New Support for iOS and Patch Management Drives FinTech to Choose Fleet for Silent MDM Migration

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Fleet, the open-source device management platform, has announced support for iOS devices, including iPads and iPhones. This addition, along with its GitOps capabilities and patch management, is driving fintech leaders to choose Fleet's platform for MDM (Mobile Device Management). The move highlights Fleet's growing influence in the device management space and demonstrates that even established financial institutions can transition from legacy MDM systems.

Fleet's latest release includes support for iOS and iPadOS devices alongside macOS, Windows, and Linux, allowing enterprises to manage all their devices from a single, open platform. This includes automatic enrollment of company-secured devices, app management, and remote OS settings control. Fleet's approach enables IT teams to directly access each operating system's native capabilities while avoiding proprietary tool limitations.

To facilitate transitions, Fleet is offering an assisted migration window at no cost for one year to new customers who sign up before January, with some restrictions.

Fleet, la piattaforma di gestione dei dispositivi open-source, ha annunciato il supporto per i dispositivi iOS, inclusi iPad e iPhone. Questa integrazione, insieme alle sue funzionalità GitOps e alla gestione delle patch, sta spingendo i leader fintech a scegliere la piattaforma di Fleet per la MDM (Mobile Device Management). Questa mossa evidenzia l'influenza crescente di Fleet nello spazio della gestione dei dispositivi e dimostra che anche le istituzioni finanziarie consolidate possono fare la transizione dai sistemi MDM legacy.

Ultima release di Fleet include il supporto per i dispositivi iOS e iPadOS insieme a macOS, Windows e Linux, permettendo alle aziende di gestire tutti i loro dispositivi da una singola piattaforma aperta. Questo include l'iscrizione automatica dei dispositivi aziendali sicuri, la gestione delle app e il controllo remoto delle impostazioni del sistema operativo. L'approccio di Fleet consente ai team IT di accedere direttamente alle capacità native di ciascun sistema operativo evitando al contempo le limitazioni degli strumenti proprietari.

Per facilitare le transizioni, Fleet offre una finestra di migrazione assistita senza costi per un anno ai nuovi clienti che si registrano prima di gennaio, con alcune restrizioni.

Fleet, la plataforma de gestión de dispositivos de código abierto, ha anunciado soporte para dispositivos iOS, incluidos iPad e iPhone. Esta adición, junto con sus capacidades de GitOps y gestión de parches, está llevando a los líderes fintech a elegir la plataforma de Fleet para la MDM (Gestión de Dispositivos Móviles). Este movimiento destaca la creciente influencia de Fleet en el ámbito de la gestión de dispositivos y demuestra que incluso las instituciones financieras establecidas pueden hacer la transición de los sistemas de MDM heredados.

La última versión de Fleet incluye soporte para dispositivos iOS y iPadOS junto con macOS, Windows y Linux, permitiendo a las empresas gestionar todos sus dispositivos desde una única plataforma abierta. Esto incluye la inscripción automática de dispositivos seguros para la empresa, gestión de aplicaciones y control remoto de la configuración del sistema operativo. El enfoque de Fleet permite a los equipos de TI acceder directamente a las capacidades nativas de cada sistema operativo, evitando las limitaciones de herramientas propietarias.

Para facilitar las transiciones, Fleet está ofreciendo una ventana de migración asistida sin coste durante un año para nuevos clientes que se registren antes de enero, con algunas restricciones.

플릿(Fleet), 오픈 소스 장치 관리 플랫폼이 iOS 장치 지원을 발표했습니다, 아이패드와 아이폰을 포함합니다. 이 추가 기능은 GitOps 기능 및 패치 관리와 함께 핀테크 리더들이 MDM(모바일 장치 관리)을 위해 플릿 플랫폼을 선택하도록 이끌고 있습니다. 이는 장치 관리 영역에서 플릿의 영향력이 증가하고 있음을 강조하며, 기존의 금융 기관들도 레거시 MDM 시스템에서 전환할 수 있음을 보여줍니다.

플릿의 최신 릴리스에는 macOS, Windows 및 Linux와 함께 iOS 및 iPadOS 장치에 대한 지원이 포함되어 있어 기업이 단일 오픈 플랫폼에서 모든 장치를 관리할 수 있게 합니다. 여기에는 회사 보안 장치의 자동 등록, 앱 관리 및 원격 OS 설정 제어가 포함됩니다. 플릿의 접근 방식은 IT 팀이 각 운영 체제의 기본 기능에 직접 접근할 수 있게 하며, 독점 도구의 제약을 피할 수 있게 합니다.

전환을 용이하게 하기 위해, 플릿은 1년 동안 무상 지원 이전 창구를 제공하고 있으며, 1월 이전에 등록하는 신규 고객에게 적용됩니다. 단, 일부 제한이 있습니다.

Fleet, la plateforme de gestion des appareils open-source, a annoncé le support pour les appareils iOS, y compris les iPads et les iPhones. Cet ajout, associé à ses capacités GitOps et à la gestion des correctifs, pousse les leaders fintech à choisir la plateforme de Fleet pour la MDM (Gestion des Appareils Mobiles). Ce mouvement souligne l'influence croissante de Fleet dans le domaine de la gestion des appareils et démontre que même des institutions financières établies peuvent passer de systèmes MDM anciens.

La dernière version de Fleet inclut le support pour les appareils iOS et iPadOS ainsi que pour macOS, Windows et Linux, permettant aux entreprises de gérer tous leurs appareils à partir d'une seule plateforme ouverte. Cela comprend l'enrôlement automatique des appareils sécurisés par l'entreprise, la gestion des applications et le contrôle à distance des paramètres du système d'exploitation. L'approche de Fleet permet aux équipes informatiques d'accéder directement aux capacités natives de chaque système d'exploitation tout en évitant les limites des outils propriétaires.

Pour faciliter les transitions, Fleet offre une fenêtre de migration assistée sans frais pendant un an aux nouveaux clients qui s'inscrivent avant janvier, avec certaines restrictions.

Fleet, die Open-Source-Geräteverwaltungsplattform, hat die Unterstützung für iOS-Geräte angekündigt, einschließlich iPads und iPhones. Diese Ergänzung, zusammen mit den GitOps-Fähigkeiten und dem Patch-Management, führt dazu, dass Fintech-Führer sich für die Plattform von Fleet zur MDM (Mobile Device Management) entscheiden. Dieser Schritt hebt den wachsenden Einfluss von Fleet im Bereich der Geräteverwaltung hervor und zeigt, dass selbst etablierte Finanzinstitute von Legacy-MDM-Systemen umschwenken können.

Die neueste Version von Fleet enthält Unterstützung für iOS- und iPadOS-Geräte sowie für macOS, Windows und Linux, sodass Unternehmen all ihre Geräte von einer einzigen, offenen Plattform aus verwalten können. Dazu gehört die automatische Registrierung von unternehmenseigenen Sicherheitsgeräten, das App-Management und die Fernsteuerung der OS-Einstellungen. Fleets Ansatz ermöglicht es IT-Teams, direkt auf die nativen Funktionen jedes Betriebssystems zuzugreifen und gleichzeitig die Einschränkungen proprietärer Tools zu vermeiden.

Um den Übergang zu erleichtern, bietet Fleet ein kostenloses, einjähriges Unterstützungsfenster für neue Kunden an, die sich vor Januar anmelden, mit bestimmten Einschränkungen.

  • Announced support for iOS devices, expanding platform capabilities
  • Growing adoption by fintech leaders for MDM solutions
  • Cross-platform support for macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and iPadOS
  • Offering assisted migration at no cost for one year to new customers
  • None.

Added support for iPhones, iPads, and patch management makes migrations simpler than ever with open-source Fleet

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Fleet, the open-source device management platform, today announced support for iOS devices, including iPads and iPhones. This support, along with its GitOps capabilities, patch management, and easy migration path, is driving fintech leaders to choose Fleet's open-source platform for MDM. This significant shift highlights Fleet’s growing influence in the device management space and demonstrates that even the most established financial institutions can transition away from legacy MDM.

Fleet, the open-source device management platform, today announced support for iOS devices, including iPads and iPhones. (Photo: Business Wire)

Fleet, the open-source device management platform, today announced support for iOS devices, including iPads and iPhones. (Photo: Business Wire)

MDM Migrations: Easier Than Expected

Switching MDMs isn't the obstacle it once was. With more options in the market and an increasing understanding of vendor lock-in, IT teams are motivated to take control of their device management strategies without the burden of costly cloud dependencies.

As organizations look for solutions that reduce costs and increase flexibility, the transition to Fleet has provided an answer for IT teams managing large-scale fleets looking for universal control. One financial institution, for instance, recently switched to Fleet after facing significant resource constraints in maintaining its own MDM instance.

“We want fewer vendors and fewer distractions between us and the operating systems we manage,” said Matt Carr, Engineering Manager, at a leading financial company.

A modern migration path, including the ability to preserve their current GitHub repo and adopt a GitOps workflow, was key in their decision. By embracing open-source flexibility and cross-platform support, they found a solution that was scalable, cost-effective, and perfectly suited for their future cloud-first strategy.

Open-Source vs The Cross-Platform Myth

Fleet’s latest release includes support for iOS and iPadOS devices alongside macOS, Windows, and Linux. Enterprises can now manage all their devices from a single, open platform including the ability to automatically enroll drop-shipped company-secured devices, manage apps, and remotely control OS settings. This simplifies device management while still providing the level of bare metal control enterprises require.

Fleet’s approach allows IT teams to tap directly into each operating system’s native capabilities while avoiding the headaches and limitations of proprietary tools. Financial companies that are traditionally risk-averse and security-conscious are embracing this model as they look to rationalize their IT spending and tool overlap.

A New Era for Device Management

By subverting vendor lock-in and providing an open migration path, Fleet is leading the charge in transforming device management.

"I believe in a future where our grandchildren can trust and understand the code that shapes their world, but we have a limited window to make that a reality," said Fleet’s CEO, Mike McNeil. "You can be empowered to make informed decisions and manage your devices the way you choose—not be forced to manage proprietary tools or locked into the cloud by vendors."

Fleet’s source code remains publicly available, constantly improving with contributions from the open-source community, ensuring that it meets the needs of every IT organization.

To help customers in existing contracts, Fleet is opening an assisted migration window at no cost for one year with new customers before January. Some restrictions apply.

For more information on how Fleet can help your organization manage its devices, visit

About Fleet

Fleet is an open-source platform for IT, identity, SRE, and security teams with lots of computers. The company is dedicated to making IT less annoying and more accessible with an open API for every endpoint, while maintaining privacy, transparency, and trust through open-source software. Organizations like Fastly and Gusto use Fleet for employee experience, device management, device health ("zero trust"), vulnerability management, endpoint security, and more. Backed by Sid Sijbrandij (NYSE: GTLB, GitLab), Dylan Field (Figma), CRV, and other smart people, Fleet is an all-remote company with team members on four continents. For more information, visit, or read the open-source company handbook.

Wilson Craig

Mindshare PR for Fleet

+1 408 516 6182

Source: Fleet


What new features has Fleet announced for its device management platform?

Fleet has announced support for iOS devices, including iPads and iPhones, in addition to its existing support for macOS, Windows, and Linux devices.

How is Fleet's open-source platform attracting fintech companies?

Fleet's open-source platform is attracting fintech companies with its GitOps capabilities, patch management, and easy migration path, offering a flexible and cost-effective solution for device management.

What advantages does Fleet offer for enterprise device management?

Fleet offers a single, open platform for managing all devices, including automatic enrollment of company-secured devices, app management, and remote OS settings control, while avoiding vendor lock-in and proprietary tool limitations.

What promotion is Fleet offering to new customers for migration?

Fleet is offering an assisted migration window at no cost for one year to new customers who sign up before January, subject to some restrictions.

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