avoiding traditional transportation emissions from dry ice deliveries. Additionally, Opus One uses the real-time monitoring software to track CO2 captured.

This harvest, Opus One has expanded their CiCi (Oak) technology implementation to capture 100% more CO2 than in the previous year by incorporating additional fermentation tanks into the program. This expanded process will meet their onsite dry ice needs and reduce associated emissions. Additionally, Opus One will pilot the upgraded visualization dashboard using the Chart Howden Uptime platform.

“Chart Industries is honored to advance Opus One’s decarbonization journey,” said Jill Evanko, CEO of Chart Industries. “As one of the few wineries in the world to capture their waste CO2 and reuse it, Opus One stands as a model for exemplary and responsible wine making.”

In 2018 Opus One was the first winery to achieve Napa Green vineyard and winery certification through their attainment of many of the 120 sustainability standards to save energy, conserve water, prevent waste, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, care for employees, and land stewardship. Earlier this year Opus One partnered with North Carbon Management software to enhance the company’s ability to meticulously track, manage, and reduce its greenhouse gas emissions throughout the winery – from cultivation to production to packaging – in pursuit of certification with International Wineries for Climate Action (IWCA).

About Opus One Winery

Opus One produces a singular cabernet sauvignon blend grown in our Napa Green-certified estate vineyards in Oakville, California. Currently distributed in all 50 states and in 90 countries around the world, Opus One is now a joint venture between Baron Philippe de Rothschild S.A. and Constellation Brands.

About Chart Industries

Chart Industries, Inc. is a global leader in the design, engineering, and manufacturing of process technologies and equipment for gas and liquid molecule handling for the Nexus of Clean™ - clean power, clean water, clean food, and clean industrials, regardless of molecule. The company’s unique product and solution portfolio across stationary and rotating equipment is used in every phase of the liquid gas supply chain, including engineering, service and repair and from installation to preventive maintenance and digital monitoring. Chart is a leading provider of technology, equipment and services related to liquefied natural gas, hydrogen, biogas, and CO2 capture amongst other applications. Chart is committed to excellence in environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) issues both for its company as well as its customers. With 64 global manufacturing locations and over 50 service centers from the United States to Asia, Australia, India, Europe, and South America, the company maintains accountability and transparency to its team members, suppliers, customers, and communities. To learn more, visit

Chart Investor Contact:
John Walsh
VP, Investor Relations


How much CO2 will Opus One capture in 2024 compared to previous years using Chart Industries' technology?

Opus One plans to double the amount of CO2 captured during the 2024 Harvest compared to the previous year, using Chart Industries' (GTLS) Earthly Labs' CiCi (Oak) carbon capture solution.

What does Opus One do with the captured CO2 from Chart Industries' (GTLS) technology?

Opus One utilizes the captured CO2 on-site to make dry ice, avoiding traditional transportation emissions associated with dry ice deliveries.

When did Opus One first implement Chart Industries' (GTLS) carbon capture solution?

Opus One first implemented Chart Industries' (GTLS) Earthly Labs CiCi (Oak) small scale carbon capture solution during the grape harvest in 2022.

What new feature will Opus One pilot in 2024 related to Chart Industries' (GTLS) technology?

In 2024, Opus One will pilot an upgraded visualization dashboard using the Chart Howden Uptime platform to enhance monitoring of their carbon capture process.

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