Golden Spike Announces Successful Completion of 2024 Phase 1 Exploration Program at Gregory River

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Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) has successfully completed its 2024 Phase 1 exploration program at the Gregory River copper-gold property in western Newfoundland. The program included IP/Resistivity surveys, prospecting, sampling, and in-fill soil sampling. Key highlights:

1. IP surveys completed over Steep Brook VMS target and part of the Vein zone
2. Prospecting and sampling conducted across Steep Brook and other areas
3. Additional soil samples collected at the Vein Zone
4. Data will be used to generate drill targets for Steep Brook, Vein zone, and Lode 9 areas
5. Company expects to be drill-ready by early fall 2024

The program, partially supported by a government grant, aims to unlock the mineral potential of the property. Results are being processed and interpreted to prepare for the next phase of exploration, including drill testing of promising targets.

Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) ha completato con successo il programma di esplorazione Fase 1 del 2024 presso il deposito di rame-oro Gregory River nel Newfoundland occidentale. Il programma ha incluso rilievi IP/Resistività, prospezione, campionamento e campionamento del suolo di approfondimento. Punti salienti:

1. Rilievi IP completati sopra l'obiettivo VMS di Steep Brook e parte della zona Vein
2. Prospezione e campionamento condotti attraverso Steep Brook e altre aree
3. Campioni di suolo aggiuntivi raccolti nella zona Vein
4. I dati saranno utilizzati per generare obiettivi di perforazione per Steep Brook, la zona Vein e le aree Lode 9
5. L'azienda prevede di essere pronta per la perforazione entro l'inizio dell'autunno 2024

Il programma, parzialmente supportato da un finanziamento governativo, mira a sbloccare il potenziale minerale della proprietà. I risultati sono in fase di elaborazione e interpretazione per prepararsi alla fase successiva di esplorazione, inclusi i test di perforazione dei bersagli promettenti.

Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) ha completado con éxito su programa de exploración Fase 1 de 2024 en la propiedad de cobre-oro Gregory River en el oeste de Newfoundland. El programa incluyó estudios de IP/Resistividad, prospección, muestreo y muestreo del suelo de relleno. Aspectos clave:

1. Estudios de IP completados sobre el objetivo VMS de Steep Brook y parte de la zona Vein
2. Prospección y muestreo realizados en Steep Brook y otras áreas
3. Muestras adicionales de suelo recolectadas en la zona Vein
4. Los datos se utilizarán para generar objetivos de perforación para las áreas de Steep Brook, la zona Vein y Lode 9
5. La empresa espera estar lista para perforar a principios del otoño de 2024

El programa, parcialmente apoyado por una subvención gubernamental, tiene como objetivo desbloquear el potencial mineral de la propiedad. Los resultados se están procesando e interpretando para prepararse para la siguiente fase de exploración, que incluye pruebas de perforación de objetivos prometedores.

골든 스파이크 리소스 Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF)가 서부 뉴펀들랜드의 그레고리 리버 구리-금 매장지에서 2024년 1단계 탐사 프로그램을 성공적으로 완료했습니다. 이 프로그램에는 IP/저항률 조사, 탐사, 샘플링 및 보충 토양 샘플링이 포함되었습니다. 주요 하이라이트:

1. Steep Brook VMS 목표 및 Vein Zone 일부에 대한 IP 조사 완료
2. Steep Brook 및 기타 지역에서의 탐사 및 샘플링 수행
3. Vein Zone에서 추가 토양 샘플 수집
4. Steep Brook, Vein Zone 및 Lode 9 지역의 드릴 목표를 생성하기 위해 데이터 사용 예정
5. 회사는 2024년 초 가을에 드릴 준비가 될 것으로 예상

이 프로그램은 정부 보조금의 부분 지원을 받으며, 해당 매장지의 광물 잠재력을 발굴하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 결과는 다음 탐사 단계에 대비하여 처리 및 해석 중이며, 유망한 목표에 대한 드릴 테스트를 포함하고 있습니다.

Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) a terminé avec succès son programme d’exploration Phase 1 de 2024 sur le site de cuivre et d'or de Gregory River dans l'ouest de Terre-Neuve. Le programme a inclus des études IP/Résistivité, de la prospection, de l'échantillonnage et des prélèvements de sol en complément. Points clés :

1. Études IP réalisées sur la cible VMS de Steep Brook et une partie de la zone Vein
2. Prospection et échantillonnage effectués à Steep Brook et dans d'autres zones
3. Échantillons de sol supplémentaires recueillis dans la zone Vein
4. Les données seront utilisées pour générer des cibles de forage pour les zones de Steep Brook, la zone Vein et Lode 9
5. L'entreprise prévoit d'être prête pour le forage d'ici le début de l'automne 2024

Le programme, partiellement soutenu par une subvention gouvernementale, vise à libérer le potentiel minéral de la propriété. Les résultats sont en cours de traitement et d'interprétation pour se préparer à la prochaine phase d'exploration, y compris des tests de forage sur des cibles prometteuses.

Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) hat erfolgreich sein Erkundungsprogramm Phase 1 für 2024 abgeschlossen auf dem Kupfer-Gold-Vorkommen Gregory River im westlichen Neufundland. Das Programm umfasste IP-/Widerstandsmessungen, Prospektion, Probenahme und Bodenproben. Wichtige Punkte:

1. IP-Messungen wurden über dem Steep Brook VMS-Ziel und einem Teil der Vein-Zone abgeschlossen
2. Prospektion und Probenahme in Steep Brook und anderen Gebieten durchgeführt
3. Zusätzliche Bodenproben in der Vein-Zone entnommen
4. Die Daten werden verwendet, um Bohrziele für Steep Brook, die Vein-Zone und Lode 9-Gebiete zu generieren
5. Das Unternehmen rechnet damit, bis Anfang Herbst 2024 bohrbereit zu sein

Das Programm, das teilweise durch einen staatlichen Zuschuss unterstützt wird, zielt darauf ab, das mineralische Potenzial des Grundstücks zu erschließen. Die Ergebnisse werden verarbeitet und interpretiert, um sich auf die nächste Phase der Erkundung vorzubereiten, einschließlich Bohrtests vielversprechender Ziele.

  • Successful completion of IP/Resistivity surveys over key target areas
  • Identification of high-priority targets at Steep Brook VMS target
  • Additional soil samples collected to fill important data gaps from 2022 survey
  • Company on track to be drill-ready by early fall 2024
  • Exploration program partially supported by government grant
  • None.

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 19, 2024) - Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) (FSE: L5Y) ("Golden Spike" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the successful completion of its 2024 Phase 1 exploration program at the 100%-owned Gregory River copper-gold property in western Newfoundland ("the Property""). This milestone marks a significant step forward in the Company's ongoing efforts to unlock the mineral potential of its flagship project.

Exploration Program Highlights:

  • Completion of IP/Resistivity Surveys: The Company has successfully completed Induced Polarization/Resistivity ("IP") surveys over the Steep Brook volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") target and a portion of the Vein zone.
  • Prospecting and Sampling: Prospecting and sampling were conducted across the Steep Brook VMS target and other key areas of the property. Initial results at Steep Brook are promising, with several high-priority targets identified for further investigation.
  • In-Fill Soil Sampling: Additional soil samples were collected over crucial data gaps from the 2022 soil survey at the Vein Zone.
  • Drill Target Generation: The processed data from the IP surveys, along with the prospecting, sampling and soil results, will be used to generate drill targets at the Steep Brook, Vein zone, and Lode 9 areas. The Company is on track to be drill-ready by early fall 2024.

Golden Spike's President and CEO, Keith Anderson, commented: "We are thrilled with the progress made during this initial phase of our 2024 exploration program. The successful completion of the IP surveys and our extensive on-the-ground efforts have provided us with valuable insights into the property's potential. We are now eagerly awaiting the exploration results and anticipating the next phase of exploration, where we expect to start drill testing some of the most promising targets we've identified. This marks a pivotal moment for Golden Spike as we move closer to unlocking the full potential of the Gregory River property."

2024 Phase 1 Exploration Program

The Gregory River copper-gold property Phase 1 work program commenced on July 18 and continued until August 4, 2024 and included the Company's inaugural exploration efforts at the highly prospective Steep Brook VMS-target (Figure 1). The program is partially supported by a grant provided by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador through their Junior Exploration Assistance Program ("JEA").

Steep Brook is located in the southern portion of the Property, within an 11-km long corridor of potential VMS-style mineralization that also covers other key prospects on the Property, including Lode 9, Jumbo South, Moose Brook/Camp Brook, Gregory River and Deep Brook. The IP program included 11 line-

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Figure 1: Gregory River Property - Areas of IP Surveys for 2024 Exploration Program

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kilometres ("km") of IP surveying by Simcoe Geoscience ("Simcoe"), based out of Stouffville, Ontario. Simcoe employed their "Wireless" Time Domain Distributed IP Technology, which provided information to depths exceeding 300m. The 100 m spaced, east-west oriented IP grid lines were centered over the projected trend of the VMS-corridor and are coincident with a 1,400 m long trend of several historical, anastomosing, >100 ppm copper soil anomalies and multiple historical rock samples that assayed up to 19.6% copper (average 3.3%), 27.4 g/t Au (average 1.06 g/t Au), 11.1 % Zn (average 0.23%), and 20.3 g/t Ag (average 5.2 g/t Ag).

Results of the IP survey are being processed and interpreted by Simcoe with the aim to generate drill targets for follow-up drill testing during the next phase of exploration expected to start later this fall. Simcoe will also further process and interpret the IP results over Lode 9, which was surveyed in 2023, with the aim to provide drill targets for this area as well.

Concurrent with the IP surveying, the Company also completed a program of prospecting and sampling over the Steep Brook area. The prospecting revealed multiple zones of well-mineralized rock, with varying amounts of pyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite identified and visually corroborates the historical work. A total of 23 grab and float samples were collected over many of these outcrops, plus four separate, saw-cut, channel sample lines, together comprising 11 samples over 9.3 metres. All samples have been submitted to Eastern Analytical Ltd. laboratory in Springdale Newfoundland, where they will be assayed for gold by 30 g fire assay and 34 elements, including copper, lead, zinc, silver and cobalt by 4-acid digestion, ICP-OES. As part of the sampling program the Company incorporated a quality assurance/quality control ("QAQC") program that included the insertion of standards and blanks into the sample stream.

Simcoe also completed three, north-south oriented, 1.5 km long, 200 m spaced IP lines over the central portion of the Vein Zone (Figure 1), providing coverage over several of the vein-style prospects. The Vein Zone comprises a series of high-grade, easterly-trending quartz-carbonate, copper +/-gold veins and fractures in an area with very little outcrop. The IP program was designed to identify an IP signature below the known prospects at the Court A, B and C showings and then to trace that signature along strike over areas covered by soil and till horizons. If successful, there is potential to add additional IP lines in the future to better define the targets in this area.

Finally, the recent work program also included 35 in-fill soil samples over portions of the Vein Zone that was previously soil sampled in 2022, but that work resulted in data gaps in crucial locations along strike from some of the most significant copper soil anomalies. These areas could not be accessed during the original survey due to an early snowfall that made ground conditions very difficult, but were easily accessed during the recent program. The results of these new soil samples will hopefully provide additional continuity for the significant soil anomalies and aid in drill hole targeting.

Once the IP interpretations are completed and the rock and soil samples returned from the laboratory, the full results will be released.

2024 Phase 2 Exploration Program

The Company is planning to start a second phase of 2024 exploration later this fall and will drill test the significant anomalies resulting from the Steep Brook, Lode 9 and Vein Zone IP surveys. In addition, a soil survey is being planned for the North of Steep Brook target area, which is a prime VMS target area between Steep Brook and Jumbo South that has seen very little previous exploration. The Company will also continue the program of regional prospecting and sampling to identify new target areas.

Qualified Person

The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved for disclosure by Mr. Robert Cinits, P.Geo, a director of the Company and a "Qualified Person" within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

About Golden Spike

Golden Spike Resources Corp. (CSE: GLDS) (OTCQB: GSPRF) (FSE: L5Y) is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on identifying, acquiring and unlocking value in mineral opportunities in Canada and other low-risk jurisdictions. The Company currently holds 100% interest in the 5,050-hectare Gregory River Property in Newfoundland, strategically centered over an approximate 11-kilometer-long stretch of the Gregory River VMS-belt, a north-northeast trending corridor of very prospective ground with potential to host Cyprus-type polymetallic VMS deposits. In addition, the Property hosts a cluster of historically explored, high-grade, copper ±gold vein structures.


Keith Anderson

Golden Spike Resources Corp.
830 - 1100 Melville St.,
Vancouver, BC, V6E 4A6
+1 (604) 786-7774

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This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements relate to future events or future performance and reflect the expectations or beliefs of management of the Company regarding future events. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" occur.

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What were the main components of Golden Spike's (GSPRF) 2024 Phase 1 exploration program at Gregory River?

The main components were IP/Resistivity surveys over the Steep Brook VMS target and Vein zone, prospecting and sampling across key areas, and in-fill soil sampling at the Vein Zone to fill data gaps from the 2022 survey.

When does Golden Spike (GSPRF) expect to be drill-ready at the Gregory River property?

Golden Spike expects to be drill-ready by early fall 2024, based on the data gathered from the Phase 1 exploration program.

What is the significance of the Steep Brook VMS target in Golden Spike's (GSPRF) Gregory River property?

Steep Brook is a highly prospective target located in an 11-km long corridor of potential VMS-style mineralization. Historical samples from this area have shown high copper, gold, zinc, and silver content, making it a key focus for the company's exploration efforts.

What are Golden Spike's (GSPRF) plans for Phase 2 exploration at Gregory River in 2024?

Golden Spike plans to start Phase 2 exploration later in fall 2024, which will include drill testing of significant anomalies from the Steep Brook, Lode 9, and Vein Zone IP surveys. They also plan a soil survey for the North of Steep Brook target area and continued regional prospecting and sampling.

Golden Spike


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