GSK Presents Positive Data for AREXVY, Its Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine, Indicating Protection Over Three RSV Seasons

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GSK announced new data from the AReSVi-006 phase III trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of AREXVY, its Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine, in adults aged 60 years and older over three full RSV seasons. The results show:

- Cumulative efficacy over three seasons: 62.9% against RSV-LRTD and 67.4% against severe RSV-LRTD

- Third season efficacy: 48.0% against RSV-LRTD

- Safety and reactogenicity data consistent with previous results

The vaccine demonstrated efficacy against different RSV subtypes, in adults aged 70-79, and those with certain underlying medical conditions. GSK will continue to share data with recommending bodies to inform decisions on immunization schedules and future revaccination.

GSK ha annunciato nuovi dati dal trial di fase III AReSVi-006 che valuta l'efficacia e la sicurezza di AREXVY, il suo vaccino contro il Virus Respiratorio Synciziale (VRS), negli adulti di età pari o superiore a 60 anni su tre intere stagioni di VRS. I risultati mostrano:

- Efficacia cumulativa su tre stagioni: 62,9% contro il VRS-LRTD e 67,4% contro il VRS-LRTD severo

- Efficacia della terza stagione: 48,0% contro il VRS-LRTD

- Dati di sicurezza e reattogenicità coerenti con i risultati precedenti

Il vaccino ha dimostrato efficacia contro diversi sottotipi di VRS, negli adulti di età compresa tra 70 e 79 anni e in quelli con determinate condizioni mediche preesistenti. GSK continuerà a condividere dati con gli organismi di raccomandazione per informare le decisioni sui programmi di immunizzazione e sulle future rivaccinazioni.

GSK anunció nuevos datos del ensayo clínico de fase III AReSVi-006 que evalúa la eficacia y seguridad de AREXVY, su vacuna contra el Virus Respiratorio Sincitial (VRS), en adultos de 60 años o más durante tres temporadas completas de VRS. Los resultados muestran:

- Eficacia acumulativa a lo largo de tres temporadas: 62.9% contra el VRS-LRTD y 67.4% contra el VRS-LRTD severo

- Eficacia de la tercera temporada: 48.0% contra el VRS-LRTD

- Datos de seguridad y reactogenicidad coherentes con los resultados anteriores

La vacuna demostró eficacia contra diferentes subtipos de VRS, en adultos de 70 a 79 años y en aquellos con ciertas condiciones médicas subyacentes. GSK continuará compartiendo datos con los organismos de recomendación para informar decisiones sobre los programas de inmunización y futuras revacunaciones.

GSK는 AREXVY, 그들의 호흡기 세포 융합 바이러스(RSV) 백신의 효능과 안전성을 평가하는 AReSVi-006 3상 시험에서 새로운 데이터를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 60세 이상의 성인을 대상으로 하였으며, 세 개의 완전한 RSV 시즌에 걸쳐 진행되었습니다. 결과는 다음과 같습니다:

- 세 시즌 동안의 누적 효능: 62.9% RSV-LRTD에 대해, 67.4% 중증 RSV-LRTD에 대해

- 세 번째 시즌의 효능: 48.0% RSV-LRTD에 대해

- 이전 결과와 일관된 안전성 및 반응성 데이터

이 백신은 70-79세 성인 및 특정 기저 질환이 있는 성인에서 다양한 RSV 하위 유형에 대한 효능을 입증했습니다. GSK는 면역 접종 일정과 향후 재접종에 관한 결정을 알리기 위해 추천 기관과 계속해서 데이터를 공유할 것입니다.

GSK a annoncé de nouvelles données de l'essai clinique de phase III AReSVi-006 évaluant l'efficacité et la sécurité de AREXVY, son vaccin contre le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS), chez des adultes de 60 ans et plus sur trois saisons complètes de VRS. Les résultats montrent :

- Efficacité cumulée sur trois saisons : 62,9% contre le VRS-LRTD et 67,4% contre les VRS-LRTD sévères

- Efficacité de la troisième saison : 48,0% contre le VRS-LRTD

- Données de sécurité et de réactogénicité cohérentes avec les résultats précédents

Le vaccin a démontré son efficacité contre différents sous-types de VRS, chez les adultes de 70 à 79 ans et chez ceux ayant certaines conditions médicales sous-jacentes. GSK continuera de partager des données avec les organismes de recommandation pour informer les décisions sur les calendriers de vaccination et les futures revaccinations.

GSK kündigte neue Daten aus der Phase-III-Studie AReSVi-006 an, die die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von AREXVY, dem Impfstoff gegen das respiratorische Syncytialvirus (RSV), bei Erwachsenen ab 60 Jahren über drei vollständige RSV-Saisons bewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen:

- Kumulative Wirksamkeit über drei Saisons: 62,9% gegen RSV-LRTD und 67,4% gegen schwere RSV-LRTD

- Wirksamkeit der dritten Saison: 48,0% gegen RSV-LRTD

- Sicherheits- und Reaktogenitätsdaten sind konsistent mit früheren Ergebnissen

Der Impfstoff zeigte Wirksamkeit gegen verschiedene RSV-Subtypen, bei Erwachsenen zwischen 70 und 79 Jahren und bei Personen mit bestimmten bestehenden medizinischen Bedingungen. GSK wird weiterhin Daten mit Empfehlungsstellen teilen, um Entscheidungen zu Impfplänen und zukünftigen Auffrischungsimpfungen zu informieren.

  • AREXVY showed 62.9% cumulative efficacy against RSV-LRTD over three seasons
  • 67.4% cumulative efficacy against severe RSV-LRTD over three seasons
  • Efficacy demonstrated in adults with advancing age and underlying medical conditions
  • Safety and reactogenicity data consistent with previous results
  • Potential for year-round vaccine administration
  • Efficacy declined to 48.0% against RSV-LRTD in the third season
  • Revaccination may be required to maintain optimal protection levels


This new data from GSK on AREXVY, their RSV vaccine, is highly significant for the pharmaceutical industry and investors. The vaccine shows 62.9% efficacy against RSV-LRTD and 67.4% efficacy against severe RSV-LRTD over three seasons, demonstrating sustained protection. This is particularly important given the lack of long-term data for other RSV vaccines.

The vaccine's efficacy in high-risk populations, including those with comorbidities and older adults, is noteworthy. With 64.7% efficacy in participants with pre-existing comorbidities, AREXVY addresses a critical medical need. The potential for year-round administration offers flexibility in vaccination strategies.

For investors, this data strengthens AREXVY's market position, potentially leading to increased adoption and sales. The long-term efficacy data may influence healthcare policies and insurance coverage, further boosting the vaccine's commercial prospects.

GSK's AREXVY data presents a strong case for sustained market leadership in the RSV vaccine space. With a market cap of $79.25 billion, GSK stands to benefit significantly from this positive long-term efficacy data.

The RSV vaccine market is projected to grow substantially, with estimates ranging from $4-6 billion annually by 2028. AREXVY's demonstrated efficacy over three seasons could translate to a significant market share capture.

Investors should note the potential for:

  • Increased revenue streams from sustained annual vaccinations
  • Possible premium pricing due to superior efficacy data
  • Expanded market opportunities in high-risk populations

However, competition from other pharmaceutical companies entering the RSV vaccine market could impact future market share. Overall, this data strengthens GSK's position in the growing vaccine market, potentially driving long-term value for shareholders.

  • GSK’s RSV vaccine is the only RSV vaccine with efficacy and safety data available through three full seasons, including in people at increased risk
  • Safety and reactogenicity data are consistent with previous results from the phase III program
  • GSK will continue to provide data on longer-term follow-up to help recommending bodies determine future revaccination schedules

PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- GSK plc (LSE/NYSE: GSK) today announced new data from the AReSVi-006 (Adult Respiratory Syncytial Virus) phase III trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of a single dose of AREXVY (Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine, Adjuvanted) against lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in adults aged 60 years and older, including those at increased risk, over three full RSV seasons (NCT04886596).1 These data will be presented today at the CHEST 2024 Annual Meeting, organized by the American College of Chest Physicians.

AREXVY is the world’s first RSV vaccine and was approved based on exceptional efficacy in adults aged 60 and older including those who are at increased risk due to certain underlying medical conditions. Today's results indicate that after a single dose of GSK’s RSV vaccine, cumulative efficacy over three full RSV seasons was clinically meaningful at 62.9% against RSV-LRTD (97.5% CI, 46.7-74.8, 48 of 12,468 vs 215 of 12,498) and 67.4% against severe RSV-LRTD (95% CI, 42.4-82.7, 15 of 12,468 vs 75 of 12,498) compared to placebo. In the third season, the vaccine’s efficacy was 48.0% against RSV-LRTD (95% CI, 8.7-72.0, 16 of 4,988 vs 61 of 10,031). Safety and reactogenicity data were consistent with previous results from the phase III program. In season one, the vaccine was generally well tolerated. The most frequently observed adverse events were pain at the injection site, fatigue, myalgia, headache, and arthralgia within four days of vaccination.

These results include efficacy against different RSV subtypes, in adults with advancing age (70-79 years of age), and those with certain underlying medical conditions. Since RSV can exacerbate medical conditions and potentially lead to hospitalizations, cumulative efficacy over three RSV seasons has the potential for significant health impact. It has the potential to offer health care professionals flexibility to administer the vaccine year-round. Over time, revaccination is expected to be required to maintain an optimal level of protection. GSK will continue to share efficacy and immune response data, including on revaccination, with recommending bodies to inform decisions on immunization schedules and future revaccination.

RSV is a common, contagious virus affecting the lungs and breathing passages and impacts an estimated 64 million people of all ages globally every year.2 Adults can be at increased risk for RSV disease due to comorbidities, immune compromised status, or advanced age. RSV can exacerbate multiple conditions, including COPD, asthma, and chronic heart failure, and can lead to severe outcomes, such as pneumonia, hospitalization, and death.3 Each year in the US, approximately 177,000 adults 65 years and older are hospitalized due to RSV and an estimated 14,000 of those cases result in death.4

Tony Wood, Chief Scientific Officer, GSK, said: “We are excited by these new data which show that a single dose of AREXVY could help protect millions of older adults at risk of RSV disease over three seasons to benefit public health. This is the only RSV vaccine with efficacy and safety data available through three full seasons. We will continue to provide data on longer term follow-up to help recommending bodies determine future revaccination schedules.”


Season one efficacy*


Season two efficacy


Season three efficacy

Cumulative efficacy over three



Primary confirmatory
endpoint: 6.7 months
median follow- up

96.95% CI, 57.9–94.1
7 of 12,466 vs 40 of



Secondary descriptive
endpoint: 6.3 months
median follow-up

95% CI, 28.2–74.4
20 of 4,991 vs 91 of



Secondary descriptive
endpoint: 7 months
median follow-up

95% CI, 8.7-72.0
16 of 4,988 vs 61 of




Secondary confirmatory endpoint: 30.6
months median follow-up

62.9% - with season as
97.5% CI, 46.7-74.8
48 of 12,468 vs 215 of 12,498

69.1% - without season as
covariate (post-hoc analysis)
97.5% CI, 55.8-78.9
48 of 12,468 vs 215 of 12,498**


Severe LRTD

Secondary descriptive

95% CI, 62.4–99.9
1 of 12,466 vs 17 of


Secondary descriptive

95% CI, 6.19–89.2
5 of 4,991 vs 28 of



Secondary descriptive

95% CI, -45.3-81.3
6 of 4,988 vs 21 of




Secondary descriptive endpoint

67.4% - with season as
95% CI, 42.4-82.7
15 of 12,468 vs 75 of 12,498

72.3 % - without season as
covariate (post-hoc analysis)
95% CI, 51.3 – 85.2
15 of 12,468 vs 75 of 12,498**


with at least 1
comorbidity of


Secondary descriptive

95% CI, 65.9–99.9
1 of 4,937 vs. 18 of

Secondary descriptive

95% CI, 7.4 – 76.6
12 of 1,981 vs 48 of



Secondary descriptive

57.8 %
95% CI, 8.0-83.0
8 of 2,000 vs 37 of 3,924



Secondary descriptive endpoint

64.7% - with season as
95% CI, 45.1-78.1
25 of 5014 vs 116 of 4951

71.1% - without season as
covariate (post-hoc analysis)
95% CI, 55.2 – 82.0
25 of 5014 vs 116 of 4951


* The absolute values are being presented vaccinated group vs placebo group.

** The vaccine efficacy is estimated using a Poisson model adjusted by age, region and season.

*** Seasonality covariate means the data have been adjusted to reflect the variability of disease incidence between different seasons.

In addition to the presentation at CHEST, the data will be submitted for scientific peer-reviewed publication and to regulators for review.

About AREXVY (Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine, Adjuvanted)

AREXVY contains recombinant RSV glycoprotein F stabilized in the prefusion conformation (RSVPreF3). This antigen is combined with GSK’s proprietary AS01E adjuvant.

In May 2023, AREXVY was first approved by the US FDA for the prevention of lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in individuals 60 years of age and older. Since then, the vaccine has also been approved for the prevention of RSV-LRTD in individuals 60 years of age and older in 50 countries, including Europe and Japan. In addition, it is approved in the US and EU for use in individuals aged 50-59 who are at increased risk due to certain underlying medical conditions. Regulatory reviews for this extended indication are also undergoing review in other countries – including Japan. The proposed trade name remains subject to regulatory approval in other markets.

The use of this vaccine should be in accordance with official recommendations. As with any vaccine, a protective immune response may not be elicited in all vaccinees.

The GSK proprietary AS01 adjuvant system contains QS-21 STIMULON adjuvant licensed from Antigenics Inc, a wholly owned subsidiary of Agenus Inc.

Indication for AREXVY

AREXVY is a vaccine indicated for active immunization for the prevention of lower respiratory tract disease (LRTD) caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in:

  • Individuals 60 years of age and older;
  • Individuals 50 through 59 years of age who are at increased risk for LRTD caused by RSV.

Important Safety Information for AREXVY

  • AREXVY is contraindicated in anyone with a history of a severe allergic reaction (eg, anaphylaxis) to any component of AREXVY
  • Appropriate medical treatment must be immediately available to manage potential anaphylactic reactions following administration of AREXVY
  • Syncope (fainting) may occur in association with administration of injectable vaccines, including AREXVY. Procedures should be in place to avoid injury from fainting
  • Immunocompromised persons, including those receiving immunosuppressive therapy, may have a diminished immune response to AREXVY
  • In adults 60 years of age and older, the most commonly reported adverse reactions (≥10%) were injection site pain (60.9%), fatigue (33.6%), myalgia (28.9%), headache (27.2%), and arthralgia (18.1%)
  • In adults 50 through 59 years of age, the most commonly reported adverse reactions (≥10%) were injection site pain (75.8%), fatigue (39.8%), myalgia (35.6%), headache (31.7%), arthralgia (23.4%), erythema (13.2%), and swelling (10.4%)
  • There are no data on the use of AREXVY in pregnant or breastfeeding individuals. AREXVY is not approved for use in persons <50 years of age
  • Vaccination with AREXVY may not result in protection of all vaccine recipients

Please see full Prescribing Information for AREXVY.

About AReSVi-006

This is a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multi-country phase III trial to demonstrate the efficacy of a single dose of GSK's adjuvanted RSV older adult vaccine over three years and following an annual revaccination schedule in adults aged 60 years and above compared to a placebo arm. About 25,000 participants have been enrolled from 17 countries. The trial’s primary endpoint was vaccine efficacy against RSV-LRTD after one RSV season. Results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine in February 2023.5

After the first season, 12,469 participants in the vaccine arm were re-randomized to receive either the RSV vaccine or placebo and were followed up for occurrence of RSV-LRTD. Vaccine efficacy of a single dose against RSV-LRTD after two and three RSV seasons compared to placebo and vaccine efficacy after annual revaccination compared to placebo were confirmatory secondary endpoints.

About GSK

GSK is a global biopharma company with a purpose to unite science, technology, and talent to get ahead of disease together. Find out more at

Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements
GSK cautions investors that any forward-looking statements or projections made by GSK, including those made in this announcement, are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Such factors include, but are not limited to, those described under Item 3.D “Risk factors” in GSK’s Annual Report on Form 20-F for 2023, and GSK’s Q2 Results for 2024.

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1, “Efficacy Study of GSK's Investigational Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) Vaccine in Adults Aged 60 Years and Above”. Available at: - last accessed: September 2024.

2 National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). Available at: – last accessed: September 2024.

3 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), RSV in Older Adults, 2024. Available at: - Last accessed: September 2024.

4 Falsey AR, Hennessey PA, Formica MA, Cox C, Walsh EE. Respiratory syncytial virus infection in elderly and high-risk adults. N Engl J Med. 2005 Apr 28;352(17):1749-59. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa043951. PMID: 15858184.

5 Papi A. et al, “Respiratory Syncytial Virus Prefusion F Protein Vaccine in Older Adults”, in New England Journal of Medicine, 2023;388:595-608

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2209604.


GSK enquiries


Tim Foley +44 (0) 20 8047 5502 (London)

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Investor Relations:

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Source: GSK plc


What is the efficacy of GSK's AREXVY RSV vaccine over three seasons?

AREXVY showed a cumulative efficacy of 62.9% against RSV-LRTD and 67.4% against severe RSV-LRTD over three full RSV seasons.

How effective is AREXVY (GSK) in the third RSV season?

In the third season, AREXVY demonstrated an efficacy of 48.0% against RSV-LRTD.

Is GSK's RSV vaccine AREXVY safe for adults aged 60 and older?

Yes, safety and reactogenicity data for AREXVY were consistent with previous results from the phase III program, showing it to be generally well tolerated.

Does AREXVY (GSK) provide protection for adults with underlying medical conditions?

Yes, AREXVY demonstrated efficacy in adults with certain underlying medical conditions, showing a 64.7% efficacy over three seasons in this group.



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