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Green Stream Holdings Inc. (GSFI) announced a contract with Amergy Solar Inc. for a $24 million solar photovoltaic system installation in Greece, NY, aiming for a 7,400kW capacity. This initiative seeks to generate recurring revenues and position the company as a key player in the solar utility market. The project will be supported by EnSol Inc., a recognized engineering firm, which will handle various aspects of the installation, including permitting and construction. CEO James DiPrima emphasized the project as the first of many to come.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC PINK:GSFI) has successfully repaid a Convertible Promissory Note amounting to $69,676.20 to Geneva Roth, terminating all obligations concerning the debt. The payment was made on November 4/5, 2021, ensuring no further rights or claims from the holder. This repayment allows GSFI to eliminate the associated financial burden and focus on expanding its presence in the solar energy market.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC PINK: GSFI) has announced the settlement of a significant Convertible Promissory Note valued at $69,676.20 with Geneva Roth, marking a step towards the elimination of all convertible debt. Following this settlement, the company no longer has obligations to issue securities related to this debt. Green Stream is actively involved in the solar energy market, focusing on high-growth segments and targeting installation of solar panels on 50,000 to 100,000 square feet of rooftop space in New York City.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC PINK:GSFI) has approved a special stock dividend, granting one share of restricted common stock for every 100 shares held as of December 10, 2021. This pro rata distribution will not require action from shareholders and is structured to be tax-free for U.S. federal income tax purposes. The company emphasizes that the dividend will not result in fractional shares, rounding up instead. Green Stream is actively targeting growth in the solar market, aiming to expand its footprint in New York City.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (GSFI) announced a special stock dividend, issuing one share of restricted common stock for every 100 shares held, effective for stockholders on record as of December 10, 2021. The distribution, approved by the Board of Directors on October 1, 2021, aims to qualify as tax-free for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Shareholders will receive a rounded number of shares, and no vote is required for distribution. The company focuses on solar solutions and expanding its footprint in key markets, emphasizing sustainable energy solutions.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC PINK:GSFI) has announced a plan to utilize its proprietary solar technology to create micro grids in urban areas, focusing on under-utilized spaces such as rooftops and overpasses. CEO James DiPrima emphasizes the energy and environmental benefits of their solar greenhouses, which will also support urban gardening and provide fresh produce. The company aims to target high energy cost areas and capitalize on the growing solar market, boasting a significant presence across multiple states. Future growth hinges on innovative partnerships and projects.
Green Stream Holdings Inc. (OTC PINK:GSFI) is advancing its plan to utilize solar greenhouses to create micro grids in urban areas. The company aims to transform under-utilized urban spaces into sustainable farms, harnessing solar energy and runoff water. CEO James DiPrima highlighted the environmental benefits of vegetation on rooftops, including energy conservation and improved solar panel efficiency. Green Stream targets underserved solar markets, particularly in New York City, seeking to install up to 100,000 square feet of solar panels. The company is poised for growth through innovative products and strategic partnerships.
What is the current stock price of GREEN STREAM HOLDINGS (GSFI)?